Trump Is Starting To Get On My Nerves

When the bastard son of Frank Marshall Davis insulted him in front of all those people at some press gathering, that got him started. And when he looked around, he didn't like what he saw.

dimocraps are scum. And they need to be destroyed. Not stopped. Not slowed.

All of this.
Nope. That's what the two dominant parties tells. And many of us swallow it. Time to stop falling for their bullshit.
As flawed as our system is (and it is) I still like it better than the Euro-Weenie parliamentarian system that is almost completely useless and serves its people even less than ours. Which is not an easy accomplishment.

We're stuck with it. Voting 3rd Party is 'dropping out'.
Not that I would ever, ever, ever, under any circumstances vote for a dim..... Unless the Republican had two horns and a tail..... Even then, I would have to re-examine my morals..

I digress. Trump is way ahead in polling but he seems to insist on taking cheap shots at my Governor. Who, I would frankly rather see as the Republican nominee. But I'm okay with Trump. If he'd just learn to shut the hell up once in a while.

Exhibit A

-- Confronted with this, Fauci now says he Made a Freudian Typo and that he was wrong at the time to say it was a "fact."

All of this is creating some blowback for Donald Trump, who effectively made Anthony Fauci the President-in-Fact for a year, and later bestowed upon him a Presidential Commendation for his great service.

Donald Trump is frank and forthright in admitting that if there were any mistakes made, they were all made by (checks notes) Ron "DeSanctimonious."

I know people make excuses for Trump's cowardly, weakling failure to step up to Fauci and Brix and tell them NO! The country was in a panic, they'll say. He's a germophobe. Fauci and Brix "played" him.

(The very stable genius seems to get "played" by leftwingers an awful lot.)

Okay, suppose I excuse his Chicken Little act in 2020-2021:

What excuses his shameless, remorseless lying now?

Is just everything acceptable if Trump does it?

H/T Ace

But CBD is a despicable coward

yeah, his ego has always been too big and he has no filter. It's very grating. Nevertheless he was a good president, though its a shame that he fails to bring Republicans and conservatives together, which he could have done if he would step away from that big ego.

On the bright side, his Lawyer looked pretty hot today.
As flawed as our system is (and it is) I still like it better than the Euro-Weenie parliamentarian system that is almost completely useless and serves its people even less than ours. Which is not an easy accomplishment.

We're stuck with it. Voting 3rd Party is 'dropping out'.
No. It's just saying "no". You just keep saying "yes". So the two shit parties never change. And they won't until enough us have the courage to say "no".

Stop being a pushover.
As flawed as our system is (and it is) I still like it better than the Euro-Weenie parliamentarian system that is almost completely useless and serves its people even less than ours. Which is not an easy accomplishment.

We're stuck with it. Voting 3rd Party is 'dropping out'.

People like db are not reachable.

I picture them going to the racetrack and betting on horses not actually running, to save Horseracing.
Made the wealthy very, very happy

That's a blatant lie.

IRS data proves Trump tax cuts benefited middle, working-class Americans most​

IRS data proves Trump tax cuts benefited middle, working-class Americans most

GOP Rep: Trump-Era Tax Cuts Helped the Middle Class.​

GOP Rep: Trump-Era Tax Cuts Helped the Middle Class. Don't Throw Them Away

The Trump Tax Cut Wasn’t Just for the Rich​

The Trump Tax Cut Wasn’t Just for the Rich

The Trump Tax Cuts Were Not ‘Tax Cuts for the Rich’​

Opinion | The Trump Tax Cuts Were Not ‘Tax Cuts for the Rich’

IRS Data: Middle Class Americans Saw Biggest Tax Reduction from Trump Tax Cuts​

ICYMI: IRS Data: Middle Class Americans Saw Biggest Tax Reduction from Trump Tax Cuts | U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa

Biden Seeks Extension of Trump Tax Cuts for Most Households​

Biden Seeks Extension of Trump Tax Cuts for Most Households

Middle Class Americans Saw Significant Tax Reduction from Trump Tax Cuts​

IRS Data: Middle Class Americans Saw Significant Tax Reduction from Trump Tax Cuts - Americans for Tax Reform

New Data: Trump Tax Cuts Helped Middle Class​

New Data: Trump Tax Cuts Helped Middle Class
Wouldn't it be a lot easier to take over an existing party? If you can't control an existing party, what are the odds of forming a viable 3rd party??


Oh, I know that 3rd of 4th party's would have a hard time.
It's that 5th party gem, that's ready.
That's a blatant lie.

IRS data proves Trump tax cuts benefited middle, working-class Americans most​

IRS data proves Trump tax cuts benefited middle, working-class Americans most

GOP Rep: Trump-Era Tax Cuts Helped the Middle Class.​

GOP Rep: Trump-Era Tax Cuts Helped the Middle Class. Don't Throw Them Away

The Trump Tax Cut Wasn’t Just for the Rich​

The Trump Tax Cut Wasn’t Just for the Rich

The Trump Tax Cuts Were Not ‘Tax Cuts for the Rich’​

Opinion | The Trump Tax Cuts Were Not ‘Tax Cuts for the Rich’

IRS Data: Middle Class Americans Saw Biggest Tax Reduction from Trump Tax Cuts​

ICYMI: IRS Data: Middle Class Americans Saw Biggest Tax Reduction from Trump Tax Cuts | U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa

Biden Seeks Extension of Trump Tax Cuts for Most Households​

Biden Seeks Extension of Trump Tax Cuts for Most Households

Middle Class Americans Saw Significant Tax Reduction from Trump Tax Cuts​

IRS Data: Middle Class Americans Saw Significant Tax Reduction from Trump Tax Cuts - Americans for Tax Reform

New Data: Trump Tax Cuts Helped Middle Class​

New Data: Trump Tax Cuts Helped Middle Class

Sawry -
None of that is Democrat Media Bubble Cult approved.

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