Trump is now the blame for the 'border crisis'

The only person really blocking border security right this very now is P01135809. The border legislation provides for the hiring more U.S. Border Patrol Agents. Money for new technology is available as well, but P01135809 is the one who is blocking. This is nothing cheat political gamesmenship to him.
Mitt Romney: Trump's Call To Stonewall Democrats On Immigration 'Appalling'.

Donald Trump’s directive to congressional Republicans to not agree to a deal with Democrats on immigration and border control is “appalling”, Mitt Romney said.

I think the border is a very important issue for Donald Trump,” Romney, the Republican senator from Utah, told reporters on Capitol Hill on Thursday.

And the fact that he would communicate to Republican senators and congresspeople that he doesn’t want us to solve the border problem because he wants to blame [Joe] Biden for it is … really appalling.”
Romney. LOL
The only person really blocking border security right this very now is P01135809. The border legislation provides for the hiring more U.S. Border Patrol Agents. Money for new technology is available as well, but P01135809 is the one who is blocking. This is nothing cheat political gamesmenship to him.
Trump had the border solved/sealed with his "remain in Mexico" policy.

Biden is a criminal and needs to be impeached.
Take a long look at above retard, see that idiocy, we have a wide open border, and have since day one of the psychopath being cheated into office, well over 10-million illegal aliens loosed by the psychopath, and see above?

The above retard, who obviously has its ears & mouth surgically attached to the rectum of msnbc, believes it Trump's fault, and that the holding up of Mitch & Chuck's so-called border bill, actually prevents a fix!!!

These people are impossibly fucking stupid, see the little laughing smiley's they religiously use as their sole response to being confronted, that is because they have nothing else, there is nothing else they can do, they genuinely lack a working brain! :wink:

Well shit bird, the person blocking the border security bill is P01135809. Nor is there now, nor has there beden an open border, just sound bitres used to stir the brain MAGA MAGGOTS like you.
America is doing great. Strong GDP, low unemployment, crime is down, inflation is getting under control. You want Trump to shoot people that he doesn't agree with "that get in the way" without a trial. Sounds like you are a Nazi and you want to destroy our country.
Employed people dont give a flying fuck about the employment rate, so you can just forget about getting points for that. That will not be a factor in the election.

Voters dont care about GDP. Youll never hear a voter talk about GDP.

As for crime, it is UP. Violent crimes are UP. Murder has dropped slightly, but its still at all time highs. If you expect democrats to win based on crime, youre living in fantasy land.

Inflation is "under control"? You mean better than it was, but still high? Thats a more accurate description. Do you have any idea how much money people have lost in the last 3 years? EVERYTHING is expensive under Biden.
'Remain in Mexico' was a complete failure. At best it caused a humanitarian crisis, at worst it insured that the worst migrants kept returning over and over again.

Only Title 42 made a significant difference.

Progress. At least you educated yourself a tiny bit. Still spewing loon talking points, but a little less ignorant.
As I said earlier, we need to increase the number of immigration courts to permanently fix this problem.

Do the math. The Demented simp is allowing 350,000 illegals in the country a month. How many judges do you have to hire to adjudicate their claims in two weeks.
I didnt say you changed it,, you selected out a few words that changed the meaning of what he said,,

why would you do that??

would he be so hard to just quote all of what he said and let that stand on its own??

Again, I changed nothing. It's what he said. What a shame you reduce yourself to defend such a piece of shit like him.

And if you want the whole quote, which I'm sure you've seen already...

“When there’s a crash, I hope it’s going to be during this next 12 months because I don’t want to be Herbert Hoover."
Again, I changed nothing. It's what he said. What a shame you reduce yourself to defend such a piece of shit like him.

And if you want the whole quote, which I'm sure you've seen already...

“When there’s a crash, I hope it’s going to be during this next 12 months because I don’t want to be Herbert Hoover."
again,, I didnt say you changed it,, you selected out a few words of a much larger comment which changed what he said,,

my question to you is why would you do such a dishonest thing??
Progress. At least you educated yourself a tiny bit. Still spewing loon talking points, but a little less ignorant.

Do the math. The Demented simp is allowing 350,000 illegals in the country a month. How many judges do you have to hire to adjudicate their claims in two weeks.

You'd probably have to increase the number by about 1000.

If there have been 350,000 per month that are now waiting for their cases to be heard, you've already lost. What good would it do to close the border if there are already that many in the country? You have to clear the back log and while turning new immigrants around quickly.

If Trump had fought for more immigration judges, instead of his stupid wall, we wouldn't be in this situation.
1. Trump wants the border sealed, not to allow 5,000 illegals in a day.
2. The House wants the border sealed too, the senate Republicans are idiots.
The whole Senate is compromised. Otherwise we would not have this problem. They are pulling their puds and deliberately destroying the country
Worse than Obama?


Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up.
Obama was the most divisive President in modern history.

Joe Biden seems to want to carry on that ability to divide the nation with his skill at mismanaging almost everything. At lest he hasn’t managed to figure out how to tank the stock market yet but he still has time.
You'd probably have to increase the number by about 1000.

If there have been 350,000 per month that are now waiting for their cases to be heard, you've already lost. What good would it do to close the border if there are already that many in the country? You have to clear the back log and while turning new immigrants around quickly.

Reinstate Remain in Mexico and deport them. Easy Peasy.
If Trump had fought for more immigration judges, instead of his stupid wall, we wouldn't be in this situation.
Sorry, but no one but the 15%ers any buying the "IT'S TRUMP'S" fault bullshit.
Well shit bird, the person blocking the border security bill is P01135809. Nor is there now, nor has there beden an open border, just sound bitres used to stir the brain MAGA MAGGOTS like you.
I would love to meet you, though love would not be the thing coming to your dead mind at such a meeting! To be as delusional as above sociopath is, is to be deep, deep into the pathological, such a dead thing merely makes instinctive noise, no thought into it whatsoever, and mind me on this last, there is no point in such an attempt upon it anyway, there is nobody home to communicate with.... :wink:
The whole Senate is compromised. Otherwise we would not have this problem. They are pulling their puds and deliberately destroying the country
1. Romney can't stop proving he's a democrat
2. McConnell hates Trump with a passion, but he's stuck with him.
3. Hawley must have had a "come to Jesus" discussion with someone to change his position.
4. I'm confused why Schumer doesn't just vote for the dem plan, I'm sure there are enough RINOs to help pass it.
5. The House needs to stand firm, no money until the border is SEALED.
Romney. LOL


Didn't you vote for Romney to be president, world's shittiest lawyer?


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