Trump Is Hiding His Taxes

btw. what legislative election promises have Democrats fulfilled in the past 2 1/2 years?
they are in the majority, in 1 house of congress, and for only 3 months... they got sidetracked by your favorite president's government shut down, making Americans go broke, while still showing up for work every day! Pelosi got it opened again! :D They got several oversight committees going, which the citizens wanted and why they overwhelmingly won the house and all of those 40 plus seats from republicans.... they got some gun laws through the House... not bad for 3 months.... :p

Ryan got nothing done but a tax cut overwhelming for the wealthiest.... in 2 full years.... :dunno:
they had opportunities, and sat on their constituents, held them hostage. sat on them, gave them zero representation. disgraceful and sick.
I call them pussy grabbing jrs...perverts in waiting

And then you suffer a beating and run home crying to your momma. :itsok:
Come on man ,,,Blues you support and defend a degenerate vile garbage ,,,,and one is to think well of you?? Not a chance
so you didn't support bill clinton? king of degenerates. come on, I bet you did? hey pot, how's kettle?
A republican all my life until GWB Even voted for him in 2000 But yes I wasn't happy with repubs trying to impeach Clinton
After this blows over they'll go back to Stormy Daniels again.
The Southern District of New York is covering that now, and perhaps NY State as well?

So it will likely stay on the Mueller report being released without any redactions.... to Congress... and what the Trump mob is trying to hide from us, by covering up the Mueller report in a sea of blacked out sections....
redacting by law. amazing how you have no concept of our laws. ah right, you don't mind people violating our laws. like illegals and all. we get it, you live in a country that has had laws for 200+ years and can't stand the land you live on. Not sure why you just didn't leave and go to one of those countries whose laws you do like. I now understand why you are like you are. you'd rather piss on the flag than honor the men and women who fought under it. again, not sure why you live in a place you just can't stand. too funny.
You want his taxes because he didn’t turn them over before the election, the Russian Collusion is over, you lost to Trump and you want revenge.

Please...after YEARS of whining about Obama;s Birth Certificate?

We have ALWAYS wanted Trump to release his taxes like every other President for the last 40 years has...

And in spite of Barr trying to white wash the Mueller Report that ain't over .

Especially with Mueller team folks saying it will be a lot worse for Trump that Barr is trying to claim

Like I said, it isn’t about justice, right or wrong, it is only about petty politics and revenge.
After this blows over they'll go back to Stormy Daniels again.
The Southern District of New York is covering that now, and perhaps NY State as well?

So it will likely stay on the Mueller report being released without any redactions.... to Congress... and what the Trump mob is trying to hide from us, by covering up the Mueller report in a sea of blacked out sections....
Trump and his legal team aren't even looking at the report, which they are allowed to do. If that doesn't tell you he's not 'hiding something', then you should really seek help.
if that is suppose to tell us something, then there is nothing to hide, release it in full, outside of classified and classified methods... and yes, it is a simple court order that can release the grand jury testimony....otherwise, Trump talk, is cheap...

put your money where your mouth is, release the report, unredacted, outside of top secret/secret, classified stuff....
it's the only way both sides can be on the same page, and argue with each other with facts in hand and not arguing over a sea of blacked out darkness with only speculations....
well first off, like the post I just sent to you, it's obvious you don't care for our laws. not sure why you stay in a country you find foul and full of disdain. Your concern is not ours, and our side follows the law of the land, we love our country and what it stands for. you should perhaps find a country that fits your expectations and move there.
After this blows over they'll go back to Stormy Daniels again.
The Southern District of New York is covering that now, and perhaps NY State as well?

So it will likely stay on the Mueller report being released without any redactions.... to Congress... and what the Trump mob is trying to hide from us, by covering up the Mueller report in a sea of blacked out sections....
Trump and his legal team aren't even looking at the report, which they are allowed to do. If that doesn't tell you he's not 'hiding something', then you should really seek help.
if that is suppose to tell us something, then there is nothing to hide, release it in full, outside of classified and classified methods... and yes, it is a simple court order that can release the grand jury testimony....otherwise, Trump talk, is cheap...

put your money where your mouth is, release the report, unredacted, outside of top secret/secret, classified stuff....
it's the only way both sides can be on the same page, and argue with each other with facts in hand and not arguing over a sea of blacked out darkness with only speculations....
well first off, like the post I just sent to you, it's obvious you don't care for our laws. not sure why you stay in a country you find foul and full of disdain. Your concern is not ours, and our side follows the law of the land, we love our country and what it stands for. you should perhaps find a country that fits your expectations and move there.

The left see the Constitution and our laws as obstacles to overcome.

Your President is NOT a Russian agent.lmao


at least maybe not knowingly! :D


there is nothing to deny about the Mueller report.... we've seen absolutely ZERO of it... not even the mueller team redacted summaries that they made on each aspect of their investigations, so they could be released to the public immediately....

Barr used 2 PARTIAL sentences of Mueller's in his Barr report... he could not even put in Mueller's full sentences.... had to cut out from even those! :rolleyes:


Nope: you're a liar. No collusion, no obstruction. You should be ashamed of yourself for being so stupid as to still hold onto that canard. Amuses me immensely. lmao

nope, you are the fool for believing Trump....

the barr report did not say there was no collusion... Barr never used the word collusion, remember... although collusion may be something ''wrong'', collusion is not a crime....

allegedly, the Mueller report said that they could not establish, (beyond a reasonable doubt), that the Trump campaign team committed CONSPIRACY, conspiracy to defraud the United States... is the law that would be broken....

Barr's summary report did NOT SAY there was NO evidence of it, anywhere.... by using the word establish, basically tells us that there was evidence of it, but not enough to establish it beyond a reasonable doubt, which was Mueller's thresh hold, for an indictment.

As far as the obstruction charge for President Trump, one of Mueller's partial quotes used said that president Trump COULD NOT BE EXONERATED for it.... that means there is most certainly evidence collected on President Trump, for his obstruction in this official investigation....

so, basically, it really is all up in the air at this point, without having the Mueller report to read.
are there any open indictments in the report to act on or sealed? nope. no collusion, no obstruction. it's quite simple. again, you should follow our laws. it's obvious you have disdain for our laws. you'd violate them in a heartbeat. strange why you're even here in our country since you can't stand the laws.
After this blows over they'll go back to Stormy Daniels again.
The Southern District of New York is covering that now, and perhaps NY State as well?

So it will likely stay on the Mueller report being released without any redactions.... to Congress... and what the Trump mob is trying to hide from us, by covering up the Mueller report in a sea of blacked out sections....
Trump and his legal team aren't even looking at the report, which they are allowed to do. If that doesn't tell you he's not 'hiding something', then you should really seek help.
if that is suppose to tell us something, then there is nothing to hide, release it in full, outside of classified and classified methods... and yes, it is a simple court order that can release the grand jury testimony....otherwise, Trump talk, is cheap...

put your money where your mouth is, release the report, unredacted, outside of top secret/secret, classified stuff....
it's the only way both sides can be on the same page, and argue with each other with facts in hand and not arguing over a sea of blacked out darkness with only speculations....
well first off, like the post I just sent to you, it's obvious you don't care for our laws. not sure why you stay in a country you find foul and full of disdain. Your concern is not ours, and our side follows the law of the land, we love our country and what it stands for. you should perhaps find a country that fits your expectations and move there.

The left see the Constitution and our laws as obstacles to overcome.
they should find the country that fits their expectations, i hear Venezuela needs some citizens.
You're a LIAR!!! He's trolling you idiots and doing it FANTASTICALLY. lmao


Psst: guess what?? SO DO I !!!


Pssst: Bill Clinton CHEATED !!!!


Cool. Trump has one golfer who just happened to have already campaigned for him to say Clinton cheated. Nothing biased about that.

You really are a pathetic fool.


I'm impressed. Nobody caught him cheating that time. I wonder how many banks Bonnie and Clyde didn't rob.

Seth Rich remember him, you follow the vile that had him killed.
When the next Democrat is elected, let’s go after everything in the New Presidents life

Of course you will. You just did that with Obama. Hell you even wanted his kindergarten transcripts

I actually don’t give a damn, this is what the Democrats are setting themselves up for and it will happen. I think all the BS with Obama was just that, I didn’t want or care to see a birth certificate, that was vetted long before it was an issue, I don’t care about seeing taxes, school transcripts, don’t need to know about Benghazi after the investigation concluded.

You are just pissed because your candidate lost and all you want is revenge and the next President will be more of the same. The blind partisan morons, such as yourself put party over politics that are fucking the rest of us over.
It's an IRS policy to do such for every President for every year they are in office, but it is NOT a law.... the head of IRS could tell his people NOT to follow the policy.

This is also why Chairman Neal is requesting the tax returns, if the IRS is not following their policy, then the congress may choose to codify it under a LAW instead of a policy that the president could order his IRS director, not to do....'s not Trump they are after, it's the IRS?
That is going to be a tough sell when it ends up in the courts. just sayin'
You want his taxes because he didn’t turn them over before the election, the Russian Collusion is over, you lost to Trump and you want revenge.

Please...after YEARS of whining about Obama;s Birth Certificate?

We have ALWAYS wanted Trump to release his taxes like every other President for the last 40 years has...

And in spite of Barr trying to white wash the Mueller Report that ain't over .

Especially with Mueller team folks saying it will be a lot worse for Trump that Barr is trying to claim
well you like others need to learn our laws. Not sure why you all live in a land and not familiar with its laws. Birth Certificate is a requirement by law for president, tax returns nope. See now if you knew the laws you wouldn't need to waste everyones time on nonsense of butthurt politicing.
You want his taxes because he didn’t turn them over before the election, the Russian Collusion is over, you lost to Trump and you want revenge.

Please...after YEARS of whining about Obama;s Birth Certificate?

We have ALWAYS wanted Trump to release his taxes like every other President for the last 40 years has...

And in spite of Barr trying to white wash the Mueller Report that ain't over .

Especially with Mueller team folks saying it will be a lot worse for Trump that Barr is trying to claim

Like I said, it isn’t about justice, right or wrong, it is only about petty politics and revenge.
Revenge ??? It can't possibly be he can't follow previous presidents showing his taxes because even excuse makers like you won't be able to accept the crap in his returns?
You want his taxes because he didn’t turn them over before the election, the Russian Collusion is over, you lost to Trump and you want revenge.

Please...after YEARS of whining about Obama;s Birth Certificate?

We have ALWAYS wanted Trump to release his taxes like every other President for the last 40 years has...

And in spite of Barr trying to white wash the Mueller Report that ain't over .

Especially with Mueller team folks saying it will be a lot worse for Trump that Barr is trying to claim
name one of those mueller folks who said something.
You want his taxes because he didn’t turn them over before the election, the Russian Collusion is over, you lost to Trump and you want revenge.

Please...after YEARS of whining about Obama;s Birth Certificate?

We have ALWAYS wanted Trump to release his taxes like every other President for the last 40 years has...

And in spite of Barr trying to white wash the Mueller Report that ain't over .

Especially with Mueller team folks saying it will be a lot worse for Trump that Barr is trying to claim

Like I said, it isn’t about justice, right or wrong, it is only about petty politics and revenge.
Revenge ??? It can't possibly be he can't follow previous presidents showing his taxes because even excuse makers like you won't be able to accept the crap in his returns?
he isn't like other presidents, he was a private citizen. much different. much, none of your business what he filed, it's up to the IRS. if you don't like that process in our country, leave!
I call them pussy grabbing jrs...perverts in waiting

And then you suffer a beating and run home crying to your momma. :itsok:
Come on man ,,,Blues you support and defend a degenerate vile garbage ,,,,and one is to think well of you?? Not a chance
so you didn't support bill clinton? king of degenerates. come on, I bet you did? hey pot, how's kettle?
A republican all my life until GWB Even voted for him in 2000 But yes I wasn't happy with repubs trying to impeach Clinton
well then your fallback is to believe in socialism. that seems rather extreme to me. I believe in work for a buck. If you vote now for dems, you're voting for stay at home for a buck. shameful.
Only the small minded, monkey see monkey doers are getting uptight about Trump's tax returns. And ironically, the person who is the happiest about the whole thing is Trump. He gets a big laugh every day just thinking about all these liberals, foaming at their mouths as they have their daily conniptions.
Is It Worth It For Congress To Obtain Trump’s Tax Returns By Force?

"A person’s tax return is confidential.

"The Internal Revenue Service takes this very seriously as no one has leaked President Trump’s tax return to this day.

"However, Section 6103 of the Internal Revenue Code specifies certain instances where someone’s tax return must be disclosed.

"The section states that the IRS must provide anyone’s tax return to the chairman (and only to the chairman) of the House Ways And Means Committee upon request.

"The entire committee can review the tax return in a closed executive session away from the public.

"Section 6103 does not state that a House Ways And Means Committee member is authorized to release a tax return to the public.

" But it allows the committee to forward the returns to the full House or the Senate.

"Professor Andy Grewal stated that by voting to release the returns to the full House, the committee can effectively release the tax return to the public."

Is It Worth It For Congress To Obtain Trump’s Tax Returns By Force?

"A person’s tax return is confidential.

"The Internal Revenue Service takes this very seriously as no one has leaked President Trump’s tax return to this day.

"However, Section 6103 of the Internal Revenue Code specifies certain instances where someone’s tax return must be disclosed.

"The section states that the IRS must provide anyone’s tax return to the chairman (and only to the chairman) of the House Ways And Means Committee upon request.

"The entire committee can review the tax return in a closed executive session away from the public.

"Section 6103 does not state that a House Ways And Means Committee member is authorized to release a tax return to the public.

" But it allows the committee to forward the returns to the full House or the Senate.

"Professor Andy Grewal stated that by voting to release the returns to the full House, the committee can effectively release the tax return to the public."

Psst: guess what?? SO DO I !!!


Pssst: Bill Clinton CHEATED !!!!


Cool. Trump has one golfer who just happened to have already campaigned for him to say Clinton cheated. Nothing biased about that.

You really are a pathetic fool.


I'm impressed. Nobody caught him cheating that time. I wonder how many banks Bonnie and Clyde didn't rob.

Seth Rich remember him, you follow the vile that had him killed.

I remember Seth Rich's family demanding an apology from fox for dragging his name through the mud. What does that have to do with Trump cheating anyway?

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