Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dead wrong.
Here are the odds of winning and electoral map based on all state polling as of this morning (using those pesky things called *facts*). It's a landslide alright.
Nm is not a solid blue state. Sorry.

it is when donald is trailing by 8 points.
Updated numbers from the statistics experts at 538 based on all State polls:
A landslide, indeed! Clinton 364, Trump 173

Rasmussen reports

White House Watch

White House Watch:

Clinton 43%, Trump 40%, Johnson 8%, Stein 2%




Rasmussen is okay. They skewed heavily to the right in the last election....but less so than Gallup.


Though it is worth noting how all but 3 polling agencies skewed inaccurately to the right. Which suggests that Trump may actually do far worse than his abysmal polling currently indicates

Gateway Pundit: Social Media Patterns Show Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory

Current polls show the race for President is much tighter than it really is. Ann Coulter warned us years ago in her best seller Slanderthat Democrats and the liberal media always use polls to manipulate and discourage conservatives from voting. Thanks to social media there is more and more evidence that the polls are way off and if things stay as they are, Trump will win in a landslide!


Sweet Baby Jesus--the smell of desperation is in the air. Now you're counting like buttons on social media to get a POLL?--lol

Hillary Clinton has pulled adds in several battleground states, as real internal polling data is showing her with double digits leads. Arizona & Georgia both deep red states are now in her column. In fact, Trump is losing 10 states that Romney won. She is now spending add money and campaigning in other red states that are in play. Bill Clinton is campaigning in what is considered the most conservative state in the nation--Utah. Obviously the Clinton campaign is not really concerned about the like buttons on social media outlets.
Confident Clinton Pulling Ads, as the Trump Train Goes Off the Rails | RedState
Clinton pauses ads in Virginia in sign of confidence
Clinton campaign pulls ads from Colorado
Watch out Donald Trump, Arizona Might Just be Going for Hillary Clinton
Trump is losing all 10 of the states with the closest results in 2012

Furthermore to push a like button for Trump you have to first like his home page. Meaning you're probably a Trump supporter. If you're a FOX News watcher you have to push FOX news like page to be able to push the like button for any Trump news on Facebook.

Do you people ever look beyond the tips of your ignorant noses? Republicans for the first time in 60 years is losing white educated voters.
Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates

This is what election night is going to look like--just change Arizona & Georgia to blue.


You wanted Trump now you OWN it.
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator
Updated numbers from the statistics experts at 538 based on all State polls:
A landslide, indeed! Clinton 364, Trump 173

Rasmussen reports

White House Watch

White House Watch:

Clinton 43%, Trump 40%, Johnson 8%, Stein 2%




Rasmussen is okay. They skewed heavily to the right in the last election....but less so than Gallup.


Though it is worth noting how all but 3 polling agencies skewed inaccurately to the right. Which suggests that Trump may actually do far worse than his abysmal polling currently indicates

That's why I use 538. They aggregate all of the state polls into a sophisticated model, so you get a highly accurate picture of the state level polling. National polls are meaningless. It's all about the electoral college, and at this point, Trump is getting absolutely destroyed, and his desperation is showing.

Gateway Pundit: Social Media Patterns Show Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory

Current polls show the race for President is much tighter than it really is. Ann Coulter warned us years ago in her best seller Slanderthat Democrats and the liberal media always use polls to manipulate and discourage conservatives from voting. Thanks to social media there is more and more evidence that the polls are way off and if things stay as they are, Trump will win in a landslide!


Sweet Baby Jesus--the smell of desperation is in the air. Now you're counting like buttons on social media to get a POLL?--lol

Hillary Clinton has pulled adds in several battleground states, as real internal polling data is showing her with double digits leads. Arizona & Georgia both deep red states are now in her column. In fact, Trump is losing 10 states that Romney won. She is now spending add money and campaigning in other red states that are in play. Bill Clinton is campaigning in what is considered the most conservative state in the nation--Utah. Obviously the Clinton campaign is not really concerned about the like buttons on social media outlets.
Confident Clinton Pulling Ads, as the Trump Train Goes Off the Rails | RedState
Clinton pauses ads in Virginia in sign of confidence
Clinton campaign pulls ads from Colorado
Watch out Donald Trump, Arizona Might Just be Going for Hillary Clinton
Georgia poll: Clinton leads by 7 points
Trump is losing all 10 of the states with the closest results in 2012

Furthermore to push a like button for Trump you have to first like his home page. Meaning you're probably a Trump supporter. If you're a FOX News watcher you have to push FOX news like page to be able to push the like button for any Trump news on Facebook.

Do you people ever look beyond the tips of your ignorant noses? Republicans for the first time in 60 years is losing white educated voters.
Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates

This is what election night is going to look like--just change Arizona & Georgia to blue.


You wanted Trump now you OWN it.
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator

I'm still in awe that these poor, hapless fools nominated Trump. Talk about unforced errors. He's pretty much the only candidate in the republican field that *couldn't* have defeated Clinton.
Updated numbers from the statistics experts at 538 based on all State polls:
A landslide, indeed! Clinton 364, Trump 173

Rasmussen reports

White House Watch

White House Watch:

Clinton 43%, Trump 40%, Johnson 8%, Stein 2%




Rasmussen is okay. They skewed heavily to the right in the last election....but less so than Gallup.


Though it is worth noting how all but 3 polling agencies skewed inaccurately to the right. Which suggests that Trump may actually do far worse than his abysmal polling currently indicates

That's why I use 538. They aggregate all of the state polls into a sophisticated model, so you get a highly accurate picture of the state level polling. National polls are meaningless. It's all about the electoral college, and at this point, Trump is getting absolutely destroyed, and his desperation is showing.

National polling gives a decent picture of popular vote support. But otherwise, yeah. What you said.
Trump could be doing better than Hillary. We have no way of knowing. MSM election news is currently in hyper-biased propaganda mode and cannot be relied on for accuracy
Trump could be doing better than Hillary. We have no way of knowing. MSM election news is currently in hyper-biased propaganda mode and cannot be relied on for accuracy

As 538 demonstrated with their analysis of the 2012 election......there is a bias in the MSM when it comes to polling results: toward the right. With all but 4 of 23 polling agencies skewing inaccurately toward the republicans. Some by as many as 5 to 7 points.

Which suggests that Trump's actual support could be significantly worse than his already horrid polling numbers would indicate.
Last edited:
Updated numbers from the statistics experts at 538 based on all State polls:
A landslide, indeed! Clinton 364, Trump 173

Rasmussen reports

White House Watch

White House Watch:

Clinton 43%, Trump 40%, Johnson 8%, Stein 2%




Rasmussen is okay. They skewed heavily to the right in the last election....but less so than Gallup.


Though it is worth noting how all but 3 polling agencies skewed inaccurately to the right. Which suggests that Trump may actually do far worse than his abysmal polling currently indicates

That's why I use 538. They aggregate all of the state polls into a sophisticated model, so you get a highly accurate picture of the state level polling. National polls are meaningless. It's all about the electoral college, and at this point, Trump is getting absolutely destroyed, and his desperation is showing.

National polling gives a decent picture of popular vote support. But otherwise, yeah. What you said.
Yes, I overstated that point. National polls do have their place.
Trump could be doing better than Hillary. We have no way of knowing. MSM election news is currently in hyper-biased propaganda mode and cannot be relied on for accuracy

The Reich wing talk show hosts are in full throttle melt down because they know now that Trump doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell of winning the White House, for the reasons I linked to above. He hasn't organized any T.V. advertisements, he doesn't have a ground game, he has no support--and he's going to go down hard. He'll take the senate with him, along with a ton of seats in the house and down ballot races all across this country. Republicans won't vote for him.
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump
Mac Stipanovich: An open letter to my fellow Republicans

Former friend and staffer of Ronald Reagan says it all in 3 minutes.


They couldn't have found a worse candidate if they had gone out on a scavenger hunt. They hit the jackpot with Donald Trump.
Trump could be doing better than Hillary. We have no way of knowing. MSM election news is currently in hyper-biased propaganda mode and cannot be relied on for accuracy

Not true at all. Polling has proven quite accurate, especially when fed into sophisticated models. We do know, and Trump is in serious trouble.
That is the reality. Blaming the media and everyone else Trump is blaming for his countless failures constitutes nothing more than whining in the face of facts.
Trump could be doing better than Hillary. We have no way of knowing. MSM election news is currently in hyper-biased propaganda mode and cannot be relied on for accuracy

The Reich wing talk show hosts are in full throttle melt down because they know now that Trump doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell of winning the White House, for the reasons I linked to above. He hasn't organized any T.V. advertisements, he doesn't have a ground game, he has no support--and he's going to go down hard. He'll take the senate with him, along with a ton of seats in the house and down ballot races all across this country. Republicans won't vote for him.
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump
Mac Stipanovich: An open letter to my fellow Republicans

Former friend and staffer of Ronald Reagan says it all in 3 minutes.


They couldn't have found a worse candidate if they had gone out on a scavenger hunt. They hit the jackpot with Donald Trump.

Here's the thing: if the Donald Trump were genuinely unfit for the white house and many in his own party were placing the nation ahead of their own party in opposing him....

.....what would it look like?

I argue it would look quite a bit like what we're seeing right now.
Trump could be doing better than Hillary. We have no way of knowing. MSM election news is currently in hyper-biased propaganda mode and cannot be relied on for accuracy

Not true at all. Polling has proven quite accurate, especially when fed into sophisticated models. We do know, and Trump is in serious trouble.
That is the reality. Blaming the media and everyone else Trump is blaming for his countless failures constitutes nothing more than whining in the face of facts.

It would be hard to argue that Nate Silver managed to call the 2012 presidential election within a couple of percentage point, nail the electoral count and call every Senate and Congressional election save random chance.

The guy clearly knows what he's doing. And he gives The Donald roughly 1 chance in 10 of winning the election. I think that's being generous.
Trump could be doing better than Hillary. We have no way of knowing. MSM election news is currently in hyper-biased propaganda mode and cannot be relied on for accuracy

Not true at all. Polling has proven quite accurate, especially when fed into sophisticated models. We do know, and Trump is in serious trouble.
That is the reality. Blaming the media and everyone else Trump is blaming for his countless failures constitutes nothing more than whining in the face of facts.

I disagree that polling has been proven to be accurate and I don't think that anyone can argue that the MSM is not biased in favor of Clinton. Simply Google News "Clinton" and you will see mostly positive articles and some light criticism. Google News Trump and you will be greeted with a never-ending slough of extremely negative press.
Trump could be doing better than Hillary. We have no way of knowing. MSM election news is currently in hyper-biased propaganda mode and cannot be relied on for accuracy

Not true at all. Polling has proven quite accurate, especially when fed into sophisticated models. We do know, and Trump is in serious trouble.
That is the reality. Blaming the media and everyone else Trump is blaming for his countless failures constitutes nothing more than whining in the face of facts.

I disagree that polling has been proven to be accurate and I don't think that anyone can argue that the MSM is not biased in favor of Clinton.

You might be able to argue that one poll is inaccurate. But virtually *all* the polls breaking in the exact same direction, with Clinton? That's stastically unlikely.

Your theory requires a vast conspiracy involving multiple news agencies and dozens of polling agencies.

It fails Occam's Razor. Its far more likely that Clinton is simply winning.
Trump could be doing better than Hillary. We have no way of knowing. MSM election news is currently in hyper-biased propaganda mode and cannot be relied on for accuracy

The Reich wing talk show hosts are in full throttle melt down because they know now that Trump doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell of winning the White House, for the reasons I linked to above. He hasn't organized any T.V. advertisements, he doesn't have a ground game, he has no support--and he's going to go down hard. He'll take the senate with him, along with a ton of seats in the house and down ballot races all across this country. Republicans won't vote for him.
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump
Mac Stipanovich: An open letter to my fellow Republicans

Former friend and staffer of Ronald Reagan says it all in 3 minutes.


They couldn't have found a worse candidate if they had gone out on a scavenger hunt. They hit the jackpot with Donald Trump.

I think Trump is doing much better than the media says he is. Clinton got a post-convention bounce and the media has been very biased towards Trump. This may have improved Clinton's poll numbers, but it won't last long. The MSM has yet to report on the new FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation that was announced on Thursday and of course, more email leaks are on the way....
Dead wrong.
Here are the odds of winning and electoral map based on all state polling as of this morning (using those pesky things called *facts*). It's a landslide alright.

Did you read the OP, or are you just to obtuse to understand the subtlety?You sight polls to combat an argument that the polls are not reliable. I am not sayin I agree with the OP, but if you are going to debate it, at least do it with some reasoning...geeesh, pathetic.
Trump could be doing better than Hillary. We have no way of knowing. MSM election news is currently in hyper-biased propaganda mode and cannot be relied on for accuracy

As 538 demonstrated with their analysis of the 2012 election......there is a bias in the MSM when it comes to polling results: toward the right. With all but 4 of 23 polling agencies skewing inaccurately toward the republicans. Some by as many as 5 to 7 points.

Which suggests that Trump's actual support could be significantly worse than his already horrid polling numbers would indicate.

My sense in this election is that the media isn't biased in favor of the left or the right. Instead, they are biased in favor of establishment politicians that support a neoliberal world order

Gateway Pundit: Social Media Patterns Show Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory

Current polls show the race for President is much tighter than it really is. Ann Coulter warned us years ago in her best seller Slanderthat Democrats and the liberal media always use polls to manipulate and discourage conservatives from voting. Thanks to social media there is more and more evidence that the polls are way off and if things stay as they are, Trump will win in a landslide!.
This gets crazier and crazier. Now all the polls are wrong.

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