Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Gateway Pundit: Social Media Patterns Show Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory

Current polls show the race for President is much tighter than it really is. Ann Coulter warned us years ago in her best seller Slanderthat Democrats and the liberal media always use polls to manipulate and discourage conservatives from voting. Thanks to social media there is more and more evidence that the polls are way off and if things stay as they are, Trump will win in a landslide!

Trump is looking at a Clinton landslide victory.

The clear cut evidence shows that the opposite is true.


Riiiggghhhttt.....there in no poll on earth that shows Comrade Trump wins. He has lost people that he will NEVER get back.
We really don't know. The media has discovered that if they are united, there is no way the people can refute what they say. Investigative journalism is dead.
Oh, I think you people are going to find that it is alive and well, much to your chagrin. As this election progresses, I think you are going to see some investigations that will demonstrate that Trump is not at all what he claims in many departments. Why do you think that he is hiding his tax returns.
Not a ideal candidate? The man is a complete fucking disaster! Not only is he a progressive authoritarian douche he doesn't seem to even want to win! Instead of staying on target and exposing Clinton over and over for the stupid crooked shit she does he attacks gold star families and people who are no longer in the race and thier supporters. This man has done huge damage to the party and is smearing conservatism with his stupidity.
We have no good choice. None. One is just as fucking bad as the other .

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Points to ponder

Trump beat all the establishment candidates

He is not a professional politician

If he "loses" he is still a billionaire

The powers-that be- refused to indict crooked hillary

The winner will appoint, at least two SCOTUS "justices" - would you rather let Hillary appoint them?

Is the right to bear arms important to you?

Forget all the other unimportant issues until there is no so much at stake.


The question that makes your questions meaningless...

"Do you want a 70 year old who has the temperament of a nine year old, to hold the nuclear code?"


Do you want a warhawk controlled by Bibi and the war Party , to hold the nuclear code?

Oh I see you want a man you think will keep back the evil dirty jews from your front lawn.... that's pretty despicable

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We destroy Syia and Iraq in order to defend Israel.

Why the fuck do we need WWIII?

Shut the fuck and go eat a "banana" and fantasize that is me.


No dipshit we didn't destroy Syria and Iraq and we don't defend Isreal we support them. Your hate for jews is noted and you are dismissed

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
We really don't know. The media has discovered that if they are united, there is no way the people can refute what they say. Investigative journalism is dead.
Oh, I think you people are going to find that it is alive and well, much to your chagrin. As this election progresses, I think you are going to see some investigations that will demonstrate that Trump is not at all what he claims in many departments. Why do you think that he is hiding his tax returns.

Really! How long is this "fake audit" going to take? Maybe it will be finished November 9th?

Gateway Pundit: Social Media Patterns Show Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory

Current polls show the race for President is much tighter than it really is. Ann Coulter warned us years ago in her best seller Slanderthat Democrats and the liberal media always use polls to manipulate and discourage conservatives from voting. Thanks to social media there is more and more evidence that the polls are way off and if things stay as they are, Trump will win in a landslide!


Keep on believing and in November you are welcome to explain why your thread was incorrect once again!

Trump might not even win Texas this November and you believe Social Media trends will prove your candidate will win big?

Keep on believing and in November you are welcome to explain why your thread was incorrect once again!

Killary might not even win NY this November and you believe polls conducted by a biased media , aka, Pravda, will prove your candidate will win big?
LOL Are you going to change your screen name, or cease posting after 9Nov16? Because if you do not, I am going to remind you of this thread every time I see your screen name. LOL

Gateway Pundit: Social Media Patterns Show Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory

Current polls show the race for President is much tighter than it really is. Ann Coulter warned us years ago in her best seller Slanderthat Democrats and the liberal media always use polls to manipulate and discourage conservatives from voting. Thanks to social media there is more and more evidence that the polls are way off and if things stay as they are, Trump will win in a landslide!


Keep on believing and in November you are welcome to explain why your thread was incorrect once again!

Trump might not even win Texas this November and you believe Social Media trends will prove your candidate will win big?

Keep on believing and in November you are welcome to explain why your thread was incorrect once again!

Killary might not even win NY this November and you believe polls conducted by a biased media , aka, Pravda, will prove your candidate will win big?
LOL Are you going to change your screen name, or cease posting after 9Nov16? Because if you do not, I am going to remind you of this thread every time I see your screen name. LOL

Why should I, victory is certain?

Are you NBC's Katy Turd?


Gateway Pundit: Social Media Patterns Show Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory

Current polls show the race for President is much tighter than it really is. Ann Coulter warned us years ago in her best seller Slanderthat Democrats and the liberal media always use polls to manipulate and discourage conservatives from voting. Thanks to social media there is more and more evidence that the polls are way off and if things stay as they are, Trump will win in a landslide!


No wonder the US is bankrupt

A socialist community organized who likes to distribute someone elses's wealth is electable

A Billionaire is not

go fig

That would be a good point if it wasn't for the fact that Donald Trump is just as progressive as hillary Clinton.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

For the umpteenth time, I fully understand that Trump is not the ideal candidate

but he will not start WWIII

nor will he disarm us

Not a ideal candidate? The man is a complete fucking disaster! Not only is he a progressive authoritarian douche he doesn't seem to even want to win! Instead of staying on target and exposing Clinton over and over for the stupid crooked shit she does he attacks gold star families and people who are no longer in the race and thier supporters. This man has done huge damage to the party and is smearing conservatism with his stupidity.
We have no good choice. None. One is just as fucking bad as the other .

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Points to ponder

Trump beat all the establishment candidates

He is not a professional politician

If he "loses" he is still a billionaire

The powers-that be- refused to indict crooked hillary

The winner will appoint, at least two SCOTUS "justices" - would you rather let Hillary appoint them?

Is the right to bear arms important to you?

Forget all the other unimportant issues until there is no so much at stake.

Is he a billionaire? We have only his word for that. Maybe a look at his tax returns would help find out.
We really don't know. The media has discovered that if they are united, there is no way the people can refute what they say. Investigative journalism is dead.
Oh, I think you people are going to find that it is alive and well, much to your chagrin. As this election progresses, I think you are going to see some investigations that will demonstrate that Trump is not at all what he claims in many departments. Why do you think that he is hiding his tax returns.

Really! How long is this "fake audit" going to take? Maybe it will be finished November 9th?

Imagine if Trump wins by some kind of slut magic, and is up for re-election in 2020. He'll still be using the same excuse that he can't release his returns because he's under audit, while claiming that the IRS is doing it for political reasons.

Gateway Pundit: Social Media Patterns Show Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory

Current polls show the race for President is much tighter than it really is. Ann Coulter warned us years ago in her best seller Slanderthat Democrats and the liberal media always use polls to manipulate and discourage conservatives from voting. Thanks to social media there is more and more evidence that the polls are way off and if things stay as they are, Trump will win in a landslide!

Trump is looking at a Clinton landslide victory.

The clear cut evidence shows that the opposite is true.

What is blue and smells like yellow paint?
We really don't know. The media has discovered that if they are united, there is no way the people can refute what they say. Investigative journalism is dead.
Oh, I think you people are going to find that it is alive and well, much to your chagrin. As this election progresses, I think you are going to see some investigations that will demonstrate that Trump is not at all what he claims in many departments. Why do you think that he is hiding his tax returns.

Really! How long is this "fake audit" going to take? Maybe it will be finished November 9th?

Imagine if Trump wins by some kind of slut magic, and is up for re-election in 2020. He'll still be using the same excuse that he can't release his returns because he's under audit, while claiming that the IRS is doing it for political reasons.

Amazing how the fascists love it when US citizens comply with unconstitutional laws.

We really don't know. The media has discovered that if they are united, there is no way the people can refute what they say. Investigative journalism is dead.
Oh, I think you people are going to find that it is alive and well, much to your chagrin. As this election progresses, I think you are going to see some investigations that will demonstrate that Trump is not at all what he claims in many departments. Why do you think that he is hiding his tax returns.

Really! How long is this "fake audit" going to take? Maybe it will be finished November 9th?
Ask Obama....

Gateway Pundit: Social Media Patterns Show Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory

Current polls show the race for President is much tighter than it really is. Ann Coulter warned us years ago in her best seller Slanderthat Democrats and the liberal media always use polls to manipulate and discourage conservatives from voting. Thanks to social media there is more and more evidence that the polls are way off and if things stay as they are, Trump will win in a landslide!


Keep on believing and in November you are welcome to explain why your thread was incorrect once again!

Trump might not even win Texas this November and you believe Social Media trends will prove your candidate will win big?

Keep on believing and in November you are welcome to explain why your thread was incorrect once again!

Killary might not even win NY this November and you believe polls conducted by a biased media , aka, Pravda, will prove your candidate will win big?
LOL Are you going to change your screen name, or cease posting after 9Nov16? Because if you do not, I am going to remind you of this thread every time I see your screen name. LOL

Why should I, victory is certain?

Are you NBC's Katy Turd?


According to Nate Silver, Comrade Trumo has an 11.1% chance of winning today. He is moving in the wrong direction.

Poor Clueless Comrade Trump...
We really don't know. The media has discovered that if they are united, there is no way the people can refute what they say. Investigative journalism is dead.
Oh, I think you people are going to find that it is alive and well, much to your chagrin. As this election progresses, I think you are going to see some investigations that will demonstrate that Trump is not at all what he claims in many departments. Why do you think that he is hiding his tax returns.

Really! How long is this "fake audit" going to take? Maybe it will be finished November 9th?
Ask Obama....

ask him what ?

how easy it is to kick republicans asses in general elections?

Gateway Pundit: Social Media Patterns Show Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory

Current polls show the race for President is much tighter than it really is. Ann Coulter warned us years ago in her best seller Slanderthat Democrats and the liberal media always use polls to manipulate and discourage conservatives from voting. Thanks to social media there is more and more evidence that the polls are way off and if things stay as they are, Trump will win in a landslide!


Keep on believing and in November you are welcome to explain why your thread was incorrect once again!

Trump might not even win Texas this November and you believe Social Media trends will prove your candidate will win big?

Keep on believing and in November you are welcome to explain why your thread was incorrect once again!

Killary might not even win NY this November and you believe polls conducted by a biased media , aka, Pravda, will prove your candidate will win big?
LOL Are you going to change your screen name, or cease posting after 9Nov16? Because if you do not, I am going to remind you of this thread every time I see your screen name. LOL

Why should I, victory is certain?

Are you NBC's Katy Turd?


According to Nate Silver, Comrade Trumo has an 11.1% chance of winning today. He is moving in the wrong direction.

Poor Clueless Comrade Trump...

Trump , a billionaire, loses nothing.

Americans as a whole will lose.

But you are too stupid to consider that fact.


Gateway Pundit: Social Media Patterns Show Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory

Current polls show the race for President is much tighter than it really is. Ann Coulter warned us years ago in her best seller Slanderthat Democrats and the liberal media always use polls to manipulate and discourage conservatives from voting. Thanks to social media there is more and more evidence that the polls are way off and if things stay as they are, Trump will win in a landslide!



that's retarded
Trump says he's a billionaire ... until he proves it I dont believe him.

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