Trump Is Launching A School Prayer Crusade.

Prayer was never removed from schools. Students can pray all they want.
Recited prayer was removed from school.

A student can recite any prayer they want to.

That's really not true. Government schools prohibit the mention of Almighty God and His role in the founding of our nation, much less prayers to Him.

Witnesses before the court, are required to make an oath, to wit"I, A. B., do swear by Almighty God, the searcher of all hearts, that I will , and that as I shall answer to God at the last great day."

Unless they are taught about Almighty God and the judgment that He will inflict on people on that last, great day, how can they in good faith make the oath?
Sorry this was dumped for no Source, I assumed it was general knowledge.
Trump tells evangelical rally he will put prayer in schools
Pitiful attempt to get votes from the evangelicals hate groups. You will watch him step up the hatred for votes , my best guess is 60 to 70% of his support are hate voters. He will spew hatred in every direction now to get his stupid army working for him, maybe killing for him, he wouldn't or couldn't care at all. He literally is pond scum.
Sounds like a wonderful plan to me. Today's kids NEED religion now more than ever, especially with the crap they're being taught in schools.
We need the school prayer that we had 60 years ago.

When we had school prayer in the Government schools, the major discipline problems teachers faced were gum chewing, and running in the hallways. Now , the major problems in the public schools are rape, assault and even murder.

Studies have proven this.

A return to school prayer in the government schools would be tremendous.
Prayer was never removed from schools. Students can pray all they want.
Recited prayer was removed from school.

A student can recite any prayer they want to.

That's really not true. Government schools prohibit the mention of Almighty God and His role in the founding of our nation, much less prayers to Him.

A student can say whatever they like.

before the court, are required to make an oath, to wit"I, A. B., do swear by Almighty God, the searcher of all hearts, that I will , and that as I shall answer to God at the last great day."

Unless they are taught about Almighty God and the judgment that He will inflict on people on that last, great day, how can they in good faith make the oath?

Nobody is required to make an oath to God but I'm pretty sure you know that.
Sorry this was dumped for no Source, I assumed it was general knowledge.
Trump tells evangelical rally he will put prayer in schools
Pitiful attempt to get votes from the evangelicals hate groups. You will watch him step up the hatred for votes , my best guess is 60 to 70% of his support are hate voters. He will spew hatred in every direction now to get his stupid army working for him, maybe killing for him, he wouldn't or couldn't care at all. He literally is pond scum.
Sounds like a wonderful plan to me. Today's kids NEED religion now more than ever, especially with the crap they're being taught in schools.
It's the belief in your hateful bullshit that is the problem not the schools . What they are taught in school bullshit.
Prayer was never removed from schools. Students can pray all they want.
Recited prayer was removed from school.

A student can recite any prayer they want to.

That's really not true. Government schools prohibit the mention of Almighty God and His role in the founding of our nation, much less prayers to Him.

Witnesses before the court, are required to make an oath, to wit"I, A. B., do swear by Almighty God, the searcher of all hearts, that I will , and that as I shall answer to God at the last great day."

Unless they are taught about Almighty God and the judgment that He will inflict on people on that last, great day, how can they in good faith make the oath?
He had nothing to do with the finding of this country other then the fact that we are in no means to be considered a christian nation, you hate driven bubble is busted.
We need the school prayer that we had 60 years ago.

When we had school prayer in the Government schools, the major discipline problems teachers faced were gum chewing, and running in the hallways. Now , the major problems in the public schools are rape, assault and even murder.

Studies have proven this.

A return to school prayer in the government schools would be tremendous.
Bullshit , your life is based on it.
Prayer was never removed from schools. Students can pray all they want.
Recited prayer was removed from school.

A student can recite any prayer they want to.

That's really not true. Government schools prohibit the mention of Almighty God and His role in the founding of our nation, much less prayers to Him.

Witnesses before the court, are required to make an oath, to wit"I, A. B., do swear by Almighty God, the searcher of all hearts, that I will , and that as I shall answer to God at the last great day."

Unless they are taught about Almighty God and the judgment that He will inflict on people on that last, great day, how can they in good faith make the oath?
Your comments are make believe distortions and lies. This is what you people live on. And this goofiness is why are forefathers wanted nothing to do with the influence of your specific religion.
We need the school prayer that we had 60 years ago.
There was none buddy, not in any school I went to , I grew up in Wayzata. They were smart enough to keep it out of their schools. This thinking is strictly red neck thinking
Prayer was never removed from schools. Students can pray all they want.
Recited prayer was removed from school.

A student can recite any prayer they want to.

That's really not true. Government schools prohibit the mention of Almighty God and His role in the founding of our nation, much less prayers to Him.

Witnesses before the court, are required to make an oath, to wit"I, A. B., do swear by Almighty God, the searcher of all hearts, that I will , and that as I shall answer to God at the last great day."

Unless they are taught about Almighty God and the judgment that He will inflict on people on that last, great day, how can they in good faith make the oath?
You have no clue buddy your beliefs are make believe bullshit , You can swear on a cookbook in court and these are the supreme court decisions , you people build your life around lies
In order to accommodate various objections that have arisen in recent generations, in general:

  • You are allowed to "affirm" instead of "swear"
  • You do not have to say "so help me God"
  • You do not have to place your hand on a Bible
Sorry this was dumped for no Source, I assumed it was general knowledge.
Trump tells evangelical rally he will put prayer in schools
Pitiful attempt to get votes from the evangelicals hate groups. You will watch him step up the hatred for votes , my best guess is 60 to 70% of his support are hate voters. He will spew hatred in every direction now to get his stupid army working for him, maybe killing for him, he wouldn't or couldn't care at all. He literally is pond scum.
Sounds like a wonderful plan to me. Today's kids NEED religion now more than ever, especially with the crap they're being taught in schools.
You want them to be taught the lies that drive your bus , I've spent the whole afternoon proving just about every point you haters made here are lies or complete distortions
We need the school prayer that we had 60 years ago.
There was none buddy, not in any school I went to , I grew up in Wayzata. They were smart enough to keep it out of their schools. This thinking is strictly red neck thinking

I grew up in a community of Immigrants, not "rednecks" at all. My grandfathers came across the Atlantic initially to pursue challenging ground floor opportunities in the field of bituminous excavation and transportation. Not "rednecks" by any stretch of the imagination. Unlike the libs of their time, they didn't call black guys "n-words" or anything like that. Felt it was demeaning to them as folks of royal Polish blood to use such foul language and realized that it would reflect worse on them than on the black guys.
We need the school prayer that we had 60 years ago.
There was none buddy, not in any school I went to , I grew up in Wayzata. They were smart enough to keep it out of their schools. This thinking is strictly red neck thinking

I grew up in a community of Immigrants, not "rednecks" at all. My grandfathers came across the Atlantic initially to pursue challenging ground floor opportunities in the field of bituminous excavation and transportation. Not "rednecks" by any stretch of the imagination. Unlike the libs of their time, they didn't call black guys "n-words" or anything like that. Felt it was demeaning to them as folks of royal Polish blood to use such foul language and realized that it would reflect worse on them than on the black guys.
Ok prince- Royal Polish Blood , Good Grief.
I'll keep this simple prince , what you say are lies and distortions they are no true , tell me why you think under the circumstances that I would believe that you are a prince .
We need the school prayer that we had 60 years ago.
There was none buddy, not in any school I went to , I grew up in Wayzata. They were smart enough to keep it out of their schools. This thinking is strictly red neck thinking

I grew up in a community of Immigrants, not "rednecks" at all. My grandfathers came across the Atlantic initially to pursue challenging ground floor opportunities in the field of bituminous excavation and transportation. Not "rednecks" by any stretch of the imagination. Unlike the libs of their time, they didn't call black guys "n-words" or anything like that. Felt it was demeaning to them as folks of royal Polish blood to use such foul language and realized that it would reflect worse on them than on the black guys.
Ok prince- Royal Polish Blood , Good Grief.

Maybe ignorami like yourself used foul language, I was just pointing out that I learned better, that it was beneath me.
Prayer was never removed from schools. Students can pray all they want.
Recited prayer was removed from school.

A student can recite any prayer they want to.

That's really not true. Government schools prohibit the mention of Almighty God and His role in the founding of our nation, much less prayers to Him.

Witnesses before the court, are required to make an oath, to wit"I, A. B., do swear by Almighty God, the searcher of all hearts, that I will , and that as I shall answer to God at the last great day."

Unless they are taught about Almighty God and the judgment that He will inflict on people on that last, great day, how can they in good faith make the oath?
You have no clue buddy your beliefs are make believe bullshit , You can swear on a cookbook in court and these are the supreme court decisions , you people build your life around lies
In order to accommodate various objections that have arisen in recent generations, in general:

  • You are allowed to "affirm" instead of "swear"
  • You do not have to say "so help me God"
  • You do not have to place your hand on a Bible
I believe jbander has been TRIGGERED!
Sounds like a wonderful plan to me. Today's kids NEED religion now more than ever, especially with the crap they're being taught in schools.

Today's kids also need to •NOT• be taught some of the insane and immoral crap that they're being taught. The homosexual/transsexual/pedophile agenda being taught in schools is at least as harmful to the children being so targeted, as a healthy teaching of religion and religious values would be beneficial. Those sick perverts need to be in prison, not in public schools, not in public libraries, and not in any setting where they have any access to, or influence over children.
Sounds like a wonderful plan to me. Today's kids NEED religion now more than ever, especially with the crap they're being taught in schools.

Today's kids also need to •NOT• be taught some of the insane and immoral crap that they're being taught. The homosexual/transsexual/pedophile agenda being taught in schools is at least as harmful to the children being so targeted, as a healthy teaching of religion and religious values would be beneficial. Those sick perverts need to be in prison, not in public schools, not in public libraries, and not in any setting where they have any access to, or influence over children.
Nice post, Bob.

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