Trump is ineligible to run for office.

I can smell your fear from here. He isn't going to be stopped. Read it carefully. The 14th was about stopping any Southerners who were part of the rebellion from being able to serve. Your list is quite specific and POTUS isn't on that list. OTOH, the Constitution clearly defines the qualifications to run for and hold that office.

Finally, just because your media masters keep repeating the mantra about insurrection or rebellion, it doesn't make that true. Suck it up and get ready to choose whether or not you're going to be willing to do more than be a keyboard warrior. If/when he wins, that propaganda war is going to demand that people get in the streets to "resist" Trump. It'll be time to put up or shut up. If your party tries to pull another 2020, this country is going to burn.
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Under the 14th amendment section 3, anyone who has taken an oath to uphold the Constitution and took part in an insurrection OR GAVE COMFORT TO THOSE WHO DID are ineligible to run for office.
Long story, short. Traitors are ineligible to hold office.
That piece of shit Obama was ineligible to run for the office of President because he was born in a foreign country but that didn't prevent him from doing it or prevent the morons from voting for him, did it?
Under the 14th amendment section 3, anyone who has taken an oath to uphold the Constitution and took part in an insurrection OR GAVE COMFORT TO THOSE WHO DID are ineligible to run for office.
Long story, short. Traitors are ineligible to hold office.

You'd better think very carefully before you open that Pandora's Box.

The evidence that Trump did any such thing is very dubious.

On the other hand, nearly all of the members of Congress on your side have aided and abetted foreign criminals invading our country across our southern border. That exactly meets the Constitutional definition of treason.

If we start looking seriously into which politicians have committed treason or insurrection against the United States, and removing from office any who have, it would be a bloodbath against you side.
If we start looking seriously into which politicians have committed treason or insurrection against the United States, and removing from office any who have, it would be a bloodbath against you side.
It would be a bloodbath across the entire political arena - and certainly not just democrats.
What August West stated is absolutely correct - the only question remaining is, are they going to proof it, and thus tie their own nooses.
The crime is that anyone is supporting him much less the majority of Republicans. He should have been impeached and jailed for the attempted coup with overwhelming bipartisan support.

However the die has been cast. If Biden loses I suspect Kamala will throw out the electors from states he lost and the right wingers in America will support Biden’s actions to protect integrity of our elections. :rolleyes:
Under the 14th amendment section 3, anyone who has taken an oath to uphold the Constitution and took part in an insurrection OR GAVE COMFORT TO THOSE WHO DID are ineligible to run for office.
Long story, short. Traitors are ineligible to hold office.
He won't win anyways. It would take a miracle or a bad/very unpopular Dem candidate for Trump to lose in 2024. The GOP are at a disadvantage and they know it, that's fine with them as they prefer being the opposition.
Unstable liberals are shitting themselves from the excitement of a possible disqualification of Trump. Fruit of the loom stock soars as liberals are forced to throw out tens of thousands of shit caked undies.
He can’t win. Not enough support. I am all for him running. However, it’s probably best if he pays the consequences of being an insurrectionist.
Under the 14th amendment section 3, anyone who has taken an oath to uphold the Constitution and took part in an insurrection OR GAVE COMFORT TO THOSE WHO DID are ineligible to run for office.
Long story, short. Traitors are ineligible to hold office.
The question I would ask here...

Could an individual (or organisation) sue for this OR would it have to be the Government?
That piece of shit Obama was ineligible to run for the office of President because he was born in a foreign country but that didn't prevent him from doing it or prevent the morons from voting for him, did it?
Hawaii is a state under US jurisdiction. If Obama had been born in British East Africa his birth would have been registered at the nearest US embassy and he would be a US citizen at birth. There would also be a paper trail. You are pitifully ignorant.

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