Trump Is Hiding His Taxes

than where are the russians that helped trump? mueller said they didn't exist.
The 24 or so that were charged are in Russia now And Mueller said what??? Link? You doubt Russia helped Trump in the election ??
you are helping russia today. can't help yourself, you're full in on it. traitor. 24 russians. yep, cause he could say it without repercussion. there is no evidence those 24 did anything but exist on the globe. nope, the real russia effort is through you and your leftist traitors pushing a russia hoax. you keep doubling down on. DNC server never inspected. NEVER. you hate facts.
BUT but you are the guy who wants Mueller report not shown in its entirety You want to remain blinded to the Trump BS I'm from Brooklyn and I know BS when I hear it Trump is trying to use his lies and BS as he did before he became Presidunce NOW he finds its not so easy to get away with it
Do you idiots ever stop crying?
Guys from B'klyn don't cry ,,we get even
Yeah, Rikers island is still accepting new meat.
Congress is trying to get Trump's taxes. Every President since Nixon has released theirs and Trump "claims" he'd like to release them.

He is however fighting tooth and nail to keep them secret. His claim here is that he's under audit and for some reason that precludes him from releasing them. It doesn't.

The IRS does not lock them down for that reason, and it's CONGRESS requesting them in accordance with the law. In fact a refusal would put the the head of the IRS or Treasury Secretary in contempt of Congress.

And for what it's worth, Trump's former attorney Cohen testified under oath that Trump WASN'T under audit

What do you suppose he's hiding? Tax evasion? Money Laundering?

He's afraid of something obviously
Perhaps congress should serve the people.
I can understand why the Donald des not want to release his taxes. He doesn't want other people finding that he puts false information in his returns. He knows it will cost him millions of dollars if he really is audited We would then have proof he lied about his wealth and his wonderful ability to negotiate. We are seeing that he does not have that abilty. Perhaps he does when talking about real estate but he just doesn't understand that running a country is a different ballgame then running a real estate company. Sorry Donald but in government you have rules to follow. In real estate their is a lot of gray area and that is where the Donald puts his money. Why??????????
I can understand why the Donald des not want to release his taxes. He doesn't want other people finding that he puts false information in his returns. He knows it will cost him millions of dollars if he really is audited We would then have proof he lied about his wealth and his wonderful ability to negotiate. We are seeing that he does not have that abilty. Perhaps he does when talking about real estate but he just doesn't understand that running a country is a different ballgame then running a real estate company. Sorry Donald but in government you have rules to follow. In real estate their is a lot of gray area and that is where the Donald puts his money. Why??????????
Show us your proof liar.
Buttigieg should be forced to release his medical records. Bernie too btw....guy as old as dirt.

So ok.....Trump compelled to release his tax records, we demand seeing Buttigieg's medical records.:113:

:itsok: wow, you dove right in there.
And jc you have no concern that the evidence Mueller uncovered might show trump colluded along with other various illegal acts obstructed ,laundered etc etc ?? If so my question is are you really an American?
dude, you are doing more for russia than any one of millions of republicans. pushing their agenda daily. Me, the DNC server, never inspected. NEVER. russia is only a scam to embody the left to hate and enter into a deep state. For that I worry for my country. That you feel you have the right to push russia's agenda of chaos in our country. traitor.

Russia supported and pushed your Great Leader over the finish line with lies and fake news on Social Media....all the Intel agencies agree

While the Liar in Chief supports Putin....
I can understand why the Donald des not want to release his taxes. He doesn't want other people finding that he puts false information in his returns. He knows it will cost him millions of dollars if he really is audited We would then have proof he lied about his wealth and his wonderful ability to negotiate. We are seeing that he does not have that abilty. Perhaps he does when talking about real estate but he just doesn't understand that running a country is a different ballgame then running a real estate company. Sorry Donald but in government you have rules to follow. In real estate their is a lot of gray area and that is where the Donald puts his money. Why??????????

He doesn't want other people finding that he puts false information in his returns.

Like the IRS? DURR!

We would then have proof he lied about his wealth and his wonderful ability to negotiate.

Which tax form do you list your wealth on?

:itsok: wow, you dove right in there.
And jc you have no concern that the evidence Mueller uncovered might show trump colluded along with other various illegal acts obstructed ,laundered etc etc ?? If so my question is are you really an American?
dude, you are doing more for russia than any one of millions of republicans. pushing their agenda daily. Me, the DNC server, never inspected. NEVER. russia is only a scam to embody the left to hate and enter into a deep state. For that I worry for my country. That you feel you have the right to push russia's agenda of chaos in our country. traitor.

Russia supported and pushed your Great Leader over the finish line with lies and fake news on Social Media....all the Intel agencies agree

While the Liar in Chief supports Putin....

Were you one of the liberals tricked into voting for Trump?

Was it the Facebook memes that got you?

:itsok: wow, you dove right in there.
And jc you have no concern that the evidence Mueller uncovered might show trump colluded along with other various illegal acts obstructed ,laundered etc etc ?? If so my question is are you really an American?
dude, you are doing more for russia than any one of millions of republicans. pushing their agenda daily. Me, the DNC server, never inspected. NEVER. russia is only a scam to embody the left to hate and enter into a deep state. For that I worry for my country. That you feel you have the right to push russia's agenda of chaos in our country. traitor.

Russia supported and pushed your Great Leader over the finish line with lies and fake news on Social Media....all the Intel agencies agree

While the Liar in Chief supports Putin....

Were you one of the liberals tricked into voting for Trump?

Was it the Facebook memes that got you?
No I was tricked into voting for GWB in 2000 Almost cut off my voting arm
So what is he hiding?

Bank fraud? Money Laundering, basic cheating on his taxes?

Or simply that he is in debt up to his ass...?

Trump isn't "hiding" anything you useless hack. Do you think if you claim Trump is hiding something 10,000 times in a row it will come true? :itsok:
Congress is trying to get Trump's taxes. Every President since Nixon has released theirs and Trump "claims" he'd like to release them.

He is however fighting tooth and nail to keep them secret. His claim here is that he's under audit and for some reason that precludes him from releasing them. It doesn't.

The IRS does not lock them down for that reason, and it's CONGRESS requesting them in accordance with the law. In fact a refusal would put the the head of the IRS or Treasury Secretary in contempt of Congress.

And for what it's worth, Trump's former attorney Cohen testified under oath that Trump WASN'T under audit

What do you suppose he's hiding? Tax evasion? Money Laundering?

He's afraid of something obviously
Maybe he is, or maybe his taxes might show business transactions that he doesnt want other clients to see. Maybe he did some transactions with some people that if other clients found out about, it could affect their business relations.

Maybe it's simply that he doesnt feel he needs to release them, and does not want to. We cant say for sure. There may be legitimate reasons, or, he may be tied in with criminal elements. The point is, we dont know, and it's not right to go on a fishing expedition to try and find dirt on him. Also, if I'm reading the tax law correctly, Congress cannot subpoena them unless they have a reason to do so. In other words, they have to have a specific reason to request them.

On top of all of that, the law that states Congress can request them also states they cannot publish them. They have to remain confidential.
And just MAYBE...he's as corrupt as he appears to be
How many threads can you Taxers create on this subject?

A lot...... as long as the Liar in Chief hides his income taxes.....

And he will never show them to you and Congress can not show most of what in them, so you will only be left to whine about what you think he is hiding from you.

Trump plays his childish games and you fall for it...
How many threads can you Taxers create on this subject?

A lot...... as long as the Liar in Chief hides his income taxes.....

Why don't you post YOUR tax returns right here on the forum. Go ahead lead by example. Or are YOU hiding something? People that's how you slap the left silly. :auiqs.jpg: His ancestors felt that beating.
The day I run for President you can bet I will make my taxes public

No one has to worry about that...

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