Trump Is Hiding His Taxes

We saw them, did we see Tramps, no and that goes for his frken taxes.
Wrong. Obama's college records are sealed.
Do you know what Magna Cum Laude is bri ?? That's what Obama graduated Harvard with

except that not one professor or student who was there at the time remembers him. Can you explain that?
No I can't One Prof remembered Trump being the dumbest student he ever taught And Obama graduated MAGNA CUM LAUDE

How does one get a degree without ever attending a class? Maybe the same way the hollywood bitches got their kids into college.
Google it Red ,,get educated
Yup. The Mueller report cleared Trump and these bat shit crazy libs are grasping at any straw to desperately find something they can hang on Trump.

They sure are a bunch of whinny little shits.

According to Tramp, and no it did not.

Yeah, the Mueller report did.
Trump has been audited both personally and professionally many times. If there were anything to find the IRS would have found it.

Keep grasping at straws. You sure are a whinny little shit.
We have no proof of WHAT the Mueller Report did or didn't show because Barr is hiding it

And as far as "audits". Trump says all kinds of shit...very little of it true

And as far as "audits". Trump says all kinds of shit...very little of it true

View attachment 254657

If you're rich, there's a bigger chance you'll be audited by the IRS


The President's Tax Returns -

They can still give them to Congress if under audit. The Presidents since Nixon have all released their tax returns.

(by the way how do you know he was audited personally)
so, there is no requirement under the constitution to provide tax returns. He was a private citizen, and for that, I don't believe he needs to show them. a politician on my dime, is different, let's see all of the congresses tax returns and how they made millions making 170k a year.
Yup. The Mueller report cleared Trump and these bat shit crazy libs are grasping at any straw to desperately find something they can hang on Trump.

They sure are a bunch of whinny little shits.

According to Tramp, and no it did not.

Yeah, the Mueller report did.

Trump has been audited both personally and professionally many times. If there were anything to find the IRS would have found it.

Keep grasping at straws. You sure are a whinny little shit.
We have no proof of WHAT the Mueller Report did or didn't show because Barr is hiding it

And as far as "audits". Trump says all kinds of shit...very little of it true

You are so full of shit you couldn't stink any more if you tried.

The Mueller report didn't say what you hoped and prayed it would so now the report is false and Barr is hiding the REAL report and protecting Trump. LMAO

You are laughable.

he is Tramps new Roy
Yeah, the Mueller report did.
Trump has been audited both personally and professionally many times. If there were anything to find the IRS would have found it.

Keep grasping at straws. You sure are a whinny little shit.
We have no proof of WHAT the Mueller Report did or didn't show because Barr is hiding it

And as far as "audits". Trump says all kinds of shit...very little of it true

And as far as "audits". Trump says all kinds of shit...very little of it true

View attachment 254657

If you're rich, there's a bigger chance you'll be audited by the IRS


The President's Tax Returns -

They can still give them to Congress if under audit. The Presidents since Nixon have all released their tax returns.

(by the way how do you know he was audited personally)

He's a billionaire businessman. Just the kind of man the IRS would audit every year.

How do you know he isn't audited personally??

I wouldn't release my tax returns to anyone and neither would you.

They do not audit billionaires, I should you a link in one of my post on this thread stating the reasons. The rep led congress has cut funding to the IRS and Tramp as well. They do not have the resource to follow over 300 LLCS.

they may not audit every LLC every year, but they do audit every individual return with income in the hundreds of millions or more. If Trump was cheating the Obama IRS would have been screaming about it during the campaign, and you fricken well know it.
You are confused, unlike Trump (since 2008) Clinton’s gave millions to their charity.

How do we know? Well they did this crazy thing where they PUBLISHED THEIR FUCKING TAX RETURNS.
How did they do that when they were flat broke when they left the White House?

Omg dude, just READ the tax-returns or read an article to break it down for you.

How are you soo helpless???
In other words, you have not facts to support your claims.

Stop lying, those are not other words.

Want me to help your silly, helpless ass? Sure:

The Clintons climbed out of the multimillion-dollar hole via paid speeches and lucrative books deals. In his first year out of office, Bill gave 57 speeches and earned $13.7 million from his "speaking and writing" business, according to their tax return.

That same year, Hillary reportedly received a $2.9 million installment of an $8 million advance for her book "Living History." Bill collected a $10 million advance for "My Life."

The politicians brought home more than $153.7 million in paid speeches between 2001 and 2015.

Bill Clinton says he left the White House $16 million in debt
money laundering.

What has anyone got against clean money? :D
How did they do that when they were flat broke when they left the White House?

Omg dude, just READ the tax-returns or read an article to break it down for you.

How are you soo helpless???
In other words, you have not facts to support your claims.

Stop lying, those are not other words.

Want me to help your silly, helpless ass? Sure:

The Clintons climbed out of the multimillion-dollar hole via paid speeches and lucrative books deals. In his first year out of office, Bill gave 57 speeches and earned $13.7 million from his "speaking and writing" business, according to their tax return.

That same year, Hillary reportedly received a $2.9 million installment of an $8 million advance for her book "Living History." Bill collected a $10 million advance for "My Life."

The politicians brought home more than $153.7 million in paid speeches between 2001 and 2015.

Bill Clinton says he left the White House $16 million in debt
money laundering.

What has anyone got against clean money? :D
I've never understood that either.
According to Tramp, and no it did not.

Yeah, the Mueller report did.
Trump has been audited both personally and professionally many times. If there were anything to find the IRS would have found it.

Keep grasping at straws. You sure are a whinny little shit.
We have no proof of WHAT the Mueller Report did or didn't show because Barr is hiding it

And as far as "audits". Trump says all kinds of shit...very little of it true

And as far as "audits". Trump says all kinds of shit...very little of it true

View attachment 254657

If you're rich, there's a bigger chance you'll be audited by the IRS


The President's Tax Returns -

They can still give them to Congress if under audit. The Presidents since Nixon have all released their tax returns.

(by the way how do you know he was audited personally)
so, there is no requirement under the constitution to provide tax returns. He was a private citizen, and for that, I don't believe he needs to show them. a politician on my dime, is different, let's see all of the congresses tax returns and how they made millions making 170k a year.

Yes, I want to know how Harry Reid went to congress with a net worth of 80K and retired with a net worth of 50 million. Same question for all congress members of both parties.
Wrong. Obama's college records are sealed.
Do you know what Magna Cum Laude is bri ?? That's what Obama graduated Harvard with

except that not one professor or student who was there at the time remembers him. Can you explain that?
No I can't One Prof remembered Trump being the dumbest student he ever taught And Obama graduated MAGNA CUM LAUDE

How does one get a degree without ever attending a class? Maybe the same way the hollywood bitches got their kids into college.
Google it Red ,,get educated

google does not have his college records, they are sealed. Couple that with the FACT that not one student or professor remembers him, and you may begin to wonder about the Kenyan yourself.
Wrong. Obama's college records are sealed.
Do you know what Magna Cum Laude is bri ?? That's what Obama graduated Harvard with

except that not one professor or student who was there at the time remembers him. Can you explain that?
No I can't One Prof remembered Trump being the dumbest student he ever taught And Obama graduated MAGNA CUM LAUDE

How does one get a degree without ever attending a class? Maybe the same way the hollywood bitches got their kids into college.
Google it Red ,,get educated

Here you go, Redfish. You were pretty much right. This is evidently how snowflakes / Democrats do it. (Thanks for the 'Google' advice, Edward!)

Buy a Degree Online: Global Scam Exposed | GetEducated

Rochville University, an online college which awards diplomas based on life experience, granted an online MBA to’s mascot, a pug dog named Chester Ludlow, in June 2009.


Chester paid $499 for his diploma and transcripts, which came stamped with a 3.19 GPA. The dog received, as a part of his graduation packet, a website URL where future employers could go to “verify” his attendance and graduation. The packet was express-mailed from a post office box in Dubai.

Within the U.S., says Contreras, the biggest diploma mill is Almeda University, which operates out of Florida and Puerto Rico and is "licensed" in the Caribbean.

He's going to make a GREAT addition to the Dem-Run House, sitting right next to AOC!


A former lawyer for Trump claims that Trump lies on his taxes and describes how he was reimbursed for payment. Trump has not done anything to disprove this.

Releasing his tax returns will allow him to do the snoopy dance

or he might be in the dog house

Nixon had a tax audit and said I am not a crook

The audit said otherwise

every other candidate has released their taxes voluntarily since 1973?

They did another audit t office they reviewed these same taxes and they said he had cheated

Not releasing your taxes indicates you have something to hide

Trump always brags about his worthy and they can redact SSN and other sensitive infor

SO what does he have to hide
Bottom line, the Constitution says Trump is under no obligation to release his tax returns to anyone, especially desperate Dims looking for dirt.

Wrong. If they are subpoenaed, they have to deliver them to congress.

Congress has no right to subpoena individual tax returns.

Yes they do.
No they don't.
A former lawyer for Trump claims that Trump lies on his taxes and describes how he was reimbursed for payment. Trump has not done anything to disprove this.

Releasing his tax returns will allow him to do the snoopy dance

or he might be in the dog house

Nixon had a tax audit and said I am not a crook

The audit said otherwise

every other candidate has released their taxes voluntarily since 1973?

They did another audit t office they reviewed these same taxes and they said he had cheated

Not releasing your taxes indicates you have something to hide

Trump always brags about his worthy and they can redact SSN and other sensitive infor

SO what does he have to hide
Bottom line, the Constitution says Trump is under no obligation to release his tax returns to anyone, especially desperate Dims looking for dirt.

Wrong. If they are subpoenaed, they have to deliver them to congress.

Congress has no right to subpoena individual tax returns.

Yes they do.
No they don't.
Congressional rules empower all its standing committees with the authority to compel witnesses to produce testimony and documents for subjects under its jurisdiction. Committee rules may provide for the full committee to issue a subpoena, or permit subcommittees or the chairman (acting alone or with the ranking member) to issue subpoenas.

As announced in Wilkinson v. United States,[7] a Congressional committee must meet three requirements for its subpoenas to be "legally sufficient." First, the committee's investigation of the broad subject area must be authorized by its chamber; second, the investigation must pursue "a valid legislative purpose" but does not need to involve legislation and does not need to specify the ultimate intent of Congress; and third, the specific inquiries must be pertinent to the subject matter area that has been authorized for investigation.

The Court held in Eastland v. United States Servicemen's Fund[8] that Congressional subpoenas are within the scope of the Speech and Debate clause which provides "an absolute bar to judicial interference" once it is determined that Members are acting within the "legitimate legislative sphere" with such compulsory process. Under that ruling, courts generally do not hear motions to quash Congressional subpoenas; even when executive branch officials refuse to comply,
Congress is trying to get Trump's taxes. Every President since Nixon has released theirs and Trump "claims" he'd like to release them.

He is however fighting tooth and nail to keep them secret. His claim here is that he's under audit and for some reason that precludes him from releasing them. It doesn't.

The IRS does not lock them down for that reason, and it's CONGRESS requesting them in accordance with the law. In fact a refusal would put the the head of the IRS or Treasury Secretary in contempt of Congress.

And for what it's worth, Trump's former attorney Cohen testified under oath that Trump WASN'T under audit

What do you suppose he's hiding? Tax evasion? Money Laundering?

He's afraid of something obviously
Wouldnt the IRS know if he was laundering money or hiding it? They are the experts who handle tax returns, right? How dumb ARE you?
The request bears no relation to any legitimate legislative purpose. The Congressional requesters are aware of this fatal flaw, and have tried on occasion to present a logical justification, without success.

Congress' power to demand information does not override the Fourth Amendment.

Although there is in fact no Constitutional "Right of Privacy," if there were one (which Democrats insist is the case) it would preclude Congress from obtaining this information without the full consent of the subject (DT).

If there were any question about Donald Trump (private citizen) paying the taxes he is required by law to pay, the IRS is the instrument by which this question should and must be resolved. Not Congress.

The President and all of his active businesses are audited every stinkin' year.

Trump refused to publish his tax return in 2016 and was elected President. Case closed. Congress may not retroactively place an obligation on the President, nor, I suspect would any new law be effective against Trump in 2020, because he would be "grandfathered" under the old applicable laws, none of which requires public disclosure.
Bottom line, the Constitution says Trump is under no obligation to release his tax returns to anyone, especially desperate Dims looking for dirt.

Wrong. If they are subpoenaed, they have to deliver them to congress.

Congress has no right to subpoena individual tax returns.

Yes they do.
No they don't.
Congressional rules empower all its standing committees with the authority to compel witnesses to produce testimony and documents for subjects under its jurisdiction. Committee rules may provide for the full committee to issue a subpoena, or permit subcommittees or the chairman (acting alone or with the ranking member) to issue subpoenas.

As announced in Wilkinson v. United States,[7] a Congressional committee must meet three requirements for its subpoenas to be "legally sufficient." First, the committee's investigation of the broad subject area must be authorized by its chamber; second, the investigation must pursue "a valid legislative purpose" but does not need to involve legislation and does not need to specify the ultimate intent of Congress; and third, the specific inquiries must be pertinent to the subject matter area that has been authorized for investigation.

The Court held in Eastland v. United States Servicemen's Fund[8] that Congressional subpoenas are within the scope of the Speech and Debate clause which provides "an absolute bar to judicial interference" once it is determined that Members are acting within the "legitimate legislative sphere" with such compulsory process. Under that ruling, courts generally do not hear motions to quash Congressional subpoenas; even when executive branch officials refuse to comply,
look up 'compel'
Congress is trying to get Trump's taxes. Every President since Nixon has released theirs and Trump "claims" he'd like to release them.

He is however fighting tooth and nail to keep them secret. His claim here is that he's under audit and for some reason that precludes him from releasing them. It doesn't.

The IRS does not lock them down for that reason, and it's CONGRESS requesting them in accordance with the law. In fact a refusal would put the the head of the IRS or Treasury Secretary in contempt of Congress.

And for what it's worth, Trump's former attorney Cohen testified under oath that Trump WASN'T under audit

What do you suppose he's hiding? Tax evasion? Money Laundering?

He's afraid of something obviously
Wouldnt the IRS know if he was laundering money or hiding it? They are the experts who handle tax returns, right? How dumb ARE you?
she stayed in a Holiday Inn Express, and as such, knows more than the IRS and the AG.

Wouldnt the IRS know if he was laundering money or hiding it? They are the experts who handle tax returns, right? How dumb ARE you?
That would hold true for income tax, but they can't track everything else, although they have ways using back-channels (through the NSA who can share data with other agencies...IRS, DEA, FBI, etc) but this is unconstitutional surveillance and won't hold up in court -UNLESS- they find ways to use parallel construction showing a different source for the evidence.

Like the evidence found in the Cohen (illegal ?) break-in. Except for anything relating to Russian collusion in the election, any other criminal evidence found by the Mueller team would be inadmissible in court.

And, either way nothing will come of it until Trump leaves office.

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