Trump is ineligible to run for office.

The crime is that anyone is supporting him much less the majority of Republicans. He should have been impeached and jailed for the attempted coup with overwhelming bipartisan support.

However the die has been cast. If Biden loses I suspect Kamala will throw out the electors from states he lost and the right wingers in America will support Biden’s actions to protect integrity of our elections. :rolleyes:
There was no attempted coup. It was an attempt to get the voting irregularities looked at before certification.
an insurrection OR GAVE COMFORT TO THOSE WHO DID are ineligible to run for office
There are precisely two potential elements to Treason and they aren't about "feelings" or media messaging. Treason is the ONLY crime that is specifically defined in our Constitution. Both of those elements require proving that the accused either literally took up arms against America in time of war, OR directly provided aid and comfort to enemies of the country DURING A WAR. There is no way Trump is going to be disqualified based on either of those standards. But by all means, do get your hopes up so he can once again slap them down. ;)
Hawaii is a state under US jurisdiction. If Obama had been born in British East Africa his birth would have been registered at the nearest US embassy and he would be a US citizen at birth. There would also be a paper trail. You are pitifully ignorant.
Anyone with an American parent, who is born abroad, is considered to be an American. As it is with Ted Cruz and John McCain.

In other words, Obama's mother was American, therefore - born anywhere in the world, if that had been the case - Barack Obama would always be an American.

Neither Cruz nor McCain were harassed about where they were born, and they were born abroad. Not Obama.

Obama was born in Hawaii. The whole birtherism was spread by Trump because Trump could not stand seeing a black person as President of the US. And so did many who repeated that lie.
Hawaii is a state under US jurisdiction. If Obama had been born in British East Africa his birth would have been registered at the nearest US embassy and he would be a US citizen at birth. There would also be a paper trail. You are pitifully ignorant.
False! His mother wasn't old enough to confer citizenship to him at the time due the immigration laws. Plus he was a British subject at birth due to his alleged father. A British subject is not an Article 2 Section 1 natural born Citizen.
There was no attempted coup. It was an attempt to get the voting irregularities looked at before certification.

What was there to be ”looked at”?

The results had been looked at for two months and certified by the states.
With the inauguration only two weeks away, what did you hope to find by Jan 20?

Trumps term ended Jan 20
What did you expect to happen?
False! His mother wasn't old enough to confer citizenship to him at the time due the immigration laws. Plus he was a British subject at birth due to his alleged father. A British subject is not an Article 2 Section 1 natural born Citizen.
There are precisely two potential elements to Treason and they aren't about "feelings" or media messaging. Treason is the ONLY crime that is specifically defined in our Constitution. Both of those elements require proving that the accused either literally took up arms against America in time of war, OR directly provided aid and comfort to enemies of the country DURING A WAR. There is no way Trump is going to be disqualified based on either of those standards. But by all means, do get your hopes up so he can once again slap them down. ;)

He told them he loved them and later, that he pardon them.
You'd better think very carefully before you open that Pandora's Box.

The evidence that Trump did any such thing is very dubious.

On the other hand, nearly all of the members of Congress on your side have aided and abetted foreign criminals invading our country across our southern border. That exactly meets the Constitutional definition of treason.

If we start looking seriously into which politicians have committed treason or insurrection against the United States, and removing from office any who have, it would be a bloodbath against you side.
Plus the democrat Party planned and carried out the J6 Reichstag Fire Insurrection
There was no attempted coup. It was an attempt to get the voting irregularities looked at before certification.
He publicly called on his Vice President to have the courage to throw out votes. He has said in interviews since then that is what should have occurred and what he tried to get to occur. That is a coup.
Under the 14th amendment section 3, anyone who has taken an oath to uphold the Constitution and took part in an insurrection OR GAVE COMFORT TO THOSE WHO DID are ineligible to run for office.
Long story, short. Traitors are ineligible to hold office.

And where is this court documents saying he was tried and convicted of an insurrection?

He has spent literally years being impeached, sued, indicted and attacked by an entire administration of his most hated enemies with the federal government at their disposal and God knows how much money and they haven't been able to prove anything. If they can't do it by now they never will.

What will it take for you to finally realize he did not create an insurrection? How many more years of them trying to show it before you say maybe he didn't do it.
False! His mother wasn't old enough to confer citizenship to him at the time due the immigration laws. Plus he was a British subject at birth due to his alleged father. A British subject is not an Article 2 Section 1 natural born Citizen.
Lol. Obama's mother was a US citizen from birth. Her US citizenship didn't activate at a particular age. My God, you're stupid.
Anyone with an American parent, who is born abroad, is considered to be an American. As it is with Ted Cruz and John McCain.

In other words, Obama's mother was American, therefore - born anywhere in the world, if that had been the case - Barack Obama would always be an American.

Neither Cruz nor McCain were harassed about where they were born, and they were born abroad. Not Obama.

Obama was born in Hawaii. The whole birtherism was spread by Trump because Trump could not stand seeing a black person as President of the US. And so did many who repeated that lie.
Actually Birtherism was started by Hillary Clinton's campaign.
Under the 14th amendment section 3, anyone who has taken an oath to uphold the Constitution and took part in an insurrection OR GAVE COMFORT TO THOSE WHO DID are ineligible to run for office.
Long story, short. Traitors are ineligible to hold office.
The Kenyan also should never of been allowed to be President either, but when one Constitution law is broken, then all can be broken?

. It'll be time to put up or shut up. If your party tries to pull another 2020, this country is going to burn.
That appears to be a rather cryptic assertion.
Would the poster Esdraelon explain himself/herself here?
"pull another 2020"....... means what?
"country is going to burn"......means exactly what?
Can Esdraelon vet either claim? How would he/she know?
Many of us here want to take him/her seriously, most particularly when cryptic claims sound ominous.
Accoringly, Esdraelon needs to more fullly explain the assertions.


There was no insurrection,
Looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a is a _ _ _ _.

Obama was ineligible to run for the office of President because he was born in a foreign country
Oh boy, that's an oldie but goodie.
Some posters here evidently have very limited access to: the internet; to quality newspapers; to the TV, radio. To informed friends, colleagues, neighbors and family.
It's sad. Bigly.

It would take a miracle or a bad/very unpopular Dem candidate for Trump to lose in 2024.
Is the above sentence properly worded?
It appears to be in conflict with the context of the rest of the post by that poster.

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