Trump is scared he will lose his base

Of course they did. They pushed back against the claim that it was a hate group.

Got anything else you want to pull out of your ass?
Black Lives Matter is a racist hate group. Stick that up your lying ass.
Hmm, no, it isn't. Sorry numnbnuts.
You're an idiot. You're dismissed.
Katie Pavlich - Exposing The Black Lives Matter Movement For What It Is: Promotion of Cop Killing
Presenting an opinion that agrees with your opinion is not compelling. And we both know you never read a single word of that article anyway, ya little liar.

So, you got your answer why democrats didnt cry over a "hate group": because they don't think it's a hate group. Now take your answer and move on, you insufferable little crybaby.
Racist piece of shit commie. Bye.
See you later,crybaby! If you are going to shit the bed every time someone answers your questions honestly on a public forum, you might need a new hobby.
I'm Obama's 1st 2 years he had the House and Super-Majority Senate.
Incorrect. Obama did not have a super majority senate for two years. He had it for four months. So your entire "big point!"is horseshit.
Whatever. Correction noted. He had 59. 60 if you count McCain, but he wasn't a reliable flip floorer.

The BIG POINT is that the ONLY reason Democrats oppose the wall is that they put politics over America's best interests.

You know it's true, out you wouldn't be hanging your hat on "only 59 Senators".
His accomplishments are second to his fight to get them. Whether Trump get's a 2000, 200, or a 2 mile wall built is irrelevant. It's the fact that he would go to any extreme to fulfill this campaign promise.
A campaign promise is one thing.

The fact that it is needed is more important
There is no need due to the fact that it will cover only 10% of the border, neither democrats nor republicans are likely to build the rest of the wall, and most important the type of barrier will have little if any impact on the number of illegal immigrants in the US because most of them come through ports of entry either legally or illegally.
The San Diego border wall must cover less than 2 or 3% of the Border yet it's extremely effective.

There's little doubt that more walls will be needed. Just like more border agents will be needed. But if these walls only save a few hundred or a few thousand lives maybe a few thousand rapes maybe a few hundred million or a hundred billion in welfare coming out of Americans pocketbooks then it's worth it.
You are creating one erroneous assumptions based on another erroneous assumption.

Comparing Trump's wall with the San Diego border wall is not a fair comparison. Prior to building the San Diego wall, their was a single strand of cable which marketed the border. At times, up to a hundred thousand people would step over or under the cable to cross the border going to and from Mexico.

The San Diego border wall is not actually a wall. It's a series of fences. The first fence, 10 feet high, is made of welded metal panels. The second fence, 15 feet high, consists of steel mesh, and the top is angled inward to make it harder to climb over. Finally, in high-traffic areas, there's also a smaller chain-link fence. In between the two main fences is 150 feet of "no man's land," an area that the Border Patrol sweeps with flood lights and trucks, and soon, surveillance cameras.

This barrier system which is not what Trump proposed is effective. The chief of the San Diego district border patrol claims it is 95% effective compared the previous barrier which was no barrier at all. However, this is only 5% better than reinforced fencing. So yes, barrier walls can be very effective but so can reinforced fencing which is only 1/6 the cost of a wall such as Trump is proposing.
San Diego Fence Provides Lessons in Border Control
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I'm Obama's 1st 2 years he had the House and Super-Majority Senate.
Incorrect. Obama did not have a super majority senate for two years. He had it for four months. So your entire "big point!"is horseshit.
Whatever. Correction noted. He had 59. 60 if you count McCain, but he wasn't a reliable flip floorer.

The BIG POINT is that the ONLY reason Democrats oppose the wall is that they put politics over America's best interests.

You know it's true, out you wouldn't be hanging your hat on "only 59 Senators".
There are several very sound reason why democrats oppose the Trump wall.

  • The appropriations for a border wall are massive and many experts have said it's not effective compared to other security measures. And to be truly effective, it can't just cover a small section of the border. It has to cover all parts of the border that do not have physical barriers.
  • There is no plan to deal with eminent domain. There are lots of people on the Texas border and other borders who don't want to give up their land. They've said they'll fight it in court; that will take years. We have not heard a peep out of the administration on how to deal with that.
  • The president promised Mexico would pay for it, not the American taxpayer. It was a campaign issue, yes, but throughout, the president said Mexico would pay for it. He never campaigned on Americans paying for a massive border wall, ineffective as it would be. So if Mexico is paying for the wall, why is he asking for 5 billion dollars from the US taxpayer?
  • Lastly, even if the president's wall were built completely across the southern border it would only have a minor effect on the number of undocumented immigrants in the country. Most of the undocumented immigrants in the US, don't swim the Rio Grande or climb fences or walls; they come through legal ports of entry either legally or illegally.
Schumer Explains Why Democrats Oppose Trump's Wall: 'There's No Plan to Build It'
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You are creating one erroneous assumptions based on another erroneous assumption.

Comparing Trump's wall with the San Diego border wall is not a fair comparison. Prior to building the San Diego wall, their was a single strand of cable which marketed the border. At times, up to a hundred thousand people would step over or under the cable to cross the border going to and from Mexico.

The San Diego border wall is not actually a wall. It's a series of fences. The first fence, 10 feet high, is made of welded metal panels. The second fence, 15 feet high, consists of steel mesh, and the top is angled inward to make it harder to climb over. Finally, in high-traffic areas, there's also a smaller chain-link fence. In between the two main fences is 150 feet of "no man's land," an area that the Border Patrol sweeps with flood lights and trucks, and soon, surveillance cameras.

This barrier system which is not what Trump proposed is effective. The chief of the San Diego district border patrol claims it is 95% effective compared the previous barrier which was no barrier at all. However, this is only 5% better than reinforced fencing. So yes, barrier walls can be very effective but so can reinforced fencing which is only 1/6 the cost of a wall such as Trump is proposing.
San Diego Fence Provides Lessons in Border Control

I didn't know how badly Border Security threatened you.

Are you seriously expecting me to believe that you believe Democrats shut down the government because Trump's border security isn't efficient enough?

Don't you feel stupid and soulless just saying it?

For pity's sake.... Democrats spent billions on a failed train to nowhere in California and didn't belch.
Trump needs to announce the hiring of 20 thousand more Border Patrol and declare victory, say he built a human wall which is way better, Then deport them on buses all the way to Oaxaca.
There are over 2000 border patrol open positions. Why would you want to add 20,000 more to that number. There are problems with hiring and retention in the Border Patrol and ICE, especially the Border Patrol. It's really difficult to hold on to the agents that they have. They're incredibly low-paid. They're stationed often at these isolated places along the border. Moral is poor and public support is very mixed.

Most of the border patrol agents are Hispanic and come from the Southwest often living within a hundred miles of the border. About half of the agents are stationed near cities and towns such as El Paso, Sand Diego, and Brownsville. Most of the other agents are stationed in remote areas where access to good housing and amenities that we find in most cites are scarce. This means long drives from the cities or living in small out of way desert towns. The weather, the desert, having to speak Spanish, low pay, dangerous work, and living conditions make it very difficult to recruit nationwide which is what is needed to hire and maintain a large law enforcement agency.

Government recruiting success has been so bad, the government turned to private industry to recruit new agents. A contract for 300 million dollars was awarded to Accenture, a consulting firm in Nov. 2017. After 2 years, 60 million dollars of the contract was expended and only 33 agents were hired, nearly 2 million dollars per new hire.

Also, there's a lot of corruption issues in the Border Patrol. Being relatively low paid and often working alone in the middle of nowhere apprehending drug traffickers that can offer agents a year's salary or more just for looking the other way creates a morale problem in the agency. There are always suspicions of being on the take. And the high turnover only increases those suspicions.
Border agents, and the risks at the edge of the line
Why It's So Hard To Recruit And Retain Border Patrol Agents
The answer on why it's hard for anything to work in America anymore ? One word "Demoncrats".
President Coulter riding to her State of Union where she will announce that all Libertarians will be deported effective immediately.

For pity's sake.... Democrats spent billions on a failed train to nowhere in California and didn't belch
And republicans have granted amnesty to untold millions over the past couple of decades. So,if you want to have a stupid discussion, go ahead.
won over what? sea hag hillary? seriously.....~S~
well shit dude, that was their best!!! hahahahaahahaha

She was a leftist cake walk. And now today you think they have someone better than the cake walk? hly fk.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Trump is scared he will lose his base. There is no one that Trump will not double cross except his current base.
Trump lies, bullies, extorts, double crosses to advance himself. One group he has been surprisingly loyal to is his base. He is sticking with the ridiculous promises that he conned them with. At the forefront is the wall.
Trump knows his only hope of any support in the American electorate is the minority of voters who bought his lies and continue to buy his lies. They are brainless, minions but they are his lackies.
Except for this decreasing group of minions, the more Americans see of Trump, the less they like him.

Trump knows the minions are his only hope. Watch out minions. As soon as Trump does not see value in your support he will sell you down the river.

He won’t lose his base. They have nowhere to go.
Who he will lose (possibly) are the soft supporters who put him over the top.
no one is going anywhere. you should be scared!!! ewwwwwwwww :auiqs.jpg:
Trump is scared he will lose his base. There is no one that Trump will not double cross except his current base.
Trump lies, bullies, extorts, double crosses to advance himself. One group he has been surprisingly loyal to is his base. He is sticking with the ridiculous promises that he conned them with. At the forefront is the wall.
Trump knows his only hope of any support in the American electorate is the minority of voters who bought his lies and continue to buy his lies. They are brainless, minions but they are his lackies.
Except for this decreasing group of minions, the more Americans see of Trump, the less they like him.

Trump knows the minions are his only hope. Watch out minions. As soon as Trump does not see value in your support he will sell you down the river.

He won’t lose his base. They have nowhere to go.
Who he will lose (possibly) are the soft supporters who put him over the top.
no one is going anywhere. you should be scared!!! ewwwwwwwww :auiqs.jpg:
We will see, minion lackey, we will see.
Just as pathetic as Trump without his base is his base without Trump.
Trump is scared he will lose his base. There is no one that Trump will not double cross except his current base.
Trump lies, bullies, extorts, double crosses to advance himself. One group he has been surprisingly loyal to is his base. He is sticking with the ridiculous promises that he conned them with. At the forefront is the wall.
Trump knows his only hope of any support in the American electorate is the minority of voters who bought his lies and continue to buy his lies. They are brainless, minions but they are his lackies.
Except for this decreasing group of minions, the more Americans see of Trump, the less they like him.

Trump knows the minions are his only hope. Watch out minions. As soon as Trump does not see value in your support he will sell you down the river.

He won’t lose his base. They have nowhere to go.
Who he will lose (possibly) are the soft supporters who put him over the top.
no one is going anywhere. you should be scared!!! ewwwwwwwww :auiqs.jpg:
We will see, minion lackey, we will see.
Just as pathetic as Trump without his base is his base without Trump.

Whats really going to be delicious is that in 2024 (one way or the other) they’ll line up shoulder to shoulder to support someone who is 180 degrees different than the blob and pretend Trump never existed.
Trump is scared he will lose his base. There is no one that Trump will not double cross except his current base.
Trump lies, bullies, extorts, double crosses to advance himself. One group he has been surprisingly loyal to is his base. He is sticking with the ridiculous promises that he conned them with. At the forefront is the wall.
Trump knows his only hope of any support in the American electorate is the minority of voters who bought his lies and continue to buy his lies. They are brainless, minions but they are his lackies.
Except for this decreasing group of minions, the more Americans see of Trump, the less they like him.

Trump knows the minions are his only hope. Watch out minions. As soon as Trump does not see value in your support he will sell you down the river.

He won’t lose his base. They have nowhere to go.
Who he will lose (possibly) are the soft supporters who put him over the top.
no one is going anywhere. you should be scared!!! ewwwwwwwww :auiqs.jpg:
We will see, minion lackey, we will see.
Just as pathetic as Trump without his base is his base without Trump.

Whats really going to be delicious is that in 2024 (one way or the other) they’ll line up shoulder to shoulder to support someone who is 180 degrees different than the blob and pretend Trump never existed.
why? are you saying we're complaining about our economic wins? dude, you just fling shit on a wall like a chimp.
Trump is scared he will lose his base. There is no one that Trump will not double cross except his current base.
Trump lies, bullies, extorts, double crosses to advance himself. One group he has been surprisingly loyal to is his base. He is sticking with the ridiculous promises that he conned them with. At the forefront is the wall.
Trump knows his only hope of any support in the American electorate is the minority of voters who bought his lies and continue to buy his lies. They are brainless, minions but they are his lackies.
Except for this decreasing group of minions, the more Americans see of Trump, the less they like him.
Trump knows the minions are his only hope. Watch out minions. As soon as Trump does not see value in your support he will sell you down the river.

It's time for another anti-Trumper's weekly venting bile from his spleen again over the fact that Trump won bigly.

View attachment 245039

Bile from his spleen?

You need anatomy lessons!

If you weren't such a dumbshit, you'd recognize a joke when you saw one! But then you'd need a mirror. If you weren't such an dumbass, you'd understand that the joke was that the spleen as part of the epigastic system, ties into the duodenum right where the bile is delivered, and dumbass leftists like you who can't ever get anything right can't even vent their bile properly. They don't even get jokes because they ARE a joke. The Left has no sense of humor.

The Left, always forever off balance see the rest of the world imbalanced instead of themselves.
Trump is scared he will lose his base. There is no one that Trump will not double cross except his current base.
Trump lies, bullies, extorts, double crosses to advance himself. One group he has been surprisingly loyal to is his base. He is sticking with the ridiculous promises that he conned them with. At the forefront is the wall.
Trump knows his only hope of any support in the American electorate is the minority of voters who bought his lies and continue to buy his lies. They are brainless, minions but they are his lackies.
Except for this decreasing group of minions, the more Americans see of Trump, the less they like him.

Trump knows the minions are his only hope. Watch out minions. As soon as Trump does not see value in your support he will sell you down the river.

He won’t lose his base. They have nowhere to go.
Who he will lose (possibly) are the soft supporters who put him over the top.
no one is going anywhere. you should be scared!!! ewwwwwwwww :auiqs.jpg:
We will see, minion lackey, we will see.
Just as pathetic as Trump without his base is his base without Trump.

Whats really going to be delicious is that in 2024 (one way or the other) they’ll line up shoulder to shoulder to support someone who is 180 degrees different than the blob and pretend Trump never existed.
I agree that the Trump supporters will scatter like a bunch of rats when he falls. Let's hope it is before 2014.

There will be a small group of the cult, that is his base, that will never give up on his lying, immoral, unethical style of leadership. They will be like neo-Nazis; neo-Trumpites. Many of them are neo-Nazi's, currently.
Trump is scared he will lose his base. There is no one that Trump will not double cross except his current base.
Trump lies, bullies, extorts, double crosses to advance himself. One group he has been surprisingly loyal to is his base. He is sticking with the ridiculous promises that he conned them with. At the forefront is the wall.
Trump knows his only hope of any support in the American electorate is the minority of voters who bought his lies and continue to buy his lies. They are brainless, minions but they are his lackies.
Except for this decreasing group of minions, the more Americans see of Trump, the less they like him.
Trump knows the minions are his only hope. Watch out minions. As soon as Trump does not see value in your support he will sell you down the river.

It's time for another anti-Trumper's weekly venting bile from his spleen again over the fact that Trump won bigly.

View attachment 245039

Bile from his spleen?

You need anatomy lessons!

If you weren't such a dumbshit, you'd recognize a joke when you saw one! But then you'd need a mirror. If you weren't such an dumbass, you'd understand that the joke was that the spleen as part of the epigastic system, ties into the duodenum right where the bile is delivered, and dumbass leftists like you who can't ever get anything right can't even vent their bile properly. They don't even get jokes because they ARE a joke. The Left has no sense of humor.

The Left, always forever off balance see the rest of the world imbalanced instead of themselves.
No one is arguing that Trump won. But how can you say he won bigly when he lost the popular vote?
Another Trump base lie.
Trump is scared he will lose his base. There is no one that Trump will not double cross except his current base.
Trump lies, bullies, extorts, double crosses to advance himself. One group he has been surprisingly loyal to is his base. He is sticking with the ridiculous promises that he conned them with. At the forefront is the wall.
Trump knows his only hope of any support in the American electorate is the minority of voters who bought his lies and continue to buy his lies. They are brainless, minions but they are his lackies.
Except for this decreasing group of minions, the more Americans see of Trump, the less they like him.

Trump knows the minions are his only hope. Watch out minions. As soon as Trump does not see value in your support he will sell you down the river.

He won’t lose his base. They have nowhere to go.
Who he will lose (possibly) are the soft supporters who put him over the top.
no one is going anywhere. you should be scared!!! ewwwwwwwww :auiqs.jpg:
We will see, minion lackey, we will see.
Just as pathetic as Trump without his base is his base without Trump.

There is nothing pathetic about working class and middle class whites. Fuck you.
No one is arguing that Trump won. But how can you say he won bigly when he lost the popular vote?
Another Trump base lie.

Many people here and elsewhere are constantly arguing that Trump did NOT win, and is not legitimate. Many people here and elsewhere are constantly arguing that the popular vote means nothing on a national level since that is not part of the defined election process, especially when many sources indicate millions of illegal votes, all of which seem to go towards democrats.

So while some try to claim Trump won only with the help of a few Russians, I would maintain that Hillary only got the popular vote because of the same kind of illegal coercion from the DNC that made Bernie's campaign to dethrone her FUTILE no matter how many votes he got!

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