Trump is right we already have too many languages here

Not sure that was the point being made, is it?

Trump says languages are coming into the country "that nobody has heard of", I mean, apart from being a fucking stupid thing to say, if someone's speaking it, they've clearly heard of it.
Unless Nobody is some redneck from Springfield, Tennessee and Nobody hasn't heard of languages other than English and Spanish.

"“These are languages — it’s the craziest thing — they have languages that nobody in this country has ever heard of. It’s a very horrible thing,” he added."

I mean, doubtful.... and why is a "very horrible thing" that people speak other languages in AMERICA, home of the UNITED FUCKING NATIONS????

Also, Melania's "4+ languages" are... probably not....

She speaks English and Slovenian. Slovenian and Serbo Croat and other "languages" in the region are more or less one language with different dialects, probably less differences than English within the US.....
Try Italian
Still think all non-English languages are Spanish, loser? There are American companies that do business all over the world. Import/export for example. Communication skills in many languages come in handy. Many law firms have need of multiple language skills. The US government at various levels, fuel, transportation, etc.

Stop being so stupid.
Bandito Republics
It's bad enough that too many of them are here and won't speak English. We don't need anymore languages here. Trump is right, it's crazy that we're letting this happen.

---Trump warns of 'languages coming into our country' that 'nobody' has heard of---

I don't give a damn how many languages we have here, just don't expect me to learn yours and don't expect schools are going to bend over backwards for those who can't speak English.
I don't give a damn how many languages we have here, just don't expect me to learn yours and don't expect schools are going to bend over backwards for those who can't speak English.
What irks me is what federal government jobs that deal with providing benefits to the public require the employees to speak Spanish! If people are getting government freebies, they should at least speak English.
What irks me is what federal government jobs that deal with providing benefits to the public require the employees to speak Spanish! If people are getting government freebies, they should at least speak English.
Yeah, someone suddenly and magically becomes fluent in a language just because you really, really want them to. :rolleyes:
We dont have a prescriptive common language
We do have a common language that immigrants were more than eager to learn but not this bunch who want in And to do it all Their way
What irks me is what federal government jobs that deal with providing benefits to the public require the employees to speak Spanish! If people are getting government freebies, they should at least speak English.
I used to be in management of a retail store chain long ago and was working with a fellow manager trainee one day when some Hispanic lady was asking for help. We tried our very best to help her but couldn't understand what it was she wanted. One thing we did finally understand is that she was giving us shit at the end for not being able to speak Spanish and my fellow trainee said something like, "Hey, this is America. We speak English here". Nowadays he could be fired for saying something like that.
Yeah, someone suddenly and magically becomes fluent in a language just because you really, really want them to. :rolleyes:
No, but if they are citizens and want government freebies, they should be able to understand English. Why should qualified and hard-working Americans lose out on a government job because immigrants didn’t learn the language?

My grandparents didn’t come over and expect the government to translate everything into Yiddish for them.
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