Trump is scared he will lose his base

His accomplishments are second to his fight to get them. Whether Trump get's a 2000, 200, or a 2 mile wall built is irrelevant. It's the fact that he would go to any extreme to fulfill this campaign promise.
A campaign promise is one thing.

The fact that it is needed is more important
There is no need due to the fact that it will cover only 10% of the border, neither democrats nor republicans are likely to build the rest of the wall, and most important the type of barrier will have little if any impact on the number of illegal immigrants in the US because most of them come through ports of entry either legally or illegally.
The San Diego border wall must cover less than 2 or 3% of the Border yet it's extremely effective.

There's little doubt that more walls will be needed. Just like more border agents will be needed. But if these walls only save a few hundred or a few thousand lives maybe a few thousand rapes maybe a few hundred million or a hundred billion in welfare coming out of Americans pocketbooks then it's worth it.
Anyone who paid attention to 2016 election knows this meme is bullshit - Trump said he doesn't know David Duke (who at that point endorsed Trump) and it took a lot of pressure for Trump to FINALLY denounce him.

Donald Trump Refuses to Condemn Ku Klux Klan

Maybe Trump is not personally a racist, but there is absolutely no doubt he considers racists to be his constituency and acts as such, resisting any anti-bigot talk unless it escalates into a big liability for him.

Why do you believe that President Trump had an obligation

Absolutely it's an obligation. The lowest bar any presidential hopeful should clear is denouncing KKK and reject their endorsement.
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His accomplishments are second to his fight to get them. Whether Trump get's a 2000, 200, or a 2 mile wall built is irrelevant. It's the fact that he would go to any extreme to fulfill this campaign promise.
A campaign promise is one thing.

The fact that it is needed is more important
The fact that it will cover only 10% of the border, neither democrats nor republicans are likely to build the rest of it, and most important the type of barrier will have little if any impact on the number of illegal immigrants in the US because most of come through ports of entry either legally or illegally.
And ironically the substantive difference in the committee was jail cells in the INTERIOR US where we hold people who've been here with jobs and who are looking at deportation. And that's the harder question. If you deport a parent of us childen who was supporting those children, does the beneifit of enforcing the law outweigh the harm of having unsupported kids without at least one of their two parents .... or is there a third option.

But yeah it's all about a wall that will never be finished to prevent people coming over the border when fewer people are already coming over the border, while people overstaying visas are the larger problem.

But Trump is strongly fighting for his base.

Most Trump supporters are not deep thinkers. They will just claim we will deport the children with the parents but you raise an important point. Most undocumented immigrants families contain US citizens and often a mix of undocumented children and US citizens.

Many undocumented immigrants are undocumented because they don't know the law allows them to become legal. For example, undocumented immigrants that are relatives of eligible sponsors, undocumented spouses of US citizens, undocumented immigrants who are undocumented because of delays by immigration court, children of undocumented immigrants born in the US without documentation, etc..
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Anyone who paid attention to 2016 election knows this meme is bullshit - Trump said he doesn't know David Duke (who at that point endorsed Trump) and it took a lot of pressure for Trump to FINALLY denounce him.

Donald Trump Refuses to Condemn Ku Klux Klan

Maybe Trump is not personally a racist, but there is absolutely no doubt he considers racists to be his constituency and acts as such, resisting any anti-bigot talk unless it escalates into a big liability for him.
Obama invited a racist hate group to the White House and no one said a word.


I guess your bullshit filter is set for one-way.
Trump is a reality tv show personality more than a politician who has spent a lifetime pursuing a set of ideals like Goldwater and JFK and Reagan ... and even LBJ. The only central belief he's evidenced is the Central Park 5 should not have been set free, and he should be able to reneg on contracts when it benefits him (which is literally a right under American law, btw). But in a way you have to admire his ability to shape facts to hold his base. He's getting NOTHING he couldn't have had before his Dec shutdown, and arguably even less for the wall itself. But they are happy he's "fought for them."

The Wall was a campaign symbol dreamed up by Stone, and one that Trump initially just tried out on the rally circuit, and it worked like Lock Her Up, and became standard fare like "You're fired." His base loved it because he was giving them something they could dream of even though there's not a snowball's chance in hell they'll ever get it. But the central belief is they're tired of hearing they cannot have something when the RW media has ginned it up that other people are getting their stuff.

And it's partly Obama's fault, with the Obamacare scheme where some get Medicaid and others vouchers with deductibles

The desperate elected Trump.
"Ann, I have criticized you heavily in the past for bashing Trump, but if he caves this time I would finally have to agree with you. If he follows Pelosi's orders this time he will no longer have my vote. He will be branded a coward." - me to Coulter

the first time i've ever hit on a girl!

Anyone who paid attention to 2016 election knows this meme is bullshit - Trump said he doesn't know David Duke (who at that point endorsed Trump) and it took a lot of pressure for Trump to FINALLY denounce him.

Donald Trump Refuses to Condemn Ku Klux Klan

Maybe Trump is not personally a racist, but there is absolutely no doubt he considers racists to be his constituency and acts as such, resisting any anti-bigot talk unless it escalates into a big liability for him.
Obama invited a racist hate group to the White House and no one said a word.


I guess your bullshit filter is set for one-way.
I guess you're a first class ignorant pusillanimous punk.
Trump is a reality tv show personality more than a politician who has spent a lifetime pursuing a set of ideals like Goldwater and JFK and Reagan ... and even LBJ. The only central belief he's evidenced is the Central Park 5 should not have been set free, and he should be able to reneg on contracts when it benefits him (which is literally a right under American law, btw). But in a way you have to admire his ability to shape facts to hold his base. He's getting NOTHING he couldn't have had before his Dec shutdown, and arguably even less for the wall itself. But they are happy he's "fought for them."

The Wall was a campaign symbol dreamed up by Stone, and one that Trump initially just tried out on the rally circuit, and it worked like Lock Her Up, and became standard fare like "You're fired." His base loved it because he was giving them something they could dream of even though there's not a snowball's chance in hell they'll ever get it. But the central belief is they're tired of hearing they cannot have something when the RW media has ginned it up that other people are getting their stuff.

And it's partly Obama's fault, with the Obamacare scheme where some get Medicaid and others vouchers with deductibles

The desperate elected Trump.

Yes indeed, because we were DESPERATE to rescue our country, America, from the failed policies of the far left. The AOC phenomena prove we were right in doing so!

Anyone who paid attention to 2016 election knows this meme is bullshit - Trump said he doesn't know David Duke (who at that point endorsed Trump) and it took a lot of pressure for Trump to FINALLY denounce him.

Donald Trump Refuses to Condemn Ku Klux Klan

Maybe Trump is not personally a racist, but there is absolutely no doubt he considers racists to be his constituency and acts as such, resisting any anti-bigot talk unless it escalates into a big liability for him.
Obama invited a racist hate group to the White House and no one said a word.


I guess your bullshit filter is set for one-way.
I guess you're a first class ignorant pusillanimous punk.

Good talk, run along now.
Yes indeed, because we were DESPERATE to rescue our country, America, from the failed policies of the far left.
Haha, what an embarrassingly stupid lie. I doubt you even fool yourself. You only care about annoying liberals, and literally nothing else.
Trump is a reality tv show personality more than a politician who has spent a lifetime pursuing a set of ideals like Goldwater and JFK and Reagan ... and even LBJ. The only central belief he's evidenced is the Central Park 5 should not have been set free, and he should be able to reneg on contracts when it benefits him (which is literally a right under American law, btw). But in a way you have to admire his ability to shape facts to hold his base. He's getting NOTHING he couldn't have had before his Dec shutdown, and arguably even less for the wall itself. But they are happy he's "fought for them."

The Wall was a campaign symbol dreamed up by Stone, and one that Trump initially just tried out on the rally circuit, and it worked like Lock Her Up, and became standard fare like "You're fired." His base loved it because he was giving them something they could dream of even though there's not a snowball's chance in hell they'll ever get it. But the central belief is they're tired of hearing they cannot have something when the RW media has ginned it up that other people are getting their stuff.

And it's partly Obama's fault, with the Obamacare scheme where some get Medicaid and others vouchers with deductibles

If Trump is not guilty, he should cooperate with the investigation to prove he is not guilty, also testify and agree to an interview under oath.
innocent till proven guilty. Even the most honest person in the world would have problems standing up to this kind of inquisition.

Anyone who paid attention to 2016 election knows this meme is bullshit - Trump said he doesn't know David Duke (who at that point endorsed Trump) and it took a lot of pressure for Trump to FINALLY denounce him.

Donald Trump Refuses to Condemn Ku Klux Klan

Maybe Trump is not personally a racist, but there is absolutely no doubt he considers racists to be his constituency and acts as such, resisting any anti-bigot talk unless it escalates into a big liability for him.
Obama invited a racist hate group to the White House and no one said a word.


I guess your bullshit filter is set for one-way.
I guess you're a first class ignorant pusillanimous punk.

Good talk, run along now.
No. Go to hell.
Yes indeed, because we were DESPERATE to rescue our country, America, from the failed policies of the far left.
Haha, what an embarrassingly stupid lie. I doubt you even fool yourself. You only care about annoying liberals, and literally nothing else.
You're not a "liberal". Real liberals believe in American values and respect our Constitution and the rights of the individual. You're nothing but a commie parroting pawn.
Democrats and their pawns never said a word
Of course they did. They pushed back against the claim that it was a hate group.

Got anything else you want to pull out of your ass?
Black Lives Matter is a racist hate group. Stick that up your lying ass.
Hmm, no, it isn't. Sorry numnbnuts.
You're an idiot. You're dismissed.
Katie Pavlich - Exposing The Black Lives Matter Movement For What It Is: Promotion of Cop Killing
Democrats and their pawns never said a word
Of course they did. They pushed back against the claim that it was a hate group.

Got anything else you want to pull out of your ass?
Black Lives Matter is a racist hate group. Stick that up your lying ass.
Hmm, no, it isn't. Sorry numnbnuts.
You're an idiot. You're dismissed.
Katie Pavlich - Exposing The Black Lives Matter Movement For What It Is: Promotion of Cop Killing
Presenting an opinion that agrees with your opinion is not compelling. And we both know you never read a single word of that article anyway, ya little liar.

So, you got your answer why democrats didnt cry over a "hate group": because they don't think it's a hate group. Now take your answer and move on, you insufferable little crybaby.
His accomplishments are second to his fight to get them. Whether Trump get's a 2000, 200, or a 2 mile wall built is irrelevant. It's the fact that he would go to any extreme to fulfill this campaign promise.
A campaign promise is one thing.

The fact that it is needed is more important
The fact that it will cover only 10% of the border, neither democrats nor republicans are likely to build the rest of it, and most important the type of barrier will have little if any impact on the number of illegal immigrants in the US because most of come through ports of entry either legally or illegally.
And ironically the substantive difference in the committee was jail cells in the INTERIOR US where we hold people who've been here with jobs and who are looking at deportation. And that's the harder question. If you deport a parent of us childen who was supporting those children, does the beneifit of enforcing the law outweigh the harm of having unsupported kids without at least one of their two parents .... or is there a third option.

But yeah it's all about a wall that will never be finished to prevent people coming over the border when fewer people are already coming over the border, while people overstaying visas are the larger problem.

But Trump is strongly fighting for his base.

Most Trump supporters are not deep thinkers. They will just claim we will deport the children with the parents but you raise an important point. Most undocumented immigrants families contain US citizens and often a mix of undocumented children and US citizens.

Many undocumented immigrants are undocumented because they don't know the law allows them to become legal. For example, undocumented immigrants that are relatives of eligible sponsors, undocumented spouses of US citizens, undocumented immigrants who are undocumented because of delays by immigration court, children of undocumented immigrants born in the US without documentation, etc..
That's a lot of words that doesn't say much.

Laws matter. They should be enforced or e done away with.

I'm Obama's 1st 2 years he had the House and Super-Majority Senate.

Did they even try to undo the law? No. They pretended to support them.
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Democrats and their pawns never said a word
Of course they did. They pushed back against the claim that it was a hate group.

Got anything else you want to pull out of your ass?
Black Lives Matter is a racist hate group. Stick that up your lying ass.
Hmm, no, it isn't. Sorry numnbnuts.
You're an idiot. You're dismissed.
Katie Pavlich - Exposing The Black Lives Matter Movement For What It Is: Promotion of Cop Killing
Presenting an opinion that agrees with your opinion is not compelling. And we both know you never read a single word of that article anyway, ya little liar.

So, you got your answer why democrats didnt cry over a "hate group": because they don't think it's a hate group. Now take your answer and move on, you insufferable little crybaby.
Racist piece of shit commie. Bye.

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