Trump is playing with fire...He better not mishandle this “caravan” issue.

An invading army? Are you getting that from Faux? LOL.

They are a ragtag group of people fleeing violence in their own countries and trying to find work to provide for their families.

You truly are a worthless unAmerican piece of dogshit.

What don't you understand about the US telling them to go home?
No se entra!
the laws on the book say that WE HAVE TO give these refugees a chance to apply for asylum...

this does NOT MEAN they all will be given Asylum, in fact.... a super majority of them will not be granted refugee asylum... I believe I read that 98% are being rejected.

Truly, I do not understand what all of this right wing commotion is all about?

Hopefully they won't get close enough to ask for asylum.
The system is already overwhelmed and backed up.
it's overwhelmed BECAUSE Trump has refused to send immigration judges there to hear their cases on a timely basis.... Immigration judges from most all the States have offered the administration some of their immigration judges to go there and help hear the cases of the influx of refugees.... but were turned down.

so, the wait time is over 8 months before the refugees can get their asylum hearings...

The administration thought this would be a deterrent, couple with permanently taking their children away while holding them in jail until their hearing....

Costing us tax payers a fortune.... let alone the inhumane stealing of their children.... which we were paying contractors about $500 a day per child, to hold.

A complete bust.

Now he's talking about building tent cities to jail house them together.... 8 to 10 months till they get their court hearings.... still costing us a fortune.....

When the simple less costly solution is to let the States send their immigration judges who could push them through the system in less than 2 weeks.

You're a crack-up talking about trying to save costs on our immigration problem.
Why? Didn't your daddy ever teach ya, "Money doesn't grow on trees!"
What don't you understand about the US telling them to go home?
No se entra!
the laws on the book say that WE HAVE TO give these refugees a chance to apply for asylum...

this does NOT MEAN they all will be given Asylum, in fact.... a super majority of them will not be granted refugee asylum... I believe I read that 98% are being rejected.

Truly, I do not understand what all of this right wing commotion is all about?

Hopefully they won't get close enough to ask for asylum.
The system is already overwhelmed and backed up.
it's overwhelmed BECAUSE Trump has refused to send immigration judges there to hear their cases on a timely basis.... Immigration judges from most all the States have offered the administration some of their immigration judges to go there and help hear the cases of the influx of refugees.... but were turned down.

so, the wait time is over 8 months before the refugees can get their asylum hearings...

The administration thought this would be a deterrent, couple with permanently taking their children away while holding them in jail until their hearing....

Costing us tax payers a fortune.... let alone the inhumane stealing of their children.... which we were paying contractors about $500 a day per child, to hold.

A complete bust.

Now he's talking about building tent cities to jail house them together.... 8 to 10 months till they get their court hearings.... still costing us a fortune.....

When the simple less costly solution is to let the States send their immigration judges who could push them through the system in less than 2 weeks.

You're a crack-up talking about trying to save costs on our immigration problem.
Why? Didn't your daddy ever teach ya, "Money doesn't grow on trees!"

You're a 'catch and release' fan, aren't you? Since 98% never show up for their hearings, it's cheaper in the long run keeping them on detention rather than sucking off the public teat for years and years.
the laws on the book say that WE HAVE TO give these refugees a chance to apply for asylum...

this does NOT MEAN they all will be given Asylum, in fact.... a super majority of them will not be granted refugee asylum... I believe I read that 98% are being rejected.

Truly, I do not understand what all of this right wing commotion is all about?

Hopefully they won't get close enough to ask for asylum.
The system is already overwhelmed and backed up.
it's overwhelmed BECAUSE Trump has refused to send immigration judges there to hear their cases on a timely basis.... Immigration judges from most all the States have offered the administration some of their immigration judges to go there and help hear the cases of the influx of refugees.... but were turned down.

so, the wait time is over 8 months before the refugees can get their asylum hearings...

The administration thought this would be a deterrent, couple with permanently taking their children away while holding them in jail until their hearing....

Costing us tax payers a fortune.... let alone the inhumane stealing of their children.... which we were paying contractors about $500 a day per child, to hold.

A complete bust.

Now he's talking about building tent cities to jail house them together.... 8 to 10 months till they get their court hearings.... still costing us a fortune.....

When the simple less costly solution is to let the States send their immigration judges who could push them through the system in less than 2 weeks.

You're a crack-up talking about trying to save costs on our immigration problem.
Why? Didn't your daddy ever teach ya, "Money doesn't grow on trees!"

You're a 'catch and release' fan, aren't you? Since 98% never show up for their hearings, it's cheaper in the long run keeping them on detention rather than sucking off the public teat for years and years.

LefTards like Care4all still haven’t figured out that nobody can take them serious when they talk about fiscal responsibility. They have ZERO credibility on this matter...ALL sane people know that one can not love, cherish and support the 29 million illiegal cockroaches here robbing good Americans blind and then ask to be taken seriously when they want to discuss how taxpayer funds are spent.
Quick question for you conservatives..........................

How are you going to feel after the military is deployed to the border, and they don't fire a single shot, or take a single immigrant into custody, but rather are relegated to a strict support role, away from the immigrants?

Because that is what is going to happen. Posse Comitatus Act doesn't allow military to conduct law enforcement actions inside the borders, except in very specific circumstances, like 1) putting down an insurrection at the request of the state legislature or governor, 2) recovering nuclear weapons or material, or 3) recovering chemical and biological weapons and material. Any other situation is not allowed.

And, when you consider that the last time a force like this was deployed, it cost us 1.2 BILLION. Are you going to consider that a good way to spend the taxpayer money, sending the military to be support personnel?
Quick question for you conservatives..........................

How are you going to feel after the military is deployed to the border, and they don't fire a single shot, or take a single immigrant into custody, but rather are relegated to a strict support role, away from the immigrants?

Because that is what is going to happen. Posse Comitatus Act doesn't allow military to conduct law enforcement actions inside the borders, except in very specific circumstances, like 1) putting down an insurrection at the request of the state legislature or governor, 2) recovering nuclear weapons or material, or 3) recovering chemical and biological weapons and material. Any other situation is not allowed.

And, when you consider that the last time a force like this was deployed, it cost us 1.2 BILLION. Are you going to consider that a good way to spend the taxpayer money, sending the military to be support personnel?

Layoff the Magic 8-ball. You are no more predictive than today's daily horoscope.
Quick question for you conservatives..........................

How are you going to feel after the military is deployed to the border, and they don't fire a single shot, or take a single immigrant into custody, but rather are relegated to a strict support role, away from the immigrants?

Because that is what is going to happen. Posse Comitatus Act doesn't allow military to conduct law enforcement actions inside the borders, except in very specific circumstances, like 1) putting down an insurrection at the request of the state legislature or governor, 2) recovering nuclear weapons or material, or 3) recovering chemical and biological weapons and material. Any other situation is not allowed.

And, when you consider that the last time a force like this was deployed, it cost us 1.2 BILLION. Are you going to consider that a good way to spend the taxpayer money, sending the military to be support personnel?

Layoff the Magic 8-ball. You are no more predictive than today's daily horoscope.

No magic 8 ball involved. Posse Comitatus Act is a real thing.
Hopefully they won't get close enough to ask for asylum.
The system is already overwhelmed and backed up.
it's overwhelmed BECAUSE Trump has refused to send immigration judges there to hear their cases on a timely basis.... Immigration judges from most all the States have offered the administration some of their immigration judges to go there and help hear the cases of the influx of refugees.... but were turned down.

so, the wait time is over 8 months before the refugees can get their asylum hearings...

The administration thought this would be a deterrent, couple with permanently taking their children away while holding them in jail until their hearing....

Costing us tax payers a fortune.... let alone the inhumane stealing of their children.... which we were paying contractors about $500 a day per child, to hold.

A complete bust.

Now he's talking about building tent cities to jail house them together.... 8 to 10 months till they get their court hearings.... still costing us a fortune.....

When the simple less costly solution is to let the States send their immigration judges who could push them through the system in less than 2 weeks.

You're a crack-up talking about trying to save costs on our immigration problem.
Why? Didn't your daddy ever teach ya, "Money doesn't grow on trees!"

You're a 'catch and release' fan, aren't you? Since 98% never show up for their hearings, it's cheaper in the long run keeping them on detention rather than sucking off the public teat for years and years.

LefTards like Care4all still haven’t figured out that nobody can take them serious when they talk about fiscal responsibility. They have ZERO credibility on this matter...ALL sane people know that one can not love, cherish and support the 29 million illiegal cockroaches here robbing good Americans blind and then ask to be taken seriously when they want to discuss how taxpayer funds are spent.

I bet Care4All is primarily concerned with Care4Herself. She must take in at least 10 tax dollars for every dollar she contributes...

Just kidding, I don't actually think she is contributing. But despite that, isn't it easy to appear virtuous by pretending to care for these foreigners who want to invade the country.
Quick question for you conservatives..........................

How are you going to feel after the military is deployed to the border, and they don't fire a single shot, or take a single immigrant into custody, but rather are relegated to a strict support role, away from the immigrants?

Because that is what is going to happen. Posse Comitatus Act doesn't allow military to conduct law enforcement actions inside the borders, except in very specific circumstances, like 1) putting down an insurrection at the request of the state legislature or governor, 2) recovering nuclear weapons or material, or 3) recovering chemical and biological weapons and material. Any other situation is not allowed.

And, when you consider that the last time a force like this was deployed, it cost us 1.2 BILLION. Are you going to consider that a good way to spend the taxpayer money, sending the military to be support personnel?

I don't think anyone actually expects any bullets to fly.

As for the PCA, I'm not sure how this will play out, there's always been some confusion about the act. If you take the wording literally, the Army and Air Force cannot be used as a police force. It doesn't however, say anything about the use of the Marines, Coast Guard, or Navy.
It's likely the military will function mostly in a humanitarian, or some sort of supportive role.
We'll see.
If he pusses out and doesn’t deal with this aggressively enough I can see staunch Trump supporters getting real pissed off and maybe staying home in early November.
Hammer down Mr Trump....stop this bullshit by any means the right thing for the right people.

Providing for the defense and security of this country is the number one responsibility of the president and even Congresspeople who have sworn to defend and uphold the constitution.

President Trump WILL do what is necessary to hold back this invasion. Those candidates seeking open borders will be defeated.
Quick question for you conservatives..........................

How are you going to feel after the military is deployed to the border, and they don't fire a single shot, or take a single immigrant into custody, but rather are relegated to a strict support role, away from the immigrants?

Because that is what is going to happen. Posse Comitatus Act doesn't allow military to conduct law enforcement actions inside the borders, except in very specific circumstances, like 1) putting down an insurrection at the request of the state legislature or governor, 2) recovering nuclear weapons or material, or 3) recovering chemical and biological weapons and material. Any other situation is not allowed.

And, when you consider that the last time a force like this was deployed, it cost us 1.2 BILLION. Are you going to consider that a good way to spend the taxpayer money, sending the military to be support personnel?

I don't think anyone actually expects any bullets to fly.

As for the PCA, I'm not sure how this will play out, there's always been some confusion about the act. If you take the wording literally, the Army and Air Force cannot be used as a police force. It doesn't however, say anything about the use of the Marines, Coast Guard, or Navy.
It's likely the military will function mostly in a humanitarian, or some sort of supportive role.
We'll see.

The act clearly says; employment of said force may be expressly authorized by the Constitution or by act of Congress. The Constitution not only allows but requires the president and Congress, to defend this nation from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Therefore, using military personnel in defending our southern border is clearly allowed by the PCA.
it's overwhelmed BECAUSE Trump has refused to send immigration judges there to hear their cases on a timely basis.... Immigration judges from most all the States have offered the administration some of their immigration judges to go there and help hear the cases of the influx of refugees.... but were turned down.

so, the wait time is over 8 months before the refugees can get their asylum hearings...

The administration thought this would be a deterrent, couple with permanently taking their children away while holding them in jail until their hearing....

Costing us tax payers a fortune.... let alone the inhumane stealing of their children.... which we were paying contractors about $500 a day per child, to hold.

A complete bust.

Now he's talking about building tent cities to jail house them together.... 8 to 10 months till they get their court hearings.... still costing us a fortune.....

When the simple less costly solution is to let the States send their immigration judges who could push them through the system in less than 2 weeks.

You're a crack-up talking about trying to save costs on our immigration problem.
Why? Didn't your daddy ever teach ya, "Money doesn't grow on trees!"

You're a 'catch and release' fan, aren't you? Since 98% never show up for their hearings, it's cheaper in the long run keeping them on detention rather than sucking off the public teat for years and years.

LefTards like Care4all still haven’t figured out that nobody can take them serious when they talk about fiscal responsibility. They have ZERO credibility on this matter...ALL sane people know that one can not love, cherish and support the 29 million illiegal cockroaches here robbing good Americans blind and then ask to be taken seriously when they want to discuss how taxpayer funds are spent.

I bet Care4All is primarily concerned with Care4Herself. She must take in at least 10 tax dollars for every dollar she contributes...

Just kidding, I don't actually think she is contributing. But despite that, isn't it easy to appear virtuous by pretending to care for these foreigners who want to invade the country. way she contributes.
We are who and what we support...right?
LefTards are always noble as hell when armed with the checkbooks of productive folks.
Providing for the defense and security of this country is the number one responsibility of the president and even Congresspeople who have sworn to defend and uphold the constitution.

Yes, and wasting our military on political stunts is not.
the laws on the book say that WE HAVE TO give these refugees a chance to apply for asylum...

this does NOT MEAN they all will be given Asylum, in fact.... a super majority of them will not be granted refugee asylum... I believe I read that 98% are being rejected.

Truly, I do not understand what all of this right wing commotion is all about?

Hopefully they won't get close enough to ask for asylum.
The system is already overwhelmed and backed up.
it's overwhelmed BECAUSE Trump has refused to send immigration judges there to hear their cases on a timely basis.... Immigration judges from most all the States have offered the administration some of their immigration judges to go there and help hear the cases of the influx of refugees.... but were turned down.

so, the wait time is over 8 months before the refugees can get their asylum hearings...

The administration thought this would be a deterrent, couple with permanently taking their children away while holding them in jail until their hearing....

Costing us tax payers a fortune.... let alone the inhumane stealing of their children.... which we were paying contractors about $500 a day per child, to hold.

A complete bust.

Now he's talking about building tent cities to jail house them together.... 8 to 10 months till they get their court hearings.... still costing us a fortune.....

When the simple less costly solution is to let the States send their immigration judges who could push them through the system in less than 2 weeks.

You're a crack-up talking about trying to save costs on our immigration problem.
Why? Didn't your daddy ever teach ya, "Money doesn't grow on trees!"

You're a 'catch and release' fan, aren't you? Since 98% never show up for their hearings, it's cheaper in the long run keeping them on detention rather than sucking off the public teat for years and years.
You are uninformed. The Obama Admin tried a test program with using ankle monitors on the refugees awaiting their court date, and in this program,

100% of the Refugees released showed up for their court hearings and were accepted or deported that day...

100% compliance with the ankle monitors.

but as I said, get the immigration judges from the States that offered them for the influx of refugees and you would only need to hold them for two weeks till their hearing.
it's overwhelmed BECAUSE Trump has refused to send immigration judges there to hear their cases on a timely basis.... Immigration judges from most all the States have offered the administration some of their immigration judges to go there and help hear the cases of the influx of refugees.... but were turned down.

so, the wait time is over 8 months before the refugees can get their asylum hearings...

The administration thought this would be a deterrent, couple with permanently taking their children away while holding them in jail until their hearing....

Costing us tax payers a fortune.... let alone the inhumane stealing of their children.... which we were paying contractors about $500 a day per child, to hold.

A complete bust.

Now he's talking about building tent cities to jail house them together.... 8 to 10 months till they get their court hearings.... still costing us a fortune.....

When the simple less costly solution is to let the States send their immigration judges who could push them through the system in less than 2 weeks.

You're a crack-up talking about trying to save costs on our immigration problem.
Why? Didn't your daddy ever teach ya, "Money doesn't grow on trees!"

You're a 'catch and release' fan, aren't you? Since 98% never show up for their hearings, it's cheaper in the long run keeping them on detention rather than sucking off the public teat for years and years.

LefTards like Care4all still haven’t figured out that nobody can take them serious when they talk about fiscal responsibility. They have ZERO credibility on this matter...ALL sane people know that one can not love, cherish and support the 29 million illiegal cockroaches here robbing good Americans blind and then ask to be taken seriously when they want to discuss how taxpayer funds are spent.

I bet Care4All is primarily concerned with Care4Herself. She must take in at least 10 tax dollars for every dollar she contributes...

Just kidding, I don't actually think she is contributing. But despite that, isn't it easy to appear virtuous by pretending to care for these foreigners who want to invade the country.

Norman Norman Norman....

The Democratic Party is much more fiscally conservative than Republicans any and every day of the week....

Republicans ALWAYS ADD more to the deficit as a percentage than Democrats.... Just look what is happening NOW, and we are in good times.... we should be spending much much much less in good times....and have a much much much smaller deficit in GOOD TIMES....but the Republican tax breaks for the wealthiest and deficit loving critters are going for broke.... as they ALWAYS DO.

It's laughable that Republicans try to claim they are the fiscal conservatives when they wouldn't know what being fiscally conservative is if it smacked them in the face.....

and YOU KNOW THAT.....
You're a crack-up talking about trying to save costs on our immigration problem.
Why? Didn't your daddy ever teach ya, "Money doesn't grow on trees!"

You're a 'catch and release' fan, aren't you? Since 98% never show up for their hearings, it's cheaper in the long run keeping them on detention rather than sucking off the public teat for years and years.

LefTards like Care4all still haven’t figured out that nobody can take them serious when they talk about fiscal responsibility. They have ZERO credibility on this matter...ALL sane people know that one can not love, cherish and support the 29 million illiegal cockroaches here robbing good Americans blind and then ask to be taken seriously when they want to discuss how taxpayer funds are spent.

I bet Care4All is primarily concerned with Care4Herself. She must take in at least 10 tax dollars for every dollar she contributes...

Just kidding, I don't actually think she is contributing. But despite that, isn't it easy to appear virtuous by pretending to care for these foreigners who want to invade the country.

Norman Norman Norman....

The Democratic Party is much more fiscally conservative than Republicans any and every day of the week....

Republicans ALWAYS ADD more to the deficit as a percentage than Democrats.... Just look what is happening NOW, and we are in good times.... we should be spending much much much less in good times....and have a much much much smaller deficit in GOOD TIMES....but the Republican tax breaks for the wealthiest and deficit loving critters are going for broke.... as they ALWAYS DO.

It's laughable that Republicans try to claim they are the fiscal conservatives when they wouldn't know what being fiscally conservative is if it smacked them in the face.....

and YOU KNOW THAT.....
Neither party is fiscally conservative, Care. If either party was fiscally conservative they would address the spending.
Tax and spend is not fiscally conservative, deficit spending is not fiscally conservative. It really is that simple.
Both parties are equally pathetic, and put it all on the backs of the taxpayers.
Hopefully they won't get close enough to ask for asylum.
The system is already overwhelmed and backed up.
it's overwhelmed BECAUSE Trump has refused to send immigration judges there to hear their cases on a timely basis.... Immigration judges from most all the States have offered the administration some of their immigration judges to go there and help hear the cases of the influx of refugees.... but were turned down.

so, the wait time is over 8 months before the refugees can get their asylum hearings...

The administration thought this would be a deterrent, couple with permanently taking their children away while holding them in jail until their hearing....

Costing us tax payers a fortune.... let alone the inhumane stealing of their children.... which we were paying contractors about $500 a day per child, to hold.

A complete bust.

Now he's talking about building tent cities to jail house them together.... 8 to 10 months till they get their court hearings.... still costing us a fortune.....

When the simple less costly solution is to let the States send their immigration judges who could push them through the system in less than 2 weeks.

You're a crack-up talking about trying to save costs on our immigration problem.
Why? Didn't your daddy ever teach ya, "Money doesn't grow on trees!"

You're a 'catch and release' fan, aren't you? Since 98% never show up for their hearings, it's cheaper in the long run keeping them on detention rather than sucking off the public teat for years and years.
You are uninformed. The Obama Admin tried a test program with using ankle monitors on the refugees awaiting their court date, and in this program,

100% of the Refugees released showed up for their court hearings and were accepted or deported that day...

100% compliance with the ankle monitors.

but as I said, get the immigration judges from the States that offered them for the influx of refugees and you would only need to hold them for two weeks till their hearing.

Give a legit link or STFU.
it's overwhelmed BECAUSE Trump has refused to send immigration judges there to hear their cases on a timely basis.... Immigration judges from most all the States have offered the administration some of their immigration judges to go there and help hear the cases of the influx of refugees.... but were turned down.

so, the wait time is over 8 months before the refugees can get their asylum hearings...

The administration thought this would be a deterrent, couple with permanently taking their children away while holding them in jail until their hearing....

Costing us tax payers a fortune.... let alone the inhumane stealing of their children.... which we were paying contractors about $500 a day per child, to hold.

A complete bust.

Now he's talking about building tent cities to jail house them together.... 8 to 10 months till they get their court hearings.... still costing us a fortune.....

When the simple less costly solution is to let the States send their immigration judges who could push them through the system in less than 2 weeks.

You're a crack-up talking about trying to save costs on our immigration problem.
Why? Didn't your daddy ever teach ya, "Money doesn't grow on trees!"

You're a 'catch and release' fan, aren't you? Since 98% never show up for their hearings, it's cheaper in the long run keeping them on detention rather than sucking off the public teat for years and years.
You are uninformed. The Obama Admin tried a test program with using ankle monitors on the refugees awaiting their court date, and in this program,

100% of the Refugees released showed up for their court hearings and were accepted or deported that day...

100% compliance with the ankle monitors.

but as I said, get the immigration judges from the States that offered them for the influx of refugees and you would only need to hold them for two weeks till their hearing.

Give a legit link or STFU.
What's legit to you? Gateway Pundit, Infowars, Briebart?? :p
Last edited:
You're a crack-up talking about trying to save costs on our immigration problem.
Why? Didn't your daddy ever teach ya, "Money doesn't grow on trees!"

You're a 'catch and release' fan, aren't you? Since 98% never show up for their hearings, it's cheaper in the long run keeping them on detention rather than sucking off the public teat for years and years.
You are uninformed. The Obama Admin tried a test program with using ankle monitors on the refugees awaiting their court date, and in this program,

100% of the Refugees released showed up for their court hearings and were accepted or deported that day...

100% compliance with the ankle monitors.

but as I said, get the immigration judges from the States that offered them for the influx of refugees and you would only need to hold them for two weeks till their hearing.

Give a legit link or STFU.
What's legit to you? Gateway Pundit, Infowars, Briebart?? :p
How about VOX?

Ankle bracelets are another option to detention
The Obama administration turned to another detention alternative, which involves ankle bracelets and other forms of electronic monitoring.

Central American mothers and children seeking asylum were released from detention centers in 2016 after a federal judge told DHS it could not keep children detained more than 20 days. In response, DHS ramped up its Intensive Supervision Alternative Program (ISAP), run by a subsidiary of the GEO Group, a Florida-based company that operates private prisons and most of ICE’s detention centers.

ISAP allows case workers and immigration officers to track immigrants with GPS ankle monitors linked to a cell phone app. The program also requires regular phone check-ins with authorities using voice recognition software and unannounced home visits.

ISAP has its share of critics, who argue that it’s a burdensome program without clear guidelines. But it also seems effective from ICE’s point of view. The contractor said it led to a 99.6 percent compliance rate for court appearances...

Trump doesn’t need to jail families to enforce immigration laws. There are better options.
Last edited:
Why? Didn't your daddy ever teach ya, "Money doesn't grow on trees!"

You're a 'catch and release' fan, aren't you? Since 98% never show up for their hearings, it's cheaper in the long run keeping them on detention rather than sucking off the public teat for years and years.
You are uninformed. The Obama Admin tried a test program with using ankle monitors on the refugees awaiting their court date, and in this program,

100% of the Refugees released showed up for their court hearings and were accepted or deported that day...

100% compliance with the ankle monitors.

but as I said, get the immigration judges from the States that offered them for the influx of refugees and you would only need to hold them for two weeks till their hearing.

Give a legit link or STFU.
What's legit to you? Gateway Pundit, Infowars, Briebart?? :p
How about VOX?

Ankle bracelets are another option to detention
The Obama administration turned to another detention alternative, which involves ankle bracelets and other forms of electronic monitoring.

Central American mothers and children seeking asylum were released from detention centers in 2016 after a federal judge told DHS it could not keep children detained more than 20 days. In response, DHS ramped up its Intensive Supervision Alternative Program (ISAP), run by a subsidiary of the GEO Group, a Florida-based company that operates private prisons and most of ICE’s detention centers.

ISAP allows case workers and immigration officers to track immigrants with GPS ankle monitors linked to a cell phone app. The program also requires regular phone check-ins with authorities using voice recognition software and unannounced home visits.

ISAP has its share of critics, who argue that it’s a burdensome program without clear guidelines. But it also seems effective from ICE’s point of view. The contractor said it led to a 99.6 percent compliance rate for court appearances...

Trump doesn’t need to jail families to enforce immigration laws. There are better options.

Why didn't the contractor say the compliance rate was 100%! Hogwash!
Burdensome also means the program was inefficient and unrealistic.
Hopefully they won't get close enough to ask for asylum.
The system is already overwhelmed and backed up.
it's overwhelmed BECAUSE Trump has refused to send immigration judges there to hear their cases on a timely basis.... Immigration judges from most all the States have offered the administration some of their immigration judges to go there and help hear the cases of the influx of refugees.... but were turned down.

so, the wait time is over 8 months before the refugees can get their asylum hearings...

The administration thought this would be a deterrent, couple with permanently taking their children away while holding them in jail until their hearing....

Costing us tax payers a fortune.... let alone the inhumane stealing of their children.... which we were paying contractors about $500 a day per child, to hold.

A complete bust.

Now he's talking about building tent cities to jail house them together.... 8 to 10 months till they get their court hearings.... still costing us a fortune.....

When the simple less costly solution is to let the States send their immigration judges who could push them through the system in less than 2 weeks.

You're a crack-up talking about trying to save costs on our immigration problem.
Why? Didn't your daddy ever teach ya, "Money doesn't grow on trees!"

You're a 'catch and release' fan, aren't you? Since 98% never show up for their hearings, it's cheaper in the long run keeping them on detention rather than sucking off the public teat for years and years.

LefTards like Care4all still haven’t figured out that nobody can take them serious when they talk about fiscal responsibility. They have ZERO credibility on this matter...ALL sane people know that one can not love, cherish and support the 29 million illiegal cockroaches here robbing good Americans blind and then ask to be taken seriously when they want to discuss how taxpayer funds are spent.
trump isn't being very fiscally responsible with all his spending either. doesn't seem any side can lay claim to that these days with a straight face.

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