Trump Is Truly a Miracle Worker


Like we didn't see Clinton crime family getting easy money for uranium?
Suddenly the left are concerned about for the first time ever:

Lack of military service.
Government spending.
Executive Orders.
Nothing new there but the funny thing is you will defend Trump on all of that, for his minions he can do no wrong.
We couldn’t have asked for a better president. The man is doing an exceptional job. :2up:
Suddenly the left are concerned about for the first time ever:

Lack of military service.
Government spending.
Executive Orders.
Nothing new there but the funny thing is you will defend Trump on all of that, for his minions he can do no wrong.

Nah, they see the wrong but their hatred for Hillary and those like Pelosi is stronger!
Suddenly the left are concerned about for the first time ever:

Lack of military service.
Government spending.
Executive Orders.
Nothing new there but the funny thing is you will defend Trump on all of that, for his minions he can do no wrong.

Nah, they see the wrong but their hatred for Hillary and those like Pelosi is stronger!
Doesn't seem like they do see the wrong? They certainly don't have enough morals to stand up to such a thing.
Now it's Donald Trump's Turn.

Did poorly in school. Daddy paid to get him into Penn.
Inherited wealth from parents.
Draft dodger during Vietnam war.

"Donald Trump's travel to his private club in Florida has cost over an estimated $20 million in his first 80 days as president, putting the president on pace in his first year of office to surpass former President Barack Obama's spending on travel for his entire eight years."

List of failed Business Ventures

Trump Casinos bankrupt
Trump Airlines
Trump Beverages
Trump: The Game
Trump Mortgage
Trump's Travel Site
Trump's Communications Company
Trump Tower Tampa
Trump Vodka
Trump Steaks

List of Behaviors

Tax cheat, caught hiding jewelry purchases.
Charged for Children's Cancer promotion
Make America great as his and his family clothing is made overseas.
Trump Marriages, on third
Trump University, fraud, sued and lost suit
Bankruptcies, four so far
Seventy five active lawsuits 4000 over thirty years

First 100 Days

Accomplished nothing
No Great Healthcare, No Wall.
Spent half a million on lawyers due to Russian investigation
Unconstitutional Travel Ban thrown out, twice.
No improved ObamaCare replacement
No big tax cut
No big infrastructure
Met with Russian and gave away secrets
Took family on foreign trip
Cannot fill staff positions
Hired outside lawyer at 1500 an hour on America taxpayers tab
Hired second outside lawyer, third....
Lied about why he fired Comey per his own words...and so it goes....

In the case of Trump the show will go on and we sincerely hope, and if you pray do that too, he does not hurt too many people or the earth with his poor judgment and incompetent staff.


Hillary Clinton's accomps from pps 100. 101 'The Destruction Of Hillary Clinton' Susan Bordo
The Destruction of Hillary Clinton by Susan Bordo
Hillary Clinton Favorability Timeline

Golf anyone.
Trump Golf Count
Trump on pace to surpass 8 years of Obama's travel spending in 1 year - CNNPolitics

"In the nearly thirty years since then, I have followed Trump intensely; I’ve paid close attention to his business dealings and I’ve interviewed him multiple times. In 1990, I broke the story that, instead of being worth billions, as he’d claimed, Trump actually had a negative net worth and escaped a chaotic collapse into personal bankruptcy only when the government took his side over the bank’s, as you will read." David Cay Johnston 'The Making Of Donald Trump'

Business Failures
Donald Trump's 13 Biggest Business Failures
Donald Trump's business failures: a comprehensive guide
The Trump Campaign Has Quietly Settled Millions in Lawsuits

"So for seven decades, he fed his appetites and exercised his license to lie, cheat, steal, and stiff working people of their wages, made messes, left them behind, grabbed more baubles, and left them in ruin."" Rebecca Solnit: The Loneliness of Donald Trump

"His testimony painted a picture of a president who neither understands nor respects the norms and values that underlie the constitutional order, lacks the information necessary to do his job properly, and doesn’t have the humility to seek or accept appropriate advice about how to get better. Comey knew it from his very first meeting with Trump." James Comey’s testimony shows Hillary Clinton was right all along

100 days
Donald Trump's failing presidency

True or false
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
(In response to the post immediately above this one)

Let me give you a clue about business "failings" since you obviously never have run one.....

MOST businesses fail.....when one succeeds, it's because of timing, good luck, brains, ingenuity and tenacity.

Want to see a MASSIVE failure of a LEFTIST MEGA GIANT?

Bill Gates.....look up the Microsoft watch fiasco.
Nearly ALL HUGE businesses have had FAR more "failures" than Trump.

And you blame Trump for having to spend HIS money on Defense lawyers due to sicko Leftist Fake Russian claims?

Your post is delusional, propaganda and just plain wrong from start to finish.

Trump has had to face greater opposition (all unfounded) and more obstacles than ANY president in US history. (FACT). And STILL he moves forward in spite of the dead weight called the Left.
He's as close to a miracle as I've seen politically in a LONG time.

Do I think Trump is a Saint? No. Does he have "some" dirt? Probably.
So that means he's human. But he cares about the nation it seems and that's far more than I can say for Obama or ANY of the Clintons

You're welcome
Last edited:
Now it's Donald Trump's Turn.

Did poorly in school. Daddy paid to get him into Penn.
Inherited wealth from parents.
Draft dodger during Vietnam war.

"Donald Trump's travel to his private club in Florida has cost over an estimated $20 million in his first 80 days as president, putting the president on pace in his first year of office to surpass former President Barack Obama's spending on travel for his entire eight years."

List of failed Business Ventures

Trump Casinos bankrupt
Trump Airlines
Trump Beverages
Trump: The Game
Trump Mortgage
Trump's Travel Site
Trump's Communications Company
Trump Tower Tampa
Trump Vodka
Trump Steaks

List of Behaviors

Tax cheat, caught hiding jewelry purchases.
Charged for Children's Cancer promotion
Make America great as his and his family clothing is made overseas.
Trump Marriages, on third
Trump University, fraud, sued and lost suit
Bankruptcies, four so far
Seventy five active lawsuits 4000 over thirty years

First 100 Days

Accomplished nothing
No Great Healthcare, No Wall.
Spent half a million on lawyers due to Russian investigation
Unconstitutional Travel Ban thrown out, twice.
No improved ObamaCare replacement
No big tax cut
No big infrastructure
Met with Russian and gave away secrets
Took family on foreign trip
Cannot fill staff positions
Hired outside lawyer at 1500 an hour on America taxpayers tab
Hired second outside lawyer, third....
Lied about why he fired Comey per his own words...and so it goes....

In the case of Trump the show will go on and we sincerely hope, and if you pray do that too, he does not hurt too many people or the earth with his poor judgment and incompetent staff.


Hillary Clinton's accomps from pps 100. 101 'The Destruction Of Hillary Clinton' Susan Bordo
The Destruction of Hillary Clinton by Susan Bordo
Hillary Clinton Favorability Timeline

Golf anyone.
Trump Golf Count
Trump on pace to surpass 8 years of Obama's travel spending in 1 year - CNNPolitics

"In the nearly thirty years since then, I have followed Trump intensely; I’ve paid close attention to his business dealings and I’ve interviewed him multiple times. In 1990, I broke the story that, instead of being worth billions, as he’d claimed, Trump actually had a negative net worth and escaped a chaotic collapse into personal bankruptcy only when the government took his side over the bank’s, as you will read." David Cay Johnston 'The Making Of Donald Trump'

Business Failures
Donald Trump's 13 Biggest Business Failures
Donald Trump's business failures: a comprehensive guide
The Trump Campaign Has Quietly Settled Millions in Lawsuits

"So for seven decades, he fed his appetites and exercised his license to lie, cheat, steal, and stiff working people of their wages, made messes, left them behind, grabbed more baubles, and left them in ruin."" Rebecca Solnit: The Loneliness of Donald Trump

"His testimony painted a picture of a president who neither understands nor respects the norms and values that underlie the constitutional order, lacks the information necessary to do his job properly, and doesn’t have the humility to seek or accept appropriate advice about how to get better. Comey knew it from his very first meeting with Trump." James Comey’s testimony shows Hillary Clinton was right all along

100 days
Donald Trump's failing presidency

True or false
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
I’ll share some pics and facts about Trump when I get home. They’re more impressive than what you’ve been told.
The left wing media is on the verge of tears...those overpaid clowns really believe there was a Trump/Russia election collusion....I thought they were pushing a story they knew was false but as it turns out those butt hurt snowflakes are really stupid enough to think that collusion with Russia is necessary to find dirt on the Clinton's. The Clinton's are so dirty one can see it a mile away....I can see their dirt from my front door.....Buuuahahahahahahaha
I don't give a rat fuck who Trump colluded with. Fuck it. Collude with (mythical) Satan and a band of demons, for all I care.

Yes, that's how much I hate that murdering, globalist commie, Hillary Rotten Clinton!!!!

Pretty funny also how the right all of a sudden does not care about any of those things. Hypocrisy knows no party boundaries.
Now it's Donald Trump's Turn.

Did poorly in school. Daddy paid to get him into Penn.
Inherited wealth from parents.
Draft dodger during Vietnam war.

"Donald Trump's travel to his private club in Florida has cost over an estimated $20 million in his first 80 days as president, putting the president on pace in his first year of office to surpass former President Barack Obama's spending on travel for his entire eight years."

List of failed Business Ventures

Trump Casinos bankrupt
Trump Airlines
Trump Beverages
Trump: The Game
Trump Mortgage
Trump's Travel Site
Trump's Communications Company
Trump Tower Tampa
Trump Vodka
Trump Steaks

List of Behaviors

Tax cheat, caught hiding jewelry purchases.
Charged for Children's Cancer promotion
Make America great as his and his family clothing is made overseas.
Trump Marriages, on third
Trump University, fraud, sued and lost suit
Bankruptcies, four so far
Seventy five active lawsuits 4000 over thirty years

First 100 Days

Accomplished nothing
No Great Healthcare, No Wall.
Spent half a million on lawyers due to Russian investigation
Unconstitutional Travel Ban thrown out, twice.
No improved ObamaCare replacement
No big tax cut
No big infrastructure
Met with Russian and gave away secrets
Took family on foreign trip
Cannot fill staff positions
Hired outside lawyer at 1500 an hour on America taxpayers tab
Hired second outside lawyer, third....
Lied about why he fired Comey per his own words...and so it goes....

In the case of Trump the show will go on and we sincerely hope, and if you pray do that too, he does not hurt too many people or the earth with his poor judgment and incompetent staff.


Hillary Clinton's accomps from pps 100. 101 'The Destruction Of Hillary Clinton' Susan Bordo
The Destruction of Hillary Clinton by Susan Bordo
Hillary Clinton Favorability Timeline

Golf anyone.
Trump Golf Count
Trump on pace to surpass 8 years of Obama's travel spending in 1 year - CNNPolitics

"In the nearly thirty years since then, I have followed Trump intensely; I’ve paid close attention to his business dealings and I’ve interviewed him multiple times. In 1990, I broke the story that, instead of being worth billions, as he’d claimed, Trump actually had a negative net worth and escaped a chaotic collapse into personal bankruptcy only when the government took his side over the bank’s, as you will read." David Cay Johnston 'The Making Of Donald Trump'

Business Failures
Donald Trump's 13 Biggest Business Failures
Donald Trump's business failures: a comprehensive guide
The Trump Campaign Has Quietly Settled Millions in Lawsuits

"So for seven decades, he fed his appetites and exercised his license to lie, cheat, steal, and stiff working people of their wages, made messes, left them behind, grabbed more baubles, and left them in ruin."" Rebecca Solnit: The Loneliness of Donald Trump

"His testimony painted a picture of a president who neither understands nor respects the norms and values that underlie the constitutional order, lacks the information necessary to do his job properly, and doesn’t have the humility to seek or accept appropriate advice about how to get better. Comey knew it from his very first meeting with Trump." James Comey’s testimony shows Hillary Clinton was right all along

100 days
Donald Trump's failing presidency

True or false
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
While Hillary is signing books for 3 fans at the mall, President Trump is in the Oval Office signing Executive Orders.

Have a nice day!

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