Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trump could be doing better than Hillary. We have no way of knowing. MSM election news is currently in hyper-biased propaganda mode and cannot be relied on for accuracy

As 538 demonstrated with their analysis of the 2012 election......there is a bias in the MSM when it comes to polling results: toward the right. With all but 4 of 23 polling agencies skewing inaccurately toward the republicans. Some by as many as 5 to 7 points.

Which suggests that Trump's actual support could be significantly worse than his already horrid polling numbers would indicate.

My sense in this election is that the media isn't biased in favor of the left or the right. Instead, they are biased in favor of establishment politicians that support a neoliberal world order

You're welcome to your 'sense'. But its not going to have much to do with the actual election results.

Gateway Pundit: Social Media Patterns Show Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory

Current polls show the race for President is much tighter than it really is. Ann Coulter warned us years ago in her best seller Slanderthat Democrats and the liberal media always use polls to manipulate and discourage conservatives from voting. Thanks to social media there is more and more evidence that the polls are way off and if things stay as they are, Trump will win in a landslide!.
This gets crazier and crazier. Now all the polls are wrong.

And when Trump loses in stunning fashion.....its because of 'rigged elections'. At no point is Trump responsible for his own campaign, his own words, his own policies.

Its *always* someone else's fault. The person least responsible for Trump's campaign according to his own Trump.
arent we all saying this? how can Hillary win if no one wants to go to her rallies?
That's a fair question. I would suggest that Hillary voters don't feel the urge to go to her rallies. The rallies are boring and you know what you're going to hear, she's been around for decades, why go. Donald is new and exciting, so people show up. Doesn't mean the polls are wrong or accurate however. Bernie out drew her on the campaign too, and where is he? Vacationing in his new $600,000 get away. Being a poor socialist is the life.
Trump could be doing better than Hillary. We have no way of knowing. MSM election news is currently in hyper-biased propaganda mode and cannot be relied on for accuracy

As 538 demonstrated with their analysis of the 2012 election......there is a bias in the MSM when it comes to polling results: toward the right. With all but 4 of 23 polling agencies skewing inaccurately toward the republicans. Some by as many as 5 to 7 points.

Which suggests that Trump's actual support could be significantly worse than his already horrid polling numbers would indicate.

My sense in this election is that the media isn't biased in favor of the left or the right. Instead, they are biased in favor of establishment politicians that support a neoliberal world order

You're welcome to your 'sense'. But its not going to have much to do with the actual election results.

No one said that my sense that the media isn't biased in favor of the left or the right is going to have much to do with the actual election results.
Trump could be doing better than Hillary. We have no way of knowing. MSM election news is currently in hyper-biased propaganda mode and cannot be relied on for accuracy

As 538 demonstrated with their analysis of the 2012 election......there is a bias in the MSM when it comes to polling results: toward the right. With all but 4 of 23 polling agencies skewing inaccurately toward the republicans. Some by as many as 5 to 7 points.

Which suggests that Trump's actual support could be significantly worse than his already horrid polling numbers would indicate.

My sense in this election is that the media isn't biased in favor of the left or the right. Instead, they are biased in favor of establishment politicians that support a neoliberal world order

You're welcome to your 'sense'. But its not going to have much to do with the actual election results.

No one said that my sense that the media isn't biased in favor of the left or the right is going to have much to do with the actual election results.

You're confusing claims of 'media bias' with inaccurate polling results. Where you equate favorable stories with skewed polls. They aren't the same thing. They most often aren't even the same organizations.

Trump is getting hugely unfavorable press because of the stupid shit he says and the absurd positions he takes.

Using the US military to murder women and children in revenge killings? Banning Muslims from entering the US? Enormous 'deportation teams' that he insists will take care of the illegal immigrant problem in 18 months? Insisting he knows more about ISIS than the generals do?

Trump is responsible for his own bad press. The reason his numbers plummeted after the convention is the electorate got a great big snootful of who Trump is and what he believes. His was the first convention speech since they began polling in the 80s that resulted in people viewing it being LESS likely to vote for the candidate that gave it.

The more people know about Trump, the lower his numbers go.
Trump could be doing better than Hillary. We have no way of knowing. MSM election news is currently in hyper-biased propaganda mode and cannot be relied on for accuracy

As 538 demonstrated with their analysis of the 2012 election......there is a bias in the MSM when it comes to polling results: toward the right. With all but 4 of 23 polling agencies skewing inaccurately toward the republicans. Some by as many as 5 to 7 points.

Which suggests that Trump's actual support could be significantly worse than his already horrid polling numbers would indicate.

My sense in this election is that the media isn't biased in favor of the left or the right. Instead, they are biased in favor of establishment politicians that support a neoliberal world order

You're welcome to your 'sense'. But its not going to have much to do with the actual election results.

No one said that my sense that the media isn't biased in favor of the left or the right is going to have much to do with the actual election results.

You're confusing claims of 'media bias' with inaccurate polling results. Where you equate favorable stories with skewed polls. They aren't the same thing. They most often aren't even the same organizations.

Trump is getting hugely unfavorable press because of the stupid shit he says and the absurd positions he takes.

Using the US military to murder women and children in revenge killings? Banning Muslims from entering the US? Enormous 'deportation teams' that he insists will take care of the illegal immigrant problem in 18 months? Insisting he knows more about ISIS than the generals do?

Trump is responsible for his own bad press. The reason his numbers plummeted after the convention is the electorate got a great big snootful of who Trump is and what he believes. His was the first convention speech since they began polling in the 80s that resulted in people viewing it being LESS likely to vote for the candidate that gave it.

The more people know about Trump, the lower his numbers go.
The corporations that own the companies that do the polling are biased in favor of neoliberal candidates. You should not trust their accuracy.
You need to open your eyes if you think Trump and Hillary are being treated equally by the MSM. The media shapes the news into what they want it to be, not what it really is and they desperately want a neoliberal in office

Gateway Pundit: Social Media Patterns Show Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory

Current polls show the race for President is much tighter than it really is. Ann Coulter warned us years ago in her best seller Slanderthat Democrats and the liberal media always use polls to manipulate and discourage conservatives from voting. Thanks to social media there is more and more evidence that the polls are way off and if things stay as they are, Trump will win in a landslide!

Yeah, he will be looking at

HILARY's landslide victory through the tears in his eyes:::

As 538 demonstrated with their analysis of the 2012 election......there is a bias in the MSM when it comes to polling results: toward the right. With all but 4 of 23 polling agencies skewing inaccurately toward the republicans. Some by as many as 5 to 7 points.

Which suggests that Trump's actual support could be significantly worse than his already horrid polling numbers would indicate.

My sense in this election is that the media isn't biased in favor of the left or the right. Instead, they are biased in favor of establishment politicians that support a neoliberal world order

You're welcome to your 'sense'. But its not going to have much to do with the actual election results.

No one said that my sense that the media isn't biased in favor of the left or the right is going to have much to do with the actual election results.

You're confusing claims of 'media bias' with inaccurate polling results. Where you equate favorable stories with skewed polls. They aren't the same thing. They most often aren't even the same organizations.

Trump is getting hugely unfavorable press because of the stupid shit he says and the absurd positions he takes.

Using the US military to murder women and children in revenge killings? Banning Muslims from entering the US? Enormous 'deportation teams' that he insists will take care of the illegal immigrant problem in 18 months? Insisting he knows more about ISIS than the generals do?

Trump is responsible for his own bad press. The reason his numbers plummeted after the convention is the electorate got a great big snootful of who Trump is and what he believes. His was the first convention speech since they began polling in the 80s that resulted in people viewing it being LESS likely to vote for the candidate that gave it.

The more people know about Trump, the lower his numbers go.
The corporations that own the companies that do the polling are biased in favor of neoliberal candidates. You should not trust their accuracy.

Says who? You haven't actually presented the slightest iota of evidence that your argument has any merit. You are literally using your claims to justify your claims. That's the begging the question fallacy.

Worse, Trump quoted polls when they showed he was up. He only demnounces polling when it shows he's down. That's plain old confirmation bias.

Worse for your argument still, the candidates that are down in the polls almost always insist that the polling is wildly inaccurate. And it almost never is. So you have vast historical precedent contradicting your conspiracy.

And perhaps most significant.....your conspiracy is enormously complicated and wildly elaborate, involving literally thousands of people and dozens of polling agencies all working in unity. That's ludicriously unlikely and unnnecessary complex.

Failing the test of Occam's Razor.

What works just as well and without your needless layers of pointless fact free that Trump is simply losing.


You need to open your eyes if you think Trump and Hillary are being treated equally by the MSM. The media shapes the news into what they want it to be, not what it really is and they desperately want a neoliberal in office

They aren't saying the same stupid shit. Trump just accused Obama of being the founder of ISIS. Why would the press ignore this? Or pretend Trump's claim was factual? You have to open your eyes if you think that Trump isn't responsible for the stupid shit that Trump says.

Who, moreso than Trump, is responsible for the incoherent nonsense that comes out of his mouth?
My sense in this election is that the media isn't biased in favor of the left or the right. Instead, they are biased in favor of establishment politicians that support a neoliberal world order

You're welcome to your 'sense'. But its not going to have much to do with the actual election results.

No one said that my sense that the media isn't biased in favor of the left or the right is going to have much to do with the actual election results.

You're confusing claims of 'media bias' with inaccurate polling results. Where you equate favorable stories with skewed polls. They aren't the same thing. They most often aren't even the same organizations.

Trump is getting hugely unfavorable press because of the stupid shit he says and the absurd positions he takes.

Using the US military to murder women and children in revenge killings? Banning Muslims from entering the US? Enormous 'deportation teams' that he insists will take care of the illegal immigrant problem in 18 months? Insisting he knows more about ISIS than the generals do?

Trump is responsible for his own bad press. The reason his numbers plummeted after the convention is the electorate got a great big snootful of who Trump is and what he believes. His was the first convention speech since they began polling in the 80s that resulted in people viewing it being LESS likely to vote for the candidate that gave it.

The more people know about Trump, the lower his numbers go.
The corporations that own the companies that do the polling are biased in favor of neoliberal candidates. You should not trust their accuracy.

Says who? You haven't actually presented the slightest iota of evidence that your argument has any merit. You are literally using your claims to justify your claims. That's the begging the question fallacy.

Worse, Trump quoted polls when they showed he was up. He only demnounces polling when it shows he's down. That's plain old confirmation bias.

Worse for your argument still, the candidates that are down in the polls almost always insist that the polling is wildly inaccurate. And it almost never is. So you have vast historical precedent contradicting your conspiracy.

And perhaps most significant.....your conspiracy is enormously complicated and wildly elaborate, involving literally thousands of people and dozens of polling agencies all working in unity. That's ludicriously unlikely and unnnecessary complex.

Failing the test of Occam's Razor.

What works just as well and without your needless layers of pointless fact free that Trump is simply losing.


You need to open your eyes if you think Trump and Hillary are being treated equally by the MSM. The media shapes the news into what they want it to be, not what it really is and they desperately want a neoliberal in office

They aren't saying the same stupid shit. Trump just accused Obama of being the founder of ISIS. Why would the press ignore this? Or pretend Trump's claim was factual? You have to open your eyes if you think that Trump isn't responsible for the stupid shit that Trump says.

Who, moreso than Trump, is responsible for the incoherent nonsense that comes out of his mouth?
Polling companies are generally owned by corporations that also produce biased media accounts. You only have to look back in recent history to see where polls were wildly off the mark. It's all there to see. With respect to media bias, The FBI and the US Attorney General in New York opened up a joint investigation into the Clinton Foundation on Thursday. This big event went unreported by the MSM. Literally unreported. My question to you is Why would the press ignore this?
You're welcome to your 'sense'. But its not going to have much to do with the actual election results.

No one said that my sense that the media isn't biased in favor of the left or the right is going to have much to do with the actual election results.

You're confusing claims of 'media bias' with inaccurate polling results. Where you equate favorable stories with skewed polls. They aren't the same thing. They most often aren't even the same organizations.

Trump is getting hugely unfavorable press because of the stupid shit he says and the absurd positions he takes.

Using the US military to murder women and children in revenge killings? Banning Muslims from entering the US? Enormous 'deportation teams' that he insists will take care of the illegal immigrant problem in 18 months? Insisting he knows more about ISIS than the generals do?

Trump is responsible for his own bad press. The reason his numbers plummeted after the convention is the electorate got a great big snootful of who Trump is and what he believes. His was the first convention speech since they began polling in the 80s that resulted in people viewing it being LESS likely to vote for the candidate that gave it.

The more people know about Trump, the lower his numbers go.
The corporations that own the companies that do the polling are biased in favor of neoliberal candidates. You should not trust their accuracy.

Says who? You haven't actually presented the slightest iota of evidence that your argument has any merit. You are literally using your claims to justify your claims. That's the begging the question fallacy.

Worse, Trump quoted polls when they showed he was up. He only demnounces polling when it shows he's down. That's plain old confirmation bias.

Worse for your argument still, the candidates that are down in the polls almost always insist that the polling is wildly inaccurate. And it almost never is. So you have vast historical precedent contradicting your conspiracy.

And perhaps most significant.....your conspiracy is enormously complicated and wildly elaborate, involving literally thousands of people and dozens of polling agencies all working in unity. That's ludicriously unlikely and unnnecessary complex.

Failing the test of Occam's Razor.

What works just as well and without your needless layers of pointless fact free that Trump is simply losing.


You need to open your eyes if you think Trump and Hillary are being treated equally by the MSM. The media shapes the news into what they want it to be, not what it really is and they desperately want a neoliberal in office

They aren't saying the same stupid shit. Trump just accused Obama of being the founder of ISIS. Why would the press ignore this? Or pretend Trump's claim was factual? You have to open your eyes if you think that Trump isn't responsible for the stupid shit that Trump says.

Who, moreso than Trump, is responsible for the incoherent nonsense that comes out of his mouth?
Polling companies are generally owned by corporations that also produce biased media accounts.

Yet the polling companies that aren't owned by corporations that also produced 'biased media accounts' are saying the same thing as those that are:

That Trump is losing.

Your conspiracy theory will have to get even more ludicrously complicated and more elaborate, folding in even more people to accommodate this inconvenient fact. Being sliced to ribbons by Occam's Razor yet again.

And of course, you can't provide the slightest evidence that the 'corporations' are skewing the polls. With folks like yourself making the same claims in 2012 and 2008.....with the polls correctly forecasting the election.

You are literally offering us your imagination as the most accurate indicator of the election.

Good luck with that.

You only have to look back in recent history to see where polls were wildly off the mark. It's all there to see.

Depends on the polling. Nate Silver nailed the election in 2012, calling the electoral count, the popular vote within about 2 percentage points, and every Senate and Congressional election save one.

If the polls are as unreliable as you claim, how do you explain this stunning degree of accuracy?
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You only have to look back in recent history to see where polls were wildly off the mark. It's all there to see. With respect to media bias, The FBI and the US Attorney General in New York opened up a joint investigation into the Clinton Foundation on Thursday. This big event went unreported by the MSM. Literally unreported. My question to you is Why would the press ignore this?

More accurately the The Daily Caller claims that such an investigation is underway. It didn't get much play beyond right wing pundit there's nothing to back the claims up.

No source, no evidence, no quotes from anyone at the FBI or US Attorney generals office in NY. Nothing.

So why are you accepting it as fact despite the lack of supporting evidence? Simple: Because you want it to be true. Your entire argument is an expression of your desires. Not the evidence.
If you're sick & tired of the Globalist Elite Establishment fucking American Citizens over, you have to go with Trump. Clinton is the very embodiment of the NWO Globalist agenda. She doesn't care about American Citizens or the U.S. Constitution. Trump all the way!!
If you're sick & tired of the Globalist Elite Establishment fucking American Citizens over, you have to go with Trump. Clinton is the very embodiment of the NWO Globalist agenda. She doesn't care about American Citizens or the U.S. Constitution. Trump all the way!!
You are just like trump a lying piece of shit progressive that is just like Clinton

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
If you're sick & tired of the Globalist Elite Establishment fucking American Citizens over, you have to go with Trump. Clinton is the very embodiment of the NWO Globalist agenda. She doesn't care about American Citizens or the U.S. Constitution. Trump all the way!!

The 'NWO Globalist Agenda'? Care to share your sources on this?

Gateway Pundit: Social Media Patterns Show Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory

Current polls show the race for President is much tighter than it really is. Ann Coulter warned us years ago in her best seller Slanderthat Democrats and the liberal media always use polls to manipulate and discourage conservatives from voting. Thanks to social media there is more and more evidence that the polls are way off and if things stay as they are, Trump will win in a landslide!


No wonder the US is economically fucked up - bankrupt - 19 trillion deficit - a socialist neighborhood organizer who loves to distribute soomebody elses's money is considered electable - a billionaire is no good.= go fig.


Do you realize that Trump's policies have been independently analyzed and will add 11 TRILLION to that debt you complain about - taking our national debt from 75% of GDP to a economy crushing 127% of GDP?
Promises and Price Tags: A Fiscal Guide to the 2016 Election
Do you have Hillary's? funny the attention.
If you're sick & tired of the Globalist Elite Establishment fucking American Citizens over, you have to go with Trump. Clinton is the very embodiment of the NWO Globalist agenda. She doesn't care about American Citizens or the U.S. Constitution. Trump all the way!!
You are just like trump a lying piece of shit progressive that is just like Clinton

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
hahahhahahahhahahaha too funny bubba. too funny. what's your issue? you one of those who would rather trump and his supporters all disappear cause you want them to?
If you're sick & tired of the Globalist Elite Establishment fucking American Citizens over, you have to go with Trump. Clinton is the very embodiment of the NWO Globalist agenda. She doesn't care about American Citizens or the U.S. Constitution. Trump all the way!!
You are just like trump a lying piece of shit progressive that is just like Clinton

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
hahahhahahahhahahaha too funny bubba. too funny. what's your issue? you one of those who would rather trump and his supporters all disappear cause you want them to?
I rather have a choice between the candidates instead of just one man other almost woman

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
We really don't know. The media has discovered that if they are united, there is no way the people can refute what they say. Investigative journalism is dead.
and why social media is making a difference. funny. the liars can't get away with lying anymore.
If you're sick & tired of the Globalist Elite Establishment fucking American Citizens over, you have to go with Trump. Clinton is the very embodiment of the NWO Globalist agenda. She doesn't care about American Citizens or the U.S. Constitution. Trump all the way!!
You are just like trump a lying piece of shit progressive that is just like Clinton

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
hahahhahahahhahahaha too funny bubba. too funny. what's your issue? you one of those who would rather trump and his supporters all disappear cause you want them to?
I rather have a choice between the candidates instead of just one man other almost woman

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
in english maybe?

Gateway Pundit: Social Media Patterns Show Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory

Current polls show the race for President is much tighter than it really is. Ann Coulter warned us years ago in her best seller Slanderthat Democrats and the liberal media always use polls to manipulate and discourage conservatives from voting. Thanks to social media there is more and more evidence that the polls are way off and if things stay as they are, Trump will win in a landslide!


I almost feel sorry for you

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