Trump is showing Obama what a REAL Manchurian Candidate looks like.



Remember how Republicans kept saying Obama is not legitimate and that he is foreign?

Well, now we have a truly illegitimate president. A president that is totally under Kremlin control.

“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., said at a real estate conference in 2008, according to a trade publication, eTurboNews.

Bought and paid for by Putin, the richest man in the world.

I told you in previous posts, Putin orders people to turn over their wealth to him and they do. Putin, a former KGB agent whose salary as President is half what our president is paid, yet Putin ended up making 85 billion dollars. I know, If Putin were here, Republicans are saying, "Don't tax him. Don't steal his money. It's HIS money. Don't pick on him because he is hard working and rich".
Republicans have become so filled with hate towards other Americans, they side with Russia. That makes them traitors. That's the very definition of traitor.
"Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing," Mr Trump said on Wednesday.

"I think you'll be rewarded mightily by our press."

US election: Trump encourages Russia to find Clinton emails - BBC News

That pretty much confirms Trump knew the Russians were involved and was publicly giving the Russians directions, knowing the GOP base sides more with Putin than our own country.

Trump is the Manchurian President elect. Why not just come out and admit it? It's what his base wants and admires.

And now even the FBI is on board. Every US Intelligence Agency. But pig farmers out in Fucktard, Iowa will still refuse to believe it. Or do they?
I think the Alt Right knows it to be true, but they are only pretending ignorance.
LOL, Pedophile Podesta gets his email hacked and that means Trump is under control of Russia.

Check yourself into a mental hospital deany.
LOL, Pedophile Podesta gets his email hacked and that means Trump is under control of Russia.

Check yourself into a mental hospital deany.
Every single US intelligence agency knows it was Russia. Including the FBI.

They all know it.

All of them.

Twumps feewings are hurt. :crybaby:

Well, the scam man, PG Trump, himself had better get over it. He as a nation to run where the majority hate his guts. Entering office with the lowest approval rating in history.

And remember, Trump may love Putin, but Putin hates the US even worse than Republicans hate the US. This wasn't just about electing Trump, but to discredit the US election process.
I can see Putin waiting 9 months and then sticking it to Trump balls deep just to discredit this administration there by discrediting the entire country.
Tell us why Hillary sold our uranium to Russia if they are soooooo bad? Was it the $200,000,000?
Fake news. Learn something nitwit.

The Clinton State Department signed off on the deal and pocketed donations...
The facts behind Trump’s repeated claim about Hillary Clinton’s role in the Russian uranium deal

"Individuals related to Uranium One and UrAsia, including Giustra and Telfer, donated to the Clinton Foundation, totaling about $145 million. The Times reported that Telfer also donated to the Clinton Foundation using his family charity based in Canada. These were donations made to the Clinton Foundation, not directly to the Clintons."
Tell us why Hillary sold our uranium to Russia if they are soooooo bad? Was it the $200,000,000?
Fake news. Learn something nitwit.

The Clinton State Department signed off on the deal and pocketed donations...
The facts behind Trump’s repeated claim about Hillary Clinton’s role in the Russian uranium deal

"Individuals related to Uranium One and UrAsia, including Giustra and Telfer, donated to the Clinton Foundation, totaling about $145 million. The Times reported that Telfer also donated to the Clinton Foundation using his family charity based in Canada. These were donations made to the Clinton Foundation, not directly to the Clintons."
You didn't even bother to read your article did you? Admit it. I've seen your kind do this many times before. I run out of patience with determined tards. All you had to do was read it fool. And just because you were too ignorant, I will (sigh!) copy and paste the relevant parts you should have read, nitwit.

The State Department was one of nine agencies comprising CFIUS, which vets potential national security impacts of transactions where a foreign government gains control of a U.S. company. It was established by Congress in 2007 after the controversy over the planned purchase of seaports by a company in United Arab Emirates. The other agencies were the departments of Treasury, Defense, Justice, Commerce, Energy and Homeland Security, and two White House agencies (Office of the U.S. Trade Representative and Office of Science and Technology Policy).

The CFIUS can approve a deal, but only the president can suspend or stop a transaction. If the committee can’t come to a consensus, a member can recommend a suspension or prohibition of the deal, and the president makes the call.

Due to confidentiality laws, there are few details made public about the deal or about Clinton’s role in it, found. The Clinton campaign said Clinton herself was not involved in the State Department’s review and did not direct the department to take any position on the sale of Uranium One.

“I was not personally involved because that wasn’t something the secretary of state did,” Clinton told a New Hampshire TV station in June 2015.

You didn't even bother to notice your ignorant comments got:

Four Pinocchios


You are an example of why Republicans only cause damage. They simply don't have it in them to learn enough not to.

If you had actually read the article, you would have seen the Russians can't even export any nuclear material they mined out of the United States. Shame on you. Shame, shame, shame.
"Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing," Mr Trump said on Wednesday.

"I think you'll be rewarded mightily by our press."

US election: Trump encourages Russia to find Clinton emails - BBC News

That pretty much confirms Trump knew the Russians were involved and was publicly giving the Russians directions, knowing the GOP base sides more with Putin than our own country.

Trump is the Manchurian President elect. Why not just come out and admit it? It's what his base wants and admires.

And now even the FBI is on board. Every US Intelligence Agency. But pig farmers out in Fucktard, Iowa will still refuse to believe it. Or do they?
I think the Alt Right knows it to be true, but they are only pretending ignorance.
Reagan would roll over in his grave if he knew 37% of republicans like Putin.

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