Trump is now the blame for the 'border crisis'

McConnell has offered to kill it....Donald exerted no pressure whatsoever. Didn't even ask.

So this is another smear campaign....

Trump urges GOP against compromise on border​

“I do not think we should do a Border Deal, at all, unless we get EVERYTHING needed to shut down the INVASION of Millions & Millions of people, many from parts unknown, into our once great, but soon to be great again, Country!” Trump wrote on Truth Social.

“Also, I have no doubt that our wonderful Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, will only make a deal that is PERFECT ON THE BORDER,” Trump wrote. “Remember, without Strong Borders and Honest Elections, we don’t have a Country!!!”
Uh…isn’t this exactly what you dems want? A vote to kill the border bill is a vote to keep the flow of illegals coming. This is exactly what Biden wants.

Why are you complaining?
It’s what you thought Dems want. In reality it’s what Trump wants.
Will you ever realize what a dupe you are?
HOw about this. If they knew they had to wait in Mexico, they would stop coming.

Wow, it's amazing how little you understand about this subject!

The only reason why they were ever forced to wait in Mexico was because the Covid pandemic, a health emergency, allowed the President to invoke 'Title 42'.

International treaties, ratified by the Senate long ago, requires that we let them into the country and that they can request asylum.

Why not pass this one and then build on it? Isn’t something better than nothing?
The political gamesmanship here is totally obvious. Don’t give the opponent a win during an election year. Ok fine, don’t give them a win… but you lose all credibility on the issue. No more pointing the finger at the Dems for border issues. Can’t have it both ways.
1. You can't trust democrats, period.
2. This "deal" has to seal the border, period. No half-measures.
3. After the border is sealed we can discuss funding for Ukraine and Israel.

There is only one way. SEAL THE BORDER.
1. You can't trust democrats, period.
2. This "deal" has to seal the border, period. No half-measures.
3. After the border is sealed we can discuss funding for Ukraine and Israel.

There is only one way. SEAL THE BORDER.
You believe you can get whatever that is passed through Congress?
That wasn’t what I asked. You claimed the Reagan immigration law was supposed to do something to or at the border. And that Dems undermined that.

I have found no evidence of either.

Care to help out here?
Ummmmmmmmmmmmm, we have had hundreds of thousands coming here illegally over the last few decades, with many more under Biden. Isn't that proof that Reagan's immigration deal didn't work?

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