Trump is putting coal workers out of work

Damn peasants.

Conservatism is not propping up a dying industry for political gain.

It's not about propping up, it's about progressives trying to kill it before it's natural time because of the AGW boogeyman.

Most of these people would accept economics dragging them under, but when progs like you want to do it intentionally that's when they have the issue.

There were numerous attempts by the Trump administration to prop up the coal industry. I believe all of them failed because they lacked the authority to do so but haven’t heard much in a while.

The natural time for the coal industry is when a price competitive alternative exists with fewer emissions. Which is no.

I don't know about that. At least to generate energy.

My state started closing down our last coal fire plant in 2005. It's probably closed by now.

We get our energy from water, wind, sun and natural gas. No coal.

It's possible. Just have to have the politicians who will allow it to happen which as long as republicans have the power to stop it, they will. They have done a very good job stopping it thus far.

Some states like mine ignored the federal government so we just did it ourselves.

We have more electricity than we use. We sell it to neighboring states. Our rates are the second lowest in the nation. WITHOUT coal.
Donald Trump promised to revived the coal industry but instead he has been a nightmare for coworkers. Some big companies are even going bankrupt:

"Perhaps the most persuasive evidence of President’s Trump’s failure to revive the coal industry lies in the number of coal company bankruptcies and mine closings. As of Oct. 30, 2019, 11 companies, including the largest privately held operation, had declared bankruptcy since Trump’s inauguration. And according to the USEIA, more than half of all mines operating in 2008 had closed by the end of 2018. The consumption of renewable sources of energy surpassed coal consumption in 2019 for the first time in over 130 years, according to USEIA."

Coal miners are great people and I feel bad for them because they were conned into voting for Trump with the illusion that he would help them.
We heard a lot about Hillary being potentially really bad for coal workers but Donald Trump has been full of empty promises of greatness and resurgence.
They had a choice, Russian BS aside. So did the burbs in the Rust Belt, and they chose DJT. And now they are crying Covid-19 mismanagement from the WH and everything else from coal to no health benefits.
So you believe they would have done better under Hillary?


Hillary lost coal country because she stated she would put coal miners out of work. Under Trump we are simply working towards what she said she would do.

No she didn't say she would put coal miners out of work.

You just repeated a lie.

She told them that their jobs are going away and won't come back. Then she offered them reeducation so they wouldn't be totally screwed.

She told them the ugly truth. Coal is a dying industry. Much more cleaner and much more efficient sources of energy are being used and developed.

They chose to go with the liar who pandered to them with lies to get them to vote against their best interest. They chose the lazy way and they got totally screwed.

If people are too lazy to take responsibility for their own lives then I really can't have any sympathy for them.

They made the bad choice. Now they don't want to take responsibility for that bad choice.

They were warned. They ignored the truth and warnings. They made the lazy choice. They got what they voted for. I have no sympathy for them.

"Reeducation" for what?

Read her energy and coal proposal.

Reeducation in new energy industries, in computers, in medical field or any other field they want to work in.

She proposed 30 billion for them to be retrained.

They chose to not do the work to secure their own future. Which was a very bad choice. So now they are totally screwed. No job, no retraining and no hope for a future.

They made the very bad choice to take the lazy way. They chose trump the liar who now has abandoned the workers and they've been left high and dry on their own.

They were warned. They ignored the warnings. They got what they voted for. Now they're whining about it.

They should stop whining, go get new training and get their lives together.

I highly doubt they will do that. They have already shown they are too lazy to do the work for their own future.

The result will be more generational poverty in West Virginia.

They had a chance at a better life, they were too lazy to take it.

There are no alternative energy jobs (or at least not that many), computer or nursing jobs to be had. What good is it to offer people training in non existent jobs and how do they survive until these jobs happen to appear?

Empty rhetoric.

But yeah, go ahead and note how you have no sympathy for them. How Democrat of you.

There might not be in your area but my area has alternative energy jobs.

You might not need nurses or health care workers where you live but they are needed all over the nation.

You may not have many computer jobs where you live but there are tons of them all over the nation.

Those aren't the only jobs. People can go to school to learn anything they want. Not just what I listed.

Stop being so negative. You're just making excuses and enabling those workers to remain lazy and in poverty. Many other people in professions that died got retrained. The coal miners can do the same thing. When was the last time anyone needed a key punch operator?

Then there are the manufacturing jobs that went overseas. All those workers were offered retraining so they could have a career that would support them.

Stop advocating for people to be so lazy. Coal is a dying industry. They were told the truth. They were told they would get help to be retrained. All it took from them is the work to do it. They were too lazy to want to do the work so now they're screwed.

Your attitude only allows them to remain lazy and create more generational poverty.

Good going.

There are no jobs. Are you really going to argue that people don't have jobs or even more specifically decent paying jobs simply because they are lazy?
Damn peasants.

Conservatism is not propping up a dying industry for political gain.

It's not about propping up, it's about progressives trying to kill it before it's natural time because of the AGW boogeyman.

Most of these people would accept economics dragging them under, but when progs like you want to do it intentionally that's when they have the issue.

There were numerous attempts by the Trump administration to prop up the coal industry. I believe all of them failed because they lacked the authority to do so but haven’t heard much in a while.

The natural time for the coal industry is when a price competitive alternative exists with fewer emissions. Which is no.

I don't know about that. At least to generate energy.

My state started closing down our last coal fire plant in 2005. It's probably closed by now.

We get our energy from water, wind, sun and natural gas. No coal.

It's possible. Just have to have the politicians who will allow it to happen which as long as republicans have the power to stop it, they will. They have done a very good job stopping it thus far.

Some states like mine ignored the federal government so we just did it ourselves.

We have more electricity than we use. We sell it to neighboring states. Our rates are the second lowest in the nation. WITHOUT coal.

Probably you are forgetting oil and Nuclear because, well because.

And Power grids don't respect State lines.
Donald Trump promised to revived the coal industry but instead he has been a nightmare for coworkers. Some big companies are even going bankrupt:

"Perhaps the most persuasive evidence of President’s Trump’s failure to revive the coal industry lies in the number of coal company bankruptcies and mine closings. As of Oct. 30, 2019, 11 companies, including the largest privately held operation, had declared bankruptcy since Trump’s inauguration. And according to the USEIA, more than half of all mines operating in 2008 had closed by the end of 2018. The consumption of renewable sources of energy surpassed coal consumption in 2019 for the first time in over 130 years, according to USEIA."

Coal miners are great people and I feel bad for them because they were conned into voting for Trump with the illusion that he would help them.
We heard a lot about Hillary being potentially really bad for coal workers but Donald Trump has been full of empty promises of greatness and resurgence.

Try English. It works better!
Donald Trump promised to revived the coal industry but instead he has been a nightmare for coworkers. Some big companies are even going bankrupt:

"Perhaps the most persuasive evidence of President’s Trump’s failure to revive the coal industry lies in the number of coal company bankruptcies and mine closings. As of Oct. 30, 2019, 11 companies, including the largest privately held operation, had declared bankruptcy since Trump’s inauguration. And according to the USEIA, more than half of all mines operating in 2008 had closed by the end of 2018. The consumption of renewable sources of energy surpassed coal consumption in 2019 for the first time in over 130 years, according to USEIA."

Coal miners are great people and I feel bad for them because they were conned into voting for Trump with the illusion that he would help them.
We heard a lot about Hillary being potentially really bad for coal workers but Donald Trump has been full of empty promises of greatness and resurgence.
They had a choice, Russian BS aside. So did the burbs in the Rust Belt, and they chose DJT. And now they are crying Covid-19 mismanagement from the WH and everything else from coal to no health benefits.
So you believe they would have done better under Hillary?


Hillary lost coal country because she stated she would put coal miners out of work. Under Trump we are simply working towards what she said she would do.

No she didn't say she would put coal miners out of work.

You just repeated a lie.

She told them that their jobs are going away and won't come back. Then she offered them reeducation so they wouldn't be totally screwed.

She told them the ugly truth. Coal is a dying industry. Much more cleaner and much more efficient sources of energy are being used and developed.

They chose to go with the liar who pandered to them with lies to get them to vote against their best interest. They chose the lazy way and they got totally screwed.

If people are too lazy to take responsibility for their own lives then I really can't have any sympathy for them.

They made the bad choice. Now they don't want to take responsibility for that bad choice.

They were warned. They ignored the truth and warnings. They made the lazy choice. They got what they voted for. I have no sympathy for them.

"Reeducation" for what?

Read her energy and coal proposal.

Reeducation in new energy industries, in computers, in medical field or any other field they want to work in.

She proposed 30 billion for them to be retrained.

They chose to not do the work to secure their own future. Which was a very bad choice. So now they are totally screwed. No job, no retraining and no hope for a future.

They made the very bad choice to take the lazy way. They chose trump the liar who now has abandoned the workers and they've been left high and dry on their own.

They were warned. They ignored the warnings. They got what they voted for. Now they're whining about it.

They should stop whining, go get new training and get their lives together.

I highly doubt they will do that. They have already shown they are too lazy to do the work for their own future.

The result will be more generational poverty in West Virginia.

They had a chance at a better life, they were too lazy to take it.

There are no alternative energy jobs (or at least not that many), computer or nursing jobs to be had. What good is it to offer people training in non existent jobs and how do they survive until these jobs happen to appear?

Empty rhetoric.

But yeah, go ahead and note how you have no sympathy for them. How Democrat of you.

There might not be in your area but my area has alternative energy jobs.

You might not need nurses or health care workers where you live but they are needed all over the nation.

You may not have many computer jobs where you live but there are tons of them all over the nation.

Those aren't the only jobs. People can go to school to learn anything they want. Not just what I listed.

Stop being so negative. You're just making excuses and enabling those workers to remain lazy and in poverty. Many other people in professions that died got retrained. The coal miners can do the same thing. When was the last time anyone needed a key punch operator?

Then there are the manufacturing jobs that went overseas. All those workers were offered retraining so they could have a career that would support them.

Stop advocating for people to be so lazy. Coal is a dying industry. They were told the truth. They were told they would get help to be retrained. All it took from them is the work to do it. They were too lazy to want to do the work so now they're screwed.

Your attitude only allows them to remain lazy and create more generational poverty.

Good going.

There are no jobs. Are you really going to argue that people don't have jobs or even more specifically decent paying jobs simply because they are lazy?

I'm not talking about right now during this pandemic.

In normal times there are jobs.

Right now the medical field needs workers for countless jobs. The covid virus is going to raise the number of breathing specialists needed alone.

Then there's the rural areas. They barely have a clinic muchness a hospital. I own a second house in one of those rural areas. The nearest hospital is 40 miles away. And that one is a small one with limited services. Most have to travel all the way to King county to get proper medical help.

The need for workers is limited now but that's not going to last forever.

No, those who want good paying jobs aren't lazy. Those who aren't willing to take the time and work to be able to do those good paying jobs are the lazy ones. Like the coal miners who turned down free education. So many are paying on college loans yet those miners turned free college or trade school training down.

I don't think that is smart. It's not the actions of people who are willing to put in the work to be trained in a profession that can support them. It's the actions of lazy people who don't want to keep up with society and the changes our society goes through.

Your attitude only enables the mess. Look at where they are now. They have no job. No ability to get a new job. Seems to me that all the denial and excuses aren't changing their situation for the better. The only thing that will do that is retraining for a profession that will support them. A bonus, it won't be a profession that kills them like coal will.

It's classic capitalism doing it's job. It's a very good example of why supply side economics doesn't work. It's another example that no amount of tax cuts, no amount of deregulation, no amount of privatization will prevent it. A company can supply all the coal they want. America is the Saudi Arabia of coal.

It's worthless if people don't buy it.
Donald Trump promised to revived the coal industry but instead he has been a nightmare for coworkers. Some big companies are even going bankrupt:

"Perhaps the most persuasive evidence of President’s Trump’s failure to revive the coal industry lies in the number of coal company bankruptcies and mine closings. As of Oct. 30, 2019, 11 companies, including the largest privately held operation, had declared bankruptcy since Trump’s inauguration. And according to the USEIA, more than half of all mines operating in 2008 had closed by the end of 2018. The consumption of renewable sources of energy surpassed coal consumption in 2019 for the first time in over 130 years, according to USEIA."

Coal miners are great people and I feel bad for them because they were conned into voting for Trump with the illusion that he would help them.
We heard a lot about Hillary being potentially really bad for coal workers but Donald Trump has been full of empty promises of greatness and resurgence.
They had a choice, Russian BS aside. So did the burbs in the Rust Belt, and they chose DJT. And now they are crying Covid-19 mismanagement from the WH and everything else from coal to no health benefits.
So you believe they would have done better under Hillary?


Hillary lost coal country because she stated she would put coal miners out of work. Under Trump we are simply working towards what she said she would do.

No she didn't say she would put coal miners out of work.

You just repeated a lie.

She told them that their jobs are going away and won't come back. Then she offered them reeducation so they wouldn't be totally screwed.

She told them the ugly truth. Coal is a dying industry. Much more cleaner and much more efficient sources of energy are being used and developed.

They chose to go with the liar who pandered to them with lies to get them to vote against their best interest. They chose the lazy way and they got totally screwed.

If people are too lazy to take responsibility for their own lives then I really can't have any sympathy for them.

They made the bad choice. Now they don't want to take responsibility for that bad choice.

They were warned. They ignored the truth and warnings. They made the lazy choice. They got what they voted for. I have no sympathy for them.

"Reeducation" for what?

Read her energy and coal proposal.

Reeducation in new energy industries, in computers, in medical field or any other field they want to work in.

She proposed 30 billion for them to be retrained.

They chose to not do the work to secure their own future. Which was a very bad choice. So now they are totally screwed. No job, no retraining and no hope for a future.

They made the very bad choice to take the lazy way. They chose trump the liar who now has abandoned the workers and they've been left high and dry on their own.

They were warned. They ignored the warnings. They got what they voted for. Now they're whining about it.

They should stop whining, go get new training and get their lives together.

I highly doubt they will do that. They have already shown they are too lazy to do the work for their own future.

The result will be more generational poverty in West Virginia.

They had a chance at a better life, they were too lazy to take it.

There are no alternative energy jobs (or at least not that many), computer or nursing jobs to be had. What good is it to offer people training in non existent jobs and how do they survive until these jobs happen to appear?

Empty rhetoric.

But yeah, go ahead and note how you have no sympathy for them. How Democrat of you.

There might not be in your area but my area has alternative energy jobs.

You might not need nurses or health care workers where you live but they are needed all over the nation.

You may not have many computer jobs where you live but there are tons of them all over the nation.

Those aren't the only jobs. People can go to school to learn anything they want. Not just what I listed.

Stop being so negative. You're just making excuses and enabling those workers to remain lazy and in poverty. Many other people in professions that died got retrained. The coal miners can do the same thing. When was the last time anyone needed a key punch operator?

Then there are the manufacturing jobs that went overseas. All those workers were offered retraining so they could have a career that would support them.

Stop advocating for people to be so lazy. Coal is a dying industry. They were told the truth. They were told they would get help to be retrained. All it took from them is the work to do it. They were too lazy to want to do the work so now they're screwed.

Your attitude only allows them to remain lazy and create more generational poverty.

Good going.

There are no jobs. Are you really going to argue that people don't have jobs or even more specifically decent paying jobs simply because they are lazy?

I'm not talking about right now during this pandemic.

In normal times there are jobs.

Again, have you ever been in coal mining country? No there is not.

Right now the medical field needs workers for countless jobs. The covid virus is going to raise the number of breathing specialists needed alone.

Then there's the rural areas. They barely have a clinic muchness a hospital. I own a second house in one of those rural areas. The nearest hospital is 40 miles away. And that one is a small one with limited services. Most have to travel all the way to King county to get proper medical help.

The need for workers is limited now but that's not going to last forever.

No, those who want good paying jobs aren't lazy. Those who aren't willing to take the time and work to be able to do those good paying jobs are the lazy ones. Like the coal miners who turned down free education. So many are paying on college loans yet those miners turned free college or trade school training down.

I don't think that is smart. It's not the actions of people who are willing to put in the work to be trained in a profession that can support them. It's the actions of lazy people who don't want to keep up with society and the changes our society goes through.

Your attitude only enables the mess. Look at where they are now. They have no job. No ability to get a new job. Seems to me that all the denial and excuses aren't changing their situation for the better. The only thing that will do that is retraining for a profession that will support them. A bonus, it won't be a profession that kills them like coal will.

It's classic capitalism doing it's job. It's a very good example of why supply side economics doesn't work. It's another example that no amount of tax cuts, no amount of deregulation, no amount of privatization will prevent it. A company can supply all the coal they want. America is the Saudi Arabia of coal.

It's worthless if people don't buy it.

Hospitals in WV are going out of business.

Struggles likely to continue for West Virginia hospitals - WV MetroNews
No, I didn't. they didn't restrict (not ban) horses until AFTER the people and the market had already made their decision.

That is not the case with coal, the government has been trying to force it out before the market has decided.

All because morons like you are afraid of weather.

Actually, no, we are afraid of our Grandchildren not having a place to live.

But let's look at that, Horses got banned because they were a danger when alongside cars. They dumped shit on the streets, they were unhealthy, etc.

If it were left up to the People, we'd be done with coal. The people don't get say, just rich corporations. That's why it's falling to government, as the representative of the people, to ban it.
One didn't need to be Nostradamus to see the handwriting on the wall for the coal industry. Hillary told miners the truth they didn't want to hear. Trump offered false hope. For a long time it has been my thought that if just half the plans our candidates sold to the public were successful, our streets would be lined with gold.
Yeah....Hillary wanted to do it by 2017. She wanted to ban coal mining.
So you think you can argue that Trump keeping many of them running is a bad thing?
Nobody is arguing that. Coal is dead. Ask Mr. Natural Gas.
But Hillary wanted to make sure that fracking would be banned as well.
Democrats are basically domestic terrorists.
They want to destroy our cutting off our access to fossil-fuels was the ultimate goal.
But, but , bbbbut Hillary. Slobbering buffoon
Is that your best?
Dude, you really need to learn how to think for yourself.
Your act isn't going over very well.
No, I didn't. they didn't restrict (not ban) horses until AFTER the people and the market had already made their decision.

That is not the case with coal, the government has been trying to force it out before the market has decided.

All because morons like you are afraid of weather.

Actually, no, we are afraid of our Grandchildren not having a place to live.

But let's look at that, Horses got banned because they were a danger when alongside cars. They dumped shit on the streets, they were unhealthy, etc.

If it were left up to the People, we'd be done with coal. The people don't get say, just rich corporations. That's why it's falling to government, as the representative of the people, to ban it.


they didn't get banned or at least restricted until cars had already taken over by choice.

hey didn't get banned or at least restricted until cars had already taken over by choice.


Oh, Marty, it isn't marxist to want to breathe clean air and not destroy the environment.

What does Hillary have to say about coal? Where was the liberal outrage?

Wow, what she said was kind of sensible... we have to move away from Coal but we also have to take care of the people who will be displaced.

hey didn't get banned or at least restricted until cars had already taken over by choice.


Oh, Marty, it isn't marxist to want to breathe clean air and not destroy the environment.

What does Hillary have to say about coal? Where was the liberal outrage?

Wow, what she said was kind of sensible... we have to move away from Coal but we also have to take care of the people who will be displaced.


It's Marxist to use regulations as a form of overtaking an industry or banning it.
hey didn't get banned or at least restricted until cars had already taken over by choice.


Oh, Marty, it isn't marxist to want to breathe clean air and not destroy the environment.

What does Hillary have to say about coal? Where was the liberal outrage?

Wow, what she said was kind of sensible... we have to move away from Coal but we also have to take care of the people who will be displaced.


But it was empty rhetoric. This is also why she lost Pennsylvania in part. She took this part of the country for granted. The western part of Pennsylvania left her over coal and the eastern part left her because she ignored them to go smooze in California. It's why the country continues to support the electoral college. She certainly did very well in California.

Democrats can learn this or continue to complain about a system that isn't going to change.
It's Marxist to use regulations as a form of overtaking an industry or banning it.

No, guy, it's a choice.

If we were to put coal on a national referendum, it would lose.

The problem here is that the people want cleaner air, but the big corporations own the politicians, which is why we haven't moved away from this yet.

The problem isn't Marxism, it's plutocracy.
It's Marxist to use regulations as a form of overtaking an industry or banning it.

No, guy, it's a choice.

If we were to put coal on a national referendum, it would lose.

The problem here is that the people want cleaner air, but the big corporations own the politicians, which is why we haven't moved away from this yet.

The problem isn't Marxism, it's plutocracy.

No, it wouldn't. Most people are prissy wanna be Stalins like you.
Damn peasants.

Conservatism is not propping up a dying industry for political gain.

It's not about propping up, it's about progressives trying to kill it before it's natural time because of the AGW boogeyman.

Most of these people would accept economics dragging them under, but when progs like you want to do it intentionally that's when they have the issue.

There were numerous attempts by the Trump administration to prop up the coal industry. I believe all of them failed because they lacked the authority to do so but haven’t heard much in a while.

The natural time for the coal industry is when a price competitive alternative exists with fewer emissions. Which is no.

I don't know about that. At least to generate energy.

My state started closing down our last coal fire plant in 2005. It's probably closed by now.

We get our energy from water, wind, sun and natural gas. No coal.

It's possible. Just have to have the politicians who will allow it to happen which as long as republicans have the power to stop it, they will. They have done a very good job stopping it thus far.

Some states like mine ignored the federal government so we just did it ourselves.

We have more electricity than we use. We sell it to neighboring states. Our rates are the second lowest in the nation. WITHOUT coal.
Not sure what adjective to use for this hope about the future that the GOP keeps giving this doomed, dirty industry and its workers. It's certainly unfair, it's certainly inappropriate, it's certainly ugly.
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But it was empty rhetoric. This is also why she lost Pennsylvania in part. She took this part of the country for granted. The western part of Pennsylvania left her over coal and the eastern part left her because she ignored them to go smooze in California. It's why the country continues to support the electoral college. She certainly did very well in California.

Democrats can learn this or continue to complain about a system that isn't going to change.

Another Bernie Bro heard from.

Okay, let's look at that. Yes, she didn't do what Trump did and promise the coal miners the moon. She told them a stark reality that coal is on it's way out, one way or the other and they needed to learn how to do something else for a living. In short, she told them a harsh truth.

The majority doesn't support the EC.

Half of voters, 50 percent, say the national popular vote should be used for presidential elections, the poll shows — more than the 34 percent who think presidential elections should be based on the Electoral College. Sixteen percent of voters have no opinion.

I'm sure that after Trump is shown the door, you are going to see a new movement to abolish the EC, because he's been such a fucking disaster.

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