Trump is right we already have too many languages here

Everyone knows you’re a cowardly racist loser, no need to belabor the point.
hahahaha….you fail every single time…You can’t refute my point so you default to crying RACIST!
Your FEELZ have you by the little ball-sack. You can’t see reality anymore.
Not a problem, just a reality. A natural step in the process of assimilation for immigrant families.
Bullshit. The child was born here. In at least six years her parents thought so little of assimilation that they didn't learn our language? Didn't have their child learn our language? That's a problem
hahahaha….you fail every single time…You can’t refute my point so you default to crying RACIST!
When your every post is “dark people! Dark people! Waaaaa!” What the hell do you expect, loser?
If you were given the GED tests tomorrow, I think KNOW you would fail.

Do you know how many sections there are in the GED test, you could Google it if you don't.

The law the that leftists have been fighting and ignoring for years does not require immigrants to get a GED. It requires them to learn English. Your post is irrelevant.
I was watching a show the other night on Netflix and a 20 something chic from Georgia asked " Haz you the chill bumps?"
I died laughing. What in the world?
Michael Savage Uses Extremely Stupid Grammar
This man has his ego to be sure. He also has ideas and when you wipe the rough vegetation away as you walk tells you of neighborhoods and ethnic cultures in all of them and the agitations of the same while espousing the talents from those in all of those hoods. Another era even if what you call primitive. Creative talents to build and educate from it. We need to save our nation. Renew it for the future. And we have failed.
Bullshit. The child was born here. In at least six years her parents thought so little of assimilation that they didn't learn our language? Didn't have their child learn our language? That's a problem
You ever move to a very different country with a very different culture in a very different language while working two full-time jobs and trying to raise a couple of kids? Give it a try, big mouth. You don’t speak to your kids in your family’s first language? Walk a mile, big mouth. Assimilation is a generations long process, and today’s immigrants are following the same process previous waves of immigrants throughout our country‘s history did.
When your every post is “dark people! Dark people! Waaaaa!” What the hell do you expect, loser?
Stop with all your lying globalist bullshit…“dark people are sooooo great for America”
Fuck you…we fucking know better, we see the filth and degradation all around us….we watch them fuck up our public schools, our healthcare, our communities….we see them fill our jails and prisons…WE FUCKING KNOW BETTER!
You ever move to a very different country with a very different culture in a very different language while working two full-time jobs and trying to raise a couple of kids? Give it a try, big mouth. You don’t speak to your kids in your family’s first language? Walk a mile, big mouth. Assimilation is a generations long process, and today’s immigrants are following the same process previous waves of immigrants throughout our country‘s history did.
You big poopyhead. I win., Let me know when/if you are capable of having a civil, rational discussion.
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What I wonder is why, if new citizens are required to learn English, were there signs saying “Vote Aqui“ plastered all over the place? Are we supposed to believe that an American citizen doesn’t know enough English to figure out what “Vote Here” means?
You ever move to a very different country with a very different culture in a very different language while working two full-time jobs and trying to raise a couple of kids? Give it a try, big mouth. You don’t speak to your kids in your family’s first language? Walk a mile, big mouth. Assimilation is a generations long process, and today’s immigrants are following the same process previous waves of immigrants throughout our country‘s history did.
Did you ever move to another country…hardship…weeping
I never blew my foot off with a shotgun either
Stop with all your lying globalist bullshit…“dark people are sooooo great for America”
Fuck you…we fucking know better, we see the filth and degradation all around us….we watch them fuck up our public schools, our healthcare, our communities….we see them fill our jails and prisons…WE FUCKING KNOW BETTER!
He wishes reality was different and can’t handle the feeling of it not being

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