Trump Is Trying To Stop The New Border Protection Bill, Despite Overwhelming Support For The Bill By Republicans In Congress

No, dipshit....Senator James Lankford from OK supports it and he is a MAGA dumb ass like you.
"WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Rick Scott hosted a press conference with Senators Mike Lee, Ron Johnson, Roger Marshall, Mike Braun, Eric Schmitt and Ted Cruz to outline their expectations for the ongoing negotiations on border security legislation. During the press conference, Senator Scott warned against allowing President Joe Biden’s lawless, open border polices becoming law which would make it much harder for the next president to actually secure the border and stop illegal immigration.

Senator Rick Scott said, “From what I have seen so far, this so-called ‘border deal’ just codifies into law Biden’s open-border-agenda and makes it near impossible for the next president to secure the border and stop illegal immigration. We are dealing with a lawless administration and a lawless president. Joe Biden is so committed to having an open border that he took Texas to the Supreme Court so that CBP could cut border fencing down. That is what we are dealing with here. Leader McConnell has said he won’t include any metrics or accountability that force a reduction in illegal crossings. That’s unacceptable. We need metrics AND ACCOUNTABILITY that force Biden to comply with the law or lose something he cares about—otherwise, it is a non-starter."


Deal sucks.

No wonder they're terrified to attempt to defend it.

President Trump is 100% correct.

Hard pass.
Why is Trump trying to stop the new border protection bill?

Because he wants all of the credit for the bill, on the slim chance that he gets elected president again in November.

Republicans in Congress overwhelmingly support this bill, but they are afraid to cross Trump because they are total cowards. Some Republicans are pushing back, however.

MAGA Republican Senator James Lankford (R-OK) --

“There are some people that oppose the bill, based on the presidential politics issue, rather than the crisis that’s actually occurring at the border,” Lankford said.

Trump cares only about himself...always has, always will. And he's got all of you MAGA imbeciles suckered into believing that he actually cares about this country.

Overwhelming support from the uniparty. The party that wants this country destroyed.
Why is Trump trying to stop the new border protection bill?

Because he wants all of the credit for the bill, on the slim chance that he gets elected president again in November.

Republicans in Congress overwhelmingly support this bill, but they are afraid to cross Trump because they are total cowards. Some Republicans are pushing back, however.

MAGA Republican Senator James Lankford (R-OK) --

“There are some people that oppose the bill, based on the presidential politics issue, rather than the crisis that’s actually occurring at the border,” Lankford said.

Trump cares only about himself...always has, always will. And he's got all of you MAGA imbeciles suckered into believing that he actually cares about this country.

Giving away the store to the filthy ass Democrats is what the RINOs always do best.

This bill is nothing more than another goddamn welfare program for the Illegal shitheads.

First of all with being $34 trillion in debt we should not authorize one cent of Federal spending for anything other than the absolute necessities.

Second of all this stupid bill legitimizes the Illegal shitheads that are already here.

It does nothing to stop any future Illegals, just provides funding to facilitate the Illegals coming in.

All Americans should be against it.
Typical Democrat dishonesty.

For three years the Democrat filth allowed nine million Illegals to flood into this country and sign up for welfare.

Now that it is an election year the butt pirates come up with a shitty "immigration" bill.

The bill just legitimizes the assholes already here, allows more Illegals in the future and spends more money on welfare for the Illegals.
Republicans in Congress support the bill
LOL no dummy they do not. Multiple GOP senators are opposed and it's been declared DOA by the House. Why are you lying? Look down holy shit your pants are on fire.
Biden can't just decide to make the border "wide open" next year....not without passing an amended bill through Congress.
That sonofabitch had the border wide open for three years now!

The second day the shithead was in office he opened the border and nine million have flooded in.

He is acting Illegally against the immigration rules passed by Congress but being a Democrat he doesn't believe in the rule of law.

He fucked this country big time and will continue to do so more in the future if the RINOs give away the store to him.

Democrats are the scum of America and so are any RINOs that go along with the Democrat's destruction of our country.
That not how LAWS work, gomer. The new border protection law explains what the Federal government can and cannot do.

Biden can't just decide to make the border "wide open" next year....not without passing an amended bill through Congress.

You're an idiot, totally incapable of a real debate.
Even if it passes, it will simply be ignored by Biden's cronies. Mayorkas is going down this week and will be out in another month.
Typical of asshole Democrats, trying to shift the blame for a 3 year long Biden/Dem disaster onto Trump, pathetic.
If you read the recent quotes from several Republicans in Congress, you would see that is not correct. Several of them have said this is a strong border protection bill.

But being MAGA is a religion for you, so there is no point in trying to convince you otherwise.
Who? Show us who supports it!
Why is Trump trying to stop the new border protection bill?

Right, Goober, there would be no border problem now if the GOP would just pass this bill which democrats are totally for! :auiqs.jpg:

This after championing a wide open border for YEARS!

Very first thing Bedpan Biden did when installed in '21 was to tear down ALL obstacles to illegal immigration!

Do you really think we are stupid, jackass?
Speaking of lying remember when the Democrat filth lied to Reagan about sealing the border?

Reagan compromised with the Democrats by allowing the Illegals that were already here to be citizens with the promise that the border was to be sealed.

How did that work out?

No deals with Democrats because they lie out their ass. Their agenda is to turn the US into a Socialist shithole and they need the Illegals to do the job that many Americans find disgusting - voting for Democrats.
And you are still a bottom of the barrel piece of shit.
Are you mad little bitch?

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Poor little boy-pussy is sore.... hmm?

It's only going to get worse, fuckboi. :laughing0301:

senate gay sex twink pose.jpg
"WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Rick Scott hosted a press conference with Senators Mike Lee, Ron Johnson, Roger Marshall, Mike Braun, Eric Schmitt and Ted Cruz to outline their expectations for the ongoing negotiations on border security legislation. During the press conference, Senator Scott warned against allowing President Joe Biden’s lawless, open border polices becoming law which would make it much harder for the next president to actually secure the border and stop illegal immigration.

Senator Rick Scott said, “From what I have seen so far, this so-called ‘border deal’ just codifies into law Biden’s open-border-agenda and makes it near impossible for the next president to secure the border and stop illegal immigration. We are dealing with a lawless administration and a lawless president. Joe Biden is so committed to having an open border that he took Texas to the Supreme Court so that CBP could cut border fencing down. That is what we are dealing with here. Leader McConnell has said he won’t include any metrics or accountability that force a reduction in illegal crossings. That’s unacceptable. We need metrics AND ACCOUNTABILITY that force Biden to comply with the law or lose something he cares about—otherwise, it is a non-starter."


Deal sucks.

No wonder they're terrified to attempt to defend it.

President Trump is 100% correct.

Hard pass.

All of these Repug Senators say you are wrong, dickweed. --

Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), a member of Senate GOP leadership and the whip team, said Trump should hold off on bashing the emerging deal. She defended the reforms to asylum and parole policy as changes that would reduce migrant flows.

Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), a leading Senate Republican voice on immigration policy and a member of the leadership team, said the bill would cut down on the number of migrants entering the country and promised that Trump could still run against President Biden on the issue of border security.

“Some people have said, ‘Well, the issue is gonna go away and that will be denying President Trump the issue.’ I think that’s fantasy. You’re not going to turn off what’s happening at the border like a water faucet. So, this is going to continue to be a problem, and it’s obviously a very potent political issue,” Cornyn said Thursday.

Lankford said he still planned to meet with Sen. Chris Murphy (Conn.), the lead Democratic negotiator, and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.) on Thursday afternoon to get the bill closer to being finished.

Some Senate Republicans said privately that they hope Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Trump’s closest Senate ally, is able to convince the former president to refrain from trashing the embattled Ukraine-border package.

“He is on the periphery of the negotiations, so he’s in the best position to have a conversation” with Trump, said one GOP senator who requested anonymity to float the idea of Graham making peace with Trump on the emerging Ukraine-border deal.

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Typical of asshole Democrats, trying to shift the blame for a 3 year long Biden/Dem disaster onto Trump, pathetic.
Yeah....there were no border security problems prior to Biden.

You're a dishonest MAGA imbecile.
That sonofabitch had the border wide open for three years now!

The second day the shithead was in office he opened the border and nine million have flooded in.

He is acting Illegally against the immigration rules passed by Congress but being a Democrat he doesn't believe in the rule of law.

He fucked this country big time and will continue to do so more in the future if the RINOs give away the store to him.

Democrats are the scum of America and so are any RINOs that go along with the Democrat's destruction of our country.
Piss off, MAGA goober. All you want to do is spit all over yourself and vent your spleen.

Hyperventilating idiot.

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