Trump Is Launching A School Prayer Crusade.

Sorry this was dumped for no Source, I assumed it was general knowledge.
Trump tells evangelical rally he will put prayer in schools
Pitiful attempt to get votes from the evangelicals hate groups. You will watch him step up the hatred for votes , my best guess is 60 to 70% of his support are hate voters. He will spew hatred in every direction now to get his stupid army working for him, maybe killing for him, he wouldn't or couldn't care at all. He literally is pond scum.

Sorry this was dumped for no Source, I assumed it was general knowledge.
Trump tells evangelical rally he will put prayer in schools
Pitiful attempt to get votes from the evangelicals hate groups. You will watch him step up the hatred for votes , my best guess is 60 to 70% of his support are hate voters. He will spew hatred in every direction now to get his stupid army working for him, maybe killing for him, he wouldn't or couldn't care at all. He literally is pond scum.
The evangelical crowd still thinks Mexico is paying for the wall and that Lyin' Ted is not a citizen

Liberals keep forgetting we were founded as a Christian nation.

but they founded out we wanted freedom of religion, so they put it the constitution to make sure we had freedom from religion in our government.

Sorry this was dumped for no Source, I assumed it was general knowledge.
Trump tells evangelical rally he will put prayer in schools
Pitiful attempt to get votes from the evangelicals hate groups. You will watch him step up the hatred for votes , my best guess is 60 to 70% of his support are hate voters. He will spew hatred in every direction now to get his stupid army working for him, maybe killing for him, he wouldn't or couldn't care at all. He literally is pond scum.
Yet another example of the religious right’s contempt for the First Amendment, and the arrogance common to most Christian conservatives.

LefTard Logic:
"In a country founded on Christianity, prayer has no place in our schools...HOWEVER, total LefTarded indoctrination should definitely be employed as often as possible."

Sorry this was dumped for no Source, I assumed it was general knowledge.
Trump tells evangelical rally he will put prayer in schools
Pitiful attempt to get votes from the evangelicals hate groups. You will watch him step up the hatred for votes , my best guess is 60 to 70% of his support are hate voters. He will spew hatred in every direction now to get his stupid army working for him, maybe killing for him, he wouldn't or couldn't care at all. He literally is pond scum.

Sorry this was dumped for no Source, I assumed it was general knowledge.
Trump tells evangelical rally he will put prayer in schools
Pitiful attempt to get votes from the evangelicals hate groups. You will watch him step up the hatred for votes , my best guess is 60 to 70% of his support are hate voters. He will spew hatred in every direction now to get his stupid army working for him, maybe killing for him, he wouldn't or couldn't care at all. He literally is pond scum.
The evangelical crowd still thinks Mexico is paying for the wall and that Lyin' Ted is not a citizen

Liberals keep forgetting we were founded as a Christian nation.

but they founded out we wanted freedom of religion, so they put it the constitution to make sure we had freedom from religion in our government.

Sorry this was dumped for no Source, I assumed it was general knowledge.
Trump tells evangelical rally he will put prayer in schools
Pitiful attempt to get votes from the evangelicals hate groups. You will watch him step up the hatred for votes , my best guess is 60 to 70% of his support are hate voters. He will spew hatred in every direction now to get his stupid army working for him, maybe killing for him, he wouldn't or couldn't care at all. He literally is pond scum.
Yet another example of the religious right’s contempt for the First Amendment, and the arrogance common to most Christian conservatives.

LefTard Logic:
"In a country founded on Christianity, prayer has no place in our schools...HOWEVER, total LefTarded indoctrination should definitely be employed as often as possible."


Ya bro hail satan. Thoughts n prayers.
Sorry this was dumped for no Source, I assumed it was general knowledge.
Trump tells evangelical rally he will put prayer in schools
Pitiful attempt to get votes from the evangelicals hate groups. You will watch him step up the hatred for votes , my best guess is 60 to 70% of his support are hate voters. He will spew hatred in every direction now to get his stupid army working for him, maybe killing for him, he wouldn't or couldn't care at all. He literally is pond scum.

So exactly what grade of leftist lunatic are you to imagine that evangelicals are a hate group?

Good God you can't elect the devil himself and claim to be a christian . Doesn't work that way/ If they support Scum Bag they are controlled by hatred. This isn't rocket science.
Holy shit. Think he's gonna let the Muslims pray a few times each day in school too! Class bell, Lunch bell, Call to Prays bell.

Remember to send your kids to school with their prayer rugs parents......

What about children of the Rastafarians. Will they get special ventilated prayer rooms?

And don't forget the Pastafarians - will they get special school lunches?
Sorry this was dumped for no Source, I assumed it was general knowledge.
Trump tells evangelical rally he will put prayer in schools
Pitiful attempt to get votes from the evangelicals hate groups. You will watch him step up the hatred for votes , my best guess is 60 to 70% of his support are hate voters. He will spew hatred in every direction now to get his stupid army working for him, maybe killing for him, he wouldn't or couldn't care at all. He literally is pond scum.

Sorry this was dumped for no Source, I assumed it was general knowledge.
Trump tells evangelical rally he will put prayer in schools
Pitiful attempt to get votes from the evangelicals hate groups. You will watch him step up the hatred for votes , my best guess is 60 to 70% of his support are hate voters. He will spew hatred in every direction now to get his stupid army working for him, maybe killing for him, he wouldn't or couldn't care at all. He literally is pond scum.
The evangelical crowd still thinks Mexico is paying for the wall and that Lyin' Ted is not a citizen

Liberals keep forgetting we were founded as a Christian nation.

but they founded out we wanted freedom of religion, so they put it the constitution to make sure we had freedom from religion in our government.

Sorry this was dumped for no Source, I assumed it was general knowledge.
Trump tells evangelical rally he will put prayer in schools
Pitiful attempt to get votes from the evangelicals hate groups. You will watch him step up the hatred for votes , my best guess is 60 to 70% of his support are hate voters. He will spew hatred in every direction now to get his stupid army working for him, maybe killing for him, he wouldn't or couldn't care at all. He literally is pond scum.
Yet another example of the religious right’s contempt for the First Amendment, and the arrogance common to most Christian conservatives.

LefTard Logic:
"In a country founded on Christianity, prayer has no place in our schools...HOWEVER, total LefTarded indoctrination should definitely be employed as often as possible."



Kids can pray in school.
Prayer was never removed from schools. Students can pray all they want.
Sorry this was dumped for no Source, I assumed it was general knowledge.
Trump tells evangelical rally he will put prayer in schools
Pitiful attempt to get votes from the evangelicals hate groups. You will watch him step up the hatred for votes , my best guess is 60 to 70% of his support are hate voters. He will spew hatred in every direction now to get his stupid army working for him, maybe killing for him, he wouldn't or couldn't care at all. He literally is pond scum.

What's "hateful" about prayer to Almighty God?

I went to the Christian School system and we always prayed in school. And BTW, our test scores and results were a lot better than the local Governmental schools. I didn't knead to bring a shiv into class like those in public school.

I don't normally do this, but when one is pretending to be intellectually superior to others.......

It's "I didn't need to......."

Not "I didn't knead to......"
Liberals keep forgetting we were founded as a Christian nation.
That is about as lame a comment that you can pull up, also 100% wrong .
A little story for the mentally weak. The treaty of Tripoli in 1796 was our first treaty it was supported with a standing ovation of all of congress with 100% support. At the time there was writers and signers of the Declaration of independence and the constitution itself in this 1796 congress, Our forefathers . After it was signed and ratified John Adams who at the time was president, said to a cheering congress that now we are a nation and he signed the treaty - OK are you hate party members still with me on this - so what did the congress think of this stupid remark of lennyparty"Liberals keep forgetting we were founded as a Christian nation" I'll show you, it's the 11th article of this treaty it defines it completely. "Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen (Muslims); and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan (Mohammedan) nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries." I think that clears that up/ The right lives on bullshit proven once more by me.
Sorry this was dumped for no Source, I assumed it was general knowledge.
Trump tells evangelical rally he will put prayer in schools
Pitiful attempt to get votes from the evangelicals hate groups. You will watch him step up the hatred for votes , my best guess is 60 to 70% of his support are hate voters. He will spew hatred in every direction now to get his stupid army working for him, maybe killing for him, he wouldn't or couldn't care at all. He literally is pond scum.

What's "hateful" about prayer to Almighty God?

I went to the Christian School system and we always prayed in school. And BTW, our test scores and results were a lot better than the local Governmental schools. I didn't knead to bring a shiv into class like those in public school.
ya a pussy. that lives in a make believe world of lies
Trump tells evangelical rally he will put prayer in schools
Pitiful attempt to get votes from the evangelicals hate groups.
So exactly what grade of leftist lunatic are you to imagine that evangelicals are a hate group?

Almost certainly the sort who thinks it's fine for homosexuals/transsexuals/pedophiles to push their sick agenda at young children in public schools, but finds it unthinkable and “hateful” to suggest that prayer, or anything to do with religion should be allowed there.
Quite the imagination. winning a argument with make believe.
Sorry this was dumped for no Source, I assumed it was general knowledge.
Trump tells evangelical rally he will put prayer in schools
Pitiful attempt to get votes from the evangelicals hate groups. You will watch him step up the hatred for votes , my best guess is 60 to 70% of his support are hate voters. He will spew hatred in every direction now to get his stupid army working for him, maybe killing for him, he wouldn't or couldn't care at all. He literally is pond scum.

What's "hateful" about prayer to Almighty God?

I went to the Christian School system and we always prayed in school. And BTW, our test scores and results were a lot better than the local Governmental schools. I didn't knead to bring a shiv into class like those in public school.

I don't normally do this, but when one is pretending to be intellectually superior to others.......

It's "I didn't need to......."

Not "I didn't knead to......"
Boy I'm going to be in trouble if you start throwing rocks because of that.
Liberals keep forgetting we were founded as a Christian nation.

but they founded out we wanted freedom of religion, so they put it the constitution to make sure we had freedom from religion in our government.

The russian bot you replied to doesn't realize that it is talking about the pilgrims. Yes that British colony was founded as a christian nation. It was the same people who put people in public stocks, publicly beat people and burned women at the stake for being a witch.

The founders of the United States of America fought to end that British colony. They went to war and won.

They established a secular nation with freedom of religion and the separation of church and state. Including that the government can't establish any religion nor can it put one religion before another one nor does allow any religious test for anyone to run and hold public office.

russians aren't properly taught the history of the United States of America so they still believe we are a British colony christian nation.
Sorry this was dumped for no Source, I assumed it was general knowledge.
Trump tells evangelical rally he will put prayer in schools
Pitiful attempt to get votes from the evangelicals hate groups. You will watch him step up the hatred for votes , my best guess is 60 to 70% of his support are hate voters. He will spew hatred in every direction now to get his stupid army working for him, maybe killing for him, he wouldn't or couldn't care at all. He literally is pond scum.

Good news.
Hell I can pray anywhere and at any time. but my government can't tell me to pray or who to pray to. The fastest way to destroy a government is tying it to a religion. That's why our forefathers were against it. The joke is that the Evangelicals think that they will be the influence in government if they are put together but the Catholics and the Baptist will bury them in numbers and control and they hate both of them and the Catholics and Baptist aren't very exited about the evangelical movement in the least. They won't even have a voice if they got their way. . Love it.

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