Trump is putting coal workers out of work

We are a rich nation that has blown a lot of it. Without all of the corruption we could move from one era to another with a lot less effort. Letting the coal industry die a slow death, if it is, keeps people employed until substitute jobs could be created.

Unemployment was down to 3.4%, the lowest on record. If that wasn't enough jobs for coal miners to transition to, then with unemployment at 11%, it's too late now.
The guy just can't freaking win. Hillary vowed to shut down the coal industry and there wasn't a peep but now (mostly left wing?) factions complain that President Trump isn't doing enough for the industry.
Don't you see the irony. As many coal plants will be shut down under Trumps first four years, as were shut down in Obamas last four years. Meaning Trump did absolutely noting to stem the tide. The closings continued unabated, despite any promise Trump made to the contrary.

Promise made, promise broken.
Donald Trump promised to revived the coal industry but instead he has been a nightmare for coworkers. Some big companies are even going bankrupt:

"Perhaps the most persuasive evidence of President’s Trump’s failure to revive the coal industry lies in the number of coal company bankruptcies and mine closings. As of Oct. 30, 2019, 11 companies, including the largest privately held operation, had declared bankruptcy since Trump’s inauguration. And according to the USEIA, more than half of all mines operating in 2008 had closed by the end of 2018. The consumption of renewable sources of energy surpassed coal consumption in 2019 for the first time in over 130 years, according to USEIA."

Coal miners are great people and I feel bad for them because they were conned into voting for Trump with the illusion that he would help them.
We heard a lot about Hillary being potentially really bad for coal workers but Donald Trump has been full of empty promises of greatness and resurgence.
They had a choice, Russian BS aside. So did the burbs in the Rust Belt, and they chose DJT. And now they are crying Covid-19 mismanagement from the WH and everything else from coal to no health benefits.
So you believe they would have done better under Hillary?


Hillary lost coal country because she stated she would put coal miners out of work. Under Trump we are simply working towards what she said she would do.

No she didn't say she would put coal miners out of work.

You just repeated a lie.

She told them that their jobs are going away and won't come back. Then she offered them reeducation so they wouldn't be totally screwed.

She told them the ugly truth. Coal is a dying industry. Much more cleaner and much more efficient sources of energy are being used and developed.

They chose to go with the liar who pandered to them with lies to get them to vote against their best interest. They chose the lazy way and they got totally screwed.

If people are too lazy to take responsibility for their own lives then I really can't have any sympathy for them.

They made the bad choice. Now they don't want to take responsibility for that bad choice.

They were warned. They ignored the truth and warnings. They made the lazy choice. They got what they voted for. I have no sympathy for them.

"Reeducation" for what?

Read her energy and coal proposal.

Reeducation in new energy industries, in computers, in medical field or any other field they want to work in.

She proposed 30 billion for them to be retrained.

They chose to not do the work to secure their own future. Which was a very bad choice. So now they are totally screwed. No job, no retraining and no hope for a future.

They made the very bad choice to take the lazy way. They chose trump the liar who now has abandoned the workers and they've been left high and dry on their own.

They were warned. They ignored the warnings. They got what they voted for. Now they're whining about it.

They should stop whining, go get new training and get their lives together.

I highly doubt they will do that. They have already shown they are too lazy to do the work for their own future.

The result will be more generational poverty in West Virginia.

They had a chance at a better life, they were too lazy to take it.
I swear I miss the Winner button. This will have to do.
Donald Trump promised to revived the coal industry but instead he has been a nightmare for coworkers. Some big companies are even going bankrupt:

"Perhaps the most persuasive evidence of President’s Trump’s failure to revive the coal industry lies in the number of coal company bankruptcies and mine closings. As of Oct. 30, 2019, 11 companies, including the largest privately held operation, had declared bankruptcy since Trump’s inauguration. And according to the USEIA, more than half of all mines operating in 2008 had closed by the end of 2018. The consumption of renewable sources of energy surpassed coal consumption in 2019 for the first time in over 130 years, according to USEIA."

Coal miners are great people and I feel bad for them because they were conned into voting for Trump with the illusion that he would help them.
We heard a lot about Hillary being potentially really bad for coal workers but Donald Trump has been full of empty promises of greatness and resurgence.
They had a choice, Russian BS aside. So did the burbs in the Rust Belt, and they chose DJT. And now they are crying Covid-19 mismanagement from the WH and everything else from coal to no health benefits.
So you believe they would have done better under Hillary?

I don't believe, it is reality. Post all the silly memes you want, but DJT screwed those coal mining folks. He's had 4 years to bank a promise to coal miners, and nothing.

By the way, the tile work in your "new" bathroom sucks to high heaven.
It's not about propping up, it's about progressives trying to kill it before it's natural time because of the AGW boogeyman.

Most of these people would accept economics dragging them under, but when progs like you want to do it intentionally that's when they have the issue.
Renewable energy isn't about replacing coal, it's about replacing expensive polluting fossil fuels. Gas and oil are still booming because unlike the coal dinosaur.
via strip mining in Asia and Africa............all we have done is export the enviro damage to idiots like this can say...........LOOK AT THIS CLEAN ENERGY.

I'm sure someone dying of Silicosis in China cares about your clean energy or the young kid in Africa getting you cobalt.......his black ass doesn't matter to you......for AGW.....

Donald Trump promised to revived the coal industry but instead he has been a nightmare for coworkers. Some big companies are even going bankrupt:

"Perhaps the most persuasive evidence of President’s Trump’s failure to revive the coal industry lies in the number of coal company bankruptcies and mine closings. As of Oct. 30, 2019, 11 companies, including the largest privately held operation, had declared bankruptcy since Trump’s inauguration. And according to the USEIA, more than half of all mines operating in 2008 had closed by the end of 2018. The consumption of renewable sources of energy surpassed coal consumption in 2019 for the first time in over 130 years, according to USEIA."

Coal miners are great people and I feel bad for them because they were conned into voting for Trump with the illusion that he would help them.
We heard a lot about Hillary being potentially really bad for coal workers but Donald Trump has been full of empty promises of greatness and resurgence.
They had a choice, Russian BS aside. So did the burbs in the Rust Belt, and they chose DJT. And now they are crying Covid-19 mismanagement from the WH and everything else from coal to no health benefits.
So you believe they would have done better under Hillary?


Hillary lost coal country because she stated she would put coal miners out of work. Under Trump we are simply working towards what she said she would do.
That's not what she said.
Donald Trump promised to revived the coal industry but instead he has been a nightmare for coworkers. Some big companies are even going bankrupt:

"Perhaps the most persuasive evidence of President’s Trump’s failure to revive the coal industry lies in the number of coal company bankruptcies and mine closings. As of Oct. 30, 2019, 11 companies, including the largest privately held operation, had declared bankruptcy since Trump’s inauguration. And according to the USEIA, more than half of all mines operating in 2008 had closed by the end of 2018. The consumption of renewable sources of energy surpassed coal consumption in 2019 for the first time in over 130 years, according to USEIA."

Coal miners are great people and I feel bad for them because they were conned into voting for Trump with the illusion that he would help them.
We heard a lot about Hillary being potentially really bad for coal workers but Donald Trump has been full of empty promises of greatness and resurgence.
They had a choice, Russian BS aside. So did the burbs in the Rust Belt, and they chose DJT. And now they are crying Covid-19 mismanagement from the WH and everything else from coal to no health benefits.
So you believe they would have done better under Hillary?


Hillary lost coal country because she stated she would put coal miners out of work. Under Trump we are simply working towards what she said she would do.
Trump isn't "working towards" it, moron. There's a difference between the results of economic forces and actively trying to destroy the coal industry.

I also did not say this. I said "we are" working towards it still under Trump.
Who is "we?" Power companies are switching to natural gas because it's cheaper.
Jebuz Fucking Krist. U have to be the dumbest fucking commenter on USMB. You defend the coal industry and then admit gas is king.
But here's the thing. Trump didn't put any new regulations, and repealled the ones that were there, and the Coal industry has continued to decline, anyway.

The real problem is, the technology is dirty and obsolete.

Wrong, the OP's article cites, "more stringent air quality regulations, and weaker-than-expected demand for coal in Asia” as the primary sources of the industry’s current woes."

There is a weaker demand because like it or not the world is moving away from coal because it's dirty and becoming obsolete.

Said nobody in China.


Beijing shuts last coal-fired power plant in bid to clear air

LMAO apparently you didn't read the 2nd line of your own link, "But capital still relies on polluting energy sources in other provinces for part of its energy needs "

It does. I didn't say we were done with dirty energy. I said there was less of a demand. That's exactly what my article states.

They just moved it away from the city. When the world stops using coal call us, until then stop trying to ban it. In fact what is this liberal fetish with banning things??

I also never argued to ban it. I'm arguing to move away from it.

Define moving away from it, making it so ridiculously expensive and difficult with government regulations that you effectively ban it would be my guess.

Should it be regulated? Absolutely. Does regulations make it more expensive? Absolutely. Even with regulations we had a total disregard for anything but the bottom line out of Don Blankenship. Just think how bad it would be without them.

A brand new coal mine was days from opening in West Virginia. They had spent millions of dollars and years complying with every government regulation. Just days before opening Obama shut the mine down with a stack of new government regulations designed specifically to kill that mine. The two DEM senators were furious and sent Obama a strongly worded letter to no avail. The fact is Democrats have weaponized government regulations to destroy industries they don't like.

Meanwhile Democrats are obliterating the environment and routinely breaking their own pollution laws and it's total crickets.
Internet stories. Gather round everyone.

It's a matter of public record you retard.
Heard that one before. Lots of times.

You are beyond ignorant.

Of what? You’re totally true internet stories?

When 2 US Dem senators send a letter to a POTUS there's a record dumb ass. Go play with your gender confused Ken doll, adults are talking. :eusa_hand:
Sure they did. It’s very smart to believe everything random people on the internet say.

Suck a foot long turd libtard. I have given you the state, the senators, the POTUS go look it up and stop trolling.
Donald Trump promised to revived the coal industry but instead he has been a nightmare for coworkers. Some big companies are even going bankrupt:

"Perhaps the most persuasive evidence of President’s Trump’s failure to revive the coal industry lies in the number of coal company bankruptcies and mine closings. As of Oct. 30, 2019, 11 companies, including the largest privately held operation, had declared bankruptcy since Trump’s inauguration. And according to the USEIA, more than half of all mines operating in 2008 had closed by the end of 2018. The consumption of renewable sources of energy surpassed coal consumption in 2019 for the first time in over 130 years, according to USEIA."

Coal miners are great people and I feel bad for them because they were conned into voting for Trump with the illusion that he would help them.
We heard a lot about Hillary being potentially really bad for coal workers but Donald Trump has been full of empty promises of greatness and resurgence.
They had a choice, Russian BS aside. So did the burbs in the Rust Belt, and they chose DJT. And now they are crying Covid-19 mismanagement from the WH and everything else from coal to no health benefits.
So you believe they would have done better under Hillary?


Hillary lost coal country because she stated she would put coal miners out of work. Under Trump we are simply working towards what she said she would do.

No she didn't say she would put coal miners out of work.

You just repeated a lie.

She told them that their jobs are going away and won't come back. Then she offered them reeducation so they wouldn't be totally screwed.

She told them the ugly truth. Coal is a dying industry. Much more cleaner and much more efficient sources of energy are being used and developed.

They chose to go with the liar who pandered to them with lies to get them to vote against their best interest. They chose the lazy way and they got totally screwed.

If people are too lazy to take responsibility for their own lives then I really can't have any sympathy for them.

They made the bad choice. Now they don't want to take responsibility for that bad choice.

They were warned. They ignored the truth and warnings. They made the lazy choice. They got what they voted for. I have no sympathy for them.

"Reeducation" for what?

Read her energy and coal proposal.

Reeducation in new energy industries, in computers, in medical field or any other field they want to work in.

She proposed 30 billion for them to be retrained.

They chose to not do the work to secure their own future. Which was a very bad choice. So now they are totally screwed. No job, no retraining and no hope for a future.

They made the very bad choice to take the lazy way. They chose trump the liar who now has abandoned the workers and they've been left high and dry on their own.

They were warned. They ignored the warnings. They got what they voted for. Now they're whining about it.

They should stop whining, go get new training and get their lives together.

I highly doubt they will do that. They have already shown they are too lazy to do the work for their own future.

The result will be more generational poverty in West Virginia.

They had a chance at a better life, they were too lazy to take it.

Damn peasants.
How dare they.
But here's the thing. Trump didn't put any new regulations, and repealled the ones that were there, and the Coal industry has continued to decline, anyway.

The real problem is, the technology is dirty and obsolete.

Wrong, the OP's article cites, "more stringent air quality regulations, and weaker-than-expected demand for coal in Asia” as the primary sources of the industry’s current woes."

There is a weaker demand because like it or not the world is moving away from coal because it's dirty and becoming obsolete.

Said nobody in China.


Beijing shuts last coal-fired power plant in bid to clear air

LMAO apparently you didn't read the 2nd line of your own link, "But capital still relies on polluting energy sources in other provinces for part of its energy needs "

It does. I didn't say we were done with dirty energy. I said there was less of a demand. That's exactly what my article states.

They just moved it away from the city. When the world stops using coal call us, until then stop trying to ban it. In fact what is this liberal fetish with banning things??

I also never argued to ban it. I'm arguing to move away from it.

Define moving away from it, making it so ridiculously expensive and difficult with government regulations that you effectively ban it would be my guess.

Should it be regulated? Absolutely. Does regulations make it more expensive? Absolutely. Even with regulations we had a total disregard for anything but the bottom line out of Don Blankenship. Just think how bad it would be without them.

A brand new coal mine was days from opening in West Virginia. They had spent millions of dollars and years complying with every government regulation. Just days before opening Obama shut the mine down with a stack of new government regulations designed specifically to kill that mine. The two DEM senators were furious and sent Obama a strongly worded letter to no avail. The fact is Democrats have weaponized government regulations to destroy industries they don't like.

Meanwhile Democrats are obliterating the environment and routinely breaking their own pollution laws and it's total crickets.
Internet stories. Gather round everyone.

It's a matter of public record you retard.
Heard that one before. Lots of times.

You are beyond ignorant.

Of what? You’re totally true internet stories?

When 2 US Dem senators send a letter to a POTUS there's a record dumb ass. Go play with your gender confused Ken doll, adults are talking. :eusa_hand:
Sure they did. It’s very smart to believe everything random people on the internet say.

Suck a foot long turd libtard. I have given you the state, the senators, the POTUS go look it up and stop trolling.
Google is you friend, twat.
But here's the thing. Trump didn't put any new regulations, and repealled the ones that were there, and the Coal industry has continued to decline, anyway.

The real problem is, the technology is dirty and obsolete.

Wrong, the OP's article cites, "more stringent air quality regulations, and weaker-than-expected demand for coal in Asia” as the primary sources of the industry’s current woes."

There is a weaker demand because like it or not the world is moving away from coal because it's dirty and becoming obsolete.

Said nobody in China.


Beijing shuts last coal-fired power plant in bid to clear air

LMAO apparently you didn't read the 2nd line of your own link, "But capital still relies on polluting energy sources in other provinces for part of its energy needs "

It does. I didn't say we were done with dirty energy. I said there was less of a demand. That's exactly what my article states.

They just moved it away from the city. When the world stops using coal call us, until then stop trying to ban it. In fact what is this liberal fetish with banning things??

I also never argued to ban it. I'm arguing to move away from it.

Define moving away from it, making it so ridiculously expensive and difficult with government regulations that you effectively ban it would be my guess.

Should it be regulated? Absolutely. Does regulations make it more expensive? Absolutely. Even with regulations we had a total disregard for anything but the bottom line out of Don Blankenship. Just think how bad it would be without them.

A brand new coal mine was days from opening in West Virginia. They had spent millions of dollars and years complying with every government regulation. Just days before opening Obama shut the mine down with a stack of new government regulations designed specifically to kill that mine. The two DEM senators were furious and sent Obama a strongly worded letter to no avail. The fact is Democrats have weaponized government regulations to destroy industries they don't like.

Meanwhile Democrats are obliterating the environment and routinely breaking their own pollution laws and it's total crickets.
Internet stories. Gather round everyone.

It's a matter of public record you retard.
Heard that one before. Lots of times.

You are beyond ignorant.

Of what? You’re totally true internet stories?

When 2 US Dem senators send a letter to a POTUS there's a record dumb ass. Go play with your gender confused Ken doll, adults are talking. :eusa_hand:
Sure they did. It’s very smart to believe everything random people on the internet say.

Suck a foot long turd libtard. I have given you the state, the senators, the POTUS go look it up and stop trolling.
Google is you friend, twat.
Google is your friend only if you're a TDS moron.
But here's the thing. Trump didn't put any new regulations, and repealled the ones that were there, and the Coal industry has continued to decline, anyway.

The real problem is, the technology is dirty and obsolete.

Wrong, the OP's article cites, "more stringent air quality regulations, and weaker-than-expected demand for coal in Asia” as the primary sources of the industry’s current woes."

There is a weaker demand because like it or not the world is moving away from coal because it's dirty and becoming obsolete.

Said nobody in China.


Beijing shuts last coal-fired power plant in bid to clear air

LMAO apparently you didn't read the 2nd line of your own link, "But capital still relies on polluting energy sources in other provinces for part of its energy needs "

It does. I didn't say we were done with dirty energy. I said there was less of a demand. That's exactly what my article states.

They just moved it away from the city. When the world stops using coal call us, until then stop trying to ban it. In fact what is this liberal fetish with banning things??

I also never argued to ban it. I'm arguing to move away from it.

Define moving away from it, making it so ridiculously expensive and difficult with government regulations that you effectively ban it would be my guess.

Should it be regulated? Absolutely. Does regulations make it more expensive? Absolutely. Even with regulations we had a total disregard for anything but the bottom line out of Don Blankenship. Just think how bad it would be without them.

A brand new coal mine was days from opening in West Virginia. They had spent millions of dollars and years complying with every government regulation. Just days before opening Obama shut the mine down with a stack of new government regulations designed specifically to kill that mine. The two DEM senators were furious and sent Obama a strongly worded letter to no avail. The fact is Democrats have weaponized government regulations to destroy industries they don't like.

Meanwhile Democrats are obliterating the environment and routinely breaking their own pollution laws and it's total crickets.
Internet stories. Gather round everyone.

It's a matter of public record you retard.
Heard that one before. Lots of times.

You are beyond ignorant.

Of what? You’re totally true internet stories?

When 2 US Dem senators send a letter to a POTUS there's a record dumb ass. Go play with your gender confused Ken doll, adults are talking. :eusa_hand:
Sure they did. It’s very smart to believe everything random people on the internet say.

Suck a foot long turd libtard. I have given you the state, the senators, the POTUS go look it up and stop trolling.
Google is you friend, twat.
Google is your friend only if you're a TDS moron.

These idiot libtards argue documented well know facts. They are either trolling, stupid, or both.
We are a rich nation that has blown a lot of it. Without all of the corruption we could move from one era to another with a lot less effort. Letting the coal industry die a slow death, if it is, keeps people employed until substitute jobs could be created.

Unemployment was down to 3.4%, the lowest on record. If that wasn't enough jobs for coal miners to transition to, then with unemployment at 11%, it's too late now.
I am not from there. There are areas where the type of work is an institution to itself. It was the lifeblood of an area for a long tenure of time. Some cities transitioned from this. But they had an advantage of a higher concentration of people in a smaller area. Some cities did not. Have not recovered since the manufacturing left them. From autos to textiles and more. That affected African Americans a lot.
"substantial social benefit" is an objective term, nothing more, and basically a fudge factor that's just a way to say "When I do it, it's OK because of X".

Progressives create an ambiguous threat that can't be measured or determined, and then say some intangible benefit is why we have to spend X, ban X, prevent X, and of course do it all through socialism.
Substantial social benefit because "clean energy" by definition, doesn't pollute the land sea or air. There are no EPA regulated wastes to deal with, and it passes all clean air and clean water standards with zero emissions.

And it can't keep up a base load unless you are talking hydroelectric. Solar and wind are intermittent, and have their own issues.

Plus the devices require pretty rare and hard to obtain materials to make them work, harder than the materials needed for a boiler or a gas turbine, that's for sure.

People sell them as something better than they are. I'll take some pollution to make sure I don't lose my lights at night or when it's calm out.
One didn't need to be Nostradamus to see the handwriting on the wall for the coal industry. Hillary told miners the truth they didn't want to hear. Trump offered false hope. For a long time it has been my thought that if just half the plans our candidates sold to the public were successful, our streets would be lined with gold.
Yeah....Hillary wanted to do it by 2017. She wanted to ban coal mining.
So you think you can argue that Trump keeping many of them running is a bad thing?
Nobody is arguing that. Coal is dead. Ask Mr. Natural Gas.
But Hillary wanted to make sure that fracking would be banned as well.
Democrats are basically domestic terrorists.
They want to destroy our cutting off our access to fossil-fuels was the ultimate goal.
But, but , bbbbut Hillary. Slobbering buffoon
But here's the thing. Trump didn't put any new regulations, and repealled the ones that were there, and the Coal industry has continued to decline, anyway.

The real problem is, the technology is dirty and obsolete.

Wrong, the OP's article cites, "more stringent air quality regulations, and weaker-than-expected demand for coal in Asia” as the primary sources of the industry’s current woes."

There is a weaker demand because like it or not the world is moving away from coal because it's dirty and becoming obsolete.

Said nobody in China.


Beijing shuts last coal-fired power plant in bid to clear air

LMAO apparently you didn't read the 2nd line of your own link, "But capital still relies on polluting energy sources in other provinces for part of its energy needs "

It does. I didn't say we were done with dirty energy. I said there was less of a demand. That's exactly what my article states.

They just moved it away from the city. When the world stops using coal call us, until then stop trying to ban it. In fact what is this liberal fetish with banning things??

I also never argued to ban it. I'm arguing to move away from it.

Define moving away from it, making it so ridiculously expensive and difficult with government regulations that you effectively ban it would be my guess.

Should it be regulated? Absolutely. Does regulations make it more expensive? Absolutely. Even with regulations we had a total disregard for anything but the bottom line out of Don Blankenship. Just think how bad it would be without them.

A brand new coal mine was days from opening in West Virginia. They had spent millions of dollars and years complying with every government regulation. Just days before opening Obama shut the mine down with a stack of new government regulations designed specifically to kill that mine. The two DEM senators were furious and sent Obama a strongly worded letter to no avail. The fact is Democrats have weaponized government regulations to destroy industries they don't like.

Meanwhile Democrats are obliterating the environment and routinely breaking their own pollution laws and it's total crickets.
Internet stories. Gather round everyone.

It's a matter of public record you retard.
Heard that one before. Lots of times.

You are beyond ignorant.

Of what? You’re totally true internet stories?

When 2 US Dem senators send a letter to a POTUS there's a record dumb ass. Go play with your gender confused Ken doll, adults are talking. :eusa_hand:
Sure they did. It’s very smart to believe everything random people on the internet say.

Suck a foot long turd libtard. I have given you the state, the senators, the POTUS go look it up and stop trolling.

Indeed. With such precise details, surely it’s impossible that this is fabricated.
"substantial social benefit" is an objective term, nothing more, and basically a fudge factor that's just a way to say "When I do it, it's OK because of X".

Progressives create an ambiguous threat that can't be measured or determined, and then say some intangible benefit is why we have to spend X, ban X, prevent X, and of course do it all through socialism.
Substantial social benefit because "clean energy" by definition, doesn't pollute the land sea or air. There are no EPA regulated wastes to deal with, and it passes all clean air and clean water standards with zero emissions.

And it can't keep up a base load unless you are talking hydroelectric. Solar and wind are intermittent, and have their own issues.

Plus the devices require pretty rare and hard to obtain materials to make them work, harder than the materials needed for a boiler or a gas turbine, that's for sure.

People sell them as something better than they are. I'll take some pollution to make sure I don't lose my lights at night or when it's calm out.

If we were smart, we’d be investing in more energy storage to go with widespread wind/solar. Pump storage hydroelectric is the best option.

It’d require a significant investment in infrastructure, but the benefits are extremely durable.
"substantial social benefit" is an objective term, nothing more, and basically a fudge factor that's just a way to say "When I do it, it's OK because of X".

Progressives create an ambiguous threat that can't be measured or determined, and then say some intangible benefit is why we have to spend X, ban X, prevent X, and of course do it all through socialism.
Substantial social benefit because "clean energy" by definition, doesn't pollute the land sea or air. There are no EPA regulated wastes to deal with, and it passes all clean air and clean water standards with zero emissions.

And it can't keep up a base load unless you are talking hydroelectric. Solar and wind are intermittent, and have their own issues.

Plus the devices require pretty rare and hard to obtain materials to make them work, harder than the materials needed for a boiler or a gas turbine, that's for sure.

People sell them as something better than they are. I'll take some pollution to make sure I don't lose my lights at night or when it's calm out.

If we were smart, we’d be investing in more energy storage to go with widespread wind/solar. Pump storage hydroelectric is the best option.

It’d require a significant investment in infrastructure, but the benefits are extremely durable.

Good luck getting an artificial lake approved, or expansion of an existing lake approved with the current Environmental impact processes you guys put in place to prevent projects you didn't like.

Do you know how big of a lake you would need to provide power for a city like NY?

Two lakes actually, and then you would need at least triple the generation capacity at a given time to make sure you could provide load AND pump the water back up during operating times for your wind/solar systems.

Do you even know the science or engineering behind things like this, or do you have some bullshit meso-wymn-queer curious-basketweaving degree?
Good luck getting an artificial lake approved, or expansion of an existing lake approved with the current Environmental impact processes you guys put in place to prevent projects you didn't like.
Oh no. A new lake. Better go blow up a mountain instead.

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