Trump Is Hiding His Taxes

When the next Democrat is elected, let’s go after everything in the New Presidents life

Of course you will. You just did that with Obama. Hell you even wanted his kindergarten transcripts
You want his taxes because he didn’t turn them over before the election, the Russian Collusion is over, you lost to Trump and you want revenge.

Please...after YEARS of whining about Obama;s Birth Certificate?

We have ALWAYS wanted Trump to release his taxes like every other President for the last 40 years has...

And in spite of Barr trying to white wash the Mueller Report that ain't over .

Especially with Mueller team folks saying it will be a lot worse for Trump that Barr is trying to claim
Trump paid his taxes: Madcow told you already. Obama was an Citizen of Great Britain by descent(father). Cool, hey??

No; a few requests were made

BWAHAHAHA...yea 8 years of SCREECHING is "a few requests"

Screeching? Like Hillary and "Russia Russia Russia...collusion collusion collusion"?? lmao Just admit it; Hillary lost because her policies really did NOT connect with the rust belt guys. "Food stamps before jobs" was never going to be a winner there.

You want his taxes because he didn’t turn them over before the election, the Russian Collusion is over, you lost to Trump and you want revenge.

Please...after YEARS of whining about Obama;s Birth Certificate?

We have ALWAYS wanted Trump to release his taxes like every other President for the last 40 years has...

And in spite of Barr trying to white wash the Mueller Report that ain't over .

Especially with Mueller team folks saying it will be a lot worse for Trump that Barr is trying to claim

I mainly see Democrats whining about Obama's fake birth certificate and there, you did it yet again.. :stir:
it is IRS policy to audit the President.

And yet every other President since Nixon released their tax returns every year WHILE UNDER AUDIT.

What is Trump hiding?

Two thread in two days on the same topic, why are you so obsessed with Trumps taxes? TDS MUCH? LMAO


It's the new marching orders. Mueller didn't give them what they wanted, so it's on to the taxes. Utterly predictable.
You sound like a guy that cheats on his taxes...

Trump has an army of top gun accountants and lawyers doing his taxes, the dude is wealthy and insulated,

Democrats are on a desperate and political fool's errand, wasting taxpayer time and money while TDS tools support it.

You might have a point worth considering if the fool didn't lie and cheat on even the dumbest things. He had fake magazines printed so he could pretend he was on the cover. He put up a civil war memorial commemorating a battle that never happened. He used charity money to buy a painting of himself. He cheats at golf. There are lots of people who saw him, and even video of him doing it. Trump thinks normal rules don't apply to him. It's not a stretch to think he might cheat on his taxes.

You're a LIAR!!! He's trolling you idiots and doing it FANTASTICALLY. lmao


Psst: guess what?? SO DO I !!!


Pssst: Bill Clinton CHEATED !!!!


Cool. Trump has one golfer who just happened to have already campaigned for him to say Clinton cheated. Nothing biased about that.

I'll be sure to care if I ever play Trump at golf.
When the next Democrat is elected, let’s go after everything in the New Presidents life

Of course you will. You just did that with Obama. Hell you even wanted his kindergarten transcripts
No; a few requests were made but no concerted effort. He could read a teleprompter though.


He was kinda useless without it though.

Whatever was written on those prompters was usually useless as well.

'Page 68', and I still don't see the OP's real name and social security number yet, no personal tax return posted.

I suspect Nancy Pelosi is too mentally incompetent to serve as House Speaker. Also, I'm pretty sure she receives illegal contributions of a criminal nature and is owned by liberal special interest groups.(the proof is endless.)

How about we see her medical records and all her financial dealings for the past 40 years. America deserves to know whether she's on the take as well as officially loony.

Okay, plenty of proof and she is filthy rich ... let's start the Witch Hunt... :lol:
it is IRS policy to audit the President.

And yet every other President since Nixon released their tax returns every year WHILE UNDER AUDIT.

What is Trump hiding?
He’s certainly not hiding his contempt for transparency, open government, and the will of the American people.

I'd rather have politicians passing great legislation for the American people and you'd rather have what exactly?
Still waiting for great legislation. Has any come yet?
Can we expect any from this president?

Donald J. Trump's Accomplishment's List | MAGA PILL

Oh .. I don't mind helping you out .. though I doubt that you'll read it..
I suspect Nancy Pelosi is too mentally incompetent to serve as House Speaker. Also, I'm pretty sure she receives illegal contributions of a criminal nature and is owned by liberal special interest groups.(the proof is endless.)

How about we see her medical records and all her financial dealings for the past 40 years. America deserves to know whether she's on the take as well as officially loony.

Okay, plenty of proof and she is filthy rich ... let's start the Witch Hunt... :lol:

she is the child of a Baltimore mafia don. Corruption is in her DNA. I demand an investigation of everything she did for the last 40 years.
it is IRS policy to audit the President.

And yet every other President since Nixon released their tax returns every year WHILE UNDER AUDIT.

What is Trump hiding?
He’s certainly not hiding his contempt for transparency, open government, and the will of the American people.

I'd rather have politicians passing great legislation for the American people and you'd rather have what exactly?
Still waiting for great legislation. Has any come yet?
Can we expect any from this president?
no, the congress has sat on their constituents and held them hostage.

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