Trump Is Starting To Get On My Nerves

Look at which countries were worse than us.

Then look at the ones who did better

The ones that did better took the virus seriously and used their resources responsibly

We didn’t. Trump didn’t

That idiot Hillary would have handled the pandemic far worse than you can imagine, had she been elected.
which is why the country is stuck choosing between two such awful choices, after decades of the "lesser of two evils" we are stuck with this shit.
I keep wondering how bad it will get before they stop falling for it. But it just keeps getting worse, and they just keep falling for it.
9-11 terrorized us and led to two wars

With 9-11 both parties, the country and the world rallied around us

You don't seem to understand the differences here..........9/11 is more comparable to Pearl Harbor......both were an act of war against US and of course would be retaliated against by war.........they hit US, we hit back.

By saying Trump failed......are you suggesting he should have bombed China for spreading the virus??? A virus that was spread worldwide.

Maybe Trump didn't handle it like a pro, but I don't think his response is what divided an already divided country, nor did his response make it worse. The Dem hatred of him and their constant attacks against him perpetuated the divide that was in existence long before Covid ever happened.
Name someone better and explain why.

I support the right of every person to defend themselves from violence and aggression. I will not support any new gun restrictions and will look to repeal the restrictions that exist today. Gun control throughout our history has been used to limit the ability of vulnerable populations to defend themselves. Armed people are harder to oppress and harder to attack.

As the failed war on drugs drags into its fifth long decade, we can all see that the policies of strict prohibition and prison need to change. I will immediately act to remove all federal laws criminalizing cannabis and end burdensome regulatory hurdles like federal banking regulations, placed on the cannabis industry. As President, I will deschedule cannabis with the stroke of a pen – legislation isn’t required. I will also issue full pardons for persons who were convicted solely for non-violent drug offenses, and urge every governor to do the same. It’s time to end more than two generations of regressive, harmful, and unproductive drug policy and move America into a new chapter.

It is often the case that the worst government abuses come disguised as protection from danger and harm. If you feel in danger, it becomes easy for the government to have you trade your liberty for the illusion of security. We have warrantless wiretaps, abuses of the FISA courts, and an overarching Patriot Act to name a few. Even worse, we attempt to imprison those who expose the hard truths we need to hear. As President, I will fight to end these programs which eat away at your constitutionally protected privacy and civil liberties and pardon those who have blown the whistle on abuse and illegal actions of our government.
Name someone better than Trump or Biden?

Fuck dude, I have no doubt you are a better choice than those two.

I was hoping for a more specific unknown quantity that you had in mind. If it isn't one of the GOP or Dem possibles, you only have RFK Jr., Jill Stein, and Cornell West to choose from at this moment.
All politicians get on one's nerves when "over-exposed".

A wee bit of advice: ignore the propaganda du jour from the MSM and don't watch any Trump Rallies or MSM interviews.
After seven years of his chaos, of his juvenile behavior, of his non-stop blatant bullshit and comical hyperbole, of people who have worked him condemning him and testifying against him, of his embarrassing self-aggrandizement, he's "starting" to get on their nerves.

Holy crap. Too funny.
Boy are you full of shit. 7 years of folks like you screaming about (fill in the blank) about how much he sucks.

They make false claims about (fill in the blank) and they cause hatred for (fill in the blank) or anyone who isn't a Democrat.

They did it with Reagan, Bush, Trump......and next it will be (fill in the blank)

I was hoping for a more specific unknown quantity that you had in mind. If it isn't one of the GOP or Dem possibles, you only have RFK Jr., Jill Stein, and Cornell West to choose from at this moment.

see post 131

I support the right of every person to defend themselves from violence and aggression. I will not support any new gun restrictions and will look to repeal the restrictions that exist today. Gun control throughout our history has been used to limit the ability of vulnerable populations to defend themselves. Armed people are harder to oppress and harder to attack.

As the failed war on drugs drags into its fifth long decade, we can all see that the policies of strict prohibition and prison need to change. I will immediately act to remove all federal laws criminalizing cannabis and end burdensome regulatory hurdles like federal banking regulations, placed on the cannabis industry. As President, I will deschedule cannabis with the stroke of a pen – legislation isn’t required. I will also issue full pardons for persons who were convicted solely for non-violent drug offenses, and urge every governor to do the same. It’s time to end more than two generations of regressive, harmful, and unproductive drug policy and move America into a new chapter.

It is often the case that the worst government abuses come disguised as protection from danger and harm. If you feel in danger, it becomes easy for the government to have you trade your liberty for the illusion of security. We have warrantless wiretaps, abuses of the FISA courts, and an overarching Patriot Act to name a few. Even worse, we attempt to imprison those who expose the hard truths we need to hear. As President, I will fight to end these programs which eat away at your constitutionally protected privacy and civil liberties and pardon those who have blown the whistle on abuse and illegal actions of our government.

The gay guy who likes guns?


The Libertarian Who Helped Push the Georgia Senate Race Into a Runoff (Published 2022)
Not that I would ever, ever, ever, under any circumstances vote for a dim..... Unless the Republican had two horns and a tail..... Even then, I would have to re-examine my morals..

I digress. Trump is way ahead in polling but he seems to insist on taking cheap shots at my Governor. Who, I would frankly rather see as the Republican nominee. But I'm okay with Trump. If he'd just learn to shut the hell up once in a while.

Exhibit A

-- Confronted with this, Fauci now says he Made a Freudian Typo and that he was wrong at the time to say it was a "fact."

All of this is creating some blowback for Donald Trump, who effectively made Anthony Fauci the President-in-Fact for a year, and later bestowed upon him a Presidential Commendation for his great service.

Donald Trump is frank and forthright in admitting that if there were any mistakes made, they were all made by (checks notes) Ron "DeSanctimonious."

I know people make excuses for Trump's cowardly, weakling failure to step up to Fauci and Brix and tell them NO! The country was in a panic, they'll say. He's a germophobe. Fauci and Brix "played" him.

(The very stable genius seems to get "played" by leftwingers an awful lot.)

Okay, suppose I excuse his Chicken Little act in 2020-2021:

What excuses his shameless, remorseless lying now?

Is just everything acceptable if Trump does it?

H/T Ace

But CBD is a despicable coward

I don't agree.

Fauci warned against using an EUA and Trump ignored him and did it anyhow.

Trump threw billions of socialist money at big pharma. Fauci had nothing to do with that.

Trump bullied his own agencies to approve the vaccine because he had an election to win. Fauci didn't want that.

Trump lied to America about the virus, telling America it was harmless while simultaneously telling Woodward how dangerous it was. Fauci didn't tell him to do that.

Trump praised Xi for his COVID response. Fauci didn't tell him to do that. Although that could have been because of the fast tracked patents patents Ivanka was getting from China...or the Chinese bank account Trump lied about not having.

Fauci is a just an excuse Republicans use to absolve Trump of any accountability as they always do.
As long as he deports the illegals, drills, stops the wars, and fixes the economy, I do not care how annoying he is.

Success is not annoying.
The economy is fine. The wars were not started by the U.S. and the border problem is a congressional matter.

Trump won't fix anything. But watch, if he's elected, he'll immediately start bragging about low unemployment after less than a week in office and you simps will actually believe trump turned the economy around in less than a week instead of recognizing he inherited it from Biden.

I support the right of every person to defend themselves from violence and aggression. I will not support any new gun restrictions and will look to repeal the restrictions that exist today. Gun control throughout our history has been used to limit the ability of vulnerable populations to defend themselves. Armed people are harder to oppress and harder to attack.

As the failed war on drugs drags into its fifth long decade, we can all see that the policies of strict prohibition and prison need to change. I will immediately act to remove all federal laws criminalizing cannabis and end burdensome regulatory hurdles like federal banking regulations, placed on the cannabis industry. As President, I will deschedule cannabis with the stroke of a pen – legislation isn’t required. I will also issue full pardons for persons who were convicted solely for non-violent drug offenses, and urge every governor to do the same. It’s time to end more than two generations of regressive, harmful, and unproductive drug policy and move America into a new chapter.

It is often the case that the worst government abuses come disguised as protection from danger and harm. If you feel in danger, it becomes easy for the government to have you trade your liberty for the illusion of security. We have warrantless wiretaps, abuses of the FISA courts, and an overarching Patriot Act to name a few. Even worse, we attempt to imprison those who expose the hard truths we need to hear. As President, I will fight to end these programs which eat away at your constitutionally protected privacy and civil liberties and pardon those who have blown the whistle on abuse and illegal actions of our government.

Biggest problem with 3rd party candidates is they don't have a snowballs chance of being heard or considered in our 2 party system.

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