Trump Is Starting To Get On My Nerves

The US was hit harder than almost any other country . Why?

If you're gonna shoot for a global scale authoritarian tyranny, which is precisely what happened, it's probably politically wise to hit the hub for what is considered the bastion of liberty the hardest and take it out first?

Kind of like when the cops snatch up and toss the loudest protester in a cage in the back of the van to set an example for anyone else who might wanna put up a fight?

And because America is where the biggest printing press and the most bought and paid for politicians are, giving the best chance of return on the endeavor ?
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The US was hit harder than almost any other country . Why?

Because of poor response

Our refusal to mask

Our refusal to shut down in a coherent manner

Our chaos

This is AMERICA. This shit happens to OTHER COUNTRIES.

But it happened here. Because of Trump

And we lead the world in deaths BEFORE Biden took office

That's bullshit. The US ranked low on the number of COVID deaths per capita.

Mortality Analyses - Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center

The US was hit harder than almost any other country . Why?

Because of poor response

Our refusal to mask

Our refusal to shut down in a coherent manner

Our chaos

This is AMERICA. This shit happens to OTHER COUNTRIES.

But it happened here. Because of Trump

And we lead the world in deaths BEFORE Biden took office
You seem to specialize in outrageous lies.

Are you auditioning for a place in the dimocrap scum party? You'd fit right in..

A friend of mine is an EMT. Up North. They were calling anybody that died with Covid in their system a Covid Death.

People that got hit by a truck but had dormant Covid in their system were listed as having died of Covid.

You are one stupid little bitch. No wonder you're a dimocrap
Trump killed hundreds of thousands with his chaotic and confused leadership.

Biden inherited that chaos and straightened it out in pretty short order

The US was hit harder than almost any other country . Why?

Because of poor response

Our refusal to mask

Our refusal to shut down in a coherent manner

Our chaos

This is AMERICA. This shit happens to OTHER COUNTRIES.

But it happened here. Because of Trump

And we lead the world in deaths BEFORE Biden took office
What about when that pesky truth gets in the way of all your lying bullshit?
I believe that any other President of either party would have provided the leadership where the country would have rallied around him……He saved us from COVID

Look at George Bush after 9-11. Rather than blame him, the public rallied around him and trusted him in the war on terror

Trump ducked blame, refused to make tough decisions, blamed China, pitted states against each other, turned COVID into a partisan issue, isolated us from global COVID efforts and spread misinformation.

Don't lie. You know damned well TDS was strong long before Covid showed up and it's a little hard to rally the country to your side when all of Congress is doing everything it can to oust you and of course the pussy hats are still crying over their Hillary loss.

It still amazes me how ya'll say Trump was at fault for Covid mistakes......something NOBODY was prepared for or knew how to deal with........and you ignore the fact it was Trump that called for pharma to come up with vaxes (Operation Warp Speed) that ya'll stood in line for.

So if Trump was such a failure with do you justify your faith in the vax & boosters without giving him credit for it?
Don't lie. You know damned well TDS was strong long before Covid showed up and it's a little hard to rally the country to your side when all of Congress is doing everything it can to oust you and of course the pussy hats are still crying over their Hillary loss.

It still amazes me how ya'll say Trump was at fault for Covid mistakes......something NOBODY was prepared for or knew how to deal with........and you ignore the fact it was Trump that called for pharma to come up with vaxes (Operation Warp Speed) that ya'll stood in line for.

So if Trump was such a failure with do you justify your faith in the vax & boosters without giving him credit for it?
Trump cut taxes and that royally pissed off the left.
Trumps inept leadership during Covid cost him a second term
After seven years of his chaos, of his juvenile behavior, of his non-stop blatant bullshit and comical hyperbole, of people who have worked him condemning him and testifying against him, of his embarrassing self-aggrandizement, he's "starting" to get on their nerves.

Holy crap. Too funny.
Don't lie. You know damned well TDS was strong long before Covid showed up and it's a little hard to rally the country to your side when all of Congress is doing everything it can to oust you and of course the pussy hats are still crying over their Hillary loss.

It still amazes me how ya'll say Trump was at fault for Covid mistakes......something NOBODY was prepared for or knew how to deal with........and you ignore the fact it was Trump that called for pharma to come up with vaxes (Operation Warp Speed) that ya'll stood in line for.

So if Trump was such a failure with do you justify your faith in the vax & boosters without giving him credit for it?

They are a Cult of power-mad lunatics.
Don't lie. You know damned well TDS was strong long before Covid showed up and it's a little hard to rally the country to your side when all of Congress is doing everything it can to oust you and of course the pussy hats are still crying over their Hillary loss.

It still amazes me how ya'll say Trump was at fault for Covid mistakes......something NOBODY was prepared for or knew how to deal with........and you ignore the fact it was Trump that called for pharma to come up with vaxes (Operation Warp Speed) that ya'll stood in line for.

So if Trump was such a failure with do you justify your faith in the vax & boosters without giving him credit for it?

Bush had 80 percent approval after 9-11. Both parties rallied around him during the crisis. Country took precedence over Party.

Trump ducked responsibility for COVID and made the states make the hard decisions. Rather than unite us….Trump divided us.
The left would demonize DeSantis as much as they did Trump. The question is, could DeSantis stand up to them without cracking? Could any other GOP candidate survive everything the left would throw at them? I don't think any of them has the brass balls Trump has. Plus DeSantis is a politician, a Harvard lawyer, and has his future political career to worry about.
RDS is a different kind of Hawvawd Grad. He went right from Hawvawd to the Navy. As an Attorney, sure. But he still got attached the SEALs.

He's just that smart.

I know a guy like that -- Super smart. Was offered a scholarship to Columbia but turned it down. He also happens to be one of, if not THE, baddest MoFo I know. A seriously rough boy. State Champion Wrestler, MMA/UFC fighter. Heavyweight. But a super-smart dude. And a nice guy to boot.

Don't know about RDS, if he's a badass or not. But I suspect he might be. Not sure. But, I don't believe the SEALs would tolerate a sissy boy in their ranks.

But you're right. RDS needs some seasoning to be able to face scum of the earth dimocrap FILTH. He's getting there.

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