Trump is right we already have too many languages here

Trump has done damage to this Country that our enemies abroad could only dream about.

It's going to take years to get this behind us & that's assuming that enough voter's show up in November to send his deranged corrupt ass packing once & for all.

The Courts are NOT going to step up, we saw that when SCOTUS pissed all over The Constitution the other day. It's shamefull.
Trump has done damage to this Country that our enemies abroad could only dream about.

It's going to take years to get this behind us & that's assuming that enough voter's show up in November to send his deranged corrupt ass packing once & for all.

The Courts are NOT going to step up, we saw that when SCOTUS pissed all over The Constitution the other day. It's shamefull.
You think the 9-0 decision to make states put Trump on the ballot until Congress decides is unconstitutional? Why?
Trump has done damage to this Country that our enemies abroad could only dream about.

It's going to take years to get this behind us & that's assuming that enough voter's show up in November to send his deranged corrupt ass packing once & for all.

The Courts are NOT going to step up, we saw that when SCOTUS pissed all over The Constitution the other day. It's shamefull.
Well, and that's another issue.

Steve Bannon talks about wanting to "bring everything crashing down", as if it would just be a minor temporary inconvenience for people.

I often wonder if these people have any idea whatsoever what it would actually look like if they succeeded in destroying our foundational institutions. They're so full of paranoid rage and shallow sloganeering that I don't think they understand what they're asking for.

Or, worse, maybe they really do.
Oh boy oh boy.......most of these Illegal undocumented immigrants don't speak the languages you mention. So how's that going to work out on a new job when they can't understand Engrish?
What does that have to do with anything? Are you that scared of people who speak other languages? Are they talking ABOUT YOU??????
Then you don't hear English spoken out in the public sphere at least 50% of the time.
I hear English spoken about 90% of the time, and I spend all day in heavily immigrant neighborhoods. But then I'm not trying to eavesdrop on other people's conversations out of some paranoid bitterness.
It’s only “practical” to be bilingual in the United States because Mexico has invaded our nation.
No other reason.

Meh. Whatever, man. You always seem to have a very one-track minded way of looking at things. You're a very one-dimensional thinker.
Meh. Whatever, man. You always seem to have a very one-track minded way of looking at things. You're a very one-dimensional thinker.
I’m just super practical, concise and not afraid to be brutally honest…that makes people piss their pants.
Why would it be “practical” for an American to speak French, Russian, Hindi or Portuguese? Face it, some employers want Americans to be able to speak Spanish because Mexico has invaded…that’s a fact. NO employer cares if one can speak Urdu.
Only in your warped imagination

Now getting back to the topic, you are setting the country up for sectarian violence
It's only in my warped imagination that there wasn't a city destroyed because inexplicably people couldn't communicate with one another?
But the government did not operate in multiple languages to accommodate them 100 years ago
And so many people didn't understand who or what they were voting for. Do you think that was a good thing?
I’m just super practical, concise and not afraid to be brutally honest…that makes people piss their pants.
Why would it be “practical” for an American to speak French, Russian, Hindi or Portuguese? Face it, some employers want Americans to be able to speak Spanish because Mexico has invaded…that’s a fact. NO employer cares if one can speak Urdu.
One can’t get a job at a welfare office, a medical office, as an emergency dispatcher, or a Home Depot here in south Mexifornia without being able to speak Spanish…ONLY BECAUSE MEXICO HAS INVADED.
That’s a fact.
One can’t get a job at a welfare office, a medical office, as an emergency dispatcher, or a Home Depot here in south Mexifornia without being able to speak Spanish…ONLY BECAUSE MEXICO HAS INVADED.
That’s a fact.
Spanish is not the only non-English language in the world, moron loser.

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