Trump - "Is there no such thing any longer as due process"

see post number 100 where it is PROVED that you lefties are silly Lakhota !!
good point Gator but this is easier and more educational for Americans plus these tactics are better imo . Now TRUMP can speak the truth pretty freely and keep this issue going if he likes GGator .

But now it is just talk, it means nothing because he was not willing to stand by his man when it mattered. The only people that think he is doing something good with these tweets are his followers.
--------------------------------------- TRUMP is the Master , i'll go with his reasoning as i watch reports on this issue on Nationwide news as i type GGator

And with this post, you prove I was correct in my post. The Trump zealots will think this makes Trump the man of the year and nobody else will give a shit what a Trump has to say on the issue.

I’ll listen, what weight I give them is another story, same as when Obama spoke on race relations, I put no weight in his words after beergate.
No one knew who Porter was like a week ago, but now all of a sudden Trump supporters are fighting on Porter's behalf like he's their fucking dearly beloved brother or something. It's hilarious how easily manipulated these people are. You should be happy the White House kicked a domestic abuser out into the cold, not trying to defend the abuser.

Fucking idiots. Wonder why the GOP struggles to win over women? Here you go.
No one knew who Porter was like a week ago, but now all of a sudden Trump supporters are fighting on Porter's behalf like he's their fucking dearly beloved brother or something. It's hilarious how easily manipulated these people are. You should be happy the White House kicked a domestic abuser out into the cold, not trying to defend the abuser.

Fucking idiots. Wonder why the GOP struggles to win over women? Here you go.
-------------------------------------- yeah ' i really want to attract and win over 'raceal maddow' and her puzzy hat wearing women or their tranny sisters John Shaw . Feck those women you refer to John Shaw . If they aren't American Deplorable types what good are they John Shaw ??
No one knew who Porter was like a week ago, but now all of a sudden Trump supporters are fighting on Porter's behalf like he's their fucking dearly beloved brother or something. It's hilarious how easily manipulated these people are. You should be happy the White House kicked a domestic abuser out into the cold, not trying to defend the abuser.

Fucking idiots. Wonder why the GOP struggles to win over women? Here you go.

so why didn't you believe bill clinton's rape accusers?
No one knew who Porter was like a week ago, but now all of a sudden Trump supporters are fighting on Porter's behalf like he's their fucking dearly beloved brother or something. It's hilarious how easily manipulated these people are. You should be happy the White House kicked a domestic abuser out into the cold, not trying to defend the abuser.

Fucking idiots. Wonder why the GOP struggles to win over women? Here you go.
-------------------------------------- yeah ' i really want to attract and win over 'raceal maddow' and her puzzy hat wearing women or their tranny sisters John Shaw . feck those women you refer to John Shaw . If they aren't American Deplorable types what good are they John Shaw ??

What the fuck are you talking about? Frankly, I would like to imagine that most men also find domestic abuse reprehensible, but it's a particularly sensitive issue with women, as pretty much everyone with a functioning brain understands. But I suppose your average Trump supporter's brain can be described as "functioning" in only the most mechanical sense of the word.
No one knew who Porter was like a week ago, but now all of a sudden Trump supporters are fighting on Porter's behalf like he's their fucking dearly beloved brother or something. It's hilarious how easily manipulated these people are. You should be happy the White House kicked a domestic abuser out into the cold, not trying to defend the abuser.

Fucking idiots. Wonder why the GOP struggles to win over women? Here you go.

so why didn't you believe bill clinton's rape accusers?

Oh we're already on to the part where we deflect by saying "what about" Bill? That's nice. Didn't take long for y'all to resort to that ol' chesnut.

First of all, I'm not a fan of Bill, but he and his wife have been run through the mud for decades. As far as I'm concerned, if there's strong evidence against them/him that isn't too far out of date, take them to court.

Second, it was the FBI who brought it to the attention of the White House to begin with, from what I understand (I'm not terribly interested in the story, to be frank; it's kind of boring to me, but I get on here and immediately see people rushing to this guy's defense, which is so typical of the sheep mentality of the Trump supporter). So either the WH did not take the FBI seriously, or they didn't mind that this guy had a history of beating his wives. Either version is not exactly good for their public image. But it's not like these women came out of the fucking blue to accuse him. They were asked questions, and they answered. And why exactly would they both make up such slanderous stories about a nobody like Porter?
I would like to imagine that most men also find domestic abuse reprehensible, but it's a particularly sensitive issue with women,.

Hell yes women are sensitive about the issue of domestic abuse. False accusations are as good as child support for getting money out of a man.
Oh we're already on to the part where we deflect by saying "what about" Bill? That's nice. Didn't take long for y'all to resort to that ol' chesnut.

HAHAHA. Yeah you libs hate it when we bring up how you told bill clinton's accusers "prove it".

HAHAHA. You got no answer to that do you?
I would like to imagine that most men also find domestic abuse reprehensible, but it's a particularly sensitive issue with women,.

Hell yes women are sensitive about the issue of domestic abuse. False accusations are as good as child support for getting money out of a man.

Do you even know the circumstances of this situation with this guy Porter, or are you just talking out your ass? Because I barely dived below the surface of the story and it seems I know more about it than you do, which is quite remarkable, considering I've been pretty much trying to avoid it.
No he is not. Trump can allow Porter into the White House but he cannot give a security clearance. Apparently the restraining order from his 2nd wife was uncovered and Kelly was told Porter would never get a security clearance.

Denied security clearance due to a restraining order from his wife??? Have we really sunk that low.?? It's routine today for women to seek a restraining order when they want to divorce a guy, figuring that will get them a bigger settlement.

Restraining orders prove nothing today.

Yes they do. That was at least one of the reasons why Kelly was told Porter would not get a clearance. It proves that you are a staunch advocate of domestic violence against women as long as it is your guy. If we were talking Bill Clinton, you would be calling him every name in the book. Shut your slutty mouth.
Trump is furious over how the fake news american germalists accept, without any evidence, every misconduct allegation women today make against men such as rob porter.

Donald Trump: 'Is There No Such Thing Any Longer as Due Process?' - Breitbart

feb 10 2018 President Donald Trump commented on the rise of abuse and misconduct allegations in public society and the swift public judgments that follow.
“Peoples lives are being shattered and destroyed by a mere allegation,” he wrote on Twitter. “Some are true and some are false. Some are old and some are new.”

Trump made his remarks after two of his White House staffers resigned amidst abuse allegations against their ex-wives. But Trump seemed sympathetic.

“There is no recovery for someone falsely accused – life and career are gone,” he wrote. “Is there no such thing any longer as due process?”

On Friday, Trump said he was “surprised” after Staff Secretary Rob Porter resigned as a result of abuse allegations from his ex-wives. The president made an effort to remind reporters of Porter’s reaction to the story.

“He said very strongly yesterday that he’s innocent, so you have to talk to him about that, but we absolutely wish him well,” he said.

Then Trump should have refused his resignation and stood by Porter while he fought the charges in court.

When he saw the evidence, there was no getting around it. So, due process starts there. There comes a time when, no matter how well the person has done their job, that their behavior elsewhere (such as domestic abuse) makes it impossible to defend them.
oh brother ... poor old man and his idiots

a suitcase full of evidence doesnt = due process
No one knew who Porter was like a week ago, but now all of a sudden Trump supporters are fighting on Porter's behalf like he's their fucking dearly beloved brother or something. It's hilarious how easily manipulated these people are. You should be happy the White House kicked a domestic abuser out into the cold, not trying to defend the abuser.

Fucking idiots. Wonder why the GOP struggles to win over women? Here you go.
-------------------------------------- yeah ' i really want to attract and win over 'raceal maddow' and her puzzy hat wearing women or their tranny sisters John Shaw . feck those women you refer to John Shaw . If they aren't American Deplorable types what good are they John Shaw ??

What the fuck are you talking about? Frankly, I would like to imagine that most men also find domestic abuse reprehensible, but it's a particularly sensitive issue with women, as pretty much everyone with a functioning brain understands. But I suppose your average Trump supporter's brain can be described as "functioning" in only the most mechanical sense of the word.
------------------------------------------ do you have a case of PROVEN domestic abuse that you would like to talk about John Shaw ??

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