Trump is scared he will lose his base

Trump is a reality tv show personality more than a politician who has spent a lifetime pursuing a set of ideals like Goldwater and JFK and Reagan ... and even LBJ. The only central belief he's evidenced is the Central Park 5 should not have been set free, and he should be able to reneg on contracts when it benefits him (which is literally a right under American law, btw). But in a way you have to admire his ability to shape facts to hold his base. He's getting NOTHING he couldn't have had before his Dec shutdown, and arguably even less for the wall itself. But they are happy he's "fought for them."

The Wall was a campaign symbol dreamed up by Stone, and one that Trump initially just tried out on the rally circuit, and it worked like Lock Her Up, and became standard fare like "You're fired." His base loved it because he was giving them something they could dream of even though there's not a snowball's chance in hell they'll ever get it. But the central belief is they're tired of hearing they cannot have something when the RW media has ginned it up that other people are getting their stuff.

And it's partly Obama's fault, with the Obamacare scheme where some get Medicaid and others vouchers with deductibles
Trump needs to announce the hiring of 20 thousand more Border Patrol and declare victory, say he built a human wall which is way better, Then deport them on buses all the way to Oaxaca.
There are over 2000 border patrol open positions. Why would you want to add 20,000 more to that number. There are problems with hiring and retention in the Border Patrol and ICE, especially the Border Patrol. It's really difficult to hold on to the agents that they have. They're incredibly low-paid. They're stationed often at these isolated places along the border. Moral is poor and public support is very mixed.

Most of the border patrol agents are Hispanic and come from the Southwest often living within a hundred miles of the border. About half of the agents are stationed near cities and towns such as El Paso, Sand Diego, and Brownsville. Most of the other agents are stationed in remote areas where access to good housing and amenities that we find in most cites are scarce. This means long drives from the cities or living in small out of way desert towns. The weather, the desert, having to speak Spanish, low pay, dangerous work, and living conditions make it very difficult to recruit nationwide which is what is needed to hire and maintain a large law enforcement agency.

Government recruiting success has been so bad, the government turned to private industry to recruit new agents. A contract for 300 million dollars was awarded to Accenture, a consulting firm in Nov. 2017. After 2 years, 60 million dollars of the contract was expended and only 33 agents were hired, nearly 2 million dollars per new hire.

Also, there's a lot of corruption issues in the Border Patrol. Being relatively low paid and often working alone in the middle of nowhere apprehending drug traffickers that can offer agents a year's salary or more just for looking the other way creates a morale problem in the agency. There are always suspicions of being on the take. And the high turnover only increases those suspicions.
Border agents, and the risks at the edge of the line
Why It's So Hard To Recruit And Retain Border Patrol Agents
He said in his first term. He didnt say second term I am sure.
He also said he is gonna release his taxes, where can i see them ?

Democrats voted to spend over $50 BILLION on a wall/fence/barrier and immigration reform in recent years. Now they have reversed their standing simply because it is proposed by President Donald Trump.

What do you hope to learn by seeing the hundreds (thousands?) of pages of his tax returns? Frankly my dear, I don't give a darn what's in his tax returns and I wouldn't understand them if I had them in front of me.
Trump is a reality tv show personality more than a politician who has spent a lifetime pursuing a set of ideals like Goldwater and JFK and Reagan ... and even LBJ. The only central belief he's evidenced is the Central Park 5 should not have been set free, and he should be able to reneg on contracts when it benefits him (which is literally a right under American law, btw). But in a way you have to admire his ability to shape facts to hold his base. He's getting NOTHING he couldn't have had before his Dec shutdown, and arguably even less for the wall itself. But they are happy he's "fought for them."

The Wall was a campaign symbol dreamed up by Stone, and one that Trump initially just tried out on the rally circuit, and it worked like Lock Her Up, and became standard fare like "You're fired." His base loved it because he was giving them something they could dream of even though there's not a snowball's chance in hell they'll ever get it. But the central belief is they're tired of hearing they cannot have something when the RW media has ginned it up that other people are getting their stuff.

And it's partly Obama's fault, with the Obamacare scheme where some get Medicaid and others vouchers with deductibles

Anyone who paid attention to 2016 election knows this meme is bullshit - Trump said he doesn't know David Duke (who at that point endorsed Trump) and it took a lot of pressure for Trump to FINALLY denounce him.

Donald Trump Refuses to Condemn Ku Klux Klan

Maybe Trump is not personally a racist, but there is absolutely no doubt he considers racists to be his constituency and acts as such, resisting any anti-bigot talk unless it escalates into a big liability for him.

Why do you believe that President Trump had an obligation to denounce anyone with whom he disagrees?

PLEASE show us where failed former President Barack Hussein Obama denounced BLM, the New Black Panthers, Minister Louis Farrakhan, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and many others.

Obama invited a racist hate group to the White House and no one said a word.
Uh, you guys cried like little ******* over it for weeks...and, counting your post today, make it "years"...

So you're proud of failed former President Barack Hussein Obama inviting violent, racist hate groups to the White House.

Trump is scared he will lose his base. There is no one that Trump will not double cross except his current base.
Trump lies, bullies, extorts, double crosses to advance himself. One group he has been surprisingly loyal to is his base. He is sticking with the ridiculous promises that he conned them with. At the forefront is the wall.
Trump knows his only hope of any support in the American electorate is the minority of voters who bought his lies and continue to buy his lies. They are brainless, minions but they are his lackies.
Except for this decreasing group of minions, the more Americans see of Trump, the less they like him.

Trump knows the minions are his only hope. Watch out minions. As soon as Trump does not see value in your support he will sell you down the river.

I'm not sure I agree.

Trump has proved he can commit crimes (or admit to crimes) in plain sight and get away with it... so far.

Perhaps he continues to hold campaign type rallies every month since winning the election as a means to reassure himself they are still blindly loyal despite unprecedented failure, ineptitude, damage to the country and the office.

And the rambling nonsensical nature of his tweet storms seems all the more desperate but unnecessary given their blind loyalty.

There have been a record-breaking number of farm bankruptcies this year due to his train wreck losing everything still think they are taking one for the long can that last?
Trump is a reality tv show personality more than a politician who has spent a lifetime pursuing a set of ideals like Goldwater and JFK and Reagan ... and even LBJ. The only central belief he's evidenced is the Central Park 5 should not have been set free, and he should be able to reneg on contracts when it benefits him (which is literally a right under American law, btw). But in a way you have to admire his ability to shape facts to hold his base. He's getting NOTHING he couldn't have had before his Dec shutdown, and arguably even less for the wall itself. But they are happy he's "fought for them."

The Wall was a campaign symbol dreamed up by Stone, and one that Trump initially just tried out on the rally circuit, and it worked like Lock Her Up, and became standard fare like "You're fired." His base loved it because he was giving them something they could dream of even though there's not a snowball's chance in hell they'll ever get it. But the central belief is they're tired of hearing they cannot have something when the RW media has ginned it up that other people are getting their stuff.

And it's partly Obama's fault, with the Obamacare scheme where some get Medicaid and others vouchers with deductibles
His accomplishments are second to his fight to get them. Whether Trump get's a 2000, 200, or a 2 mile wall built is irrelevant. It's the fact that he would go to any extreme to fulfill this campaign promise.
Trump needs to announce the hiring of 20 thousand more Border Patrol and declare victory, say he built a human wall which is way better, Then deport them on buses all the way to Oaxaca.
There are over 2000 border patrol open positions. Why would you want to add 20,000 more to that number. There are problems with hiring and retention in the Border Patrol and ICE, especially the Border Patrol. It's really difficult to hold on to the agents that they have. They're incredibly low-paid. They're stationed often at these isolated places along the border. Moral is poor and public support is very mixed.

Most of the border patrol agents are Hispanic and come from the Southwest often living within a hundred miles of the border. About half of the agents are stationed near cities and towns such as El Paso, Sand Diego, and Brownsville. Most of the other agents are stationed in remote areas where access to good housing and amenities that we find in most cites are scarce. This means long drives from the cities or living in small out of way desert towns. The weather, the desert, having to speak Spanish, low pay, dangerous work, and living conditions make it very difficult to recruit nationwide which is what is needed to hire and maintain a large law enforcement agency.

Government recruiting success has been so bad, the government turned to private industry to recruit new agents. A contract for 300 million dollars was awarded to Accenture, a consulting firm in Nov. 2017. After 2 years, 60 million dollars of the contract was expended and only 33 agents were hired, nearly 2 million dollars per new hire.

Also, there's a lot of corruption issues in the Border Patrol. Being relatively low paid and often working alone in the middle of nowhere apprehending drug traffickers that can offer agents a year's salary or more just for looking the other way creates a morale problem in the agency. There are always suspicions of being on the take. And the high turnover only increases those suspicions.
Border agents, and the risks at the edge of the line
Why It's So Hard To Recruit And Retain Border Patrol Agents

There is nothing in your source that says that agents are "always suspicions of being on the take". Are only honest agents leaving? Are they afraid to work with the experienced, dishonest agents? Why did you leave out the times the interviewee repeated stated that these problems are PRE-EXISTING problems.

You also dodged including this in your diatribe. This is a situation that would be greatly improved by a serious wall/fence.barrier.

"And they're uniquely targeted by cartels. There's a lot of corruption issues because they're sort of low-paid, in the middle of nowhere. They can be offered a lot of money to sort of look the other way as drugs or people, other things are smuggled. So those are pre-existing problems for the Border Patrol. So that's one of the factors."

Why It's So Hard To Recruit And Retain Border Patrol Agents

Agents, especially new agents are intimidated by the cartels with threats of murder and/or murdering their families. An effective wall/barrier/fence would put more distance between those attempting to cross the border illegally and our Border Patrol agents.
His accomplishments are second to his fight to get them. Whether Trump get's a 2000, 200, or a 2 mile wall built is irrelevant. It's the fact that he would go to any extreme to fulfill this campaign promise.

Please explain how fulfilling his campaign promises is a problem with you? Should not every elected individual strive to fulfill their campaign promises? If not, why not?
His accomplishments are second to his fight to get them. Whether Trump get's a 2000, 200, or a 2 mile wall built is irrelevant. It's the fact that he would go to any extreme to fulfill this campaign promise.

Please explain how fulfilling his campaign promises is a problem with you? Should not every elected individual strive to fulfill their campaign promises? If not, why not?
You still haven’t figure out that Flopper’s an idiot?
His accomplishments are second to his fight to get them. Whether Trump get's a 2000, 200, or a 2 mile wall built is irrelevant. It's the fact that he would go to any extreme to fulfill this campaign promise.
A campaign promise is one thing.

The fact that it is needed is more important
Trump is a reality tv show personality more than a politician who has spent a lifetime pursuing a set of ideals like Goldwater and JFK and Reagan ... and even LBJ. The only central belief he's evidenced is the Central Park 5 should not have been set free, and he should be able to reneg on contracts when it benefits him (which is literally a right under American law, btw). But in a way you have to admire his ability to shape facts to hold his base. He's getting NOTHING he couldn't have had before his Dec shutdown, and arguably even less for the wall itself. But they are happy he's "fought for them."

The Wall was a campaign symbol dreamed up by Stone, and one that Trump initially just tried out on the rally circuit, and it worked like Lock Her Up, and became standard fare like "You're fired." His base loved it because he was giving them something they could dream of even though there's not a snowball's chance in hell they'll ever get it. But the central belief is they're tired of hearing they cannot have something when the RW media has ginned it up that other people are getting their stuff.

And it's partly Obama's fault, with the Obamacare scheme where some get Medicaid and others vouchers with deductibles
His accomplishments are second to his fight to get them. Whether Trump get's a 2000, 200, or a 2 mile wall built is irrelevant. It's the fact that he would go to any extreme to fulfill this campaign promise.
Exactly, his base wants to see him fight. But his fights are never consequential. He caved to the gop establishment over whether to cut middle class taxes and raise rates on the 1%, or cut rates on the 1%.

The wall is a symbol, he fights for that. He fights over nato funding. He fights for the RR judges. But he doesn't face any real opposition to cutting immigration or pulling back and letting Vlad have his way because the Executive has the power to pretty much to that or judges. He's not taking on the gop establishment over anything. And McConnell knew Trump was in agreement on Judges who would support unreglulated capitalism and would give him his tax cuts.
He said in his first term. He didnt say second term I am sure.
He also said he is gonna release his taxes, where can i see them ?

Democrats voted to spend over $50 BILLION on a wall/fence/barrier and immigration reform in recent years. Now they have reversed their standing simply because it is proposed by President Donald Trump.

What do you hope to learn by seeing the hundreds (thousands?) of pages of his tax returns? Frankly my dear, I don't give a darn what's in his tax returns and I wouldn't understand them if I had them in front of me.
Democrats as well as a many republicans supported building reinforced fencing which is about 1/6 the cost of Trump's wall and it was part of immigration reform which would have radically reduced the number of illegal immigrants coming into the country because they would have a path to enter legally which many do not have now. The bill provided extensive border security beyond just building barriers, stiffer penalties for hiring illegals, additional requirements to us E-verify, improvements in E-Verify, a path to citizenship, and major improvements in the immigration court system.
His accomplishments are second to his fight to get them. Whether Trump get's a 2000, 200, or a 2 mile wall built is irrelevant. It's the fact that he would go to any extreme to fulfill this campaign promise.
A campaign promise is one thing.

The fact that it is needed is more important
It was a campaign promise because it was needed, and the Democrats also supported it right up until Trump said he did.
Trump is a reality tv show personality more than a politician who has spent a lifetime pursuing a set of ideals like Goldwater and JFK and Reagan ... and even LBJ. The only central belief he's evidenced is the Central Park 5 should not have been set free, and he should be able to reneg on contracts when it benefits him (which is literally a right under American law, btw). But in a way you have to admire his ability to shape facts to hold his base. He's getting NOTHING he couldn't have had before his Dec shutdown, and arguably even less for the wall itself. But they are happy he's "fought for them."

The Wall was a campaign symbol dreamed up by Stone, and one that Trump initially just tried out on the rally circuit, and it worked like Lock Her Up, and became standard fare like "You're fired." His base loved it because he was giving them something they could dream of even though there's not a snowball's chance in hell they'll ever get it. But the central belief is they're tired of hearing they cannot have something when the RW media has ginned it up that other people are getting their stuff.

And it's partly Obama's fault, with the Obamacare scheme where some get Medicaid and others vouchers with deductibles

If Trump is not guilty, he should cooperate with the investigation to prove he is not guilty, also testify and agree to an interview under oath.
His accomplishments are second to his fight to get them. Whether Trump get's a 2000, 200, or a 2 mile wall built is irrelevant. It's the fact that he would go to any extreme to fulfill this campaign promise.
A campaign promise is one thing.

The fact that it is needed is more important
There is no need due to the fact that it will cover only 10% of the border, neither democrats nor republicans are likely to build the rest of the wall, and most important the type of barrier will have little if any impact on the number of illegal immigrants in the US because most of them come through ports of entry either legally or illegally.
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His accomplishments are second to his fight to get them. Whether Trump get's a 2000, 200, or a 2 mile wall built is irrelevant. It's the fact that he would go to any extreme to fulfill this campaign promise.
A campaign promise is one thing.

The fact that it is needed is more important
The fact that it will cover only 10% of the border, neither democrats nor republicans are likely to build the rest of it, and most important the type of barrier will have little if any impact on the number of illegal immigrants in the US because most of come through ports of entry either legally or illegally.
And ironically the substantive difference in the committee was jail cells in the INTERIOR US where we hold people who've been here with jobs and who are looking at deportation. And that's the harder question. If you deport a parent of us childen who was supporting those children, does the beneifit of enforcing the law outweigh the harm of having unsupported kids without at least one of their two parents .... or is there a third option.

But yeah it's all about a wall that will never be finished to prevent people coming over the border when fewer people are already coming over the border, while people overstaying visas are the larger problem.

But Trump is strongly fighting for his base.
Trump is a reality tv show personality more than a politician who has spent a lifetime pursuing a set of ideals like Goldwater and JFK and Reagan ... and even LBJ. The only central belief he's evidenced is the Central Park 5 should not have been set free, and he should be able to reneg on contracts when it benefits him (which is literally a right under American law, btw). But in a way you have to admire his ability to shape facts to hold his base. He's getting NOTHING he couldn't have had before his Dec shutdown, and arguably even less for the wall itself. But they are happy he's "fought for them."

The Wall was a campaign symbol dreamed up by Stone, and one that Trump initially just tried out on the rally circuit, and it worked like Lock Her Up, and became standard fare like "You're fired." His base loved it because he was giving them something they could dream of even though there's not a snowball's chance in hell they'll ever get it. But the central belief is they're tired of hearing they cannot have something when the RW media has ginned it up that other people are getting their stuff.

And it's partly Obama's fault, with the Obamacare scheme where some get Medicaid and others vouchers with deductibles

If Trump is not guilty, he should cooperate with the investigation to prove he is not guilty, also testify and agree to an interview under oath.
I have no doubt he is guilty of at least some of the accusation but I see no reason why he would agree to cooperate with investigators and testify because he would surely fall into a perjury trap considering the number of investigations and his inability to keep his mouth shut . Prosecutors and investigators are sworn to pursue leads that point toward violations of the law so they would just continue to dig deeper and deeper until they found something. So no, Trump would be foolish to cooperate and testify.

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