Trump Is Launching A School Prayer Crusade.

Holy shit. Think he's gonna let the Muslims pray a few times each day in school too! Class bell, Lunch bell, Call to Prays bell.

Remember to send your kids to school with their prayer rugs parents......

What about children of the Rastafarians. Will they get special ventilated prayer rooms?

And don't forget the Pastafarians - will they get special school lunches?

They only get special lunches if they wear their colanders to class.
Prayer was never removed from schools. Students can pray all they want.
Recited prayer was removed from school.

A student can recite any prayer they want to.

That's really not true. Government schools prohibit the mention of Almighty God and His role in the founding of our nation, much less prayers to Him.

Witnesses before the court, are required to make an oath, to wit"I, A. B., do swear by Almighty God, the searcher of all hearts, that I will , and that as I shall answer to God at the last great day."

Unless they are taught about Almighty God and the judgment that He will inflict on people on that last, great day, how can they in good faith make the oath?

Where did you dig up that huge pile of bullshit?
He [President Trump] literally is pond scum.

An amazingly ignorant statement, in two respects.

First of all, the use of the word “literally”. Do you know what that word means? Hint: No matter how similar you may think President Trump may be to pond scum, he is not, and can never be, literally pond scum. Only actual pond scum, that is, algae growing in a pond or other similar body of standing water, is literally pond scum. Any metaphorical or allegorical use of the term “pond scum” to describe something other than actual pond scum is figurative, and not literal.

Every time one of you LIbEral cretins misuses the word “literally” in this manner, you only broadcast how unforgivably stupid you are.

Second, the figurative use of the term “pond scum” as an pejorative only demonstrates how ignorant one is about actual pond scum, how one assumes it to be generally filthy and disgusting.

In truth, most pond scum is actually quite beautiful, when properly viewed. It's a wonderful form of life, often forming an essential basis for any biome in which it is found. It provides food and oxygen and shelter for other forms of life. It's probably fair to say that in pond-based biomes, it fills a role comparable to what trees and other green plants fill in terrestrial biomes.

I present, here, some pictures which I, myself, have taken of actual pond scum, through the microscope that I inherited from my father when he passed away eleven years ago.

The following pictures are literally of pond scum… (Note the correct use of the word “literally” as opposed to your ignorant and stupid misuse of the word.)

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Sorry this was dumped for no Source, I assumed it was general knowledge.
Trump tells evangelical rally he will put prayer in schools
Pitiful attempt to get votes from the evangelicals hate groups. You will watch him step up the hatred for votes , my best guess is 60 to 70% of his support are hate voters. He will spew hatred in every direction now to get his stupid army working for him, maybe killing for him, he wouldn't or couldn't care at all. He literally is pond scum.
You're triggered because other people might pray?

Get a life.
This whole "school prayer" thing is a bunch of bullshit. Students have always been allowed to pray in schools, so long as no adult staff are leading them and they pray at times that are appropriate and not disturb the school day or those around them, so long as adults are not involved, and no student is being proselytized, bullied, or forced to participate. Also, these "school prayer" numbskulls don't realize that people can pray silently wherever they happen to be. They just want forced public grandstanding.

These "evangelical" fundie "Christian" cultists just want to get their hands on kids when their parents aren't around. They simply refuse to acknowledge that Christians of other denominations, non-Christians of other faiths, as well as atheists, and agnostics also exist. Some school districts have gone so far as to hold mandatory assemblies for students that feature fundie speakers.

They also refuse to acknowledge that it is the parents who are in charge of all aspects of their children's upbringing, including religion, not the schools, but somehow manage to screech loudly at the same time about their objections to the school's curriculum regarding sexual matters and other religions and cultures.
“We are defending religion itself, it’s under siege,” Trump said. “A society without religion cannot prosper.”

“These angry radicals want to impose absolute conformity by censuring speech, tearing down crosses and symbols of faith and banning religious believers from public life.”

“Very soon I’ll be taking action to safeguard students and teachers’ First Amendment rights to pray in our schools,” Trump said.

So Trump's out to make sure all them 'lil Muslim kids can bow to the east in school?

We need the school prayer that we had 60 years ago.
There was none buddy, not in any school I went to , I grew up in Wayzata. They were smart enough to keep it out of their schools. This thinking is strictly red neck thinking

I grew up in a community of Immigrants, not "rednecks" at all. My grandfathers came across the Atlantic initially to pursue challenging ground floor opportunities in the field of bituminous excavation and transportation. Not "rednecks" by any stretch of the imagination. Unlike the libs of their time, they didn't call black guys "n-words" or anything like that. Felt it was demeaning to them as folks of royal Polish blood to use such foul language and realized that it would reflect worse on them than on the black guys.
Ok prince- Royal Polish Blood , Good Grief.

Maybe ignorami like yourself used foul language, I was just pointing out that I learned better, that it was beneath me.
So what were you pointing out by naming yourself the polishprince. Now whats beneath you calling me a Ignorami , the point is you are bullshit by all definitions. Next is your are suppose to go after my spelling and the way I conjugate a verb . I know the routine Prince.
This whole "school prayer" thing is a bunch of bullshit. Students have always been allowed to pray in schools, so long as no adult staff are leading them and they pray at times that are appropriate and not disturb the school day or those around them, so long as adults are not involved, and no student is being proselytized, bullied, or forced to participate. Also, these "school prayer" numbskulls don't realize that people can pray silently wherever they happen to be. They just want forced public grandstanding.

These "evangelical" fundie "Christian" cultists just want to get their hands on kids when their parents aren't around. They simply refuse to acknowledge that Christians of other denominations, non-Christians of other faiths, as well as atheists, and agnostics also exist. Some school districts have gone so far as to hold mandatory assemblies for students that feature fundie speakers.

They also refuse to acknowledge that it is the parents who are in charge of all aspects of their children's upbringing, including religion, not the schools, but somehow manage to screech loudly at the same time about their objections to the school's curriculum regarding sexual matters and other religions and cultures.
If you take away their bullshit about not being able to pray in schools , you are literally destroying them because that's what they are that's all they are. Religious haters. That is the definition of evangelicals
Sounds like a wonderful plan to me. Today's kids NEED religion now more than ever, especially with the crap they're being taught in schools.

Today's kids also need to •NOT• be taught some of the insane and immoral crap that they're being taught. The homosexual/transsexual/pedophile agenda being taught in schools is at least as harmful to the children being so targeted, as a healthy teaching of religion and religious values would be beneficial. Those sick perverts need to be in prison, not in public schools, not in public libraries, and not in any setting where they have any access to, or influence over children.
Look at his tack on post, everything in it is a lie. The truth doesn't get them what they want . they just lie. Sounds like someone doesn't it/
“We are defending religion itself, it’s under siege,” Trump said. “A society without religion cannot prosper.”

“These angry radicals want to impose absolute conformity by censuring speech, tearing down crosses and symbols of faith and banning religious believers from public life.”

“Very soon I’ll be taking action to safeguard students and teachers’ First Amendment rights to pray in our schools,” Trump said.

So Trump's out to make sure all them 'lil Muslim kids can bow to the east in school?

Well actually he is trying to push a evangelical idea just to kill them.
Remember scum bag is only doing this for votes , he needs this type of hate to operate and to stay in power and he went to the place that it thrives the most , the evangelicals, with their made up religion.
He [President Trump] literally is pond scum.

An amazingly ignorant statement, in two respects.

First of all, the use of the word “literally”. Do you know what that word means? Hint: No matter how similar you may think President Trump may be to pond scum, he is not, and can never be, literally pond scum. Only actual pond scum, that is, algae growing in a pond or other similar body of standing water, is literally pond scum. Any metaphorical or allegorical use of the term “pond scum” to describe something other than actual pond scum is figurative, and not literal.

Every time one of you LIbEral cretins misuses the word “literally” in this manner, you only broadcast how unforgivably stupid you are.

Second, the figurative use of the term “pond scum” as an pejorative only demonstrates how ignorant one is about actual pond scum, how one assumes it to be generally filthy and disgusting.

In truth, most pond scum is actually quite beautiful, when properly viewed. It's a wonderful form of life, often forming an essential basis for any biome in which it is found. It provides food and oxygen and shelter for other forms of life. It's probably fair to say that in pond-based biomes, it fills a role comparable to what trees and other green plants fill in terrestrial biomes.

I present, here, some pictures which I, myself, have taken of actual pond scum, through the microscope that I inherited from my father when he passed away eleven years ago.

The following pictures are literally of pond scum… (Note the correct use of the word “literally” as opposed to your ignorant and stupid misuse of the word.)

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Remember this nonsense is because I used the word literally. You can't make this shit up. I guess this is a serious issue for this guy. Strange world he lives in.
Sorry this was dumped for no Source, I assumed it was general knowledge.
Trump tells evangelical rally he will put prayer in schools
Pitiful attempt to get votes from the evangelicals hate groups. You will watch him step up the hatred for votes , my best guess is 60 to 70% of his support are hate voters. He will spew hatred in every direction now to get his stupid army working for him, maybe killing for him, he wouldn't or couldn't care at all. He literally is pond scum.
You're triggered because other people might pray?

Get a life.
I pray multiple times a day. My God is not your God, my God is Jesus and he would not support your hatred.
Government mandated prayer, it just doesn't get any better.
What bothers me the most is that this is what our forefathers protected us from in the constitution, they said as clear as day that in no way are we a Christian nation. Literally.

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