Trump - "Is there no such thing any longer as due process"

Rob Porter didn't have a security clearance. He was being investigated to get his security clearance.
i mean , thats been my OPINION for the last couple of days in a couple of threads crying and whining about Rob Porter getting a Security Clearance . And my opinion was only common sense . TRUMP being elected by the people is enough proof that he has the American people trust so he is the final decider on who is trusted and therefore gets Security Clearance GGator and BusyBee . :afro:
Trump is furious over how the fake news american germalists accept, without any evidence, every misconduct allegation women today make against men such as rob porter.

Donald Trump: 'Is There No Such Thing Any Longer as Due Process?' - Breitbart

feb 10 2018 President Donald Trump commented on the rise of abuse and misconduct allegations in public society and the swift public judgments that follow.
“Peoples lives are being shattered and destroyed by a mere allegation,” he wrote on Twitter. “Some are true and some are false. Some are old and some are new.”

Trump made his remarks after two of his White House staffers resigned amidst abuse allegations against their ex-wives. But Trump seemed sympathetic.

“There is no recovery for someone falsely accused – life and career are gone,” he wrote. “Is there no such thing any longer as due process?”

On Friday, Trump said he was “surprised” after Staff Secretary Rob Porter resigned as a result of abuse allegations from his ex-wives. The president made an effort to remind reporters of Porter’s reaction to the story.

“He said very strongly yesterday that he’s innocent, so you have to talk to him about that, but we absolutely wish him well,” he said.


/end thread

What a fuckin dumbass you are...the filthy Liberal whore probably got punched in the eye by another filthy Liberal whore at a swingers club.

You are the dumbass whore. Porter is a brute and youbdefend him. You are the one who needs a punch in the eye.
If Republicans defend pedophiles, adulterers, men who assault and beat up women, and men who dream of sex with their children, they will defend anyone. They have sunk to a new level of lowness.
It's impossible to go any lower. Beyond GOP doesn't exsit. Nazi is a step up.
and here is more info for YOU to be outraged and chagrined and shocked about GGator . --- Dozens of Trump officials still lack full security clearance - CNNPolitics ---

Actually, it is rather distressing.

Hundreds of thousands of US Military troops have to follow the rules but their CIC gets to ignore the rules and make up his own. Well, as they say "it is good to be king".
------------------------------------------ well , they volunteered and asked for the jobs they have and were Accepted after passing standards . CiC though was elected by the American people and that free election shows that he has our Trust GGator .
and , different subject but those boneheads , lefty Generals who ever they are that say that they would ignore or question President Trumps Nuclear Launch Commands are 'fos' GGator . -------------- off topic comment !!
i mean , thats been my OPINION for the last couple of days in a couple of threads crying and whining about Rob Porter getting a Security Clearance . And my opinion was only common sense . TRUMP being elected by the people is enough proof that he has the American people trust so he is the final decider on who is trusted and therefore gets Security Clearance GGator and BusyBee . :afro:

No he is not. Trump can allow Porter into the White House but he cannot give a security clearance. Apparently the restraining order from his 2nd wife was uncovered and Kelly was told Porter would never get a security clearance.
I bet he thought Treyvon Martin deserved what he got. I know USMB Republicans do. If a black child is armed with Skittles and Soda, they deserve to die. Period. End of story.

Child??? HAHAHAHA. You are the only one left who still believes that media pic of trayvon as a 12 year old represented the 17 year old 6 feet tall thug that zimmerman got in a fight with.
Here is the bottom line. Porter's past was investigated not by the press but by the government. What they found was enough to deny him a security clearance. Obviously they found something.

Found something??? HAHAHA. How do you equate that with domestic violence??
No he is not. Trump can allow Porter into the White House but he cannot give a security clearance. Apparently the restraining order from his 2nd wife was uncovered and Kelly was told Porter would never get a security clearance.

Denied security clearance due to a restraining order from his wife??? Have we really sunk that low.?? It's routine today for women to seek a restraining order when they want to divorce a guy, figuring that will get them a bigger settlement.

Restraining orders prove nothing today.
i mean , thats been my OPINION for the last couple of days in a couple of threads crying and whining about Rob Porter getting a Security Clearance . And my opinion was only common sense . TRUMP being elected by the people is enough proof that he has the American people trust so he is the final decider on who is trusted and therefore gets Security Clearance GGator and BusyBee . :afro:

No he is not. Trump can allow Porter into the White House but he cannot give a security clearance. Apparently the restraining order from his 2nd wife was uncovered and Kelly was told Porter would never get a security clearance.
----------------------------------------------- [and Kelly was told eh ??] Anyway , here you go BusyBee , check it out , check out Paragraph number 4 . --- Why Did Rob Porter, an Alleged Domestic Abuser, Have Security Clearance Anyway? --- like i said , The TRUMP makes the rules Busybee !!
The FBI that denied the Security Clearance. Is that the same FBI
that has been spying on the President of the United States for two
i mean , hey , even me being the suspected 'frito bandito' :afro:could get a security clearance if the TRUMP wanted me to have one BusyBEE .

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