Trump is right we already have too many languages here

Someone seems to think that speaking English is an "on/off" switch, and that every non-native speaker is forever frozen at their current level of language acquisition. This is what ignorance does to thinking.
Don't speak how much English? Do you want to administer an English test at the border? What's a passing score? Who would administer this test? And what about US citizens who are non-native English speakers?
It's bad enough that too many of them are here and won't speak English. We don't need anymore languages here. Trump is right, it's crazy that we're letting this happen.

---Trump warns of 'languages coming into our country' that 'nobody' has heard of---

So much for the American way.
I work with immigrants and their families all day, every day. Immigrants are assimilating today just as they always have. YOU are guessing, I am speaking from first-hand experience. Irish, Italian, Portuguese, etc. immigrants did not walk down the gang plank off the boat and suddenly sprout an Uncle Sam hat out the top of their heads. It took them and their families a couple of generations to assimilate just like immigrants today.
Yes yet another lib loon with direct on hand intimate experience with the particular specific topic at hand
America has always been a land of many cultures and languages and faiths, and we are the strongest and most prosperous nation the world has ever known.
BULLSHIT….America was predominantly comprised of all White Europeans during it’s glory days and days of nation building…White Europeans made America the greatest most powerful nation on the globe and dark people have done nothing but drag it into the shitter and fuck it up at it’s core. FACT!!!
It is not American soil or America’s system that made/makes America great it is CORE Americans who made and make America a place that ALL dark people want to come to and fuck up….PERIOD!

The vast, vast majority of people in the US who are not native English speakers are working at learning or improving their English harder than YOU have ever tried to do anything in your miserable life.
BULLSHIT….You sick in the head globalist fucks have allowed the cockroaches to build an underground black market economy within ours…they can’t give two fucks about assimilation.
It's bad enough that too many of them are here and won't speak English. We don't need anymore languages here. Trump is right, it's crazy that we're letting this happen.

---Trump warns of 'languages coming into our country' that 'nobody' has heard of---

So there is no freedom of speech after all?
BULLSHIT….America was predominantly comprised of all White Europeans during it’s glory days and days of nation building…White Europeans made America the greatest most powerful nation on the globe and dark people have done nothing but drag it into the shitter and fuck it up at it’s core. FACT!!!
It is not American soil or America’s system that made/makes America great it is CORE Americans who made and make America a place that ALL dark people want to come to and fuck up….PERIOD!

BULLSHIT….You sick in the head globalist fucks have allowed the cockroaches to build an underground black market economy within ours…they can’t give two fucks about assimilation.
Everyone knows you’re a cowardly racist loser, no need to belabor the point.

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