Trump is now the blame for the 'border crisis'

Trump is pressuring house Republicans to kill the bipartisan border deal in the Senate so that he can blame Biden for it. The problem is that by killing the deal the problem is now his fault.

Trump doesn't give a crap about America, just himself.

P.S. He also is hoping for a recession (his words not mine).

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

Trump is pressuring house Republicans to kill the bipartisan border deal in the Senate so that he can blame Biden for it. The problem is that by killing the deal the problem is now his fault.

Trump doesn't give a crap about America, just himself.

P.S. He also is hoping for a recession (his words not mine).

The deal they are proposing will simply fund the purchase of even more red carpet they can roll out for illegals. It isn't going to stop the influx, quite the opposite.
No.... that is just what Trump wants so he has something to run against Biden with.... since the economy is so strong.:cool:

The economy is a paper tiger. Biden ran up a ton more debt to prop it up and is getting back peanuts in return. Reality will set in pretty hard. A part of me would like to see Biden get re-elected(not really) just so he will be at the helm when it all comes tumbling down and dim-witted Democrats won't have anyone else to blame.
There's no issue at the border.

If Trump were President today, these same MAGATs would be cheering what he's doing to "stop" illegal immigration.

The idiot promised us that Mexico would pay for the wall, and he ended up squandering 100s of millions of tax dollars for like 3 feet of wall.

We've had enough!
So no federal funds for the sanctuary cities that are begging for the funds to house the surge of illegals. Since there is no issue at the border, right?
Everything that goes wrong in the entire universe is the fault of Donald J.Trump. Next he will be blamed for global warming and starting WWIII.

Trump is Hitler, Stalin, Napoleon and Genghis Khan, all rolled up into one.
(At least that is what the liberals and the Republican Never Trumpers would have you belIeve.)

Trump is human and far from perfect but he is nowhere near as bad as the Dems and the liberal media try to convince voters. He does have a big ego and is often belligerent and at times obnoxious, but he was likely the best President in modern history. Far better than Joe Biden who (in my opinion) is the worst President in modern history.

Worse than Obama?


Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up.
For goodness sakes don't believe what the encyclopedia Britannica says.... believe what the death ninja tells you.

For goodness sakes don't believe what the encyclopedia Britannica says.... Take death ninjas word for it. :auiqs.jpg:
No, I most definitely do not believe it, it was written by fascists just like yourself dumb ass! Do you even possess the first inkling of understanding as to whose toes you suck upon??? Did you know, that prior to the entry of the United States into the war in Europe (WW II) that the Nazis (National Socialist Workers Party) and the fascist democrats of America formed up a mutual admiration society, that the fascist democrats and their murderous ideas on eugenics, ideas they currently endeavor to enshrine into primacy, served to greatly inspire their socialist counterparts in Germany, particularly one Adolph Hitler and his brown shirts??? Did you not know that? Do you not know that the German concentration camp system was entirely predicated upon the "reservation" system fascist democrats predecessors created and then enforced ruthlessly upon the native populations of the American Indians???

Nothing, absolutely nothing you think you know is true, nothing!
But he IS calling the shots ( among Republican lawmakers) you fucking slobbering idiot
These fucking leftard morons actually believe this.

Damn. Auto shop isn't good enough for these idiots, they need to go all the way back to the little red school house.
Nonsense . Currently the Biden Admin is following all existing laws you dope.



You don’t like it… change those laws

Oh wait, they’re trying to and Trump is opposing that.

And oh by the way this has been going on for DECADES and no it wasn’t “solved” when Trump was Prez

is all over your wet brain.

Maybe you should put down the bong and open your front door.
Trump wants the border sealed. Biden wants to let terrorists in.

The "deal" the RINOs are pushing is still open borders.

The House knows that.

You're a Lackig Sack Liquid Shit.

Senate Bill on Border, Ukraine At Risk of Collapse As Trump Calls it 'Meaningles'.

This bill has bi-partsian support, the only reason P01135809 wants to kill it is to deny Mr. Biden a win. Republicans don' give a shit about the border, for them its all about sound bites and posing while doing jack shit to fix what the call an "open border".

ReNaziKlans do not want to govern, they do not know how to govern. The ReNaziKlans would bow to a Mango Mussolini than work of border security.

It was P01135809 who that said he would, "Make Mexico Pay For The Wall." Which of course never happened. The wall HE put up could violated with a ladder.

There gaps in the wall he put up. Something 400-Miles of border wall built and the last time I checked the southern border thousands of square miles long.

Border Security is a sound bite for ReNaziKlans, they use it to fund raise. They travel to the border, making there TV cameras and Microphones for them to speak into as they bitch about about an open border. But when it comes to voting on border security, they would rather listen to the Rapist and Traitor P01135809 and NOT vote for border security.

Heaven fucking forbid the border security bill be signed, get down on your knees ReNaziKlans. Your fucking Russian Loving asshat P01135809 wants you to do nothing. You care about border security, take your balls out the vault and ignore that fucking Orange Shit Gibbon and vote for the bill. Vote for bill, because if you don't your nothing fucking coward.
The fix to end massive illegal immigration is to invest in immigration courts. The amount of time a person enters the country and gets an immigration hearing should be within 2 weeks.

If these people knew that they would be sent back within 2 weeks (unless they had a valid refugee claim - which is rare), they would stop coming here.
HOw about this. If they knew they had to wait in Mexico, they would stop coming.
This thread is a perfect example of proof that the DemoKKKrats and the left WANT everything that's happening now. All the crime, all the suffering, all the human trafficking, all the narcotics flowing into our country. All the untested, unvaccinated people swarming the cities. They want ALL of it.

Vote accordingly.



is all over your wet brain.

Maybe you should put down the bong and open your front door.
Biden is following existing law.

You don’t like it? Change the law

Oh wait. Trump says you can’t.

So I ask you… what is it about immigrants that really bothers you?

Seriously. What is it about this that makes you so nuts?

I’m not saying it shouldn’t I just want to make sense of it
By the way I happen to agree that asylum seekers are using what amounts to loop holes in the law in order to be allowed to stay.

A. Those loop holes exist. Change the law

B. I’m a realist. We need those workers. I don’t particularly care that they come here to work

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