Trump is scared he will lose his base

Trump is scared he will lose his base. There is no one that Trump will not double cross except his current base.
Trump lies, bullies, extorts, double crosses to advance himself. One group he has been surprisingly loyal to is his base. He is sticking with the ridiculous promises that he conned them with. At the forefront is the wall.
Trump knows his only hope of any support in the American electorate is the minority of voters who bought his lies and continue to buy his lies. They are brainless, minions but they are his lackies.
Except for this decreasing group of minions, the more Americans see of Trump, the less they like him.

Trump knows the minions are his only hope. Watch out minions. As soon as Trump does not see value in your support he will sell you down the river.
I'll play along for a second... Sell us out how ? Turn into a Demon-crat ?? In your wildest dreams would you have Trump on your team.

After what you people have done to the man and his family. Well allllllllrighty then. My second has expired.
No, selling you out means abandoning policies and images that you so dearly love such as his authoritarian persona, building walls, draining the swamp, racism, isolationism, and thumbing his nose at morality and the media. Trump's policy are not part of any long held beliefs or ideology. He adopted them during the campaign based how well they were supported by his base. If he feels he would be better served in 2020, by Hispanics, Blacks, or women voters he would drop you like a hot cake. The only reason he decided to run as a republican is he felt Clinton had the nomination sewed up. Of course. if he had run as a democrat, he would have had totally different policies as well as a different image.
And if he did as crappy out a job as Obama did, and put forth policies designed to fail as Obama did, his base would drop him like a hot cake.

What you haters don't get is that it isn't about Trump. It's about America.
Trump needs to announce the hiring of 20 thousand more Border Patrol and declare victory, say he built a human wall which is way better, Then deport them on buses all the way to Oaxaca.
Only a narrow minded neanderthal could see that Trump is only playing to his base, even though he is everyone's President.
Every former President has dealt with the reality that leading the whole nation is different than getting elected. That does not mean you do not keep your campaign promises as best you can. There are many promises Trump made he is not keeping.
Trump has the lowest approval rating of any modern day President after 2 years. He is counting on his minions and no one else. We will see how that plays for him. Of course if he goes to jail it will not matter.

OOPS! This is driving Progressives, such as yourself, around the bend. Oh drat!

Donald Trump Approval Rating at 52 Percent; 9-Point Jump in 10 Days
by Charlie Spiering
11 Feb 2019
President Donald Trump received an approval rating jump in the week following his State of the Union address.
Rasmussen reports that the president’s approval rating is now at 52 percent, a nine-point jump in just ten days.

Trump’s approval rating hit a low of 43 percent at the end of January, but strong jobs numbers released in February and a successful State of the Union address appear to have had an effect on his approval numbers.

Donald Trump Approval Rating at 52 Percent; 9-Point Jump in 10 Days
Trump needs to announce the hiring of 20 thousand more Border Patrol and declare victory, say he built a human wall which is way better, Then deport them on buses all the way to Oaxaca.
So no wall and mexico wont pay for it?
What happened to balancing the budget ?
He promised the best health care program, where is it?
Trump needs to announce the hiring of 20 thousand more Border Patrol and declare victory, say he built a human wall which is way better, Then deport them on buses all the way to Oaxaca.
So no wall and mexico wont pay for it?
What happened to balancing the budget ?
He promised the best health care program, where is it?

Not to worry Issa, he has nearly 6 more years. Patience.
Trump needs to announce the hiring of 20 thousand more Border Patrol and declare victory, say he built a human wall which is way better, Then deport them on buses all the way to Oaxaca.
So no wall and mexico wont pay for it?
What happened to balancing the budget ?
He promised the best health care program, where is it?

Not to worry Issa, he has nearly 6 more years. Patience.
He said in his first term. He didnt say second term I am sure.
He also said he is gonna release his taxes, where can i see them ?
The same place we can see John Kerry's notary re odds he promised to release but we are still waiting for...:
How many cabinet members and staff have been fired.
Trump blames others when something does not get done whether it is their fault or not.
He has not turned over Obama care. Change secretary of HHS. Nothing changed.
He has not built his wall. Change the secretary of Homeland security. Nothing changes.
He is being investigated by special council. Change the Attorney General. Nothing changes

I think we should change the President and see what happens.
Yeah.. All Trump has done in 2-1/2 years is destroy the Caliphate that Obama allowed to form, bring on historically high employment, bring on the best wage growth since Bush, bring back twice as many manufacturing jobs as Obama lost in 8 years, and get NATO countries to start paying for more of their own defense.
Damn that Trump
Trump destroy THE caliphate? that shows how stupid you are and your opinion is worthless. There is not one caliphate. ISIS declared a limited territory caliphate. They lost the territory but are on the run and not defeated. The largest non-state caliphate still exists. The current caliph is Mirza Masroor Ahmad, who lives in London[63] with a following of 10 to 20 million in over 200 countries and territories of the world.[64]

The economy requires more than your simple minded analysis. Trump supporters want everything simple. The real world is not as simple as the Trump supporters brains. Trump knows that. It is the base of his con.
You dream, hate-boy.

You dream of Trump being a failure, like Obama. You dream because reality sux for you.
A dream is not dealing with reality. You are dreaming because you do not understand the truth of the world as shown by your lack of knowledge on the issues of the day as is with most Trump supporters. This is not hate. I feel sorry for you and am trying to bring you to reality.
Only a narrow minded neanderthal could see that Trump is only playing to his base, even though he is everyone's President.
Every former President has dealt with the reality that leading the whole nation is different than getting elected. That does not mean you do not keep your campaign promises as best you can. There are many promises Trump made he is not keeping.
Trump has the lowest approval rating of any modern day President after 2 years. He is counting on his minions and no one else. We will see how that plays for him. Of course if he goes to jail it will not matter.

OOPS! This is driving Progressives, such as yourself, around the bend. Oh drat!

Donald Trump Approval Rating at 52 Percent; 9-Point Jump in 10 Days
by Charlie Spiering
11 Feb 2019
President Donald Trump received an approval rating jump in the week following his State of the Union address.

Rasmussen reports that the president’s approval rating is now at 52 percent, a nine-point jump in just ten days.

Trump’s approval rating hit a low of 43 percent at the end of January, but strong jobs numbers released in February and a successful State of the Union address appear to have had an effect on his approval numbers.

Donald Trump Approval Rating at 52 Percent; 9-Point Jump in 10 Days
I thought Trump supporters did not believe in polls. That is unless the poll is in their favor.
Trump supporters only look to one source of news that favors what they believe as opposed to listening to multiple sources and multiple polls and see if they can find the truth by a preponderance of the evidence.
Trump supporters cannot handle the truth.
i trust TRUMP to do his best , i voted for him Anton and if i made a bad choice , well , thats life . Though to this point i still like Trump and his actions on just about everything he is doing Anton .

Cool story, but fact remains that he has trouble getting through even a single page of reading and is not much of an intellectual. Hell, he makes Bush W look sophisticated.
Your fact is full of fiction.

You say that based on what? Your fantasy or some sort of actual source?

Anyone who paid attention to 2016 election knows this meme is bullshit - Trump said he doesn't know David Duke (who at that point endorsed Trump) and it took a lot of pressure for Trump to FINALLY denounce him.

Donald Trump Refuses to Condemn Ku Klux Klan

Maybe Trump is not personally a racist, but there is absolutely no doubt he considers racists to be his constituency and acts as such, resisting any anti-bigot talk unless it escalates into a big liability for him.
Trump is scared he will lose his base. There is no one that Trump will not double cross except his current base.
Trump lies, bullies, extorts, double crosses to advance himself. One group he has been surprisingly loyal to is his base. He is sticking with the ridiculous promises that he conned them with. At the forefront is the wall.
Trump knows his only hope of any support in the American electorate is the minority of voters who bought his lies and continue to buy his lies. They are brainless, minions but they are his lackies.
Except for this decreasing group of minions, the more Americans see of Trump, the less they like him.

Trump knows the minions are his only hope. Watch out minions. As soon as Trump does not see value in your support he will sell you down the river.
I'll play along for a second... Sell us out how ? Turn into a Demon-crat ?? In your wildest dreams would you have Trump on your team.

After what you people have done to the man and his family. Well allllllllrighty then. My second has expired.
No, selling you out means abandoning policies and images that you so dearly love such as his authoritarian persona, building walls, draining the swamp, racism, isolationism, and thumbing his nose at morality and the media. Trump's policy are not part of any long held beliefs or ideology. He adopted them during the campaign based how well they were supported by his base. If he feels he would be better served in 2020, by Hispanics, Blacks, or women voters he would drop you like a hot cake. The only reason he decided to run as a republican is he felt Clinton had the nomination sewed up. Of course. if he had run as a democrat, he would have had totally different policies as well as a different image.

Exactly - key to Trump is understanding that he is just a self-promoting salesman who doesn't give two shits what he is selling or to whom. He will do whatever he has to do with whomever he has to do it.

Anyone who paid attention to 2016 election knows this meme is bullshit - Trump said he doesn't know David Duke (who at that point endorsed Trump) and it took a lot of pressure for Trump to FINALLY denounce him.

Donald Trump Refuses to Condemn Ku Klux Klan

Maybe Trump is not personally a racist, but there is absolutely no doubt he considers racists to be his constituency and acts as such, resisting any anti-bigot talk unless it escalates into a big liability for him.
Obama invited a racist hate group to the White House and no one said a word.
Just like a lot of people in this country don't want a wall including Republicans.
CBS News Instant Poll: 72% Approve Of Trump's Immigration Ideas

View attachment 245205

President Trump had a rotten month. “In the latest data from Morning Consult’s Trump Tracker, which measures the president’s approval rating in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, a record low of 40 percent of voters approved of Trump and a record-high 55 percent disapproved, resulting in the worst monthly net rating of his presidency.”

“Trump’s base remained fairly solid, with 83 percent of Republicans approving of the president. But that share of support among Republicans was its lowest since September.”) Most worrisome for a president whose party commands a declining share of the electorate, “56 percent of independents disapproved of Trump during the first month of 2019, the most of any month since his Jan. 20, 2017, inauguration.”

Good I'm glad to see my fellow Independents agree with me.

I've been a registered Independent since 1978.

I'm just surprised that it's not a larger percentage.
Obama invited a racist hate group to the White House and no one said a word.
Uh, you guys cried like little ******* over it for weeks...and, counting your post today, make it "years"...
So you don't even try to deny it....Democrats and their pawns never said a word. Obama gave Iran billions, no one said a word. You leftist hypocrite trash can go to hell.

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