Trump is speaking right now in the United Nations. Turn it on.

Oh my God. How does he have the nerve to stand up there and bitch about China when he just tried to extort the Ukraine?
He already spent a large part about the speech talking about how wonderful he is and what a great president he is and all the wonderful things he’s done. All the taxes he’s cut. And all the regulations he’s peeled back.
How does he complain about Iran threatening other countries when he just threatened the president of the Ukraine?
Great speech by Trump. The stupid Commies, Mullahs and Moon Bats will hate his "America first" great message but they are assholes so who cares?
He’s talking about terrorism. Think he’ll say anything about the white terrorism that happened in New Zealand?
Now he’s talking about open borders activists.
I didn’t even know any.
Who are they?
Republicans like to lie and say it’s Democrats but Republicans lie.
He says Mexico is showing us great respect and he respects them in return.

He’s saying if you’re fleeing danger and you’re trying to come here to seek asylum he’s going to fuck you over. I’m paraphrasing.
He saying in Venezuela women stand for 15 hours looking for food. People don’t have medical care. People are dying. But his messages is don’t come here he’ll fuck you over. How does that work?
Are you watching this?

What do you think?

Uhm we have jobs

Over 7 million that are unfilled. Right wingers just aren’t qualified for them.

Most all in the red states, they already have jobs you bum.

You call me a name because you don’t believe your own words.

How is that a name when all you do is watch MSNBC and dont work?

Oh my god this is hilarious. This is one of his best/worst speeches ever. Now he’s talking about gay people and how he wants to protect them. Even while his administration is in court trying to remove workplace protections against gay people. And he’s throwing trans people out of the military.

Is this do what I say and not what I do?
Are you watching this?

What do you think?

Uhm we have jobs

Over 7 million that are unfilled. Right wingers just aren’t qualified for them.

Most all in the red states, they already have jobs you bum.

You call me a name because you don’t believe your own words.

How is that a name when all you do is watch MSNBC and dont work?

A better name would be “retired“. And that’s because I got the G.I. Bill after serving in the military and went to college. Something you might consider.
And now he saying rip the baby out of the mothers womb. Abortion on demand right up to the moment of delivery. Oh this guys a fucking monster I swear to God.
This is the guy who has children dying at the border that never that’s never happened before and babies in cages. This guy is so sinister.

Now he’s just giving a campaign speech. In front of the United Nations.
Oh my God. How does he have the nerve to stand up there and bitch about China when he just tried to extort the Ukraine?
The ignorant fuck RETARD can not see that trump is shredding the man made climate change lie and the trade imbalance in one scoop....

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