Trump Is Hiding His Taxes

You might have a point worth considering if the fool didn't lie and cheat on even the dumbest things. He had fake magazines printed so he could pretend he was on the cover. He put up a civil war memorial commemorating a battle that never happened. He used charity money to buy a painting of himself. He cheats at golf. There are lots of people who saw him, and even video of him doing it. Trump thinks normal rules don't apply to him. It's not a stretch to think he might cheat on his taxes.

You're a LIAR!!! He's trolling you idiots and doing it FANTASTICALLY. lmao


Psst: guess what?? SO DO I !!!


Pssst: Bill Clinton CHEATED !!!!


Cool. Trump has one golfer who just happened to have already campaigned for him to say Clinton cheated. Nothing biased about that.

You really are a pathetic fool.


I'm impressed. Nobody caught him cheating that time. I wonder how many banks Bonnie and Clyde didn't rob.
After this blows over they'll go back to Stormy Daniels again.
The Southern District of New York is covering that now, and perhaps NY State as well?

So it will likely stay on the Mueller report being released without any redactions.... to Congress... and what the Trump mob is trying to hide from us, by covering up the Mueller report in a sea of blacked out sections....
Trump and his legal team aren't even looking at the report, which they are allowed to do. If that doesn't tell you he's not 'hiding something', then you should really seek help.
if that is suppose to tell us something, then there is nothing to hide, release it in full, outside of classified and classified methods... and yes, it is a simple court order that can release the grand jury testimony....otherwise, Trump talk, is cheap...

put your money where your mouth is, release the report, unredacted, outside of top secret/secret, classified stuff....
it's the only way both sides can be on the same page, and argue with each other with facts in hand and not arguing over a sea of blacked out darkness with only speculations....

Your a moron
fyi- you're, not your...
what are you afraid of? Trump was already exonerated according to him, on everything....? Why call people morons for wanting to see a report on the Russian interference in our 2016 election, that they paid for with their taxes and have been patiently waiting, for 2 years? Don't you want to know what all the different segments of the investigation found out? The facts?
You sound like a guy that cheats on his taxes...

Trump has an army of top gun accountants and lawyers doing his taxes, the dude is wealthy and insulated,

Democrats are on a desperate and political fool's errand, wasting taxpayer time and money while TDS tools support it.

You might have a point worth considering if the fool didn't lie and cheat on even the dumbest things. He had fake magazines printed so he could pretend he was on the cover. He put up a civil war memorial commemorating a battle that never happened. He used charity money to buy a painting of himself. He cheats at golf. There are lots of people who saw him, and even video of him doing it. Trump thinks normal rules don't apply to him. It's not a stretch to think he might cheat on his taxes.

You're a LIAR!!! He's trolling you idiots and doing it FANTASTICALLY. lmao


Psst: guess what?? SO DO I !!!


Pssst: Bill Clinton CHEATED !!!!


Cool. Trump has one golfer who just happened to have already campaigned for him to say Clinton cheated. Nothing biased about that.


You might have a point worth considering if the fool didn't lie and cheat on even the dumbest things. He had fake magazines printed so he could pretend he was on the cover. He put up a civil war memorial commemorating a battle that never happened. He used charity money to buy a painting of himself. He cheats at golf. There are lots of people who saw him, and even video of him doing it. Trump thinks normal rules don't apply to him. It's not a stretch to think he might cheat on his taxes.

You're a LIAR!!! He's trolling you idiots and doing it FANTASTICALLY. lmao


Psst: guess what?? SO DO I !!!


Pssst: Bill Clinton CHEATED !!!!


Cool. Trump has one golfer who just happened to have already campaigned for him to say Clinton cheated. Nothing biased about that.



Trump's game is a lot like Kim from Korea. In one round, he made 11 holes in one.
You're a LIAR!!! He's trolling you idiots and doing it FANTASTICALLY. lmao


Psst: guess what?? SO DO I !!!


Pssst: Bill Clinton CHEATED !!!!


Cool. Trump has one golfer who just happened to have already campaigned for him to say Clinton cheated. Nothing biased about that.



Trump's game is a lot like Kim from Korea. In one round, he made 11 holes in one.

LIAR!! He's a good player. Not GREAT but GOOD. Get over it you ditz!!

it is IRS policy to audit the President.

And yet every other President since Nixon released their tax returns every year WHILE UNDER AUDIT.

What is Trump hiding?

You sound like a guy that cheats on his taxes...

Trump has an army of top gun accountants and lawyers doing his taxes, the dude is wealthy and insulated,

Democrats are on a desperate and political fool's errand, wasting taxpayer time and money while TDS tools support it.

You might have a point worth considering if the fool didn't lie and cheat on even the dumbest things. He had fake magazines printed so he could pretend he was on the cover. He put up a civil war memorial commemorating a battle that never happened. He used charity money to buy a painting of himself. He cheats at golf. There are lots of people who saw him, and even video of him doing it. Trump thinks normal rules don't apply to him. It's not a stretch to think he might cheat on his taxes.
Hillary lost because she was shit. Get over it!!

btw. what legislative election promises have Democrats fulfilled in the past 2 1/2 years?
they are in the majority, in 1 house of congress, and for only 3 months... they got sidetracked by your favorite president's government shut down, making Americans go broke, while still showing up for work every day! Pelosi got it opened again! :D They got several oversight committees going, which the citizens wanted and why they overwhelmingly won the house and all of those 40 plus seats from republicans.... they got some gun laws through the House... not bad for 3 months.... :p

Ryan got nothing done but a tax cut overwhelming for the wealthiest.... in 2 full years.... :dunno:

Which Americans went broke? Do you have a link?
the gvt workers who were working without pay, begging for help!

States allowed them to collect unemployment, back pay, interest free loans and on and on.

So do you have a link of any of them going broke as you claim? Also Pelosi was half the problem.

Psst: guess what?? SO DO I !!!


Pssst: Bill Clinton CHEATED !!!!


Cool. Trump has one golfer who just happened to have already campaigned for him to say Clinton cheated. Nothing biased about that.



Trump's game is a lot like Kim from Korea. In one round, he made 11 holes in one.

LIAR!! He's a good player. Not GREAT but GOOD. Get over it you ditz!!


He cheats.
After this blows over they'll go back to Stormy Daniels again.
The Southern District of New York is covering that now, and perhaps NY State as well?

So it will likely stay on the Mueller report being released without any redactions.... to Congress... and what the Trump mob is trying to hide from us, by covering up the Mueller report in a sea of blacked out sections....
Trump and his legal team aren't even looking at the report, which they are allowed to do. If that doesn't tell you he's not 'hiding something', then you should really seek help.
if that is suppose to tell us something, then there is nothing to hide, release it in full, outside of classified and classified methods... and yes, it is a simple court order that can release the grand jury testimony....otherwise, Trump talk, is cheap...

put your money where your mouth is, release the report, unredacted, outside of top secret/secret, classified stuff....
it's the only way both sides can be on the same page, and argue with each other with facts in hand and not arguing over a sea of blacked out darkness with only speculations....

Your a moron
fyi- you're, not your...
what are you afraid of? Trump was already exonerated according to him, on everything....? Why call people morons for wanting to see a report on the Russian interference in our 2016 election, that they paid for with their taxes and have been patiently waiting, for 2 years? Don't you want to know what all the different segments of the investigation found out? The facts?

What not what.


After this blows over they'll go back to Stormy Daniels again.
The Southern District of New York is covering that now, and perhaps NY State as well?

So it will likely stay on the Mueller report being released without any redactions.... to Congress... and what the Trump mob is trying to hide from us, by covering up the Mueller report in a sea of blacked out sections....
Trump and his legal team aren't even looking at the report, which they are allowed to do. If that doesn't tell you he's not 'hiding something', then you should really seek help.
if that is suppose to tell us something, then there is nothing to hide, release it in full, outside of classified and classified methods... and yes, it is a simple court order that can release the grand jury testimony....otherwise, Trump talk, is cheap...

put your money where your mouth is, release the report, unredacted, outside of top secret/secret, classified stuff....
it's the only way both sides can be on the same page, and argue with each other with facts in hand and not arguing over a sea of blacked out darkness with only speculations....

Your a moron
fyi- you're, not your...
what are you afraid of? Trump was already exonerated according to him, on everything....? Why call people morons for wanting to see a report on the Russian interference in our 2016 election, that they paid for with their taxes and have been patiently waiting, for 2 years? Don't you want to know what all the different segments of the investigation found out? The facts?

That your .. you're thing still vexes me no matter how many times I read the rules.. I figure if it sounds smooth it's cool these days,

Me .. I appreciate that we can disagree without the venom, it's actually kinda rare, fun and challenging these days

Thank You Lady Care4all .. :)
Psst: guess what?? SO DO I !!!


Pssst: Bill Clinton CHEATED !!!!


Cool. Trump has one golfer who just happened to have already campaigned for him to say Clinton cheated. Nothing biased about that.



Trump's game is a lot like Kim from Korea. In one round, he made 11 holes in one.

LIAR!! He's a good player. Not GREAT but GOOD. Get over it you ditz!!


He cheats.

Bollocks!! lmao

The Southern District of New York is covering that now, and perhaps NY State as well?

So it will likely stay on the Mueller report being released without any redactions.... to Congress... and what the Trump mob is trying to hide from us, by covering up the Mueller report in a sea of blacked out sections....
Trump and his legal team aren't even looking at the report, which they are allowed to do. If that doesn't tell you he's not 'hiding something', then you should really seek help.
if that is suppose to tell us something, then there is nothing to hide, release it in full, outside of classified and classified methods... and yes, it is a simple court order that can release the grand jury testimony....otherwise, Trump talk, is cheap...

put your money where your mouth is, release the report, unredacted, outside of top secret/secret, classified stuff....
it's the only way both sides can be on the same page, and argue with each other with facts in hand and not arguing over a sea of blacked out darkness with only speculations....

Your a moron
fyi- you're, not your...
what are you afraid of? Trump was already exonerated according to him, on everything....? Why call people morons for wanting to see a report on the Russian interference in our 2016 election, that they paid for with their taxes and have been patiently waiting, for 2 years? Don't you want to know what all the different segments of the investigation found out? The facts?

That your .. you're thing still vexes me no matter how many times I read the rules.. I figure if it sounds smooth it's cool these days,

Me .. I appreciate that we can disagree without the venom, it's actually kinda rare, fun and challenging these days

Thank You LadyCare4all .. :)

Nah: I like the I better get back to the badlands. lol

Trump and his legal team aren't even looking at the report, which they are allowed to do. If that doesn't tell you he's not 'hiding something', then you should really seek help.
if that is suppose to tell us something, then there is nothing to hide, release it in full, outside of classified and classified methods... and yes, it is a simple court order that can release the grand jury testimony....otherwise, Trump talk, is cheap...

put your money where your mouth is, release the report, unredacted, outside of top secret/secret, classified stuff....
it's the only way both sides can be on the same page, and argue with each other with facts in hand and not arguing over a sea of blacked out darkness with only speculations....

Your a moron
fyi- you're, not your...
what are you afraid of? Trump was already exonerated according to him, on everything....? Why call people morons for wanting to see a report on the Russian interference in our 2016 election, that they paid for with their taxes and have been patiently waiting, for 2 years? Don't you want to know what all the different segments of the investigation found out? The facts?

That your .. you're thing still vexes me no matter how many times I read the rules.. I figure if it sounds smooth it's cool these days,

Me .. I appreciate that we can disagree without the venom, it's actually kinda rare, fun and challenging these days

Thank You LadyCare4all .. :)

Nah: I like the I better get back to the badlands. lol


:lol: .. I prefer to cause vitriol but still have fun.
Last edited:
Congress is trying to get Trump's taxes. Every President since Nixon has released theirs and Trump "claims" he'd like to release them.

He is however fighting tooth and nail to keep them secret. His claim here is that he's under audit and for some reason that precludes him from releasing them. It doesn't.

The IRS does not lock them down for that reason, and it's CONGRESS requesting them in accordance with the law. In fact a refusal would put the the head of the IRS or Treasury Secretary in contempt of Congress.

And for what it's worth, Trump's former attorney Cohen testified under oath that Trump WASN'T under audit

What do you suppose he's hiding? Tax evasion? Money Laundering?

He's afraid of something obviously
I am surprised you were not banned or your comment redirected to the trash can on this pro Putin/tRump site.
The Southern District of New York is covering that now, and perhaps NY State as well?

So it will likely stay on the Mueller report being released without any redactions.... to Congress... and what the Trump mob is trying to hide from us, by covering up the Mueller report in a sea of blacked out sections....
Trump and his legal team aren't even looking at the report, which they are allowed to do. If that doesn't tell you he's not 'hiding something', then you should really seek help.
if that is suppose to tell us something, then there is nothing to hide, release it in full, outside of classified and classified methods... and yes, it is a simple court order that can release the grand jury testimony....otherwise, Trump talk, is cheap...

put your money where your mouth is, release the report, unredacted, outside of top secret/secret, classified stuff....
it's the only way both sides can be on the same page, and argue with each other with facts in hand and not arguing over a sea of blacked out darkness with only speculations....

Your a moron
fyi- you're, not your...
what are you afraid of? Trump was already exonerated according to him, on everything....? Why call people morons for wanting to see a report on the Russian interference in our 2016 election, that they paid for with their taxes and have been patiently waiting, for 2 years? Don't you want to know what all the different segments of the investigation found out? The facts?

What not what.


:lol: tou-che'

you got me! oops! You got me! I'm a one finger type-r,(typist) caps are a pain in the butt!
Last edited:
Trump and his legal team aren't even looking at the report, which they are allowed to do. If that doesn't tell you he's not 'hiding something', then you should really seek help.
if that is suppose to tell us something, then there is nothing to hide, release it in full, outside of classified and classified methods... and yes, it is a simple court order that can release the grand jury testimony....otherwise, Trump talk, is cheap...

put your money where your mouth is, release the report, unredacted, outside of top secret/secret, classified stuff....
it's the only way both sides can be on the same page, and argue with each other with facts in hand and not arguing over a sea of blacked out darkness with only speculations....

Your a moron
fyi- you're, not your...
what are you afraid of? Trump was already exonerated according to him, on everything....? Why call people morons for wanting to see a report on the Russian interference in our 2016 election, that they paid for with their taxes and have been patiently waiting, for 2 years? Don't you want to know what all the different segments of the investigation found out? The facts?

What not what.


:lol: tou-che'

you got me! oops! You got me! I'm a one finger type-r, caps are a pain in the butt!

Yeah: it's all good fun. Lumpy vouched that you're a polite lefty so there's that. I must admit that I am more used to side of the tracks.

But having said that I think Trump overall is quite OK. The whole farce will come to a close after the Fisa warrants are looked at.

That may create a bit of heartburn in Dem circles but due process.

it is IRS policy to audit the President.

And yet every other President since Nixon released their tax returns every year WHILE UNDER AUDIT.

What is Trump hiding?

You sound like a guy that cheats on his taxes...

Trump has an army of top gun accountants and lawyers doing his taxes, the dude is wealthy and insulated,

Democrats are on a desperate and political fool's errand, wasting taxpayer time and money while TDS tools support it.

You might have a point worth considering if the fool didn't lie and cheat on even the dumbest things. He had fake magazines printed so he could pretend he was on the cover. He put up a civil war memorial commemorating a battle that never happened. He used charity money to buy a painting of himself. He cheats at golf. There are lots of people who saw him, and even video of him doing it. Trump thinks normal rules don't apply to him. It's not a stretch to think he might cheat on his taxes.

You want his taxes because he didn’t turn them over before the election, the Russian Collusion is over, you lost to Trump and you want revenge.

When the next Democrat is elected, let’s go after everything in the New Presidents life, just because Republicans lost and they want revenge and fishing expeditions are lots of fun.
You want his taxes because he didn’t turn them over before the election, the Russian Collusion is over, you lost to Trump and you want revenge.

Please...after YEARS of whining about Obama;s Birth Certificate?

We have ALWAYS wanted Trump to release his taxes like every other President for the last 40 years has...

And in spite of Barr trying to white wash the Mueller Report that ain't over .

Especially with Mueller team folks saying it will be a lot worse for Trump that Barr is trying to claim

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