Trump is taking hydroxychloroquine !

Nancy Pelosi has led a chorus of surprise and alarm after Donald Trump said he was taking the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine to ward off coronavirus.

Trump’s own government has warned that the drug should only be administered for Covid-19 in a hospital or research setting due to potentially fatal side effects.

The US House Speaker did not mince her words when she was asked on CNN about the president’s decision.

“He’s our president, and I would rather he not be taking something that has not been approved by the scientists, especially in his age group and his, shall we say, weight group ... morbidly obese, they say,” she said.

People are laughing but he aint dead yet. Maybe there is something to it.
The problem with the treatment is it only costs 50 cents per dose and Dr Fauci doesn't hold a patent on of course....he wants to ban it's use.

Trump's own CDC, and his own FDA both advise not to use it for Covid-19 because it can kill you.
Yeah....I see their point....except for the fact it's been in use for over 100 years...and nobody's ever complained about it there's that......

No. The side effects have been known for a long time, but the benefits for some diseases make it worth the risk. There are no benefits for Covid-19. My cardiologist is some sort of big shot in the local Republican party, but even he advises against it's use for his patients. That's one example of a right winger behaving ethically in one case, but they are very rare.
Yes.....the side-effects have been known because of the fact that hydocxy has been used for decades. Well done, Sherlock.

And I wouldn't take your advice even if you claimed that your doctor invented the shit.

I've had it up to my eyeballs with lying Democrats trying to destroy the motherfucjing economy BTW.

Your tantrums are quite entertaining.
Not a tantrum.
The problem with you is you can't win an election without cheating.
You can't win an argument without lying.
You can't stand America so you want to screw it up.
I think this latest hoax is just showing everyone just how messed up you people are and they're going to vote accordingly, which is why Democrats want open borders. Because anyone who has been alive and living in the US can see now what you turds have to offer. Life is going to become very unpleasant for folks like you this year. Trust me.

Interesting how you actually believe all that crap when the rhetoric you hear on right wig radio and fox is the only reason you have to believe it. Nobody wants completely open borders, or to hurt our country, but in your paranoid little mind it is all true.

You don’t think liberal politicians want open borders? Ever heard the phrase “actions speak louder than words.”
No I don't think that liberal politicians WANT open borders. However, they have empathy for those less fortunate than us and will act accordingly. I agree that our borders be closed until we get this virus under control and I believe that the white supremacist little Miller will convince Trump to keep them closed.
In Reagan's presidency, he was ordered by Congress to export undocumented immigrants. In those days, Republicans had empathy for others and Reagan could not bring himself to do it. Of course, the party of Trump is
Republican in name only as it foments hatred among Americans, weakens our intelligence agencies for Trump's benefit, and attempts to prosecute opponents like in a banana republic. Welcome to Trump world.

See the problem with your suggestion is that nearly 35 million Americans are LEGAL immigrants. And of 35 million it is assumed that there is one someone born in USA citizen for every 10 Legal Immigrants or nearly 40 million Americans that are grossly offended by the MSM and dummies that are against the process of "Legalized Immigration"! These nearly 40 million people vote for Trump because he like them and like me have a relative that was once a Legal immigrant! NOT one of us are against LEGAL immigration. But the MSM has made us and Trump as against IMMIGRATION!
WRONG!!! Trump married a Legal immigrant. I have relatives that are "LEGAL immigrants" as do millions of Americans.
So this wrongly reported "Anti-immigrant" stance is the MSM's invention!
FACT:A Google search on "Trump anti-immigrant" had nearly 60,000 results while "Trump anti illegal immigrant" shows 1,830 results!
So wrong and so biased to say Trump anti immigrant as he like 40 million plus Americans are "Legal immigrants" or have relatives like I do and find it
grossly wrong and deprecative of people that follow the laws of the USA!
Unauthorized immigrants are almost a quarter of U.S. foreign-born population
Most immigrants (77%) are in the country legally, while almost a quarter are unauthorized, according to new Pew Research Center estimates based on census data adjusted for undercount. In 2017, 45% were naturalized U.S. citizens.

Bullshit. Trump is against immigration, legal or not.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration announced Monday it is moving forward with one of its most aggressive steps yet to restrict legal immigration: Denying green cards to many migrants who use Medicaid, food stamps, housing vouchers or other forms of public assistance.

Federal law already requires those seeking to become permanent residents or gain legal status to prove they will not be a burden to the U.S. — a “public charge,” in government speak —but the new rules detail a broader range of programs that could disqualify them.

It’s part of a dramatic overhaul of the nation’s immigration system that the administration has been working to put in place, despite legal pushback. While most attention has focused on President Donald Trump’s efforts to crack down on illegal immigration, including recent raids in Mississippi and the continued separation of migrant parents from their children, the new rules target people who entered the United States legally and are seeking permanent status.
and hes been taking it along with zink for nearly 2 weeks ! he just announced this during the news conference today ! he says he was prescribed the drug by the WH doctor and not only is he taking it many many front line workers and doctors are taking it and prescribing the drug to patients with good results ! if it comes out that this drug is an effective treatment for covid 19 and also a preventative from catching the virus dem governors with high death tolls that blocked the drugs being prescribed to patients will have a lot to answer for ! now the POTUS also said that its for healthy people in the early stages of the virus not those close to death or with severe underlying conditions . he aid he is also taking the drug in a low dose .

He probably got the "zink" and hydroxy off of Alex Jones website...:)
I mean, the guy sells everything else.

I'm sorry, what were we talking about that was political about this?
Hint, it may be effective if prescribed and taken after you've been diagnosed with the virus.
its in the political forum because democrats have made everything about the virus political !
No, the Dems have made it medical. Trump has made it political. He spent the ist two months blaming the Dems for the "hoax" and then closed the borders to the Chinese when the Europeans were flooding our borders.

What planet do you live on? Stop posting lies about the timeline.
The facts speak for themselves. There are no lies since the world was warned by the WHO in January about the virus. If you want to rewrite history, be my guest. Your grifter denied that there was a pandemic and blamed the Dems for a "hoax". Your boy is all over the place on this virus and says anything that will get you and your ilk's attention. He takes no advice and thinks that he knows more than the medical and scientific communities. That is
because he makes decisions based on his "gut", yes?
Hilarious watching you Leftards lie for your ChiCom masters.
Trumps letter is 100% accurate and history will forever record where everyone stood in this debacle.
There is no lie here, pal. In which sentence is there a lie? The WHO did indeed warn the world of the pandemic in January. Trump did indeed deny that there was a pandemic and blamed the Dems for a "hoax". Trump almost never
accepts advice unless it is what he wants to hear. He has dissed the medical and scientific communities time and again and has said that he makes decisions from his "gut". Where is the lie? There is none.

Hey Bobby, if Trump doesn't listen to the experts why has the country been shut down for 2 months?
Trump isn’t in charge of individual states. If he had it his way, he’d have “total authority” and make them stay open. He did say that, remember? Or did you block it from memory?

Nice try. Big fail. Answer the question. You can't so you won't.
and hes been taking it along with zink for nearly 2 weeks ! he just announced this during the news conference today ! he says he was prescribed the drug by the WH doctor and not only is he taking it many many front line workers and doctors are taking it and prescribing the drug to patients with good results ! if it comes out that this drug is an effective treatment for covid 19 and also a preventative from catching the virus dem governors with high death tolls that blocked the drugs being prescribed to patients will have a lot to answer for ! now the POTUS also said that its for healthy people in the early stages of the virus not those close to death or with severe underlying conditions . he aid he is also taking the drug in a low dose .

He probably got the "zink" and hydroxy off of Alex Jones website...:)
I mean, the guy sells everything else.

I'm sorry, what were we talking about that was political about this?
Hint, it may be effective if prescribed and taken after you've been diagnosed with the virus.
its in the political forum because democrats have made everything about the virus political !
No, the Dems have made it medical. Trump has made it political. He spent the ist two months blaming the Dems for the "hoax" and then closed the borders to the Chinese when the Europeans were flooding our borders.

What planet do you live on? Stop posting lies about the timeline.
The facts speak for themselves. There are no lies since the world was warned by the WHO in January about the virus. If you want to rewrite history, be my guest. Your grifter denied that there was a pandemic and blamed the Dems for a "hoax". Your boy is all over the place on this virus and says anything that will get you and your ilk's attention. He takes no advice and thinks that he knows more than the medical and scientific communities. That is
because he makes decisions based on his "gut", yes?
Hilarious watching you Leftards lie for your ChiCom masters.
Trumps letter is 100% accurate and history will forever record where everyone stood in this debacle.
There is no lie here, pal. In which sentence is there a lie? The WHO did indeed warn the world of the pandemic in January. Trump did indeed deny that there was a pandemic and blamed the Dems for a "hoax". Trump almost never
accepts advice unless it is what he wants to hear. He has dissed the medical and scientific communities time and again and has said that he makes decisions from his "gut". Where is the lie? There is none.

Hey Bobby, if Trump doesn't listen to the experts why has the country been shut down for 2 months?
Hey lamb chop, The experts told him in January that there was a crisis brewing and it wasn't until March that he finally acted after wasting 2 months blaming Dems for the "hoax". Of course, he dissed the medical and scientific communities in the process and still does not wear a face mask because he wants to show his sunburn. Now he is taking pills against the medical profession's advice.
Trump isn’t in charge of individual states. If he had it his way, he’d have “total authority” and make them stay open. He did say that, remember? Or did you block it from memory?

Nice try. Big fail. Answer the question. You can't so you won't.
Hey lamb chop, The experts told him in January that there was a crisis brewing and it wasn't until March that he finally acted after wasting 2 months blaming Dems for the "hoax". Of course, he dissed the medical and scientific communities in the process and still does not wear a face mask because he wants to show his sunburn. Now he is taking pills against the medical profession's advice.
When was the first COVID-19 death in the US?

The hoax was politicizing the virus.

Taking pills against the medical profession's advice? Why do you lie? His doctor prescribed them. Read the thread!

Nancy Pelosi has led a chorus of surprise and alarm after Donald Trump said he was taking the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine to ward off coronavirus.

Trump’s own government has warned that the drug should only be administered for Covid-19 in a hospital or research setting due to potentially fatal side effects.

The US House Speaker did not mince her words when she was asked on CNN about the president’s decision.

“He’s our president, and I would rather he not be taking something that has not been approved by the scientists, especially in his age group and his, shall we say, weight group ... morbidly obese, they say,” she said.

People are laughing but he aint dead yet. Maybe there is something to it.
The problem with the treatment is it only costs 50 cents per dose and Dr Fauci doesn't hold a patent on of course....he wants to ban it's use.

Trump's own CDC, and his own FDA both advise not to use it for Covid-19 because it can kill you.
Yeah....I see their point....except for the fact it's been in use for over 100 years...and nobody's ever complained about it there's that......

No. The side effects have been known for a long time, but the benefits for some diseases make it worth the risk. There are no benefits for Covid-19. My cardiologist is some sort of big shot in the local Republican party, but even he advises against it's use for his patients. That's one example of a right winger behaving ethically in one case, but they are very rare.
Yes.....the side-effects have been known because of the fact that hydocxy has been used for decades. Well done, Sherlock.

And I wouldn't take your advice even if you claimed that your doctor invented the shit.

I've had it up to my eyeballs with lying Democrats trying to destroy the motherfucjing economy BTW.

Your tantrums are quite entertaining.
Not a tantrum.
The problem with you is you can't win an election without cheating.
You can't win an argument without lying.
You can't stand America so you want to screw it up.
I think this latest hoax is just showing everyone just how messed up you people are and they're going to vote accordingly, which is why Democrats want open borders. Because anyone who has been alive and living in the US can see now what you turds have to offer. Life is going to become very unpleasant for folks like you this year. Trust me.

Interesting how you actually believe all that crap when the rhetoric you hear on right wig radio and fox is the only reason you have to believe it. Nobody wants completely open borders, or to hurt our country, but in your paranoid little mind it is all true.

You don’t think liberal politicians want open borders? Ever heard the phrase “actions speak louder than words.”
No I don't think that liberal politicians WANT open borders. However, they have empathy for those less fortunate than us and will act accordingly. I agree that our borders be closed until we get this virus under control and I believe that the white supremacist little Miller will convince Trump to keep them closed.
In Reagan's presidency, he was ordered by Congress to export undocumented immigrants. In those days, Republicans had empathy for others and Reagan could not bring himself to do it. Of course, the party of Trump is
Republican in name only as it foments hatred among Americans, weakens our intelligence agencies for Trump's benefit, and attempts to prosecute opponents like in a banana republic. Welcome to Trump world.

See the problem with your suggestion is that nearly 35 million Americans are LEGAL immigrants. And of 35 million it is assumed that there is one someone born in USA citizen for every 10 Legal Immigrants or nearly 40 million Americans that are grossly offended by the MSM and dummies that are against the process of "Legalized Immigration"! These nearly 40 million people vote for Trump because he like them and like me have a relative that was once a Legal immigrant! NOT one of us are against LEGAL immigration. But the MSM has made us and Trump as against IMMIGRATION!
WRONG!!! Trump married a Legal immigrant. I have relatives that are "LEGAL immigrants" as do millions of Americans.
So this wrongly reported "Anti-immigrant" stance is the MSM's invention!
FACT:A Google search on "Trump anti-immigrant" had nearly 60,000 results while "Trump anti illegal immigrant" shows 1,830 results!
So wrong and so biased to say Trump anti immigrant as he like 40 million plus Americans are "Legal immigrants" or have relatives like I do and find it
grossly wrong and deprecative of people that follow the laws of the USA!
Unauthorized immigrants are almost a quarter of U.S. foreign-born population
Most immigrants (77%) are in the country legally, while almost a quarter are unauthorized, according to new Pew Research Center estimates based on census data adjusted for undercount. In 2017, 45% were naturalized U.S. citizens.

Bullshit. Trump is against immigration, legal or not.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration announced Monday it is moving forward with one of its most aggressive steps yet to restrict legal immigration: Denying green cards to many migrants who use Medicaid, food stamps, housing vouchers or other forms of public assistance.

Federal law already requires those seeking to become permanent residents or gain legal status to prove they will not be a burden to the U.S. — a “public charge,” in government speak —but the new rules detail a broader range of programs that could disqualify them.

It’s part of a dramatic overhaul of the nation’s immigration system that the administration has been working to put in place, despite legal pushback. While most attention has focused on President Donald Trump’s efforts to crack down on illegal immigration, including recent raids in Mississippi and the continued separation of migrant parents from their children, the new rules target people who entered the United States legally and are seeking permanent status.

That seems like a perfectly reasonable policy. What do you have a problem with?
Is there any reason why you, personally, would not take hydroxychloroquine?

....besides TDS (there is no evidence that it will kill TDS patients)
Well, it did kill a bunch o veterans at the VA. But Trump said they were old and almost dead anyway, so I guess they don’t matter.
Who brainwashed you into believing that?
"They were giving it to people who were in very bad shape," Mr Trump contended. "Almost dead."

You guys do realize this drug has been around for decades it’s not a new untested drug. If he is taking the drug with his doctors approval fine his choice it’s not hurting you or forcing anyone else to take it. As far as the experts go they can’t even agree on how much wearing a mask helps even DR Fauci contradicted himself on that a few times.

if it is to be taken - it is recommended the patient be in a hospital under strict supervision. i can't see donny's MD giving it to him. i think he's bullshitting.
Like everyone else in the Whitehouse tRump's Dr. is just there to spout the party line. We have no way of knowing whether he's telling the truth or not.

Remember the Dr who evaluated his health before the election?
Is there any reason why you, personally, would not take hydroxychloroquine?

....besides TDS (there is no evidence that it will kill TDS patients)
Because it can cause heart attacks and death.

So you think it will give you a heart attack and kill you?


Who brainwashed you into believing that? The same authority figure that brainwashed you into believing that smoking marijuana will turn you into a Mr. Hyde?

and hes been taking it along with zink for nearly 2 weeks ! he just announced this during the news conference today ! he says he was prescribed the drug by the WH doctor and not only is he taking it many many front line workers and doctors are taking it and prescribing the drug to patients with good results ! if it comes out that this drug is an effective treatment for covid 19 and also a preventative from catching the virus dem governors with high death tolls that blocked the drugs being prescribed to patients will have a lot to answer for ! now the POTUS also said that its for healthy people in the early stages of the virus not those close to death or with severe underlying conditions . he aid he is also taking the drug in a low dose .

He probably got the "zink" and hydroxy off of Alex Jones website...:)
I mean, the guy sells everything else.

I'm sorry, what were we talking about that was political about this?
Hint, it may be effective if prescribed and taken after you've been diagnosed with the virus.
its in the political forum because democrats have made everything about the virus political !
No, the Dems have made it medical. Trump has made it political. He spent the ist two months blaming the Dems for the "hoax" and then closed the borders to the Chinese when the Europeans were flooding our borders.

What planet do you live on? Stop posting lies about the timeline.
The facts speak for themselves. There are no lies since the world was warned by the WHO in January about the virus. If you want to rewrite history, be my guest. Your grifter denied that there was a pandemic and blamed the Dems for a "hoax". Your boy is all over the place on this virus and says anything that will get you and your ilk's attention. He takes no advice and thinks that he knows more than the medical and scientific communities. That is
because he makes decisions based on his "gut", yes?
Hilarious watching you Leftards lie for your ChiCom masters.
Trumps letter is 100% accurate and history will forever record where everyone stood in this debacle.
There is no lie here, pal. In which sentence is there a lie? The WHO did indeed warn the world of the pandemic in January. Trump did indeed deny that there was a pandemic and blamed the Dems for a "hoax". Trump almost never
accepts advice unless it is what he wants to hear. He has dissed the medical and scientific communities time and again and has said that he makes decisions from his "gut". Where is the lie? There is none.

Hey Bobby, if Trump doesn't listen to the experts why has the country been shut down for 2 months?
Trump isn’t in charge of individual states. If he had it his way, he’d have “total authority” and make them stay open. He did say that, remember? Or did you block it from memory?

Nice try. Big fail. Answer the question. You can't so you won't.
and hes been taking it along with zink for nearly 2 weeks ! he just announced this during the news conference today ! he says he was prescribed the drug by the WH doctor and not only is he taking it many many front line workers and doctors are taking it and prescribing the drug to patients with good results ! if it comes out that this drug is an effective treatment for covid 19 and also a preventative from catching the virus dem governors with high death tolls that blocked the drugs being prescribed to patients will have a lot to answer for ! now the POTUS also said that its for healthy people in the early stages of the virus not those close to death or with severe underlying conditions . he aid he is also taking the drug in a low dose .

He probably got the "zink" and hydroxy off of Alex Jones website...:)
I mean, the guy sells everything else.

I'm sorry, what were we talking about that was political about this?
Hint, it may be effective if prescribed and taken after you've been diagnosed with the virus.
its in the political forum because democrats have made everything about the virus political !
No, the Dems have made it medical. Trump has made it political. He spent the ist two months blaming the Dems for the "hoax" and then closed the borders to the Chinese when the Europeans were flooding our borders.

What planet do you live on? Stop posting lies about the timeline.
The facts speak for themselves. There are no lies since the world was warned by the WHO in January about the virus. If you want to rewrite history, be my guest. Your grifter denied that there was a pandemic and blamed the Dems for a "hoax". Your boy is all over the place on this virus and says anything that will get you and your ilk's attention. He takes no advice and thinks that he knows more than the medical and scientific communities. That is
because he makes decisions based on his "gut", yes?
Hilarious watching you Leftards lie for your ChiCom masters.
Trumps letter is 100% accurate and history will forever record where everyone stood in this debacle.
There is no lie here, pal. In which sentence is there a lie? The WHO did indeed warn the world of the pandemic in January. Trump did indeed deny that there was a pandemic and blamed the Dems for a "hoax". Trump almost never
accepts advice unless it is what he wants to hear. He has dissed the medical and scientific communities time and again and has said that he makes decisions from his "gut". Where is the lie? There is none.

Hey Bobby, if Trump doesn't listen to the experts why has the country been shut down for 2 months?
Hey lamb chop, The experts told him in January that there was a crisis brewing and it wasn't until March that he finally acted after wasting 2 months blaming Dems for the "hoax". Of course, he dissed the medical and scientific communities in the process and still does not wear a face mask because he wants to show his sunburn. Now he is taking pills against the medical profession's advice.
Trump isn’t in charge of individual states. If he had it his way, he’d have “total authority” and make them stay open. He did say that, remember? Or did you block it from memory?

Nice try. Big fail. Answer the question. You can't so you won't.
Hey lamb chop, The experts told him in January that there was a crisis brewing and it wasn't until March that he finally acted after wasting 2 months blaming Dems for the "hoax". Of course, he dissed the medical and scientific communities in the process and still does not wear a face mask because he wants to show his sunburn. Now he is taking pills against the medical profession's advice.
When was the first COVID-19 death in the US?

The hoax was politicizing the virus.

Taking pills against the medical profession's advice? Why do you lie? His doctor prescribed them. Read the thread!
No, the "hoax" was that there was a virus and it certainly was not politicized. Trump politicized it by attacking the Dems for 2 months and denying that it would come here. Trump waited 2 months to act while ignoring the severity of the pandemic. I am sure that Trump manipulated any physician who prescribed pills, just as he did at the beginning of his tenure for his "physical" exam. How can you believe anything that Trump says? I don't, for sure.
and hes been taking it along with zink for nearly 2 weeks ! he just announced this during the news conference today ! he says he was prescribed the drug by the WH doctor and not only is he taking it many many front line workers and doctors are taking it and prescribing the drug to patients with good results ! if it comes out that this drug is an effective treatment for covid 19 and also a preventative from catching the virus dem governors with high death tolls that blocked the drugs being prescribed to patients will have a lot to answer for ! now the POTUS also said that its for healthy people in the early stages of the virus not those close to death or with severe underlying conditions . he aid he is also taking the drug in a low dose .

He probably got the "zink" and hydroxy off of Alex Jones website...:)
I mean, the guy sells everything else.

I'm sorry, what were we talking about that was political about this?
Hint, it may be effective if prescribed and taken after you've been diagnosed with the virus.
its in the political forum because democrats have made everything about the virus political !
No, the Dems have made it medical. Trump has made it political. He spent the ist two months blaming the Dems for the "hoax" and then closed the borders to the Chinese when the Europeans were flooding our borders.

What planet do you live on? Stop posting lies about the timeline.
The facts speak for themselves. There are no lies since the world was warned by the WHO in January about the virus. If you want to rewrite history, be my guest. Your grifter denied that there was a pandemic and blamed the Dems for a "hoax". Your boy is all over the place on this virus and says anything that will get you and your ilk's attention. He takes no advice and thinks that he knows more than the medical and scientific communities. That is
because he makes decisions based on his "gut", yes?
Hilarious watching you Leftards lie for your ChiCom masters.
Trumps letter is 100% accurate and history will forever record where everyone stood in this debacle.
There is no lie here, pal. In which sentence is there a lie? The WHO did indeed warn the world of the pandemic in January. Trump did indeed deny that there was a pandemic and blamed the Dems for a "hoax". Trump almost never
accepts advice unless it is what he wants to hear. He has dissed the medical and scientific communities time and again and has said that he makes decisions from his "gut". Where is the lie? There is none.

Hey Bobby, if Trump doesn't listen to the experts why has the country been shut down for 2 months?
Trump isn’t in charge of individual states. If he had it his way, he’d have “total authority” and make them stay open. He did say that, remember? Or did you block it from memory?

Nice try. Big fail. Answer the question. You can't so you won't.
and hes been taking it along with zink for nearly 2 weeks ! he just announced this during the news conference today ! he says he was prescribed the drug by the WH doctor and not only is he taking it many many front line workers and doctors are taking it and prescribing the drug to patients with good results ! if it comes out that this drug is an effective treatment for covid 19 and also a preventative from catching the virus dem governors with high death tolls that blocked the drugs being prescribed to patients will have a lot to answer for ! now the POTUS also said that its for healthy people in the early stages of the virus not those close to death or with severe underlying conditions . he aid he is also taking the drug in a low dose .

He probably got the "zink" and hydroxy off of Alex Jones website...:)
I mean, the guy sells everything else.

I'm sorry, what were we talking about that was political about this?
Hint, it may be effective if prescribed and taken after you've been diagnosed with the virus.
its in the political forum because democrats have made everything about the virus political !
No, the Dems have made it medical. Trump has made it political. He spent the ist two months blaming the Dems for the "hoax" and then closed the borders to the Chinese when the Europeans were flooding our borders.

What planet do you live on? Stop posting lies about the timeline.
The facts speak for themselves. There are no lies since the world was warned by the WHO in January about the virus. If you want to rewrite history, be my guest. Your grifter denied that there was a pandemic and blamed the Dems for a "hoax". Your boy is all over the place on this virus and says anything that will get you and your ilk's attention. He takes no advice and thinks that he knows more than the medical and scientific communities. That is
because he makes decisions based on his "gut", yes?
Hilarious watching you Leftards lie for your ChiCom masters.
Trumps letter is 100% accurate and history will forever record where everyone stood in this debacle.
There is no lie here, pal. In which sentence is there a lie? The WHO did indeed warn the world of the pandemic in January. Trump did indeed deny that there was a pandemic and blamed the Dems for a "hoax". Trump almost never
accepts advice unless it is what he wants to hear. He has dissed the medical and scientific communities time and again and has said that he makes decisions from his "gut". Where is the lie? There is none.

Hey Bobby, if Trump doesn't listen to the experts why has the country been shut down for 2 months?
Hey lamb chop, The experts told him in January that there was a crisis brewing and it wasn't until March that he finally acted after wasting 2 months blaming Dems for the "hoax". Of course, he dissed the medical and scientific communities in the process and still does not wear a face mask because he wants to show his sunburn. Now he is taking pills against the medical profession's advice.
Trump isn’t in charge of individual states. If he had it his way, he’d have “total authority” and make them stay open. He did say that, remember? Or did you block it from memory?

Nice try. Big fail. Answer the question. You can't so you won't.
Hey lamb chop, The experts told him in January that there was a crisis brewing and it wasn't until March that he finally acted after wasting 2 months blaming Dems for the "hoax". Of course, he dissed the medical and scientific communities in the process and still does not wear a face mask because he wants to show his sunburn. Now he is taking pills against the medical profession's advice.

You are a misi formed CNN watching moron.
Why don't you inform me as to what really happened since what I posted is "false" in your view? I got this from watching Trump speak. I guess that I imagined it, yes?
and hes been taking it along with zink for nearly 2 weeks ! he just announced this during the news conference today ! he says he was prescribed the drug by the WH doctor and not only is he taking it many many front line workers and doctors are taking it and prescribing the drug to patients with good results ! if it comes out that this drug is an effective treatment for covid 19 and also a preventative from catching the virus dem governors with high death tolls that blocked the drugs being prescribed to patients will have a lot to answer for ! now the POTUS also said that its for healthy people in the early stages of the virus not those close to death or with severe underlying conditions . he aid he is also taking the drug in a low dose .

He probably got the "zink" and hydroxy off of Alex Jones website...:)
I mean, the guy sells everything else.

I'm sorry, what were we talking about that was political about this?
Hint, it may be effective if prescribed and taken after you've been diagnosed with the virus.
its in the political forum because democrats have made everything about the virus political !
No, the Dems have made it medical. Trump has made it political. He spent the ist two months blaming the Dems for the "hoax" and then closed the borders to the Chinese when the Europeans were flooding our borders.

What planet do you live on? Stop posting lies about the timeline.
The facts speak for themselves. There are no lies since the world was warned by the WHO in January about the virus. If you want to rewrite history, be my guest. Your grifter denied that there was a pandemic and blamed the Dems for a "hoax". Your boy is all over the place on this virus and says anything that will get you and your ilk's attention. He takes no advice and thinks that he knows more than the medical and scientific communities. That is
because he makes decisions based on his "gut", yes?
Hilarious watching you Leftards lie for your ChiCom masters.
Trumps letter is 100% accurate and history will forever record where everyone stood in this debacle.
There is no lie here, pal. In which sentence is there a lie? The WHO did indeed warn the world of the pandemic in January. Trump did indeed deny that there was a pandemic and blamed the Dems for a "hoax". Trump almost never
accepts advice unless it is what he wants to hear. He has dissed the medical and scientific communities time and again and has said that he makes decisions from his "gut". Where is the lie? There is none.

Hey Bobby, if Trump doesn't listen to the experts why has the country been shut down for 2 months?
Trump isn’t in charge of individual states. If he had it his way, he’d have “total authority” and make them stay open. He did say that, remember? Or did you block it from memory?

Nice try. Big fail. Answer the question. You can't so you won't.
and hes been taking it along with zink for nearly 2 weeks ! he just announced this during the news conference today ! he says he was prescribed the drug by the WH doctor and not only is he taking it many many front line workers and doctors are taking it and prescribing the drug to patients with good results ! if it comes out that this drug is an effective treatment for covid 19 and also a preventative from catching the virus dem governors with high death tolls that blocked the drugs being prescribed to patients will have a lot to answer for ! now the POTUS also said that its for healthy people in the early stages of the virus not those close to death or with severe underlying conditions . he aid he is also taking the drug in a low dose .

He probably got the "zink" and hydroxy off of Alex Jones website...:)
I mean, the guy sells everything else.

I'm sorry, what were we talking about that was political about this?
Hint, it may be effective if prescribed and taken after you've been diagnosed with the virus.
its in the political forum because democrats have made everything about the virus political !
No, the Dems have made it medical. Trump has made it political. He spent the ist two months blaming the Dems for the "hoax" and then closed the borders to the Chinese when the Europeans were flooding our borders.

What planet do you live on? Stop posting lies about the timeline.
The facts speak for themselves. There are no lies since the world was warned by the WHO in January about the virus. If you want to rewrite history, be my guest. Your grifter denied that there was a pandemic and blamed the Dems for a "hoax". Your boy is all over the place on this virus and says anything that will get you and your ilk's attention. He takes no advice and thinks that he knows more than the medical and scientific communities. That is
because he makes decisions based on his "gut", yes?
Hilarious watching you Leftards lie for your ChiCom masters.
Trumps letter is 100% accurate and history will forever record where everyone stood in this debacle.
There is no lie here, pal. In which sentence is there a lie? The WHO did indeed warn the world of the pandemic in January. Trump did indeed deny that there was a pandemic and blamed the Dems for a "hoax". Trump almost never
accepts advice unless it is what he wants to hear. He has dissed the medical and scientific communities time and again and has said that he makes decisions from his "gut". Where is the lie? There is none.

Hey Bobby, if Trump doesn't listen to the experts why has the country been shut down for 2 months?
Hey lamb chop, The experts told him in January that there was a crisis brewing and it wasn't until March that he finally acted after wasting 2 months blaming Dems for the "hoax". Of course, he dissed the medical and scientific communities in the process and still does not wear a face mask because he wants to show his sunburn. Now he is taking pills against the medical profession's advice.
Trump isn’t in charge of individual states. If he had it his way, he’d have “total authority” and make them stay open. He did say that, remember? Or did you block it from memory?

Nice try. Big fail. Answer the question. You can't so you won't.
Hey lamb chop, The experts told him in January that there was a crisis brewing and it wasn't until March that he finally acted after wasting 2 months blaming Dems for the "hoax". Of course, he dissed the medical and scientific communities in the process and still does not wear a face mask because he wants to show his sunburn. Now he is taking pills against the medical profession's advice.
When was the first COVID-19 death in the US?

The hoax was politicizing the virus.

Taking pills against the medical profession's advice? Why do you lie? His doctor prescribed them. Read the thread!
No, the "hoax" was that there was a virus and it certainly was not politicized. Trump politicized it by attacking the Dems for 2 months and denying that it would come here. Trump waited 2 months to act while ignoring the severity of the pandemic. I am sure that Trump manipulated any physician who prescribed pills, just as he did at the beginning of his tenure for his "physical" exam. How can you believe anything that Trump says? I don't, for sure.
What a pathetic bed wetter you are.
and hes been taking it along with zink for nearly 2 weeks ! he just announced this during the news conference today ! he says he was prescribed the drug by the WH doctor and not only is he taking it many many front line workers and doctors are taking it and prescribing the drug to patients with good results ! if it comes out that this drug is an effective treatment for covid 19 and also a preventative from catching the virus dem governors with high death tolls that blocked the drugs being prescribed to patients will have a lot to answer for ! now the POTUS also said that its for healthy people in the early stages of the virus not those close to death or with severe underlying conditions . he said he is also taking the drug in a low dose .

he is taking hydroxychloroquine for a fake virus that doesn't exist?

what idiot would take a dangerous medicine for a fake virus?
and hes been taking it along with zink for nearly 2 weeks ! he just announced this during the news conference today ! he says he was prescribed the drug by the WH doctor and not only is he taking it many many front line workers and doctors are taking it and prescribing the drug to patients with good results ! if it comes out that this drug is an effective treatment for covid 19 and also a preventative from catching the virus dem governors with high death tolls that blocked the drugs being prescribed to patients will have a lot to answer for ! now the POTUS also said that its for healthy people in the early stages of the virus not those close to death or with severe underlying conditions . he aid he is also taking the drug in a low dose .

He probably got the "zink" and hydroxy off of Alex Jones website...:)
I mean, the guy sells everything else.

I'm sorry, what were we talking about that was political about this?
Hint, it may be effective if prescribed and taken after you've been diagnosed with the virus.
its in the political forum because democrats have made everything about the virus political !
No, the Dems have made it medical. Trump has made it political. He spent the ist two months blaming the Dems for the "hoax" and then closed the borders to the Chinese when the Europeans were flooding our borders.

What planet do you live on? Stop posting lies about the timeline.
The facts speak for themselves. There are no lies since the world was warned by the WHO in January about the virus. If you want to rewrite history, be my guest. Your grifter denied that there was a pandemic and blamed the Dems for a "hoax". Your boy is all over the place on this virus and says anything that will get you and your ilk's attention. He takes no advice and thinks that he knows more than the medical and scientific communities. That is
because he makes decisions based on his "gut", yes?
Hilarious watching you Leftards lie for your ChiCom masters.
Trumps letter is 100% accurate and history will forever record where everyone stood in this debacle.
There is no lie here, pal. In which sentence is there a lie? The WHO did indeed warn the world of the pandemic in January. Trump did indeed deny that there was a pandemic and blamed the Dems for a "hoax". Trump almost never
accepts advice unless it is what he wants to hear. He has dissed the medical and scientific communities time and again and has said that he makes decisions from his "gut". Where is the lie? There is none.

Hey Bobby, if Trump doesn't listen to the experts why has the country been shut down for 2 months?
Trump isn’t in charge of individual states. If he had it his way, he’d have “total authority” and make them stay open. He did say that, remember? Or did you block it from memory?

Nice try. Big fail. Answer the question. You can't so you won't.
and hes been taking it along with zink for nearly 2 weeks ! he just announced this during the news conference today ! he says he was prescribed the drug by the WH doctor and not only is he taking it many many front line workers and doctors are taking it and prescribing the drug to patients with good results ! if it comes out that this drug is an effective treatment for covid 19 and also a preventative from catching the virus dem governors with high death tolls that blocked the drugs being prescribed to patients will have a lot to answer for ! now the POTUS also said that its for healthy people in the early stages of the virus not those close to death or with severe underlying conditions . he aid he is also taking the drug in a low dose .

He probably got the "zink" and hydroxy off of Alex Jones website...:)
I mean, the guy sells everything else.

I'm sorry, what were we talking about that was political about this?
Hint, it may be effective if prescribed and taken after you've been diagnosed with the virus.
its in the political forum because democrats have made everything about the virus political !
No, the Dems have made it medical. Trump has made it political. He spent the ist two months blaming the Dems for the "hoax" and then closed the borders to the Chinese when the Europeans were flooding our borders.

What planet do you live on? Stop posting lies about the timeline.
The facts speak for themselves. There are no lies since the world was warned by the WHO in January about the virus. If you want to rewrite history, be my guest. Your grifter denied that there was a pandemic and blamed the Dems for a "hoax". Your boy is all over the place on this virus and says anything that will get you and your ilk's attention. He takes no advice and thinks that he knows more than the medical and scientific communities. That is
because he makes decisions based on his "gut", yes?
Hilarious watching you Leftards lie for your ChiCom masters.
Trumps letter is 100% accurate and history will forever record where everyone stood in this debacle.
There is no lie here, pal. In which sentence is there a lie? The WHO did indeed warn the world of the pandemic in January. Trump did indeed deny that there was a pandemic and blamed the Dems for a "hoax". Trump almost never
accepts advice unless it is what he wants to hear. He has dissed the medical and scientific communities time and again and has said that he makes decisions from his "gut". Where is the lie? There is none.

Hey Bobby, if Trump doesn't listen to the experts why has the country been shut down for 2 months?
Hey lamb chop, The experts told him in January that there was a crisis brewing and it wasn't until March that he finally acted after wasting 2 months blaming Dems for the "hoax". Of course, he dissed the medical and scientific communities in the process and still does not wear a face mask because he wants to show his sunburn. Now he is taking pills against the medical profession's advice.
Trump isn’t in charge of individual states. If he had it his way, he’d have “total authority” and make them stay open. He did say that, remember? Or did you block it from memory?

Nice try. Big fail. Answer the question. You can't so you won't.
Hey lamb chop, The experts told him in January that there was a crisis brewing and it wasn't until March that he finally acted after wasting 2 months blaming Dems for the "hoax". Of course, he dissed the medical and scientific communities in the process and still does not wear a face mask because he wants to show his sunburn. Now he is taking pills against the medical profession's advice.
When was the first COVID-19 death in the US?

The hoax was politicizing the virus.

Taking pills against the medical profession's advice? Why do you lie? His doctor prescribed them. Read the thread!
No, the "hoax" was that there was a virus and it certainly was not politicized. Trump politicized it by attacking the Dems for 2 months and denying that it would come here. Trump waited 2 months to act while ignoring the severity of the pandemic. I am sure that Trump manipulated any physician who prescribed pills, just as he did at the beginning of his tenure for his "physical" exam. How can you believe anything that Trump says? I don't, for sure.
What a pathetic bed wetter you are.
The pathetic one is you and your ilk. You are being conned by an expert and you are too naive to realize it. What did Trump do for 2 months before acting? NOTHING---played some golf.
and hes been taking it along with zink for nearly 2 weeks ! he just announced this during the news conference today ! he says he was prescribed the drug by the WH doctor and not only is he taking it many many front line workers and doctors are taking it and prescribing the drug to patients with good results ! if it comes out that this drug is an effective treatment for covid 19 and also a preventative from catching the virus dem governors with high death tolls that blocked the drugs being prescribed to patients will have a lot to answer for ! now the POTUS also said that its for healthy people in the early stages of the virus not those close to death or with severe underlying conditions . he aid he is also taking the drug in a low dose .

He probably got the "zink" and hydroxy off of Alex Jones website...:)
I mean, the guy sells everything else.

I'm sorry, what were we talking about that was political about this?
Hint, it may be effective if prescribed and taken after you've been diagnosed with the virus.
its in the political forum because democrats have made everything about the virus political !
No, the Dems have made it medical. Trump has made it political. He spent the ist two months blaming the Dems for the "hoax" and then closed the borders to the Chinese when the Europeans were flooding our borders.

What planet do you live on? Stop posting lies about the timeline.
The facts speak for themselves. There are no lies since the world was warned by the WHO in January about the virus. If you want to rewrite history, be my guest. Your grifter denied that there was a pandemic and blamed the Dems for a "hoax". Your boy is all over the place on this virus and says anything that will get you and your ilk's attention. He takes no advice and thinks that he knows more than the medical and scientific communities. That is
because he makes decisions based on his "gut", yes?
Hilarious watching you Leftards lie for your ChiCom masters.
Trumps letter is 100% accurate and history will forever record where everyone stood in this debacle.
There is no lie here, pal. In which sentence is there a lie? The WHO did indeed warn the world of the pandemic in January. Trump did indeed deny that there was a pandemic and blamed the Dems for a "hoax". Trump almost never
accepts advice unless it is what he wants to hear. He has dissed the medical and scientific communities time and again and has said that he makes decisions from his "gut". Where is the lie? There is none.

Hey Bobby, if Trump doesn't listen to the experts why has the country been shut down for 2 months?
Trump isn’t in charge of individual states. If he had it his way, he’d have “total authority” and make them stay open. He did say that, remember? Or did you block it from memory?

Nice try. Big fail. Answer the question. You can't so you won't.
and hes been taking it along with zink for nearly 2 weeks ! he just announced this during the news conference today ! he says he was prescribed the drug by the WH doctor and not only is he taking it many many front line workers and doctors are taking it and prescribing the drug to patients with good results ! if it comes out that this drug is an effective treatment for covid 19 and also a preventative from catching the virus dem governors with high death tolls that blocked the drugs being prescribed to patients will have a lot to answer for ! now the POTUS also said that its for healthy people in the early stages of the virus not those close to death or with severe underlying conditions . he aid he is also taking the drug in a low dose .

He probably got the "zink" and hydroxy off of Alex Jones website...:)
I mean, the guy sells everything else.

I'm sorry, what were we talking about that was political about this?
Hint, it may be effective if prescribed and taken after you've been diagnosed with the virus.
its in the political forum because democrats have made everything about the virus political !
No, the Dems have made it medical. Trump has made it political. He spent the ist two months blaming the Dems for the "hoax" and then closed the borders to the Chinese when the Europeans were flooding our borders.

What planet do you live on? Stop posting lies about the timeline.
The facts speak for themselves. There are no lies since the world was warned by the WHO in January about the virus. If you want to rewrite history, be my guest. Your grifter denied that there was a pandemic and blamed the Dems for a "hoax". Your boy is all over the place on this virus and says anything that will get you and your ilk's attention. He takes no advice and thinks that he knows more than the medical and scientific communities. That is
because he makes decisions based on his "gut", yes?
Hilarious watching you Leftards lie for your ChiCom masters.
Trumps letter is 100% accurate and history will forever record where everyone stood in this debacle.
There is no lie here, pal. In which sentence is there a lie? The WHO did indeed warn the world of the pandemic in January. Trump did indeed deny that there was a pandemic and blamed the Dems for a "hoax". Trump almost never
accepts advice unless it is what he wants to hear. He has dissed the medical and scientific communities time and again and has said that he makes decisions from his "gut". Where is the lie? There is none.

Hey Bobby, if Trump doesn't listen to the experts why has the country been shut down for 2 months?
Hey lamb chop, The experts told him in January that there was a crisis brewing and it wasn't until March that he finally acted after wasting 2 months blaming Dems for the "hoax". Of course, he dissed the medical and scientific communities in the process and still does not wear a face mask because he wants to show his sunburn. Now he is taking pills against the medical profession's advice.
Trump isn’t in charge of individual states. If he had it his way, he’d have “total authority” and make them stay open. He did say that, remember? Or did you block it from memory?

Nice try. Big fail. Answer the question. You can't so you won't.
Hey lamb chop, The experts told him in January that there was a crisis brewing and it wasn't until March that he finally acted after wasting 2 months blaming Dems for the "hoax". Of course, he dissed the medical and scientific communities in the process and still does not wear a face mask because he wants to show his sunburn. Now he is taking pills against the medical profession's advice.
When was the first COVID-19 death in the US?

The hoax was politicizing the virus.

Taking pills against the medical profession's advice? Why do you lie? His doctor prescribed them. Read the thread!
No, the "hoax" was that there was a virus and it certainly was not politicized. Trump politicized it by attacking the Dems for 2 months and denying that it would come here. Trump waited 2 months to act while ignoring the severity of the pandemic. I am sure that Trump manipulated any physician who prescribed pills, just as he did at the beginning of his tenure for his "physical" exam. How can you believe anything that Trump says? I don't, for sure.
What a pathetic bed wetter you are.
The pathetic one is you and your ilk. You are being conned by an expert and you are too naive to realize it. What did Trump do for 2 months before acting? NOTHING---played some golf.
18 pages in this thread of you freaks pissing your pants over an effective FDA approved drug.
Bullshit. Trump is against immigration, legal or not.
Trump has hired many immigrants, you idiot. Many of his businesses have hired immigrants, you dumbass.

2 out of 3 of his fucking wives are immigrants!

You're a moonbat.

None of what you are preaching translates into Trump's love of immigrants. He hires them because they do the work that Americans won't do and they do it better. His wives are trophy women and good for one thing until they are not.
He cheated on them anyway, so a wife is just a body to Trump. In southern California, the men hate Mexicans and
yet they marry their women so your theory is full of bullshit.
You guys do realize this drug has been around for decades it’s not a new untested drug. If he is taking the drug with his doctors approval fine his choice it’s not hurting you or forcing anyone else to take it. As far as the experts go they can’t even agree on how much wearing a mask helps even DR Fauci contradicted himself on that a few times.

if it is to be taken - it is recommended the patient be in a hospital under strict supervision. i can't see donny's MD giving it to him. i think he's bullshitting.
Like everyone else in the Whitehouse tRump's Dr. is just there to spout the party line. We have no way of knowing whether he's telling the truth or not.

Remember the Dr who evaluated his health before the election?
Is there any reason why you, personally, would not take hydroxychloroquine?

....besides TDS (there is no evidence that it will kill TDS patients)
Because it can cause heart attacks and death.

So you think it will give you a heart attack and kill you?


Who brainwashed you into believing that? The same authority figure that brainwashed you into believing that smoking marijuana will turn you into a Mr. Hyde?


My cardiologist convinced me.
Bullshit. Trump is against immigration, legal or not.
Trump has hired many immigrants, you idiot. Many of his businesses have hired immigrants, you dumbass.

2 out of 3 of his fucking wives are immigrants!

You're a moonbat.

That's what makes his actions so absurd. It's like he thinks what is fine for him is not fine for anyone else. Typical arrogant rich guy.
and hes been taking it along with zink for nearly 2 weeks ! he just announced this during the news conference today ! he says he was prescribed the drug by the WH doctor and not only is he taking it many many front line workers and doctors are taking it and prescribing the drug to patients with good results ! if it comes out that this drug is an effective treatment for covid 19 and also a preventative from catching the virus dem governors with high death tolls that blocked the drugs being prescribed to patients will have a lot to answer for ! now the POTUS also said that its for healthy people in the early stages of the virus not those close to death or with severe underlying conditions . he aid he is also taking the drug in a low dose .

He probably got the "zink" and hydroxy off of Alex Jones website...:)
I mean, the guy sells everything else.

I'm sorry, what were we talking about that was political about this?
Hint, it may be effective if prescribed and taken after you've been diagnosed with the virus.
its in the political forum because democrats have made everything about the virus political !
No, the Dems have made it medical. Trump has made it political. He spent the ist two months blaming the Dems for the "hoax" and then closed the borders to the Chinese when the Europeans were flooding our borders.

What planet do you live on? Stop posting lies about the timeline.
The facts speak for themselves. There are no lies since the world was warned by the WHO in January about the virus. If you want to rewrite history, be my guest. Your grifter denied that there was a pandemic and blamed the Dems for a "hoax". Your boy is all over the place on this virus and says anything that will get you and your ilk's attention. He takes no advice and thinks that he knows more than the medical and scientific communities. That is
because he makes decisions based on his "gut", yes?
Hilarious watching you Leftards lie for your ChiCom masters.
Trumps letter is 100% accurate and history will forever record where everyone stood in this debacle.
There is no lie here, pal. In which sentence is there a lie? The WHO did indeed warn the world of the pandemic in January. Trump did indeed deny that there was a pandemic and blamed the Dems for a "hoax". Trump almost never
accepts advice unless it is what he wants to hear. He has dissed the medical and scientific communities time and again and has said that he makes decisions from his "gut". Where is the lie? There is none.

Hey Bobby, if Trump doesn't listen to the experts why has the country been shut down for 2 months?
Trump isn’t in charge of individual states. If he had it his way, he’d have “total authority” and make them stay open. He did say that, remember? Or did you block it from memory?

Nice try. Big fail. Answer the question. You can't so you won't.
and hes been taking it along with zink for nearly 2 weeks ! he just announced this during the news conference today ! he says he was prescribed the drug by the WH doctor and not only is he taking it many many front line workers and doctors are taking it and prescribing the drug to patients with good results ! if it comes out that this drug is an effective treatment for covid 19 and also a preventative from catching the virus dem governors with high death tolls that blocked the drugs being prescribed to patients will have a lot to answer for ! now the POTUS also said that its for healthy people in the early stages of the virus not those close to death or with severe underlying conditions . he aid he is also taking the drug in a low dose .

He probably got the "zink" and hydroxy off of Alex Jones website...:)
I mean, the guy sells everything else.

I'm sorry, what were we talking about that was political about this?
Hint, it may be effective if prescribed and taken after you've been diagnosed with the virus.
its in the political forum because democrats have made everything about the virus political !
No, the Dems have made it medical. Trump has made it political. He spent the ist two months blaming the Dems for the "hoax" and then closed the borders to the Chinese when the Europeans were flooding our borders.

What planet do you live on? Stop posting lies about the timeline.
The facts speak for themselves. There are no lies since the world was warned by the WHO in January about the virus. If you want to rewrite history, be my guest. Your grifter denied that there was a pandemic and blamed the Dems for a "hoax". Your boy is all over the place on this virus and says anything that will get you and your ilk's attention. He takes no advice and thinks that he knows more than the medical and scientific communities. That is
because he makes decisions based on his "gut", yes?
Hilarious watching you Leftards lie for your ChiCom masters.
Trumps letter is 100% accurate and history will forever record where everyone stood in this debacle.
There is no lie here, pal. In which sentence is there a lie? The WHO did indeed warn the world of the pandemic in January. Trump did indeed deny that there was a pandemic and blamed the Dems for a "hoax". Trump almost never
accepts advice unless it is what he wants to hear. He has dissed the medical and scientific communities time and again and has said that he makes decisions from his "gut". Where is the lie? There is none.

Hey Bobby, if Trump doesn't listen to the experts why has the country been shut down for 2 months?
Hey lamb chop, The experts told him in January that there was a crisis brewing and it wasn't until March that he finally acted after wasting 2 months blaming Dems for the "hoax". Of course, he dissed the medical and scientific communities in the process and still does not wear a face mask because he wants to show his sunburn. Now he is taking pills against the medical profession's advice.
Trump isn’t in charge of individual states. If he had it his way, he’d have “total authority” and make them stay open. He did say that, remember? Or did you block it from memory?

Nice try. Big fail. Answer the question. You can't so you won't.
Hey lamb chop, The experts told him in January that there was a crisis brewing and it wasn't until March that he finally acted after wasting 2 months blaming Dems for the "hoax". Of course, he dissed the medical and scientific communities in the process and still does not wear a face mask because he wants to show his sunburn. Now he is taking pills against the medical profession's advice.
When was the first COVID-19 death in the US?

The hoax was politicizing the virus.

Taking pills against the medical profession's advice? Why do you lie? His doctor prescribed them. Read the thread!
No, the "hoax" was that there was a virus and it certainly was not politicized. Trump politicized it by attacking the Dems for 2 months and denying that it would come here. Trump waited 2 months to act while ignoring the severity of the pandemic. I am sure that Trump manipulated any physician who prescribed pills, just as he did at the beginning of his tenure for his "physical" exam. How can you believe anything that Trump says? I don't, for sure.
What a pathetic bed wetter you are.
The pathetic one is you and your ilk. You are being conned by an expert and you are too naive to realize it. What did Trump do for 2 months before acting? NOTHING---played some golf.
Look at the COVID-19 time line and you can find all or your lies disproven.
Bullshit. Trump is against immigration, legal or not.
Trump has hired many immigrants, you idiot. Many of his businesses have hired immigrants, you dumbass.

2 out of 3 of his fucking wives are immigrants!

You're a moonbat.

That's what makes his actions so absurd. It's like he thinks what is fine for him is not fine for anyone else. Typical arrogant rich guy.
Perhaps it's your TDS-fueled assumptions that are absurd. Did you ever consider that possibility?

Occam's razor.
and hes been taking it along with zink for nearly 2 weeks ! he just announced this during the news conference today ! he says he was prescribed the drug by the WH doctor and not only is he taking it many many front line workers and doctors are taking it and prescribing the drug to patients with good results ! if it comes out that this drug is an effective treatment for covid 19 and also a preventative from catching the virus dem governors with high death tolls that blocked the drugs being prescribed to patients will have a lot to answer for ! now the POTUS also said that its for healthy people in the early stages of the virus not those close to death or with severe underlying conditions . he said he is also taking the drug in a low dose .

He's probably lying, because he's a liar. I never believe anything that comes out of this fat fuck's face. Imagine the horror of fat fuck taking too much, having a heart attack and dying. Man, that would be too much to bear. I'm crying just thinking about it.
You guys do realize this drug has been around for decades it’s not a new untested drug. If he is taking the drug with his doctors approval fine his choice it’s not hurting you or forcing anyone else to take it. As far as the experts go they can’t even agree on how much wearing a mask helps even DR Fauci contradicted himself on that a few times.

if it is to be taken - it is recommended the patient be in a hospital under strict supervision. i can't see donny's MD giving it to him. i think he's bullshitting.
Like everyone else in the Whitehouse tRump's Dr. is just there to spout the party line. We have no way of knowing whether he's telling the truth or not.

Remember the Dr who evaluated his health before the election?
Is there any reason why you, personally, would not take hydroxychloroquine?

....besides TDS (there is no evidence that it will kill TDS patients)
Because it can cause heart attacks and death.


WHat are the odds of that?

Every single medication out there can cause some kind of harm so it's a risk reward assessment.

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