Trump is right we already have too many languages here

The closest thing we have to commies here are you right wingers.

Really, then explain why CPUSA endorses you commiecrats every election cycle. Also 1/3rd of US adults endorse Marxist values and you can bet they're all commiecrats.

So you were saying?????????????? ROFLMFAO, at the ignorant race baiter.

It's bad enough that too many of them are here and won't speak English. We don't need anymore languages here. Trump is right, it's crazy that we're letting this happen.

---Trump warns of 'languages coming into our country' that 'nobody' has heard of---

What's the national language of the USA?

Oh, there isn't one.

Maybe we should ban anyone who speaks a word of Slovenian..... that'd be a start.

I mean, Trump, the dude who married a foreigner.
We should. English should be the official language.
When I go to the shopping mall in my liberal county, I hear Spanish more often than English. Once an employee even greeted me with “Buenos Dias.” (Out of habit dealing with all the Spanish speaking customers.)

Then, added to the mix, I hear Arabic. (I ALWAYS see numerous women, with lots of children in tow, in their Arabic clothes. Might have been their husbands who were marching near the high school yelling ”Death to Jews!”

I wish we could go back to where the primary language heard was English, and were we don‘t so value diversity that Arabs and their supporters march Around calling to genocide Jews.

IOW, I wish we could back to the America of the 1980s.
Then if foreigners are required to learn English, why do taxpayers have to print signs that say Votar Aqui? Is their English so bad they can’t figure out Vote Here?
Because Hispanic voters want them to. You do understand other voters also get to advocate for things from their government, right Snowflake?
It's a common sense law for people who wish to immigrate to the U.S., on so many levels. Which is why it's a law. Not the least of which is empowering them to not be abused, taken advantage of due to language difficulties.

That said I have no problem whatsoever with people learning a 2nd, 3rd language. I mean who gives a shit.

But if you wish to immigrate here legally, you must learn to speak, read and write English.
Irish or the Germans didn't speak English when they came... Many kept speaking among themselves for a few generations...

Don't mind me observing there skin colour was different too..
Then if foreigners are required to learn English, why do taxpayers have to print signs that say Votar Aqui? Is their English so bad they can’t figure out Vote Here?
Lets give you a history lesson...

Mexico used to own a lot of what today is US... California, Texas, New Mexico.....

They spoke Spanish. Their decendents live on the same land and speaking Spanish that is their culture that is there history.
This is the same for French in Quebec.

What want to do is wash there culture and history out of them. The British did this in Ireland by beating school children until they spoke English...

You feel threatened by having a multilingual society. Many countries have it, there are challenges but generally people feel that more cultures give a richer experience to society...

42m people in the US say they are Spanish native speakers... So areas way more that others... In Quebec generally everyone can speak both French and English...
Who speaks 4 + Languages ( including English ) and became an American Citizen the Right way

Not sure that was the point being made, is it?

Trump says languages are coming into the country "that nobody has heard of", I mean, apart from being a fucking stupid thing to say, if someone's speaking it, they've clearly heard of it.
Unless Nobody is some redneck from Springfield, Tennessee and Nobody hasn't heard of languages other than English and Spanish.

"“These are languages — it’s the craziest thing — they have languages that nobody in this country has ever heard of. It’s a very horrible thing,” he added."

I mean, doubtful.... and why is a "very horrible thing" that people speak other languages in AMERICA, home of the UNITED FUCKING NATIONS????

Also, Melania's "4+ languages" are... probably not....

She speaks English and Slovenian. Slovenian and Serbo Croat and other "languages" in the region are more or less one language with different dialects, probably less differences than English within the US.....
Irish or the Germans didn't speak English when they came... Many kept speaking among themselves for a few generations...

Don't mind me observing there skin colour was different too..
The law is the law, feel free to muster the votes in congress to change it. :auiqs.jpg: yeah you can't!
What does that have to do with anything? Are you that scared of people who speak other languages? Are they talking ABOUT YOU??????
Imagine you're a boss of 6 guys who no speaky de Engrish. How you get stuff done?
More and more companies are requiring at least a second language as a condition of employment. Language skills are an asset, not a liability.
More and more isn't all. Language skills are a liability for you if your employees can not conduct business for you due to a language barrier.
To hang a sign?
How about conduct business?

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