Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

as long as trump continues to run his mouth and keep the news media panties bunched, as long as he maintains himself the antithesis of political correctness, it's all good. this is the blowback for all the propaganda and psychobabble shoved in our faces over the years, that trump should offer up all at once what's been accumulating for so long. it's truly wonderful.

Is Trump the 100% ideal candidate? Fuck no.

Thomas Jefferson warned us over 200 years ago that government bureaucrats are NOT angels.

But the priorities point to TRUMP as the best candidate.


Gateway Pundit: Social Media Patterns Show Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory

Current polls show the race for President is much tighter than it really is. Ann Coulter warned us years ago in her best seller Slanderthat Democrats and the liberal media always use polls to manipulate and discourage conservatives from voting. Thanks to social media there is more and more evidence that the polls are way off and if things stay as they are, Trump will win in a landslide!


I almost feel sorry for you

Gateway Pundit: Social Media Patterns Show Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory

Current polls show the race for President is much tighter than it really is. Ann Coulter warned us years ago in her best seller Slanderthat Democrats and the liberal media always use polls to manipulate and discourage conservatives from voting. Thanks to social media there is more and more evidence that the polls are way off and if things stay as they are, Trump will win in a landslide!


I almost feel sorry for you

Well, don't feel sorry for me, feel sorry for the US if Trump loses.

..Like I have stated before , Is Trump the ideal candidate? No.

But, what are our viable options?

Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

between the leftards and the never trumps statists

think of how many computers will get violently thrown against the wall should that happen


Gateway Pundit: Social Media Patterns Show Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory

Current polls show the race for President is much tighter than it really is. Ann Coulter warned us years ago in her best seller Slanderthat Democrats and the liberal media always use polls to manipulate and discourage conservatives from voting. Thanks to social media there is more and more evidence that the polls are way off and if things stay as they are, Trump will win in a landslide!


I almost feel sorry for you

Well, don't feel sorry for me, feel sorry for the US if Trump loses.

..Like I have stated before , Is Trump the ideal candidate? No.

But, what are our viable options?


Gary Johnson is the best candidate in the race by leaps and bounds

Gateway Pundit: Social Media Patterns Show Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory

Current polls show the race for President is much tighter than it really is. Ann Coulter warned us years ago in her best seller Slanderthat Democrats and the liberal media always use polls to manipulate and discourage conservatives from voting. Thanks to social media there is more and more evidence that the polls are way off and if things stay as they are, Trump will win in a landslide!


I almost feel sorry for you

Well, don't feel sorry for me, feel sorry for the US if Trump loses.

..Like I have stated before , Is Trump the ideal candidate? No.

But, what are our viable options?


Gary Johnson is the best candidate in the race by leaps and bounds

With all due respect I don't think Mr Johnson will win.

The primary reason I am siding wit Trump is the 2A - whomever gets elected will appoint , at least 2 SCOTUS "justices". If we lose the right to bear arms we will never recover it

Johnson falls into the same camp as Donald Trump on the issue of more guns in citizens' hands being a potential solution to such incidents, though Johnson seems to be thinking through the issue out loud, with due consideration to contrary arguments, rather than sounding a kind of NRA-level certainty about it.


Gateway Pundit: Social Media Patterns Show Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory

Current polls show the race for President is much tighter than it really is. Ann Coulter warned us years ago in her best seller Slanderthat Democrats and the liberal media always use polls to manipulate and discourage conservatives from voting. Thanks to social media there is more and more evidence that the polls are way off and if things stay as they are, Trump will win in a landslide!


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Gateway Pundit: Social Media Patterns Show Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory

Current polls show the race for President is much tighter than it really is. Ann Coulter warned us years ago in her best seller Slanderthat Democrats and the liberal media always use polls to manipulate and discourage conservatives from voting. Thanks to social media there is more and more evidence that the polls are way off and if things stay as they are, Trump will win in a landslide!


No wonder the US is bankrupt

A socialist community organized who likes to distribute someone elses's wealth is electable

A Billionaire is not

go fig

That would be a good point if it wasn't for the fact that Donald Trump is just as progressive as hillary Clinton.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Gateway Pundit: Social Media Patterns Show Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory

Current polls show the race for President is much tighter than it really is. Ann Coulter warned us years ago in her best seller Slanderthat Democrats and the liberal media always use polls to manipulate and discourage conservatives from voting. Thanks to social media there is more and more evidence that the polls are way off and if things stay as they are, Trump will win in a landslide!


I almost feel sorry for you

Well, don't feel sorry for me, feel sorry for the US if Trump loses.

..Like I have stated before , Is Trump the ideal candidate? No.

But, what are our viable options?


Gary Johnson is the best candidate in the race by leaps and bounds

if you think libertarians have the right idea.

i don't. but he seems like a nice enough guy to hang out with.... if you're a pothead.
Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree - for Hillary. That's why Adolf Trump is spewing innuendos about "rigging, cheating, and voter fraud" as future excuses for his annihilation.

Gateway Pundit: Social Media Patterns Show Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory

Current polls show the race for President is much tighter than it really is. Ann Coulter warned us years ago in her best seller Slanderthat Democrats and the liberal media always use polls to manipulate and discourage conservatives from voting. Thanks to social media there is more and more evidence that the polls are way off and if things stay as they are, Trump will win in a landslide!


I almost feel sorry for you

Well, don't feel sorry for me, feel sorry for the US if Trump loses.

..Like I have stated before , Is Trump the ideal candidate? No.

But, what are our viable options?

I will feel sorry for us no matter which of these authoritarian douche nozzles win and am seriously pissed at retarded jackholes like you for nominating the one candidate that gives hillary a chance. Also pissed at idiots like Kasich and Rubio for staying in the race to long making it possible for the ornge fool to be nominated

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Gateway Pundit: Social Media Patterns Show Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory

Current polls show the race for President is much tighter than it really is. Ann Coulter warned us years ago in her best seller Slanderthat Democrats and the liberal media always use polls to manipulate and discourage conservatives from voting. Thanks to social media there is more and more evidence that the polls are way off and if things stay as they are, Trump will win in a landslide!


I almost feel sorry for you

Well, don't feel sorry for me, feel sorry for the US if Trump loses.

..Like I have stated before , Is Trump the ideal candidate? No.

But, what are our viable options?


Gary Johnson is the best candidate in the race by leaps and bounds
How do you figure that? He is a open borders liberal who is proud to drive while stoned

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
but he seems like a nice enough guy to hang out with.... if you're a pothead.

A pothead like Michael Phelps?

i didn't say i have a problem with it. i just said that he'd be fun to hang out with if you were one :)

i know plenty of professionals who do that in lieu of having a drink when they go out. again, i don't care. and i think it should be legal.

but johnson isn't going to be president. the president will be either clinton or trump. johnson probably won't even have the 15% he needs to get into the debates.

Gateway Pundit: Social Media Patterns Show Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory

Current polls show the race for President is much tighter than it really is. Ann Coulter warned us years ago in her best seller Slanderthat Democrats and the liberal media always use polls to manipulate and discourage conservatives from voting. Thanks to social media there is more and more evidence that the polls are way off and if things stay as they are, Trump will win in a landslide!


No wonder the US is economically fucked up - bankrupt - 19 trillion deficit - a socialist neighborhood organizer who loves to distribute soomebody elses's money is considered electable - a billionaire is no good.= go fig.


Do you realize that Trump's policies have been independently analyzed and will add 11 TRILLION to that debt you complain about - taking our national debt from 75% of GDP to a economy crushing 127% of GDP?
Promises and Price Tags: A Fiscal Guide to the 2016 Election
dont forget the net loss of about 10 million jobs

Gateway Pundit: Social Media Patterns Show Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory

Current polls show the race for President is much tighter than it really is. Ann Coulter warned us years ago in her best seller Slanderthat Democrats and the liberal media always use polls to manipulate and discourage conservatives from voting. Thanks to social media there is more and more evidence that the polls are way off and if things stay as they are, Trump will win in a landslide!


No wonder the US is bankrupt

A socialist community organized who likes to distribute someone elses's wealth is electable

A Billionaire is not

go fig

That would be a good point if it wasn't for the fact that Donald Trump is just as progressive as hillary Clinton.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

For the umpteenth time, I fully understand that Trump is not the ideal candidate

but he will not start WWIII

nor will he disarm us


Gateway Pundit: Social Media Patterns Show Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory

Current polls show the race for President is much tighter than it really is. Ann Coulter warned us years ago in her best seller Slanderthat Democrats and the liberal media always use polls to manipulate and discourage conservatives from voting. Thanks to social media there is more and more evidence that the polls are way off and if things stay as they are, Trump will win in a landslide!


I almost feel sorry for you

Well, don't feel sorry for me, feel sorry for the US if Trump loses.

..Like I have stated before , Is Trump the ideal candidate? No.

But, what are our viable options?


Gary Johnson is the best candidate in the race by leaps and bounds

if you think libertarians have the right idea.

i don't. but he seems like a nice enough guy to hang out with.... if you're a pothead.

There is no doubt that Libertarians have the right idea

But some Libertarians question whether Mr. Johnson is a true Libertarian.


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