Trump is no Hitler

I've always known this too bad Republicans are blind
By Frank Rich, New York Magazine

27 December 16

Charles Lindbergh was a national hero, then a fascist sympathizer. History will be just as brutal to more than a few current Republican leaders.
n 2016, springtime for Hitler has been held over by popular demand to summer and fall. “It’s difficult to say when the Hitler analogies got out of control,” observed the writer Michael Lind in Politico way back in March, after the somewhat unexpected trilogy of Bill Maher, Louis C.K., and Glenn Beck found common ground in likening Donald Trump to the Führer. But the avalanche of analogies never let up. By June, the onetime Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman was comparing Trump to both Hitler and Mussolini when addressing fellow GOP fat cats at Mitt Romney’s annual closed-door conclave in Park City. When a New York Times review of a new Hitler biography in September highlighted some striking Trump parallels, the book in question, a thousand pages long and translated from the German, soared up the Amazon list as perplexed Americans ransacked any source for clues to the provenance of the toxic lunatic who threatened their country.

Trump, I’ll argue not for the first time, is no Hitler. As Fran Lebowitz has said, there are 6 million reasons why not. And some other reasons as well: He has neither the attention span, organizational discipline, nor ideological zeal it takes to be a genocidal dictator. He doesn’t even have the skill set to avoid serial bankruptcies. Yet if Trump is no Hitler, he’s proved himself a stalking horse for a movement with Hitlerian ambitions, psychoses, and allies, the foremost of whom is a strongman with credible Hitler potential, Vladimir Putin. Trump has made himself the supreme leader of an enraged swath of Americans, perhaps some 40 percent of the electorate, as eager to blow up our republic as the Nazis were Weimar. A subset of that Trumpentariat adheres to neo-Nazi values (and in some cases neo-Nazi organizations) defined by a hatred of immigrants, Muslims, Jews, and most other racial and ethnic minorities. That group may not add up to the 50 percent excoriated as “deplorables” by Hillary Clinton, but it’s still sizable. After a parade of women accused Trump of sexual assault in the aftermath of “Grab them by the pussy,” a Politico/Morning Consult poll foundthat 74 percent of Republicans believed their party should continue to support him.

That's true, Rump is no Hitler. Hitler hated Jews while Rump prefers short guys who wear yarmulkes every day to count his money rather than black guys.

Besides, Hitler didn't stay up at 3:20 in the morning sending troll tweets about a Venezuelan Miss Universe from ten years back.

Hitler was a "Herr" while Rump can only imagine he has "hair"...

There's three differences right there.
Hitler didn't go bankrupt 4 times and never grabbed a pussy
I've always known this too bad Republicans are blind
By Frank Rich, New York Magazine

27 December 16

Charles Lindbergh was a national hero, then a fascist sympathizer. History will be just as brutal to more than a few current Republican leaders.
n 2016, springtime for Hitler has been held over by popular demand to summer and fall. “It’s difficult to say when the Hitler analogies got out of control,” observed the writer Michael Lind in Politico way back in March, after the somewhat unexpected trilogy of Bill Maher, Louis C.K., and Glenn Beck found common ground in likening Donald Trump to the Führer. But the avalanche of analogies never let up. By June, the onetime Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman was comparing Trump to both Hitler and Mussolini when addressing fellow GOP fat cats at Mitt Romney’s annual closed-door conclave in Park City. When a New York Times review of a new Hitler biography in September highlighted some striking Trump parallels, the book in question, a thousand pages long and translated from the German, soared up the Amazon list as perplexed Americans ransacked any source for clues to the provenance of the toxic lunatic who threatened their country.

Trump, I’ll argue not for the first time, is no Hitler. As Fran Lebowitz has said, there are 6 million reasons why not. And some other reasons as well: He has neither the attention span, organizational discipline, nor ideological zeal it takes to be a genocidal dictator. He doesn’t even have the skill set to avoid serial bankruptcies. Yet if Trump is no Hitler, he’s proved himself a stalking horse for a movement with Hitlerian ambitions, psychoses, and allies, the foremost of whom is a strongman with credible Hitler potential, Vladimir Putin. Trump has made himself the supreme leader of an enraged swath of Americans, perhaps some 40 percent of the electorate, as eager to blow up our republic as the Nazis were Weimar. A subset of that Trumpentariat adheres to neo-Nazi values (and in some cases neo-Nazi organizations) defined by a hatred of immigrants, Muslims, Jews, and most other racial and ethnic minorities. That group may not add up to the 50 percent excoriated as “deplorables” by Hillary Clinton, but it’s still sizable. After a parade of women accused Trump of sexual assault in the aftermath of “Grab them by the pussy,” a Politico/Morning Consult poll foundthat 74 percent of Republicans believed their party should continue to support him.

That's true, Rump is no Hitler. Hitler hated Jews while Rump prefers short guys who wear yarmulkes every day to count his money rather than black guys.

Besides, Hitler didn't stay up at 3:20 in the morning sending troll tweets about a Venezuelan Miss Universe from ten years back.

Hitler was a "Herr" while Rump can only imagine he has "hair"...

There's three differences right there.
Hitler didn't go bankrupt 4 times and never grabbed a pussy

You don't know the first thing about Hitler....again the MSM has instructed you to compare Trump to Hitler and you're simply following marching orders....comrade.
I've always known this too bad Republicans are blind
By Frank Rich, New York Magazine

27 December 16

Charles Lindbergh was a national hero, then a fascist sympathizer. History will be just as brutal to more than a few current Republican leaders.
n 2016, springtime for Hitler has been held over by popular demand to summer and fall. “It’s difficult to say when the Hitler analogies got out of control,” observed the writer Michael Lind in Politico way back in March, after the somewhat unexpected trilogy of Bill Maher, Louis C.K., and Glenn Beck found common ground in likening Donald Trump to the Führer. But the avalanche of analogies never let up. By June, the onetime Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman was comparing Trump to both Hitler and Mussolini when addressing fellow GOP fat cats at Mitt Romney’s annual closed-door conclave in Park City. When a New York Times review of a new Hitler biography in September highlighted some striking Trump parallels, the book in question, a thousand pages long and translated from the German, soared up the Amazon list as perplexed Americans ransacked any source for clues to the provenance of the toxic lunatic who threatened their country.

Trump, I’ll argue not for the first time, is no Hitler. As Fran Lebowitz has said, there are 6 million reasons why not. And some other reasons as well: He has neither the attention span, organizational discipline, nor ideological zeal it takes to be a genocidal dictator. He doesn’t even have the skill set to avoid serial bankruptcies. Yet if Trump is no Hitler, he’s proved himself a stalking horse for a movement with Hitlerian ambitions, psychoses, and allies, the foremost of whom is a strongman with credible Hitler potential, Vladimir Putin. Trump has made himself the supreme leader of an enraged swath of Americans, perhaps some 40 percent of the electorate, as eager to blow up our republic as the Nazis were Weimar. A subset of that Trumpentariat adheres to neo-Nazi values (and in some cases neo-Nazi organizations) defined by a hatred of immigrants, Muslims, Jews, and most other racial and ethnic minorities. That group may not add up to the 50 percent excoriated as “deplorables” by Hillary Clinton, but it’s still sizable. After a parade of women accused Trump of sexual assault in the aftermath of “Grab them by the pussy,” a Politico/Morning Consult poll foundthat 74 percent of Republicans believed their party should continue to support him.

That's true, Rump is no Hitler. Hitler hated Jews while Rump prefers short guys who wear yarmulkes every day to count his money rather than black guys.

Besides, Hitler didn't stay up at 3:20 in the morning sending troll tweets about a Venezuelan Miss Universe from ten years back.

Hitler was a "Herr" while Rump can only imagine he has "hair"...

There's three differences right there.
Hitler didn't go bankrupt 4 times and never grabbed a pussy

You don't know the first thing about Hitler....again the MSM has instructed you to compare Trump to Hitler and you're simply following marching orders....comrade.
Not suffer fools gladly,,,,,,,,,,,for me the msm was a laugh.....not only are most of you disgusting liars you have no sense of humor either
I've always known this too bad Republicans are blind
By Frank Rich, New York Magazine

27 December 16

Charles Lindbergh was a national hero, then a fascist sympathizer. History will be just as brutal to more than a few current Republican leaders.
n 2016, springtime for Hitler has been held over by popular demand to summer and fall. “It’s difficult to say when the Hitler analogies got out of control,” observed the writer Michael Lind in Politico way back in March, after the somewhat unexpected trilogy of Bill Maher, Louis C.K., and Glenn Beck found common ground in likening Donald Trump to the Führer. But the avalanche of analogies never let up. By June, the onetime Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman was comparing Trump to both Hitler and Mussolini when addressing fellow GOP fat cats at Mitt Romney’s annual closed-door conclave in Park City. When a New York Times review of a new Hitler biography in September highlighted some striking Trump parallels, the book in question, a thousand pages long and translated from the German, soared up the Amazon list as perplexed Americans ransacked any source for clues to the provenance of the toxic lunatic who threatened their country.

Trump, I’ll argue not for the first time, is no Hitler. As Fran Lebowitz has said, there are 6 million reasons why not. And some other reasons as well: He has neither the attention span, organizational discipline, nor ideological zeal it takes to be a genocidal dictator. He doesn’t even have the skill set to avoid serial bankruptcies. Yet if Trump is no Hitler, he’s proved himself a stalking horse for a movement with Hitlerian ambitions, psychoses, and allies, the foremost of whom is a strongman with credible Hitler potential, Vladimir Putin. Trump has made himself the supreme leader of an enraged swath of Americans, perhaps some 40 percent of the electorate, as eager to blow up our republic as the Nazis were Weimar. A subset of that Trumpentariat adheres to neo-Nazi values (and in some cases neo-Nazi organizations) defined by a hatred of immigrants, Muslims, Jews, and most other racial and ethnic minorities. That group may not add up to the 50 percent excoriated as “deplorables” by Hillary Clinton, but it’s still sizable. After a parade of women accused Trump of sexual assault in the aftermath of “Grab them by the pussy,” a Politico/Morning Consult poll foundthat 74 percent of Republicans believed their party should continue to support him.

That's true, Rump is no Hitler. Hitler hated Jews while Rump prefers short guys who wear yarmulkes every day to count his money rather than black guys.

Besides, Hitler didn't stay up at 3:20 in the morning sending troll tweets about a Venezuelan Miss Universe from ten years back.

Hitler was a "Herr" while Rump can only imagine he has "hair"...

There's three differences right there.
Hitler didn't go bankrupt 4 times and never grabbed a pussy

Good point. Rump grabs pussy, Hitler was more into dogs.

Hitler never painted himself orange either. There's another one.

Schiklgruber had better posture than Drumpf too.


Not to mention BMI
I've always known this too bad Republicans are blind
By Frank Rich, New York Magazine

27 December 16

Charles Lindbergh was a national hero, then a fascist sympathizer. History will be just as brutal to more than a few current Republican leaders.
n 2016, springtime for Hitler has been held over by popular demand to summer and fall. “It’s difficult to say when the Hitler analogies got out of control,” observed the writer Michael Lind in Politico way back in March, after the somewhat unexpected trilogy of Bill Maher, Louis C.K., and Glenn Beck found common ground in likening Donald Trump to the Führer. But the avalanche of analogies never let up. By June, the onetime Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman was comparing Trump to both Hitler and Mussolini when addressing fellow GOP fat cats at Mitt Romney’s annual closed-door conclave in Park City. When a New York Times review of a new Hitler biography in September highlighted some striking Trump parallels, the book in question, a thousand pages long and translated from the German, soared up the Amazon list as perplexed Americans ransacked any source for clues to the provenance of the toxic lunatic who threatened their country.

Trump, I’ll argue not for the first time, is no Hitler. As Fran Lebowitz has said, there are 6 million reasons why not. And some other reasons as well: He has neither the attention span, organizational discipline, nor ideological zeal it takes to be a genocidal dictator. He doesn’t even have the skill set to avoid serial bankruptcies. Yet if Trump is no Hitler, he’s proved himself a stalking horse for a movement with Hitlerian ambitions, psychoses, and allies, the foremost of whom is a strongman with credible Hitler potential, Vladimir Putin. Trump has made himself the supreme leader of an enraged swath of Americans, perhaps some 40 percent of the electorate, as eager to blow up our republic as the Nazis were Weimar. A subset of that Trumpentariat adheres to neo-Nazi values (and in some cases neo-Nazi organizations) defined by a hatred of immigrants, Muslims, Jews, and most other racial and ethnic minorities. That group may not add up to the 50 percent excoriated as “deplorables” by Hillary Clinton, but it’s still sizable. After a parade of women accused Trump of sexual assault in the aftermath of “Grab them by the pussy,” a Politico/Morning Consult poll foundthat 74 percent of Republicans believed their party should continue to support him.

That's true, Rump is no Hitler. Hitler hated Jews while Rump prefers short guys who wear yarmulkes every day to count his money rather than black guys.

Besides, Hitler didn't stay up at 3:20 in the morning sending troll tweets about a Venezuelan Miss Universe from ten years back.

Hitler was a "Herr" while Rump can only imagine he has "hair"...

There's three differences right there.
Hitler didn't go bankrupt 4 times and never grabbed a pussy

You don't know the first thing about Hitler....again the MSM has instructed you to compare Trump to Hitler and you're simply following marching orders....comrade.
Not suffer fools gladly,,,,,,,,,,,for me the msm was a laugh.....not only are most of you disgusting liars you have no sense of humor either

You're not fact you're a sad little man ,Eddie
I've always known this too bad Republicans are blind
By Frank Rich, New York Magazine

27 December 16

Charles Lindbergh was a national hero, then a fascist sympathizer. History will be just as brutal to more than a few current Republican leaders.
n 2016, springtime for Hitler has been held over by popular demand to summer and fall. “It’s difficult to say when the Hitler analogies got out of control,” observed the writer Michael Lind in Politico way back in March, after the somewhat unexpected trilogy of Bill Maher, Louis C.K., and Glenn Beck found common ground in likening Donald Trump to the Führer. But the avalanche of analogies never let up. By June, the onetime Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman was comparing Trump to both Hitler and Mussolini when addressing fellow GOP fat cats at Mitt Romney’s annual closed-door conclave in Park City. When a New York Times review of a new Hitler biography in September highlighted some striking Trump parallels, the book in question, a thousand pages long and translated from the German, soared up the Amazon list as perplexed Americans ransacked any source for clues to the provenance of the toxic lunatic who threatened their country.

Trump, I’ll argue not for the first time, is no Hitler. As Fran Lebowitz has said, there are 6 million reasons why not. And some other reasons as well: He has neither the attention span, organizational discipline, nor ideological zeal it takes to be a genocidal dictator. He doesn’t even have the skill set to avoid serial bankruptcies. Yet if Trump is no Hitler, he’s proved himself a stalking horse for a movement with Hitlerian ambitions, psychoses, and allies, the foremost of whom is a strongman with credible Hitler potential, Vladimir Putin. Trump has made himself the supreme leader of an enraged swath of Americans, perhaps some 40 percent of the electorate, as eager to blow up our republic as the Nazis were Weimar. A subset of that Trumpentariat adheres to neo-Nazi values (and in some cases neo-Nazi organizations) defined by a hatred of immigrants, Muslims, Jews, and most other racial and ethnic minorities. That group may not add up to the 50 percent excoriated as “deplorables” by Hillary Clinton, but it’s still sizable. After a parade of women accused Trump of sexual assault in the aftermath of “Grab them by the pussy,” a Politico/Morning Consult poll foundthat 74 percent of Republicans believed their party should continue to support him.

That's true, Rump is no Hitler. Hitler hated Jews while Rump prefers short guys who wear yarmulkes every day to count his money rather than black guys.

Besides, Hitler didn't stay up at 3:20 in the morning sending troll tweets about a Venezuelan Miss Universe from ten years back.

Hitler was a "Herr" while Rump can only imagine he has "hair"...

There's three differences right there.
Hitler didn't go bankrupt 4 times and never grabbed a pussy

You don't know the first thing about Hitler....again the MSM has instructed you to compare Trump to Hitler and you're simply following marching orders....comrade.
Not suffer fools gladly,,,,,,,,,,,for me the msm was a laugh.....not only are most of you disgusting liars you have no sense of humor either

You're not fact you're a sad little man ,Eddie

I love you too and all the rest of your alt right friends here
Not sure which is worse..

the alt-right,

or the alt-retard that keeps bringing them up
I've always known this too bad Republicans are blind
By Frank Rich, New York Magazine

27 December 16

Charles Lindbergh was a national hero, then a fascist sympathizer. History will be just as brutal to more than a few current Republican leaders.
n 2016, springtime for Hitler has been held over by popular demand to summer and fall. “It’s difficult to say when the Hitler analogies got out of control,” observed the writer Michael Lind in Politico way back in March, after the somewhat unexpected trilogy of Bill Maher, Louis C.K., and Glenn Beck found common ground in likening Donald Trump to the Führer. But the avalanche of analogies never let up. By June, the onetime Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman was comparing Trump to both Hitler and Mussolini when addressing fellow GOP fat cats at Mitt Romney’s annual closed-door conclave in Park City. When a New York Times review of a new Hitler biography in September highlighted some striking Trump parallels, the book in question, a thousand pages long and translated from the German, soared up the Amazon list as perplexed Americans ransacked any source for clues to the provenance of the toxic lunatic who threatened their country.

Trump, I’ll argue not for the first time, is no Hitler. As Fran Lebowitz has said, there are 6 million reasons why not. And some other reasons as well: He has neither the attention span, organizational discipline, nor ideological zeal it takes to be a genocidal dictator. He doesn’t even have the skill set to avoid serial bankruptcies. Yet if Trump is no Hitler, he’s proved himself a stalking horse for a movement with Hitlerian ambitions, psychoses, and allies, the foremost of whom is a strongman with credible Hitler potential, Vladimir Putin. Trump has made himself the supreme leader of an enraged swath of Americans, perhaps some 40 percent of the electorate, as eager to blow up our republic as the Nazis were Weimar. A subset of that Trumpentariat adheres to neo-Nazi values (and in some cases neo-Nazi organizations) defined by a hatred of immigrants, Muslims, Jews, and most other racial and ethnic minorities. That group may not add up to the 50 percent excoriated as “deplorables” by Hillary Clinton, but it’s still sizable. After a parade of women accused Trump of sexual assault in the aftermath of “Grab them by the pussy,” a Politico/Morning Consult poll foundthat 74 percent of Republicans believed their party should continue to support him.

That's true, Rump is no Hitler. Hitler hated Jews while Rump prefers short guys who wear yarmulkes every day to count his money rather than black guys.

Besides, Hitler didn't stay up at 3:20 in the morning sending troll tweets about a Venezuelan Miss Universe from ten years back.

Hitler was a "Herr" while Rump can only imagine he has "hair"...

There's three differences right there.
Hitler didn't go bankrupt 4 times and never grabbed a pussy

You don't know the first thing about Hitler....again the MSM has instructed you to compare Trump to Hitler and you're simply following marching orders....comrade.
Not suffer fools gladly,,,,,,,,,,,for me the msm was a laugh.....not only are most of you disgusting liars you have no sense of humor either

You're not fact you're a sad little man ,Eddie
Take it easy on my old friend Eddie. He is worth tens of millions and everyday I get to hear how many tens of thousands he made that day. While at the same time bitching the rich don't pay enough in taxes and the wealthy are paying slave wages.
I've always known this too bad Republicans are blind
By Frank Rich, New York Magazine

27 December 16

Charles Lindbergh was a national hero, then a fascist sympathizer. History will be just as brutal to more than a few current Republican leaders.
n 2016, springtime for Hitler has been held over by popular demand to summer and fall. “It’s difficult to say when the Hitler analogies got out of control,” observed the writer Michael Lind in Politico way back in March, after the somewhat unexpected trilogy of Bill Maher, Louis C.K., and Glenn Beck found common ground in likening Donald Trump to the Führer. But the avalanche of analogies never let up. By June, the onetime Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman was comparing Trump to both Hitler and Mussolini when addressing fellow GOP fat cats at Mitt Romney’s annual closed-door conclave in Park City. When a New York Times review of a new Hitler biography in September highlighted some striking Trump parallels, the book in question, a thousand pages long and translated from the German, soared up the Amazon list as perplexed Americans ransacked any source for clues to the provenance of the toxic lunatic who threatened their country.

Trump, I’ll argue not for the first time, is no Hitler. As Fran Lebowitz has said, there are 6 million reasons why not. And some other reasons as well: He has neither the attention span, organizational discipline, nor ideological zeal it takes to be a genocidal dictator. He doesn’t even have the skill set to avoid serial bankruptcies. Yet if Trump is no Hitler, he’s proved himself a stalking horse for a movement with Hitlerian ambitions, psychoses, and allies, the foremost of whom is a strongman with credible Hitler potential, Vladimir Putin. Trump has made himself the supreme leader of an enraged swath of Americans, perhaps some 40 percent of the electorate, as eager to blow up our republic as the Nazis were Weimar. A subset of that Trumpentariat adheres to neo-Nazi values (and in some cases neo-Nazi organizations) defined by a hatred of immigrants, Muslims, Jews, and most other racial and ethnic minorities. That group may not add up to the 50 percent excoriated as “deplorables” by Hillary Clinton, but it’s still sizable. After a parade of women accused Trump of sexual assault in the aftermath of “Grab them by the pussy,” a Politico/Morning Consult poll foundthat 74 percent of Republicans believed their party should continue to support him.
No shit. Hitler rightfully so hated jews and tried to free the world of their grip. Trump is slobbering as much as he can over nutanyahjews ball sack.
That's true, Rump is no Hitler. Hitler hated Jews while Rump prefers short guys who wear yarmulkes every day to count his money rather than black guys.

Besides, Hitler didn't stay up at 3:20 in the morning sending troll tweets about a Venezuelan Miss Universe from ten years back.

Hitler was a "Herr" while Rump can only imagine he has "hair"...

There's three differences right there.
Hitler didn't go bankrupt 4 times and never grabbed a pussy

You don't know the first thing about Hitler....again the MSM has instructed you to compare Trump to Hitler and you're simply following marching orders....comrade.
Not suffer fools gladly,,,,,,,,,,,for me the msm was a laugh.....not only are most of you disgusting liars you have no sense of humor either

You're not fact you're a sad little man ,Eddie
Take it easy on my old friend Eddie. He is worth tens of millions and everyday I get to hear how many tens of thousands he made that day. While at the same time bitching the rich don't pay enough in taxes and the wealthy are paying slave wages.

Just 25 today weather
Day Change **

+$25,470.40,,,,,,,,,and what is this BS about everyday??? and not tens just the singular
Hitler didn't go bankrupt 4 times and never grabbed a pussy

You don't know the first thing about Hitler....again the MSM has instructed you to compare Trump to Hitler and you're simply following marching orders....comrade.
Not suffer fools gladly,,,,,,,,,,,for me the msm was a laugh.....not only are most of you disgusting liars you have no sense of humor either

You're not fact you're a sad little man ,Eddie
Take it easy on my old friend Eddie. He is worth tens of millions and everyday I get to hear how many tens of thousands he made that day. While at the same time bitching the rich don't pay enough in taxes and the wealthy are paying slave wages.

Just 25 today weather
Day Change **

+$25,470.40,,,,,,,,,and what is this BS about everyday??? and not tens just the singular
My only regret is the irony that flies unnoticed over your head everyday.
I've always known this too bad Republicans are blind
By Frank Rich, New York Magazine

27 December 16

Charles Lindbergh was a national hero, then a fascist sympathizer. History will be just as brutal to more than a few current Republican leaders.
n 2016, springtime for Hitler has been held over by popular demand to summer and fall. “It’s difficult to say when the Hitler analogies got out of control,” observed the writer Michael Lind in Politico way back in March, after the somewhat unexpected trilogy of Bill Maher, Louis C.K., and Glenn Beck found common ground in likening Donald Trump to the Führer. But the avalanche of analogies never let up. By June, the onetime Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman was comparing Trump to both Hitler and Mussolini when addressing fellow GOP fat cats at Mitt Romney’s annual closed-door conclave in Park City. When a New York Times review of a new Hitler biography in September highlighted some striking Trump parallels, the book in question, a thousand pages long and translated from the German, soared up the Amazon list as perplexed Americans ransacked any source for clues to the provenance of the toxic lunatic who threatened their country.

Trump, I’ll argue not for the first time, is no Hitler. As Fran Lebowitz has said, there are 6 million reasons why not. And some other reasons as well: He has neither the attention span, organizational discipline, nor ideological zeal it takes to be a genocidal dictator. He doesn’t even have the skill set to avoid serial bankruptcies. Yet if Trump is no Hitler, he’s proved himself a stalking horse for a movement with Hitlerian ambitions, psychoses, and allies, the foremost of whom is a strongman with credible Hitler potential, Vladimir Putin. Trump has made himself the supreme leader of an enraged swath of Americans, perhaps some 40 percent of the electorate, as eager to blow up our republic as the Nazis were Weimar. A subset of that Trumpentariat adheres to neo-Nazi values (and in some cases neo-Nazi organizations) defined by a hatred of immigrants, Muslims, Jews, and most other racial and ethnic minorities. That group may not add up to the 50 percent excoriated as “deplorables” by Hillary Clinton, but it’s still sizable. After a parade of women accused Trump of sexual assault in the aftermath of “Grab them by the pussy,” a Politico/Morning Consult poll foundthat 74 percent of Republicans believed their party should continue to support him.
No shit. Hitler rightfully so hated jews and tried to free the world of their grip. Trump is slobbering as much as he can over nutanyahjews ball sack.
Hitler rightfully so hated jews and tried to free the world of their grip.

Proud member of the Hillary for President club.
Oh Gawd, more stale 'So & so's Hitler' shite. Seems to never get old. There should be some sort of public punishment for anyone claiming someone's 'Hitler.' Public canings, lashings?
Frank Rich is a fecking moonbat progressive moron.
Fecking moonbat ??? lol and what are all the repub posters here ?? Patriots ?? lol

You're no patriot, eddie. You spew the MSM garbage that is spoon fed to you.

People realize this and that's why you're laughed at
shut up bitch. Go WHINE some more to a moderator.
LOL Sassy seems Odium knows you better than me You have some rep here lol
I read through the article posted in the O. P.

Its the writer's verbose, loquacious, shitty, suck-ass, pinhead way of saying:

"Whats the Best Butt-Hurt Cream? I'm going to be needing plenty for the next four years."
I read through the article posted in the O. P.

Its the writer's verbose, loquacious, shitty, suck-ass, pinhead way of saying:

"Whats the Best Butt-Hurt Cream? I'm going to be needing plenty for the next four years."
Thank you very much for your opinion Too bad people like you can't see the forest for the trees

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