Trump is now promising 'health insurance for all Americans'

Edgetho fails to point out that he is talking about one month in the last 380. That is fake analysis. Try again, Edge.
The stunned silence this thread will elicit will be a thunderously loud statement of where the Trumptards are on this issue.

Unlike them, I'm happy to state my position: If Trump fulfills this promise, which also includes the promise that health insurance will be simpler and cheaper,

I'll be first to praise him. Trump's promise, on its face, is a LIBERAL promise. lol, ouch.

I've already said he was going to be slapped by the reality of the beast. It is going to change but it will not be completely repealed. My belief I that it will morph into a Medicare for all type system.

And that's a system whose "beneficiaries" are required to pay for. Required. And if you don't do it they suck it out of your Social Security.

Part B, Part D and any supplement indeed must be paid for. It costs a fraction of what ACA plans cost. Nothing is for free, that is simply a Leftwing Myth.
Journalist David Lazarus wrote for The Los Angeles Times 20 January 2017:
Let’s give Donald Trump, who will be sworn in Friday as the 45th president of the United States, the benefit of the doubt.

Let’s take him at his word that he has a plan to provide “insurance for everybody” that is “much less expensive and much better,” as he said in an interview with the Washington Post.

...So I turned to several prominent healthcare experts — people who, unlike Trump, have spent many years studying this stuff — and asked how you’d cover everyone and do it better than current insurance plans and for less money.

...It can’t be done.

“You can do cheaper,... Or you can do better. You can’t do both.”

The stunned silence this thread will elicit will be a thunderously loud statement of where the Trumptards are on this issue.

Unlike them, I'm happy to state my position: If Trump fulfills this promise, which also includes the promise that health insurance will be simpler and cheaper,

I'll be first to praise him. Trump's promise, on its face, is a LIBERAL promise. lol, ouch.

I've already said he was going to be slapped by the reality of the beast. It is going to change but it will not be completely repealed. My belief I that it will morph into a Medicare for all type system.

And that's a system whose "beneficiaries" are required to pay for. Required. And if you don't do it they suck it out of your Social Security.

Part B, Part D and any supplement indeed must be paid for. It costs a fraction of what ACA plans cost. Nothing is for free, that is simply a Leftwing Myth.

Actually it's what you just implied with the phrase "Medicare for all". It ain't "for all" if you don't, and/or can't, pay for it, now is it?

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