Trump is now the blame for the 'border crisis'

Nope, you didn't get it wrong. You lied. Lying is saying something you know is not true. And you know he said "WHEN," not "IF."

I quoted you correcting someone else, quoting Trump saying "WHEN."

AND I quoted you falsely claiming Trump said "IF," which is a false claim from someone who knows Trump didn't say "IF."

And even you know you lied since you edited your post to read "WHEN" instead of "IF."
and why I corrected it,,

and your acknowlegment of that correction proves you know you lied,,
Wow, it's amazing how little you understand about this subject!

Backatcha. Your ignorance combined with arrogance and condescension is not a good look
The only reason why they were ever forced to wait in Mexico was because the Covid pandemic, a health emergency, allowed the President to invoke 'Title 42'.

Nope. Title 42 and Remain in Mexico were completely different and unrelated policies. Your ignorance is breathtaking. But not terribly surprising given the your sources for information.

/——/ Key word IF, as opposed to I wish one now.

/——/ Key word IF, as opposed to I wish one happens now

He wants it to happen while Biden is president. Not because he gives two shits if Americans suffer under a recession -- but because ALL he cares about is how his legacy will be tarnished if it happens while he is president.

He lost my Republican brother's vote over that moronically, narcissistic comment. And I can assure you my brother isn't the only vote he will lose over that.
Senate GOP Pleads With Trump Not To Kill Ukraine - Border Security Deal.

Senate Republicans who favor sending aid to Ukraine and cutting a deal with Democrats to secure the U.S.-Mexico border are hoping that former President Trump’s Senate allies can intervene with the presidential front-runner to save a carefully negotiated package of military aid and border security reforms from going down in flames.

Senate Republican Policy Committee Chair Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) this week asked colleagues who have endorsed Trump to intercede with the Republican presidential front-runner and ask that he hold off on criticizing the emerging deal until lawmakers have a chance to review its details.

Ernst and other Republicans are worried that Trump will throttle legislation to help Ukraine and improve border security before the text of the deal is even released.
I didn't say that. What I did say, which is what he said, is he wants it to happen while Bidden is president. He said he hopes it’s going to be during this next 12 months.
it is a few words out of what he said, and by doing that you changed the meaning of what he said,,

thats worse than lying,,
So how does it ever get done then? There aren’t enough of you to get it done the way you want it to, fool.
Take a long look at above retard, see that idiocy, we have a wide open border, and have since day one of the psychopath being cheated into office, well over 10-million illegal aliens loosed by the psychopath, and see above?

The above retard, who obviously has its ears & mouth surgically attached to the rectum of msnbc, believes it Trump's fault, and that the holding up of Mitch & Chuck's so-called border bill, actually prevents a fix!!!

These people are impossibly fucking stupid, see the little laughing smiley's they religiously use as their sole response to being confronted, that is because they have nothing else, there is nothing else they can do, they genuinely lack a working brain! :wink:
Mitt Romney: Trump's Call To Stonewall Democrats On Immigration 'Appalling'.

Donald Trump’s directive to congressional Republicans to not agree to a deal with Democrats on immigration and border control is “appalling”, Mitt Romney said.

I think the border is a very important issue for Donald Trump,” Romney, the Republican senator from Utah, told reporters on Capitol Hill on Thursday.

And the fact that he would communicate to Republican senators and congresspeople that he doesn’t want us to solve the border problem because he wants to blame [Joe] Biden for it is … really appalling.”
it is a few words out of what he said, and by doing that you changed the meaning of what he said,,

thats worse than lying,,

I changed nothing, lying con. He said he hopes the recession happens on Biden's watch because he doesn't want to be remembered as another Herbert Hoover.

Savvy, lying con? All he cares about is his own legacy.

Trump is pressuring house Republicans to kill the bipartisan border deal in the Senate so that he can blame Biden for it. The problem is that by killing the deal the problem is now his fault.

Trump doesn't give a crap about America, just himself.

P.S. He also is hoping for a recession (his words not mine).
LOL! Do you think its a good plan if Trump is forced to let in 5,000 illegals every single day? Have you done the math yet to see how many ilkegals that is annually?

Nah, that plan is fuckin stupid and it clearly demonstrates that we dont have good faithed negotiating partners.
Trump Wants To Kill Deal So 'Stupid' Republicans Don't Help Biden.

FOR MONTHS NOW, Republicans in the House of Representatives have been holding major legislation hostage and threatening a full-blown government shutdown over their demands for hardline, extreme immigration reforms. Now, as congressional leadership works to finalize a Biden-endorsed immigration reform package, Trump is trashing the deal publicly, and privately referring to anyone in his party who supports it as “stupid.”

Trump has recently told confidants in influential conservative media and political circles that “stupid” Republicans, particularly “RINOs” in the Senate, seem eager to hand Biden a win as he’s sunk in 2024 polls, and that GOP lawmakers shouldn’t be doing Biden any favors right now, a source familiar with the matter and another person briefed on it tell Rolling Stone. In essence, Republicans are concerned that approving a border deal could potentially benefit Biden in an election year when he’s expected to face off against an ascendant Trump.

Late Wednesday night, Trump wrote on Truth Social that Republicans should reject a border deal “unless we get EVERYTHING needed to shut down the INVASION of Millions & Millions of people, many from parts unknown, into our once great, but soon to be great again, Country!”
I changed nothing, lying con. He said he hopes the recession happens on Biden's watch because he doesn't want to be remembered as another Herbert Hoover.

Savvy, lying con? All he cares about is his own legacy.
I didnt say you changed it,, you selected out a few words that changed the meaning of what he said,,

why would you do that??

would he be so hard to just quote all of what he said and let that stand on its own??
Mitt Romney: Trump's Call To Stonewall Democrats On Immigration 'Appalling'.

Donald Trump’s directive to congressional Republicans to not agree to a deal with Democrats on immigration and border control is “appalling”, Mitt Romney said.

I think the border is a very important issue for Donald Trump,” Romney, the Republican senator from Utah, told reporters on Capitol Hill on Thursday.

And the fact that he would communicate to Republican senators and congresspeople that he doesn’t want us to solve the border problem because he wants to blame [Joe] Biden for it is … really appalling.”
well if mitt said it shouldnt we all listen??

I say HELL NO!!
Backatcha. Your ignorance combined with arrogance and condescension is not a good look

Nope. Title 42 and Remain in Mexico were completely different and unrelated policies. Your ignorance is breathtaking. But not terribly surprising given the your sources for information.

'Remain in Mexico' was a complete failure. At best it caused a humanitarian crisis, at worst it insured that the worst migrants kept returning over and over again.

Only Title 42 made a significant difference.

As I said earlier, we need to increase the number of immigration courts to permanently fix this problem.
He wants it to happen while Biden is president. Not because he gives two shits if Americans suffer under a recession -- but because ALL he cares about is how his legacy will be tarnished if it happens while he is president.

He lost my Republican brother's vote over that moronically, narcissistic comment. And I can assure you my brother isn't the only vote he will lose over that.
We have seen the agendas that have fellow Progressives attacking other Progressives with threats, physically and even causing death while they keep promoting the bad people are the Deplorables. Trust is starting to winnow.

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