Trump is incapable of telling the truth about the election

Classic projection. Trump wins in a historic electoral landslide and the Dems are still having tantrums because they cannot accept the result.
Historic electoral landslide?
Not much a history buff are you.
Oh wait.
Trump probably told you that and you believed him.
The truth that Trump won with a mandate?

What "mandate"? Hillary got THREE MILLION more votes! Plus, Trump had help from Putin, Wikileaks, and Comey. Trump is not a legitimate president. He's a poser.
What did she win?
That's not the question, the question is your idiotic assertion that trump won with a
Like you can have a mandate and lose the popular vote.
Deplorables! They throw around words they don't understand.
Dumber than dirt.
Classic projection. Trump wins in a historic electoral landslide and the Dems are still having tantrums because they cannot accept the result.

I thought it was Trump that wasn't going to accept t he results if he lost?
Is that what he actually said, or is that what you have been brainwashed into presuming that he actually said?

Classic projection. Trump wins in a historic electoral landslide and the Dems are still having tantrums because they cannot accept the result.

What was historic about it and how does it qualify as a landslide?
I know Trump spanked the media, and it was delightful!
The fact you think that is hilarious. You hate when the media fact checks Trump and reveals him to a liar.
Without a free press we're Russia,
Oh wait. We're almost there.
Putin hates the press too and hasmurdered 35 of them since 2000.
Must be what Trump likes about him.
1. Trump victory against Clinton was not historical. Was it hysterical?

Sure but Reagan and Nixon victories were historical along with Obama victory in 2008, but not Trump victory!

2. Trump has no mandate and fuck sake his own political party treat him as a damn joke!

God help America when Trump and his damn voters believe his win was historical at all!
NY Carbineer's comments deserve to be in a textbook for Psych 101 classes.

Is that what passes for an intelligent comment inside your bunker?
Relax...your Hillary won the polls....:lol:

We don't have to lie about what Hillary did in the election. You people in the Trump cult are so programmed you're incapable of telling the truth.
What Hillary did was cheat during the primary, which really pissed off people like life-long socialists such as Putin who have always espoused communist/socialist government, like Hillary's rival Sanders.

That's the truth.
The truth that Trump won with a mandate?

What "mandate"? Hillary got THREE MILLION more votes! Plus, Trump had help from Putin, Wikileaks, and Comey. Trump is not a legitimate president. He's a poser.
What did she win?
That's not the question, the question is your idiotic assertion that trump won with a
Like you can have a mandate and lose the popular vote.
Deplorables! They throw around words they don't understand.
Dumber than dirt.
An impressive mandate at that.....
I mean, he straight up lied about his electoral vote and got called on it. Then he backpedals and says he 'just received this information'. These aren't #altfacts, I just saw him do this on live TV. What a narcissistic joke some folks elected POTUS.
How can this nation trust someone so lost in translation, surrounded by YES men and who clearly is mentally incapable of facts??? (sigh), and when the GOP is asked questions about this guy, its always always, well, uhm, I haven't heard that or I wasn't listening....such cowards....the leaders we have in this country.
Classic projection. Trump wins in a historic electoral landslide and the Dems are still having tantrums because they cannot accept the result.

What was historic about it and how does it qualify as a landslide?
Trump was supposed to to win only 163 EC votes.....instead, he won with a mandate....

You really need to pay more attention if you want to play here.....:lol:
Classic projection. Trump wins in a historic electoral landslide and the Dems are still having tantrums because they cannot accept the result.

What was historic about it and how does it qualify as a landslide?
Trump was supposed to to win only 163 EC votes.....instead, he won with a mandate....

You really need to pay more attention if you want to play here.....:lol:
Mandate my black ass.......the only mandate this white bitch got from his voters is to make white people feel good about having a idiot white man back in the house.....mandate granted!!
Classic projection. Trump wins in a historic electoral landslide and the Dems are still having tantrums because they cannot accept the result.

What was historic about it and how does it qualify as a landslide?
Trump was supposed to to win only 163 EC votes.....instead, he won with a mandate....

You really need to pay more attention if you want to play here.....:lol:
Actually you need to pay more attention..."mandate"
Classic projection. Trump wins in a historic electoral landslide and the Dems are still having tantrums because they cannot accept the result.

What was historic about it and how does it qualify as a landslide?
Trump was supposed to to win only 163 EC votes.....instead, he won with a mandate....

You really need to pay more attention if you want to play here.....:lol:

He said Trump won an electoral landslide.

You really need to read more if you want to play here.....:laugh:

He is not Nixon and please idiots made the same comments about GWB, so let be factual Trump is just some rich asshole out of touch with reality and nothing more.
You're worse than Trump. What was 'historic' about Trump's win?

Oh, let me tell you.

For a year and a half, the media and the Democrats basically threw her a coronation. She was a shoo in who could not be stopped. A juggernaut. When Trump rose to the top of the Republican primary polls and won the nomination, you said he'd never beat her amid all his statements and brash behavior.

When election night came around, you, the media, and the Democratic party continued her coronation, expecting her presidency to be at hand by 9 o'clock on the East Coast. But at 20 minutes till 3 AM, Trump, not Hillary, was elected as the next president of the United States.

What was historic about it? All that hype, all that pomp and circumstance for Clinton, only to see her fall so mightily to the biggest political underdog in American history.

She didn't lose, Trump won. It was a monumental upset. It was your "Dewey defeats Truman" moment.
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