Trump is remaking the federal judiciary

the name for it is "Stacking the Court".... does that really sound like something that is suppose to be GOOD for the American people?

The left has stacked the courts for years in the USA, Poland & elsewhere.

Only when the Right does it, does it become a catastrophic issue.
ya think so, eh?

Can you show us any President that has stacked the court to the hilt, the wasy McConnel and President Trump has...?

No doubt Democratic presidents have picked liberals and moderates as justices, but this situation where mc Connell kept any of Obama's picks for justices held back from a vote and left the judge positions opened and not filled because he wanted to wait 8 years for a republican president, and not even giving the president his constitutional pick for SC justice Garland a year before the President's term was up,

so that several hundred judge positions were left open, all waiting for a Repub president.... TO STACK THE COURT, with hundreds of republican picks, when half of them should have been Democratic picks from the previous president....

That is the essence of STACKING THE COURT.... imho.
And with leading Dem's threatening to expand the SCOTUS with half a dozen additional justices just so they can stack the court Dem arguments in this thread are laughable.
Nothing ignorant, arrogant, or biaded about thinking only Leftists can be competent judges.
Not what I said or implied. Do they not teach basic logic in Poland? I suggest you start with existential versus universal statements.

I was born in the USA & not Poland.

You generalized which is supposedly ignorant to you sensitive idiots.
You generalized
About what, precisely? It sounds to me like you need to figure out both what I said and what you incorrectly said.

Of course there are qualified conservative judges. But many being nominated just are not qualified. So, when looking at why that is, you can either believe that they are just picking the wrong candidates from the pool (a spurious, unsupported idea which then speaks to the GOP process being terrible and incompetent), or you can be compelled by the data showing that highly educated and qualified people trend liberal, leading to a paucity of good, qualified, conservative candidates. Or, some mixture of both.

Easy call. If that bothers you, go argue with the data. Hint: it's not listening.
WASHINGTON - After three years in office, President Donald Trump has remade the federal judiciary, ensuring a conservative tilt for decades and cementing his legacy no matter the outcome of November's election.

Trump nominees make up 1 in 4 U.S. circuit court judges. Two of his picks sit on the Supreme Court. And this past week, as the House voted to impeach the president, the Republican-led Senate confirmed another 13 district court judges.

In total, Trump has installed 187 judges to the federal bench.

Trump is remaking the federal judiciary

As Democrats continue to be sidelined by their hatred of anything Trump, he does as he has always done, and continues to get important things done....This is just another bit of proof that we need 4 more years of Trump....
Yep. And considering that most highly educated, experienced, and qualified judicial candidates (and people in general) tend to be liberal...

Now that is funny right there.....:21:
the name for it is "Stacking the Court".... does that really sound like something that is suppose to be GOOD for the American people?

The left has stacked the courts for years in the USA, Poland & elsewhere.

Only when the Right does it, does it become a catastrophic issue.
ya think so, eh?

Can you show us any President that has stacked the court to the hilt, the wasy McConnel and President Trump has...?

No doubt Democratic presidents have picked liberals and moderates as justices, but this situation where mc Connell kept any of Obama's picks for justices held back from a vote and left the judge positions opened and not filled because he wanted to wait 8 years for a republican president, and not even giving the president his constitutional pick for SC justice Garland a year before the President's term was up,

so that several hundred judge positions were left open, all waiting for a Repub president.... TO STACK THE COURT, with hundreds of republican picks, when half of them should have been Democratic picks from the previous president....

That is the essence of STACKING THE COURT.... imho.

Theres been historically more Democrat judges for a reason.

But nothing compares to Poland where 14 out of 15 judges were Leftist Civic Platform .

2 of them illegal picks too.

Not a word from Left wing Protestant Western EU filth there.

But when Polish Conservatives fought back its then the Tribunal Court Crisis.

Garbage you globalists are
WASHINGTON - After three years in office, President Donald Trump has remade the federal judiciary, ensuring a conservative tilt for decades and cementing his legacy no matter the outcome of November's election.

Trump nominees make up 1 in 4 U.S. circuit court judges. Two of his picks sit on the Supreme Court. And this past week, as the House voted to impeach the president, the Republican-led Senate confirmed another 13 district court judges.

In total, Trump has installed 187 judges to the federal bench.

Trump is remaking the federal judiciary

As Democrats continue to be sidelined by their hatred of anything Trump, he does as he has always done, and continues to get important things done....This is just another bit of proof that we need 4 more years of Trump....
Yep. And considering that most highly educated, experienced, and qualified judicial candidates (and people in general) tend to be liberal...

Now that is funny right there.....:21:
Yes, that is the typical trump cultist response to facts they don't like. You're not breaking any new ground, here.
the name for it is "Stacking the Court".... does that really sound like something that is suppose to be GOOD for the American people?

The left has stacked the courts for years in the USA, Poland & elsewhere.

Only when the Right does it, does it become a catastrophic issue.
ya think so, eh?

Can you show us any President that has stacked the court to the hilt, the wasy McConnel and President Trump has...?

No doubt Democratic presidents have picked liberals and moderates as justices, but this situation where mc Connell kept any of Obama's picks for justices held back from a vote and left the judge positions opened and not filled because he wanted to wait 8 years for a republican president, and not even giving the president his constitutional pick for SC justice Garland a year before the President's term was up,

so that several hundred judge positions were left open, all waiting for a Repub president.... TO STACK THE COURT, with hundreds of republican picks, when half of them should have been Democratic picks from the previous president....

That is the essence of STACKING THE COURT.... imho.

Theres been historically more Democrat judges for a reason.

But nothing compares to Poland where 14 out of 15 judges were Leftist Civic Platform .

2 of them illegal picks too.

Not a word from Left wing Protestant Western EU filth there.

But when Polish Conservatives fought back its them the Tribunal Court Crisis.

Garbage you globalists are
Thatws a gross misrepresentation of the events in Poland. I am not going to argue with a propagandist like you about it. But i do invite everyone else to read up for themselves on the events in Poland.
the name for it is "Stacking the Court".... does that really sound like something that is suppose to be GOOD for the American people?

The left has stacked the courts for years in the USA, Poland & elsewhere.

Only when the Right does it, does it become a catastrophic issue.
ya think so, eh?

Can you show us any President that has stacked the court to the hilt, the wasy McConnel and President Trump has...?

No doubt Democratic presidents have picked liberals and moderates as justices, but this situation where mc Connell kept any of Obama's picks for justices held back from a vote and left the judge positions opened and not filled because he wanted to wait 8 years for a republican president, and not even giving the president his constitutional pick for SC justice Garland a year before the President's term was up,

so that several hundred judge positions were left open, all waiting for a Repub president.... TO STACK THE COURT, with hundreds of republican picks, when half of them should have been Democratic picks from the previous president....

That is the essence of STACKING THE COURT.... imho.

Theres been historically more Democrat judges for a reason.

But nothing compares to Poland where 14 out of 15 judges were Leftist Civic Platform .

2 of them illegal picks too.

Not a word from Left wing Protestant Western EU filth there.

But when Polish Conservatives fought back its them the Tribunal Court Crisis.

Garbage you globalists are
Thatws a gross misrepresentation of the events in Poland. I am not going to argue with a propagandist like you about it. But i do invite everyone else to read up for themselves on the events in Poland.

You're an ignorant buffoon & baboon.

When 14 out of 15 judges were Leftists in a country where 3 out of 10 are Leftists theres a massive issue.
WASHINGTON - After three years in office, President Donald Trump has remade the federal judiciary, ensuring a conservative tilt for decades and cementing his legacy no matter the outcome of November's election.

Trump nominees make up 1 in 4 U.S. circuit court judges. Two of his picks sit on the Supreme Court. And this past week, as the House voted to impeach the president, the Republican-led Senate confirmed another 13 district court judges.

In total, Trump has installed 187 judges to the federal bench.

Trump is remaking the federal judiciary

As Democrats continue to be sidelined by their hatred of anything Trump, he does as he has always done, and continues to get important things done....This is just another bit of proof that we need 4 more years of Trump....
Yep. And considering that most highly educated, experienced, and qualified judicial candidates (and people in general) tend to be liberal...

Now that is funny right there.....:21:
Yes, that is the typical trump cultist response to facts they don't like. You're not breaking any new ground, here.

Do you really think ad hom attacks aimed at me personally make your point? Maybe that is why Democrats are doing so poorly these days.
the name for it is "Stacking the Court".... does that really sound like something that is suppose to be GOOD for the American people?
Let's consult prog demigod FDR on that topic.
yeah, he tried to increase the size of the supreme court if memory serves? But that is going back 80 to 90 years....

I don't recollect whether he succeeded or not, in increasing justices on the SC? He did have 4 terms as president but those would be legal picks?

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