Trump is right we already have too many languages here

Teddy Roosevelt said if you come to America and can't speak English in 5 years, go back home.
Y'know, I've been thinking about this. Let's examine it for a moment.

Most of his "speeches" (to call these things "speeches" really is a stretch) are like this. He'll go down a general road on an issue, AND THEN he'll say multiple things to "support" it that are simply absurd, fantastical, ignorant, juvenile, shallow, paranoid, and/or straight up lies (like saying there are languages coming in that "nobody has heard of"). But the flock defends every word to the hilt.

So it's as if they are separating two things in their minds: There is the general argument that we are diluting the language by not expecting its usage, and then there is the flamboyant fluff that is to essentially be ignored because it's just so fucking ridiculous. That's exactly what they're doing on this thread.

So I guess it's essentially a Pavlov's Dogs situation. Just start on a rote topic, I'll pick up on it, and I'll bark along with whatever the hell you say to support it, no matter how ridiculous, embarrassing or dishonest.

But it gets much worse: Damn near half of America is like this. This period is speaking volumes about this country.
Trump has done damage to this Country that our enemies abroad could only dream about.

It's going to take years to get this behind us & that's assuming that enough voter's show up in November to send his deranged corrupt ass packing once & for all.

The Courts are NOT going to step up, we saw that when SCOTUS pissed all over The Constitution the other day. It's shamefull.
Trump has done damage to this Country that our enemies abroad could only dream about.

It's going to take years to get this behind us & that's assuming that enough voter's show up in November to send his deranged corrupt ass packing once & for all.

The Courts are NOT going to step up, we saw that when SCOTUS pissed all over The Constitution the other day. It's shamefull.
Trump has done nothing to harm the US

Libs are hysterical over nothing
Did I say it was my business? You have to make it a personal insult because you have no other objective argument. My point was that the comment you made that they're 'working hard' to learn the language or use it is complete and utter bullshit. They only use it when they have to, there is no attempt to learn or assimilate to a new culture or language. ....
I work with immigrants and their families all day, every day. Immigrants are assimilating today just as they always have. YOU are guessing, I am speaking from first-hand experience. Irish, Italian, Portuguese, etc. immigrants did not walk down the gang plank off the boat and suddenly sprout an Uncle Sam hat out the top of their heads. It took them and their families a couple of generations to assimilate just like immigrants today.
I work with immigrants and their families all day, every day. Immigrants are assimilating today just as they always have. YOU are guessing, I am speaking from first-hand experience. Irish, Italian, Portuguese, etc. immigrants did not walk down the gang plank off the boat and suddenly sprout an Uncle Sam hat out the top of their heads. It took them and their families a couple of generations to assimilate just like immigrants today.
If everyone they've know has lived on a farm, they've never heard of Little Italy or Chinatown or I guess.
Because the majority, up until this point, have spoken the same language. ...
Just like today. And during all that time there were many immigrant families who spoke their heritage language at home, and out and about when speaking to those of similar backgrounds.
Just like today. And during all that time there were many immigrant families who spoke their heritage language at home, and out and about when speaking to those of similar backgrounds.
But the government did not operate in multiple languages to accommodate them 100 years ago
It's bad enough that too many of them are here and won't speak English. We don't need anymore languages here. Trump is right, it's crazy that we're letting this happen.

---Trump warns of 'languages coming into our country' that 'nobody' has heard of---

WOW, wish i had kept up on my French & had a little more Spanish,
Could have used it while traveling, And YOU should know, knowledge is POWER.
But the government did not operate in multiple languages to accommodate them 100 years ago
An increasing minority of white voters aren't going to be able to dictate what other languages the government of a more diverse population adopts. :itsok:
What languages aren't being spoken? Which languages "nobody" has heard of?

Trump could use a few language lessons himself. Just sayin'

Trump was rambling about languages “that nobody knows “


That's because no neck subhuman knuckle dragger Trump only grunts when his yap is running.

But to the MAGA rabble that passes as sheer genius.

Don't speak how much English? Do you want to administer an English test at the border? What's a passing score? Who would administer this test? And what about US citizens who are non-native English speakers?

Lol all Americans would fail an English exam.

If you were given the GED tests tomorrow, I think KNOW you would fail.

Do you know how many sections there are in the GED test, you could Google it if you don't.

The United States has no official language - dolt

“These are languages — it’s the craziest thing — they have languages that nobody in this country has ever heard of. It’s a very horrible thing,” he added.

What the actual fuck?

And they all just nod along. Makes perfect sense. Yeah.

what in the world is wrong with languages? we need americans who can understand everyone.

Too many languages???

Reminds me of this:

Its like Convefe all over again. They can't come out and say their cult leader mis-spoke..they have to endorse it as if there was some substance behind it.

Those who can't tackle a second language are lower in IQ.

I was limiting to food. Because FOOD!!! :yes_text12: :yes_text12: :yes_text12:

This is a gripe for stupid people. :rolleyes:

What k

What kind of bullshit is that? We need more languages! The more the better!

More like 20

Freedom of speech!

As long as it's in English..... :lmao:

Fucking MAGAts man... they never stop finding ways to amuse.

It's bad enough that too many of them are here and won't speak English. We don't need anymore languages here. Trump is right, it's crazy that we're letting this happen.

---Trump warns of 'languages coming into our country' that 'nobody' has heard of---

Language, like religion, bonds / unites ALL tribes, communities, cities, states and nations….Anyone even half-sane knows this….this is even true in ghettos and barrios where ebonics and spanish bonds the people.
Some retarded dumbfuck here decided long ago that OUR DIVERSITY WOULD BE OUR STRENGTH…little does said dumbfuck know our diversity is actually our demise.
Globalist filth can’t admit it but the great experiment has officially failed….BIG TIME!
We deviated from our founders intent and fucked ourselves…for that this diverse and multicultural super shithole will burn to the ground. Embrace it.

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