Trump Is Hiding His Taxes

What do you suppose he's hiding? Tax evasion? Money Laundering?

The IRS is charged with catching tax cheats. Are you implying that Obama's IRS is inept?

You sound like a desperate teenage girl hoping against all odds for that prom invite from the star football player. Literally dripping with desperation.

It's called Trump Derangement Syndrome.

There are many like that here.:cuckoo::dunno:
And pray tell, what do you call the mental midgets here that follow trump into the cesspool?
It's an IRS policy to do such for every President for every year they are in office, but it is NOT a law.... the head of IRS could tell his people NOT to follow the policy.

This is also why Chairman Neal is requesting the tax returns, if the IRS is not following their policy, then the congress may choose to codify it under a LAW instead of a policy that the president could order his IRS director, not to do....

So the policy is not being followed?
btw. what legislative election promises have Democrats fulfilled in the past 2 1/2 years?
they are in the majority, in 1 house of congress, and for only 3 months... they got sidetracked by your favorite president's government shut down, making Americans go broke, while still showing up for work every day! Pelosi got it opened again! :D They got several oversight committees going, which the citizens wanted and why they overwhelmingly won the house and all of those 40 plus seats from republicans.... they got some gun laws through the House... not bad for 3 months.... :p

Ryan got nothing done but a tax cut overwhelming for the wealthiest.... in 2 full years.... :dunno:

Which Americans went broke? Do you have a link?
it is IRS policy to audit the President.

And yet every other President since Nixon released their tax returns every year WHILE UNDER AUDIT.

What is Trump hiding?
He’s certainly not hiding his contempt for transparency, open government, and the will of the American people.

I'd rather have politicians passing great legislation for the American people and you'd rather have what exactly?
Still waiting for great legislation. Has any come yet?
Can we expect any from this president?

it is IRS policy to audit the President.

And yet every other President since Nixon released their tax returns every year WHILE UNDER AUDIT.

What is Trump hiding?
Please quit starting worthless leftist traitor hack threads. There's plenty of other threads of the same subject for your sewage.

I agree with you ! ^^

Sadly, the Trump Derangement Syndrome is bad with some of the sheep here! :cuckoo:
Trump minions are deep inside his ass. It stinks!!!
Issatso? You sound like an echo from Madcow's ascending colon!!

btw. what legislative election promises have Democrats fulfilled in the past 2 1/2 years?
they are in the majority, in 1 house of congress, and for only 3 months... they got sidetracked by your favorite president's government shut down, making Americans go broke, while still showing up for work every day! Pelosi got it opened again! :D They got several oversight committees going, which the citizens wanted and why they overwhelmingly won the house and all of those 40 plus seats from republicans.... they got some gun laws through the House... not bad for 3 months.... :p

Ryan got nothing done but a tax cut overwhelming for the wealthiest.... in 2 full years.... :dunno:

Funny .. I see it so differently but alas it's a late "burrito night" and dang it were out of coca cola .. eh .. oh well

later Lady Care4all .. :)
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it is IRS policy to audit the President.

And yet every other President since Nixon released their tax returns every year WHILE UNDER AUDIT.

What is Trump hiding?
Please quit starting worthless leftist traitor hack threads. There's plenty of other threads of the same subject for your sewage.

I agree with you ! ^^

Sadly, the Trump Derangement Syndrome is bad with some of the sheep here! :cuckoo:
Yes lesh iis butt hurt bad from her trump derangement syndrome .shes like a porno star who messed with Mandingo and got butt hurt for like always screaming o god o god it hurts and makes me want to poop.
After this blows over they'll go back to Stormy Daniels again.
The Southern District of New York is covering that now, and perhaps NY State as well?

So it will likely stay on the Mueller report being released without any redactions.... to Congress... and what the Trump mob is trying to hide from us, by covering up the Mueller report in a sea of blacked out sections....
After this blows over they'll go back to Stormy Daniels again.
The Southern District of New York is covering that now, and perhaps NY State as well?

So it will likely stay on the Mueller report being released without any redactions.... to Congress... and what the Trump mob is trying to hide from us, by covering up the Mueller report in a sea of blacked out sections....


Your President is NOT a Russian agent.lmao

btw. what legislative election promises have Democrats fulfilled in the past 2 1/2 years?
they are in the majority, in 1 house of congress, and for only 3 months... they got sidetracked by your favorite president's government shut down, making Americans go broke, while still showing up for work every day! Pelosi got it opened again! :D They got several oversight committees going, which the citizens wanted and why they overwhelmingly won the house and all of those 40 plus seats from republicans.... they got some gun laws through the House... not bad for 3 months.... :p

Ryan got nothing done but a tax cut overwhelming for the wealthiest.... in 2 full years.... :dunno:

Which Americans went broke? Do you have a link?
the gvt workers who were working without pay, begging for help!
After this blows over they'll go back to Stormy Daniels again.
The Southern District of New York is covering that now, and perhaps NY State as well?

So it will likely stay on the Mueller report being released without any redactions.... to Congress... and what the Trump mob is trying to hide from us, by covering up the Mueller report in a sea of blacked out sections....


Your President is NOT a Russian agent.lmao


at least maybe not knowingly! :D
After this blows over they'll go back to Stormy Daniels again.
The Southern District of New York is covering that now, and perhaps NY State as well?

So it will likely stay on the Mueller report being released without any redactions.... to Congress... and what the Trump mob is trying to hide from us, by covering up the Mueller report in a sea of blacked out sections....
Trump and his legal team aren't even looking at the report, which they are allowed to do. If that doesn't tell you he's not 'hiding something', then you should really seek help.
After this blows over they'll go back to Stormy Daniels again.
The Southern District of New York is covering that now, and perhaps NY State as well?

So it will likely stay on the Mueller report being released without any redactions.... to Congress... and what the Trump mob is trying to hide from us, by covering up the Mueller report in a sea of blacked out sections....
Trump and his legal team aren't even looking at the report, which they are allowed to do. If that doesn't tell you he's not 'hiding something', then you should really seek help.
if that is suppose to tell us something, then there is nothing to hide, release it in full, outside of classified and classified methods... and yes, it is a simple court order that can release the grand jury testimony....otherwise, Trump talk, is cheap...

put your money where your mouth is, release the report, unredacted, outside of top secret/secret, classified stuff....
it's the only way both sides can be on the same page, and argue with each other with facts in hand and not arguing over a sea of blacked out darkness with only speculations....
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It's an IRS policy to do such for every President for every year they are in office, but it is NOT a law.... the head of IRS could tell his people NOT to follow the policy.

This is also why Chairman Neal is requesting the tax returns, if the IRS is not following their policy, then the congress may choose to codify it under a LAW instead of a policy that the president could order his IRS director, not to do....

That's not what Neal said. He said they wanted the returns to study the laws to make auditing simpler.

Neal has painted the dems into the corner and they will never get those returns with that reason.
btw. what legislative election promises have Democrats fulfilled in the past 2 1/2 years?
they are in the majority, in 1 house of congress, and for only 3 months... they got sidetracked by your favorite president's government shut down, making Americans go broke, while still showing up for work every day! Pelosi got it opened again! :D They got several oversight committees going, which the citizens wanted and why they overwhelmingly won the house and all of those 40 plus seats from republicans.... they got some gun laws through the House... not bad for 3 months.... :p

Ryan got nothing done but a tax cut overwhelming for the wealthiest.... in 2 full years.... :dunno:

Eh, read the link ..Donald J. Trump's Accomplishment's List | MAGA PILL.. and blush.. you seem to have missed a lot.

TDS news abider is my guess.. :poke:
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it is IRS policy to audit the President.

And yet every other President since Nixon released their tax returns every year WHILE UNDER AUDIT.

What is Trump hiding?


Hillary destroyed 33,000 government emails she illegally kept hidden on her private server then told us we didn't need to see them because there was nothing there. Yet she deleted them all as soon as word got out about their existence. I'm still waiting to find out what she hide from us.

I'm betting THAT was something worth seeing.

All Trump's return can show is his real income, where he legally made his money, the legal taxes he paid, and the legal deductions he took. Otherwise the IRS would have a shit.

The only reason the Democrats want to see them is to hope they can find something new to use against him next year cause EVERYTHING ELSE FAILED.
it is IRS policy to audit the President.

And yet every other President since Nixon released their tax returns every year WHILE UNDER AUDIT.

What is Trump hiding?

You sound like a guy that cheats on his taxes...

Trump has an army of top gun accountants and lawyers doing his taxes, the dude is wealthy and insulated,

Democrats are on a desperate and political fool's errand, wasting taxpayer time and money while TDS tools support it.

You might have a point worth considering if the fool didn't lie and cheat on even the dumbest things. He had fake magazines printed so he could pretend he was on the cover. He put up a civil war memorial commemorating a battle that never happened. He used charity money to buy a painting of himself. He cheats at golf. There are lots of people who saw him, and even video of him doing it. Trump thinks normal rules don't apply to him. It's not a stretch to think he might cheat on his taxes.
it is IRS policy to audit the President.

And yet every other President since Nixon released their tax returns every year WHILE UNDER AUDIT.

What is Trump hiding?
He’s certainly not hiding his contempt for transparency, open government, and the will of the American people.

I'd rather have politicians passing great legislation for the American people and you'd rather have what exactly?
Still waiting for great legislation. Has any come yet?
Can we expect any from this president?

Donald J. Trump's Accomplishment's List | MAGA PILL

Oh .. I don't mind helping you out .. though I doubt that you'll read it..
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After this blows over they'll go back to Stormy Daniels again.
The Southern District of New York is covering that now, and perhaps NY State as well?

So it will likely stay on the Mueller report being released without any redactions.... to Congress... and what the Trump mob is trying to hide from us, by covering up the Mueller report in a sea of blacked out sections....


Your President is NOT a Russian agent.lmao


at least maybe not knowingly! :D


it is IRS policy to audit the President.

And yet every other President since Nixon released their tax returns every year WHILE UNDER AUDIT.

What is Trump hiding?

You sound like a guy that cheats on his taxes...

Trump has an army of top gun accountants and lawyers doing his taxes, the dude is wealthy and insulated,

Democrats are on a desperate and political fool's errand, wasting taxpayer time and money while TDS tools support it.

You might have a point worth considering if the fool didn't lie and cheat on even the dumbest things. He had fake magazines printed so he could pretend he was on the cover. He put up a civil war memorial commemorating a battle that never happened. He used charity money to buy a painting of himself. He cheats at golf. There are lots of people who saw him, and even video of him doing it. Trump thinks normal rules don't apply to him. It's not a stretch to think he might cheat on his taxes.

You're a LIAR!!! He's trolling you idiots and doing it FANTASTICALLY. lmao


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