Trump is now George W. Bush


Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2012
Remember as Trump was running he said he was going to get us out of the endless wars of the Middle East. Trumpers railed against the lies of W. and said that Trump would never be W. and would never get us into another middle eastern war. All the Trumpers who said they went along with W. during the run up to the 2003 invasion said they were misled and in the words of Peter Townsend, ‘Won’t be fooled again!”

Turns out once again in the words of Peter Townsend, the new boss is the “same as the old boss”, and Trumpers are being fooled again.

As we run up to war with Iran we are hearing the same BS as with Iraq. This war will be a hundred time worse.

Trumpist lemmings are lining up to support a war with Iran. Just like 2003.

Trumpists are and have always been Bushies. We can see that now.

U.S. Strike in Iraq Kills Qassim Suleimani, Commander of Iranian Forces
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Remember as Trump was running he said he was going to get us out of the endless wars of the Middle East. Trumpers railed against the lies of W. and said that Trump would never be W. and would never get us into another middle eastern war. All the Trumpers who said they went along with W. during the run up to the 2003 invasion said they were misled and in the words of Peter Townsend, ‘Would not be fooled again.”

Turns out once again in the words of Peter Townsend, the new boss is the “same as the old boss”

As we run up to war with Iran we are hearing the same BS as with Iraq. This war will be a hundred time worse.

As we are seeing Trumpist lemmings are lining up to support the war. Just like 2003.

Trumpists are and have always been Bushies. We can see that now.

Hyperbole much? Maybe another cuple pallets of cash?

Remember as Trump was running he said he was going to get us out of the endless wars of the Middle East. Trumpers railed against the lies of W. and said that Trump would never be W. and would never get us into another middle eastern war. All the Trumpers who said they went along with W. during the run up to the 2003 invasion said they were misled and in the words of Peter Townsend, ‘Won’t be fooled again!”

Turns out once again in the words of Peter Townsend, the new boss is the “same as the old boss”

As we run up to war with Iran we are hearing the same BS as with Iraq. This war will be a hundred time worse.

As we are seeing Trumpist lemmings are lining up to support the war. Just like 2003.

Trumpists are and have always been Bushies. We can see that now.

No, Trump is not Dubya. He is far worse, as the break-down of the inter-agency process revealed during the Ukraine extortion eliminated every last bit of reasonableness and caution in foreign entanglements. The repercussions for this latest bit of ill-thought-through Trumpish insanity are probably going to be long lasting and bloody.

There was nothing inevitable about this conflict. Six years ago the legacy of loathing left by the Islamic Revolution began to fade. There was a multilateral agreement to curb Iran’s nuclear programme in 2015, and an unspoken mutual non-aggression pact with Suleimani during the shared campaign against Islamic State in Syria and Iraq.

“For a while when we were doing counter-Isis operations, we essentially had a gentleman’s agreement with him, that his forces wouldn’t target us and we wouldn’t target him,” said Kirsten Fontenrose, the former senior director for the Gulf in Trump’s national security council.

But with Trump’s abrogation of the 2015 nuclear deal and the collapse of the Isis caliphate, which largely removed a common foe, it was Suleimani who emerged as the US’s arch-enemy.

“He was a target of opportunity,” Fontenrose said. “When you know a super-bad guy is going to be somewhere that you can strike and you know you won’t get the opportunity for another year.”

Fontenrose, now at the Atlantic Council, predicted that, while the Iran-backed militias in Iraq might lash out immediately, in revenge for one of their own top commanders killed alongside Suleimani, Tehran would wait and pick the time, place and manner of its retribution – again and again possibly over years to come.​

BTW, Johnlaw, better add a link to some source to your OP while you still can, or the mods might kill this thread.
Remember as Trump was running he said he was going to get us out of the endless wars of the Middle East. Trumpers railed against the lies of W. and said that Trump would never be W. and would never get us into another middle eastern war. All the Trumpers who said they went along with W. during the run up to the 2003 invasion said they were misled and in the words of Peter Townsend, ‘Won’t be fooled again!”

Turns out once again in the words of Peter Townsend, the new boss is the “same as the old boss”, and Trumpers are being fooled again.

As we run up to war with Iran we are hearing the same BS as with Iraq. This war will be a hundred time worse.

Trumpist lemmings are lining up to support a war with Iran. Just like 2003.

Trumpists are and have always been Bushies. We can see that now.
I'm no fan of Trump, but this was a targeted strike, not what Bush did.
Republicans please quit electing presidents who have yet to learn the price of war.
Trump is W. without the brains.
I didn’t know W had brains. Clearly he never exhibited them.

He is a mass murdering criminal who should be in solitary at Supermax, with Ears in the next cell. Donnie appears to be making himself eligible for a cell there too.

welcome to the new world order Gip

believe 1/2 of what you see, and none of what they tell you

Trump is W. without the brains.
I didn’t know W had brains. Clearly he never exhibited them.

He is a mass murdering criminal who should be in solitary at Supermax, with Ears in the next cell. Donnie appears to be making himself eligible for a cell there too.
I was being facious. Trump is so friggin stupid he is not even equal to W’s stupidity.
Trump is W. without the brains.
I didn’t know W had brains. Clearly he never exhibited them.

He is a mass murdering criminal who should be in solitary at Supermax, with Ears in the next cell. Donnie appears to be making himself eligible for a cell there too.
I was being facious. Trump is so friggin stupid he is not even equal to W’s stupidity.
I don’t believe that. I think Donnie is much smarter than W. This doesn’t make him any better, but might mean he is much more dangerous.
Remember as Trump was running he said he was going to get us out of the endless wars of the Middle East. Trumpers railed against the lies of W. and said that Trump would never be W. and would never get us into another middle eastern war. All the Trumpers who said they went along with W. during the run up to the 2003 invasion said they were misled and in the words of Peter Townsend, ‘Won’t be fooled again!”

Turns out once again in the words of Peter Townsend, the new boss is the “same as the old boss”

As we run up to war with Iran we are hearing the same BS as with Iraq. This war will be a hundred time worse.

As we are seeing Trumpist lemmings are lining up to support the war. Just like 2003.

Trumpists are and have always been Bushies. We can see that now.

No, Trump is not Dubya. He is far worse, as the break-down of the inter-agency process revealed during the Ukraine extortion eliminated every last bit of reasonableness and caution in foreign entanglements. The repercussions for this latest bit of ill-thought-through Trumpish insanity are probably going to be long lasting and bloody.

There was nothing inevitable about this conflict. Six years ago the legacy of loathing left by the Islamic Revolution began to fade. There was a multilateral agreement to curb Iran’s nuclear programme in 2015, and an unspoken mutual non-aggression pact with Suleimani during the shared campaign against Islamic State in Syria and Iraq.

“For a while when we were doing counter-Isis operations, we essentially had a gentleman’s agreement with him, that his forces wouldn’t target us and we wouldn’t target him,” said Kirsten Fontenrose, the former senior director for the Gulf in Trump’s national security council.

But with Trump’s abrogation of the 2015 nuclear deal and the collapse of the Isis caliphate, which largely removed a common foe, it was Suleimani who emerged as the US’s arch-enemy.

“He was a target of opportunity,” Fontenrose said. “When you know a super-bad guy is going to be somewhere that you can strike and you know you won’t get the opportunity for another year.”

Fontenrose, now at the Atlantic Council, predicted that, while the Iran-backed militias in Iraq might lash out immediately, in revenge for one of their own top commanders killed alongside Suleimani, Tehran would wait and pick the time, place and manner of its retribution – again and again possibly over years to come.​

BTW, Johnlaw, better add a link to some source to your OP while you still can, or the mods might kill this thread.
Good post. I agree Trump is far worse than Bush, but they are acting the same in this buildup to war with Iran. Bush fucked up the Middle East. Trump has destabilized our alliances and the international order, and now is seeking to go beyond Bush’s complete up of the Middle East. Bush apparently didn’t fuck up the Middle East enough.
Remember as Trump was running he said he was going to get us out of the endless wars of the Middle East. Trumpers railed against the lies of W. and said that Trump would never be W. and would never get us into another middle eastern war. All the Trumpers who said they went along with W. during the run up to the 2003 invasion said they were misled and in the words of Peter Townsend, ‘Won’t be fooled again!”

Turns out once again in the words of Peter Townsend, the new boss is the “same as the old boss”, and Trumpers are being fooled again.

As we run up to war with Iran we are hearing the same BS as with Iraq. This war will be a hundred time worse.

Trumpist lemmings are lining up to support a war with Iran. Just like 2003.

Trumpists are and have always been Bushies. We can see that now.

U.S. Strike in Iraq Kills Qassim Suleimani, Commander of Iranian Forces
As a proud “trumpist” I have known iran was our enemy since 1979
Bush fucked up the Middle East. Trump has destabilized our alliances and the international order, and now is seeking to go beyond Bush’s complete up of the Middle East. Bush apparently didn’t fuck up the Middle East enough.

Just watched Pompeo in an interview claim they took out Suleimani to "de-escalate" the region, uncontested. "Insane" doesn't begin to describe that.

If there is a step to unite Iraq and Iran against the U.S. more than this latest bit of insanity, I would like to learn about it. And that is while during the last months there appeared to be widening cracks in their relationship. That alone is a strategic blunder of a historical magnitude commensurate with Bush's criminal decision in 2003. The situation we're in now is best characterized by the last best hope being that the Iranian mullahs act reasonably. Because without that, there's no telling where the trajectory of the region upward the ladder of escalation will end.
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Remember as Trump was running he said he was going to get us out of the endless wars of the Middle East. Trumpers railed against the lies of W. and said that Trump would never be W. and would never get us into another middle eastern war. All the Trumpers who said they went along with W. during the run up to the 2003 invasion said they were misled and in the words of Peter Townsend, ‘Won’t be fooled again!”

Turns out once again in the words of Peter Townsend, the new boss is the “same as the old boss”, and Trumpers are being fooled again.

As we run up to war with Iran we are hearing the same BS as with Iraq. This war will be a hundred time worse.

Trumpist lemmings are lining up to support a war with Iran. Just like 2003.

Trumpists are and have always been Bushies. We can see that now.

U.S. Strike in Iraq Kills Qassim Suleimani, Commander of Iranian Forces
That's a lot of comparing there. When he gets to the Wilson, FDR, Truman, and LBJ levels type it up. Besides, I like Iran more then many areas of our own nation. So that tells you where we stand.
The ony wars we are involed in are the ones we were before Trump was elected and when he talked about leaving Syria his critics on both the right and left pissed their pants over it.

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