Trump Is Hiding His Taxes

I'm thinking every TDS news propagandist and Democrat political leader should be audited for the past 10 years. I absolutely don't trust them but I'd like to be sure.

btw. what legislative election promises have Democrats fulfilled in the past 2 1/2 years?
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it is IRS policy to audit the President.

And yet every other President since Nixon released their tax returns every year WHILE UNDER AUDIT.

What is Trump hiding?
Wasnt he being audited before he was president .And why dont you post yours.
I have a business and have been autited before and its none of your business you dumb twat
it is IRS policy to audit the President.

And yet every other President since Nixon released their tax returns every year WHILE UNDER AUDIT.

What is Trump hiding?

You sound like a guy that cheats on his taxes...

Trump has an army of top gun accountants and lawyers doing his taxes, the dude is wealthy and insulated,

Democrats are on a desperate and political fool's errand, wasting taxpayer time and money while TDS tools support it.

What else have the Dems got? #cowfartDems, #nippletwistJoe, #MuelllerDeniers....not much they can run on.

This is so pathetic. Is there anyone here that feels they are more qualified than the IRS and feels they have to see Trumps taxes?
It's an IRS policy to do such for every President for every year they are in office, but it is NOT a law.... the head of IRS could tell his people NOT to follow the policy.

This is also why Chairman Neal is requesting the tax returns, if the IRS is not following their policy, then the congress may choose to codify it under a LAW instead of a policy that the president could order his IRS director, not to do....

Trump's has been audited for twelve years that I know of: every year. His accountants are the BEST!! Remember Madcow??

it is IRS policy to audit the President.

And yet every other President since Nixon released their tax returns every year WHILE UNDER AUDIT.

What is Trump hiding?
He’s certainly not hiding his contempt for transparency, open government, and the will of the American people.

I'd rather have politicians passing great legislation for the American people and you'd rather have what exactly?
it is IRS policy to audit the President.

And yet every other President since Nixon released their tax returns every year WHILE UNDER AUDIT.

What is Trump hiding?
Please quit starting worthless leftist traitor hack threads. There's plenty of other threads of the same subject for your sewage.

I agree with you ! ^^

Sadly, the Trump Derangement Syndrome is bad with some of the sheep here! :cuckoo:
Trump minions are deep inside his ass. It stinks!!!
I can understand why the Donald des not want to release his taxes. He doesn't want other people finding that he puts false information in his returns. He knows it will cost him millions of dollars if he really is audited We would then have proof he lied about his wealth and his wonderful ability to negotiate. We are seeing that he does not have that abilty. Perhaps he does when talking about real estate but he just doesn't understand that running a country is a different ballgame then running a real estate company. Sorry Donald but in government you have rules to follow. In real estate their is a lot of gray area and that is where the Donald puts his money. Why??????????
False information would fail an audit. Do you know that? IRS knows the law. They have say, not you. If you filed taxes you’d know that. Ask your third grade teacher
it is IRS policy to audit the President.

And yet every other President since Nixon released their tax returns every year WHILE UNDER AUDIT.

What is Trump hiding?
He’s certainly not hiding his contempt for transparency, open government, and the will of the American people.

I'd rather have politicians passing great legislation for the American people and you'd rather have what exactly?
Still waiting for great legislation. Has any come yet?
Can we expect any from this president?
And just MAYBE...he's as corrupt as he appears to be
You’re welcome to think that. Go to bed and maybe tomorrow or the next day. How odd your life is to worry about others taxes
btw. what legislative election promises have Democrats fulfilled in the past 2 1/2 years?
they are in the majority, in 1 house of congress, and for only 3 months... they got sidetracked by your favorite president's government shut down, making Americans go broke, while still showing up for work every day! Pelosi got it opened again! :D They got several oversight committees going, which the citizens wanted and why they overwhelmingly won the house and all of those 40 plus seats from republicans.... they got some gun laws through the House... not bad for 3 months.... :p

Ryan got nothing done but a tax cut overwhelming for the wealthiest.... in 2 full years.... :dunno:

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