Trump is going to FORCE democrats to work! Or adjourn them!

Trump will force democrats to get there ass to work! Or else!

God I love this guy!

This was just announced live. Link is coming
THIS is wonderful news. The liberal lunatics that post on these threads are NOT going to like this!
So tell me how you felt about Obama's use of recess appointment to get around Senate confirmations?

Or how the Senate refused to consider his Supreme Court nominee?
Lol obama? Haha what a joke haha
You really don't have any clue what happened past yesterday do you?
This has really triggerd you! Lol trump should expand the supreme court and put 8 more conservative’s in there lol hahah
No- it hasn't triggered me- frankly its just on par for course for Trump.

What I find amusing is the reaction of the Trumpsters here- who just a few years ago were calling for Obama's impeachment for his attempts to bypass the Senate with recess appointments- but who applaud what Trump is suggesting.
Stop comparing Republicans to Democrats.. Democrats are the most corrupt and inapt embarrassing group of people in the history of earth
Trump Says He Will Use His Authority To Adjourn Both Houses of Congress

Can the president adjourn congress
Yes, the constitution gives the president the power to adjourn congress. However, this power can only be used when the upper and lower houses can not agree on a time to adjourn themselves.
What date did the House and Senate decide to adjourn then?
When has the Senate not agreed on a time to adjourn themselves?

I doubt your Dear Leader will do this- but if he does- I hope the Senate ignores him.

Let Trump take the Senate to court.
He will make the appointments and the nominees will assume their roles. It will be up to the Senate to sue him. I don't see that happening, but stranger things have occurred.....
Or the Senate will ignore him completely and announce that they are indeed in session.

Which will leave each of those positions in legal limbo.
Courts will side with trump, because he needs the appointees
Here is what the Supreme Court said about recess appointments:
"We hold that, for purposes of the Recess Appointments Clause, the Senate is in session when it says it is, provided that, under its own rules, it retains the capacity to transact Senate business."

Here is what Mitch McConnel said at the time:
Minority Leader Mitch McConnell agreed with the ruling: "The President made an unprecedented power grab by placing political allies at a powerful federal agency while the Senate was meeting regularly and without even bothering to wait for its advice and consent
But we have never in the history of America seen a party hold up appointees like democrats have. The man deserves his cabinet! And the supreme court will side with Trump
Really? The Republicans control the Senate. They have passed 510 of 740 open positions. Trump hasn't bothered to nominate anyone for 150 of the open positions. That leaves 82 that for some reason McConnel cannot get through the Senate. They have voted to confirm judges who have never tried a court case. It is laughable to blame the Democrats for what the Republican controlled Senate is not doing.
Trump will force democrats to get there ass to work! Or else!

God I love this guy!

This was just announced live. Link is coming
THIS is wonderful news. The liberal lunatics that post on these threads are NOT going to like this!
So tell me how you felt about Obama's use of recess appointment to get around Senate confirmations?

Or how the Senate refused to consider his Supreme Court nominee?
Lol obama? Haha what a joke haha
You really don't have any clue what happened past yesterday do you?
This has really triggerd you! Lol trump should expand the supreme court and put 8 more conservative’s in there lol hahah
No- it hasn't triggered me- frankly its just on par for course for Trump.

What I find amusing is the reaction of the Trumpsters here- who just a few years ago were calling for Obama's impeachment for his attempts to bypass the Senate with recess appointments- but who applaud what Trump is suggesting.
Stop comparing Republicans to Democrats.. Democrats are the most corrupt and inapt embarrassing group of people in the history of earth
AND they're ugly and smell bad, too! The men look like women and the women look like men. WTF?
This is Trump's big ask.

Aren't any of you paying attention?

What are you all talking about right now?

Is it recess appointments by any chance?

And the fact that Congress isn't doing it's job?

What brought this conversation about?

Was it Trump controlling the narrative by making a simple declarative sentence?

Has he used any power to do anything? No?

And yet, here we are discussing the do-nothing Congress not getting their job done.

The guy is a genius.
He sure used more than one simple declarative sentence to tell us how Congress, well the Democrats, are keeping his nominees waiting two years or more. He also threatened to use power he hasn't got to adjourn Congress and make recess appointments, which are temporary.

Yeah, we're TALKING about it.

And if he just said "Congress needs to move on confirming my nominees", do you think that thread would have more than two replies? I don't. It would be completely ignored.

Just like Trump saying he Was going to quarantine New York City... did he do it? No.

But he drew attention to the problem...and the next day other state governments were interdicting New York, New Jersey and Louisiana residents and ensuring they weren't infected and spreading the virus to other states.

Making these outlandish claims ensures they are not ignored...on the contrary...they spread like wildfire. He is not overstepping his authority by SAYING he is considering an action.

He is using TDS to get his message out and to control the narrative.Do
I see what you're saying. Do you think it will really mobilize the Democrat Senators to rush right over and confirm all his appointments? The "narrative" is being argued by people like you and me and a bunch of hired pundits on tv, which has no effect at all, imo. If he isn't serious, he's just distracting us.
I think he is serious. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Bringing a focus to the issue applies political pressure. It's easy to obstruct when no one is paying attention. With this Trump is playing a win/win hand. Either he gets his appointees or he gets to blame democrats for holding them up.
Trump blames Democrats everyday for everything and anything.

Tell me- do you know a single candidate who has been held up? Can you name a single one? Held up by the Republican controlled Senate?
Trump will force democrats to get there ass to work! Or else!

God I love this guy!

This was just announced live. Link is coming
THIS is wonderful news. The liberal lunatics that post on these threads are NOT going to like this!
So tell me how you felt about Obama's use of recess appointment to get around Senate confirmations?

Or how the Senate refused to consider his Supreme Court nominee?
Lol obama? Haha what a joke haha
You really don't have any clue what happened past yesterday do you?
This has really triggerd you! Lol trump should expand the supreme court and put 8 more conservative’s in there lol hahah
No- it hasn't triggered me- frankly its just on par for course for Trump.

What I find amusing is the reaction of the Trumpsters here- who just a few years ago were calling for Obama's impeachment for his attempts to bypass the Senate with recess appointments- but who applaud what Trump is suggesting.
Stop comparing Republicans to Democrats.. Democrats are the most corrupt and inapt embarrassing group of people in the history of earth
LOL- I have to stop responding to Jitler- I feel like I am beating up a Down's syndrome kid.
What’s the downside? Congress went on vacation during a national emergency.
Somebody like that motherfucking commie, Barrack Obama coming in and pointing to Trump's actions as precedent and royally fucking us over.

Do not let ANY of them get away with thumbing their noses at the Constitution.

What is amusing about your post is that President Obama tried to do pretty much the same thing and the Supreme Court slapped him down.

This is what McConnell said then:
Minority Leader Mitch McConnell agreed with the ruling: "The President made an unprecedented power grab by placing political allies at a powerful federal agency while the Senate was meeting regularly and without even bothering to wait for its advice and consent

That is exactly what Trump is trying to do.
I do NOT support Trump's unconstitutional action.

Trump Says He Will Use His Authority To Adjourn Both Houses of Congress

Can the president adjourn congress
Yes, the constitution gives the president the power to adjourn congress. However, this power can only be used when the upper and lower houses can not agree on a time to adjourn themselves.
What date did the House and Senate decide to adjourn then?
When has the Senate not agreed on a time to adjourn themselves?

I doubt your Dear Leader will do this- but if he does- I hope the Senate ignores him.

Let Trump take the Senate to court.
He will make the appointments and the nominees will assume their roles. It will be up to the Senate to sue him. I don't see that happening, but stranger things have occurred.....
Or the Senate will ignore him completely and announce that they are indeed in session.

Which will leave each of those positions in legal limbo.
Courts will side with trump, because he needs the appointees
Here is what the Supreme Court said about recess appointments:
"We hold that, for purposes of the Recess Appointments Clause, the Senate is in session when it says it is, provided that, under its own rules, it retains the capacity to transact Senate business."

Here is what Mitch McConnel said at the time:
Minority Leader Mitch McConnell agreed with the ruling: "The President made an unprecedented power grab by placing political allies at a powerful federal agency while the Senate was meeting regularly and without even bothering to wait for its advice and consent
But we have never in the history of America seen a party hold up appointees like democrats have. The man deserves his cabinet! And the supreme court will side with Trump
Really? The Republicans control the Senate. They have passed 510 of 740 open positions. Trump hasn't bothered to nominate anyone for 150 of the open positions. That leaves 82 that for some reason McConnel cannot get through the Senate. They have voted to confirm judges who have never tried a court case. It is laughable to blame the Democrats for what the Republican controlled Senate is not doing.
I’m not here to give you a civics lesson, Democrats need to put up a ya or nay.. get to work losers
First of all- Trump flat out announced that the reason he was doing this was to circumvent the Constitutional requirements that his appointments be confirmed by the Senate.

Doing what? He hasn't DONE anything yet to force a recess. He has only SAID what he was thinking about doing. And what he was considering may be legal. Obama DID it. IMO, Trump is just using the threat to control the narrative. And this thread proves it is working.
This is Trump's big ask.

Aren't any of you paying attention?

What are you all talking about right now?

Is it recess appointments by any chance?

And the fact that Congress isn't doing it's job?

What brought this conversation about?

Was it Trump controlling the narrative by making a simple declarative sentence?

Has he used any power to do anything? No?

And yet, here we are discussing the do-nothing Congress not getting their job done.

The guy is a genius.
He sure used more than one simple declarative sentence to tell us how Congress, well the Democrats, are keeping his nominees waiting two years or more. He also threatened to use power he hasn't got to adjourn Congress and make recess appointments, which are temporary.

Yeah, we're TALKING about it.

And if he just said "Congress needs to move on confirming my nominees", do you think that thread would have more than two replies? I don't. It would be completely ignored.

Just like Trump saying he Was going to quarantine New York City... did he do it? No.

But he drew attention to the problem...and the next day other state governments were interdicting New York, New Jersey and Louisiana residents and ensuring they weren't infected and spreading the virus to other states.

Making these outlandish claims ensures they are not ignored...on the contrary...they spread like wildfire. He is not overstepping his authority by SAYING he is considering an action.

He is using TDS to get his message out and to control the narrative.Do
I see what you're saying. Do you think it will really mobilize the Democrat Senators to rush right over and confirm all his appointments? The "narrative" is being argued by people like you and me and a bunch of hired pundits on tv, which has no effect at all, imo. If he isn't serious, he's just distracting us.
I think he is serious. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Bringing a focus to the issue applies political pressure. It's easy to obstruct when no one is paying attention. With this Trump is playing a win/win hand. Either he gets his appointees or he gets to blame democrats for holding them up.
Trump blames Democrats everyday for everything and anything.

Tell me- do you know a single candidate who has been held up? Can you name a single one? Held up by the Republican controlled Senate?
How should I know? I'm not an expert it government positions. You ask this question like you're making a profound point.

The positions exist.

They exist for a purpose.

When the positions aren't filled, the purpose goes unfulfilled. In a crisis that unfulfilled purpose may well be an extremely necessary purpose. If the guy in charge says he needs them...for fucks sake, give them to him. This ain't rocket surgery.
First of all- Trump flat out announced that the reason he was doing this was to circumvent the Constitutional requirements that his appointments be confirmed by the Senate.

Doing what? He hasn't DONE anything yet to force a recess. He has only SAID what he was thinking about doing. And what he was considering may be legal. Obama DID it. IMO, Trump is just using the threat to control the narrative. And this thread proves it is working.
Yes- Trump only said he was thinking about doing it.

When Trump says stuff like this it is one of two things:
a) a trial balloon to see how the Right responds to it or
b) an attempt to deflect the days story away from the crappy job Trump has been doing.

The really funny part about all of this is that Obama tried to bypass the Republican controlled Senate. And so is Trump. Why can't Trump get these few nominees voted on? Mitch McConnell absolutely controls exactly which nominee gets voted on- not the Democrats.
Trump built the greatest economy in the history of the world the 1st time. Trump can do it a second time, my friends!
Nice to see pro Trump today basque
Yep. Who knows WHAT tomorrow will bring for the ever wishy-washy one......
"We must vote for Biden in November, my friends!"
John McCain, Andrew Cuomo, and FDR all use/used the term "my friends"

it is done to connote bromance!
This is Trump's big ask.

Aren't any of you paying attention?

What are you all talking about right now?

Is it recess appointments by any chance?

And the fact that Congress isn't doing it's job?

What brought this conversation about?

Was it Trump controlling the narrative by making a simple declarative sentence?

Has he used any power to do anything? No?

And yet, here we are discussing the do-nothing Congress not getting their job done.

The guy is a genius.
He sure used more than one simple declarative sentence to tell us how Congress, well the Democrats, are keeping his nominees waiting two years or more. He also threatened to use power he hasn't got to adjourn Congress and make recess appointments, which are temporary.

Yeah, we're TALKING about it.

And if he just said "Congress needs to move on confirming my nominees", do you think that thread would have more than two replies? I don't. It would be completely ignored.

Just like Trump saying he Was going to quarantine New York City... did he do it? No.

But he drew attention to the problem...and the next day other state governments were interdicting New York, New Jersey and Louisiana residents and ensuring they weren't infected and spreading the virus to other states.

Making these outlandish claims ensures they are not ignored...on the contrary...they spread like wildfire. He is not overstepping his authority by SAYING he is considering an action.

He is using TDS to get his message out and to control the narrative.Do
I see what you're saying. Do you think it will really mobilize the Democrat Senators to rush right over and confirm all his appointments? The "narrative" is being argued by people like you and me and a bunch of hired pundits on tv, which has no effect at all, imo. If he isn't serious, he's just distracting us.
I think he is serious. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Bringing a focus to the issue applies political pressure. It's easy to obstruct when no one is paying attention. With this Trump is playing a win/win hand. Either he gets his appointees or he gets to blame democrats for holding them up.
Trump blames Democrats everyday for everything and anything.

Tell me- do you know a single candidate who has been held up? Can you name a single one? Held up by the Republican controlled Senate?
How should I know? I'm not an expert it government positions. You ask this question like you're making a profound point.

The positions exist.

They exist for a purpose.

When the positions aren't filled, the purpose goes unfulfilled. In a crisis that unfulfilled purpose may well be an extremely necessary purpose. If the guy in charge says he needs them...for fucks sake, give them to him. This ain't rocket surgery.
You mean- just trust Trump at his word? LOL.

The positions do exist- there are some 150 open positions that Trump has not bothered to name anyone for. For the last three years he has used temporary appointments to bypass Senate confirmation.

Mitch McConnel controls the Senate- because the Republicans control the Senate- the question is really- is this President so weak that he can't even get McConnel to bring his nominees up for a vote?
What’s the downside? Congress went on vacation during a national emergency.
Somebody like that motherfucking commie, Barrack Obama coming in and pointing to Trump's actions as precedent and royally fucking us over.

Do not let ANY of them get away with thumbing their noses at the Constitution.

What is amusing about your post is that President Obama tried to do pretty much the same thing and the Supreme Court slapped him down.

This is what McConnell said then:
Minority Leader Mitch McConnell agreed with the ruling: "The President made an unprecedented power grab by placing political allies at a powerful federal agency while the Senate was meeting regularly and without even bothering to wait for its advice and consent

That is exactly what Trump is trying to do.
I do NOT support Trump's unconstitutional action.

Well technically in this case he has only threatened unconstitutional action- but I get what you are saying.
Trump Says He Will Use His Authority To Adjourn Both Houses of Congress

Can the president adjourn congress
Yes, the constitution gives the president the power to adjourn congress. However, this power can only be used when the upper and lower houses can not agree on a time to adjourn themselves.
I actually thought that this was fake news- until I looked further.

Lets see- in the last week Trump proclaimed that as President he has absolute authority over states- and now is threatening to adjourn Congress- so he can make recess appointments to get around Senate confirmations.

I look forward to seeing the Trumpkins rush to applaud the President for his bold attempt to circumvent the Constitution.

There is zero doubt that all of them will applaud this move by their lord and master.

In the bigger context it does bring up why I'm so disappointed by the Democrats that ran for President never seeming to mention that if they were elected, they would give away executive power.
Pro-forma sessions of Congress are a sham and a dereliction of duty. Trump is doing what he needs to get the job done. Congress has a choice-either come back to work and do your job, or you are adjourned.
I guess you missed that whole Supreme Court case which told Obama that he couldn't make recess appointments during Senate Pro-forma sessions.

Hmmm as i recall posters here at USMB actually said that Obama's recess appointments during pro-forma sessions were impeachable offenses.

But now that your Dear Leader is doing it.....suddenly you love them.
I don't love them and was never a fan of them. Congress is either in session or it isn't. Give these nominees an up or down vote and move on.
Hmmmm were you saying that during the 250 days that the Senate refused to consider Obama's nominee to the Supreme Court?
Both sides are scumbags with procedural nonsense. But unlike Obama who was a total pussy, Trump is fighting back.
Trump Says He Will Use His Authority To Adjourn Both Houses of Congress

Can the president adjourn congress
Yes, the constitution gives the president the power to adjourn congress. However, this power can only be used when the upper and lower houses can not agree on a time to adjourn themselves.
What date did the House and Senate decide to adjourn then?
When has the Senate not agreed on a time to adjourn themselves?

I doubt your Dear Leader will do this- but if he does- I hope the Senate ignores him.

Let Trump take the Senate to court.
He will make the appointments and the nominees will assume their roles. It will be up to the Senate to sue him. I don't see that happening, but stranger things have occurred.....
Or the Senate will ignore him completely and announce that they are indeed in session.

Which will leave each of those positions in legal limbo.
Meanwhile, his appointees will be doing their jobs until the SCOTUS rules.
"I like 'acting' because I can move so quickly," he told CBS' Face The Nation in February, adding, "It gives me more flexibility."
Thanks! Since Trump can do that, what is he crabbing about then?
Meh, its one of those Normy things where, since it has never been used before, no one wants to be seen as the first to do it.

Kind of like no one wanting to take the last piece of chicken on the plate.
McConnell refused to vote on Obama judicial nominees including a Supreme Court nomination for a year.

What if Obama had recessed Congress to make appointments?
He sure used more than one simple declarative sentence to tell us how Congress, well the Democrats, are keeping his nominees waiting two years or more. He also threatened to use power he hasn't got to adjourn Congress and make recess appointments, which are temporary.

Yeah, we're TALKING about it.

Explain this to me. The Senate does the approvals. The Senate is majority Republican. How can the Democrats be the ones holding the nominations back?

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