Trump & Jerusalem: Why is this necessary?

Why do I equate the Palestinian rage in some ways, to antifa? We don’t get OUR way, we will destroy you. But even if we get it, we will find something else we need to have OUR way so we can continue to destroy.

No matter, they will continue, as they always have, except their pauses to regroup and find more funds and weapons, when depleted. I’ll bet they have been stockpiling, with help, for just this day. If it hadn’t happened, they would have still been using that stockpile, just at a slower rate.

You think they pause because they do want any peace? I have a bridge to sell you.
The pace is just quickened. It still would have gone on. Sometimes it’s better to forge ahead, get it over with, rather than move like a snail, where it just drags on forever.
It solidifies our relationship with Israel. Unlike the last president, he is showing a commitment to them.
So - and this is a serious question - after any number of people die and suffer in the terrorist attacks this specific move causes, it will be okay to say, "well, we were able to solidify our relationship with Israel, so these are worth it"?
Proceeding as per Pope led Globalist plan.
ALSO as per God's great master plan.

Now increased violence which they knew would follow will be blamed on Trump and his "evangelical" followers .... the core of the "deplorables" ....

Trump's move hastens the coming of Ezekiel 38-39

We are rapidly approaching coming to pass of The Great Jihadist-trap.

And Bear-trap. Nearly all will see [TV + internet] this event come to pass.

Ezekiel 38-39, Zechariah 12-14, Joel 3, Psalms 83, Isaiah 17

describe a great Jihadist [Islamic terrorist] trap. How so ?

Zechariah 12-14 reveals at first it will appear Israel is defeated.

At that time all previously hesitant Jihadist

will flood into Israel intending rape and pillage.

Shortly after that ALL the invaders will be annihilated by Jesus/angels.

Thus the “waterloo” of the Islamic Satanic delusion.

Since lead invading nation is from “remote north” (Ezekiel 38:6, 39:2)

of Israel, this nation must be Russia. Thus the invasion will also result

in the “waterloo” of Russian dream of world ruler-ship.

I am going to make Jerusalem a cup of reeling before all the surrounding nations.

And when there is a siege against Judah, it is also against Jerusalem.

And it will be on that day that I will set Jerusalem as a weighty stone to all the peoples.

All who carry it will surely cut themselves, and all the nations

of the land will be gathered against it.” Zechariah 12:2-3

Globalist [“elites”] are top level minions of Satan, the “god of this world.”

Globalist human kingpin is the pope

Globalist had POTUS minions for decades

Globalist have Trillions of $ with which to bribe

Globalist have files on everybody that is anybody

Globalist have death squads

Globalist have access to all kinds of weapons

Globalist have CIA minion.

Globalist have MSMedia minion

Globalist are creating the One World Government

Globalist One World Government is ordained to come to be.

Globalist have planned for decades

Globalist will bring down Trump and the Nationalist and end “sovereign” USA and end the “sovereign” nations of Europe.

Globalist will have nukes used to end the current world order.

See Vatican’s FAZZINI sculpture named “Christ rising from crater of nuke blast”

Revelation 13->forward reveals soul saving blessing conveying information regarding OUR end of era scenario found nowhere else.
Seems to be going out of his way to piss people off

Even the pope called him an idiot
The pope?

Yea, he seems to have straitened out the catholic church's problems


The Pope is immensely popular around the world

Trump? His global approval is at 22%

Elvis was popular too

The Pope kicks Elvis's ass

for fun? before, during, or after?
Seems to be going out of his way to piss people off

Even the pope called him an idiot
The pope?

Yea, he seems to have straitened out the catholic church's problems


They thought they had a problem with priests molesting children but after seeing how Trump & the Republicans back Roy Moore, they are rethinking if it was ever an issue.
Why do I equate the Palestinian rage in some ways, to antifa? We don’t get OUR way, we will destroy you. But even if we get it, we will find something else we need to have OUR way so we can continue to destroy.

No matter, they will continue, as they always have, except their pauses to regroup and find more funds and weapons, when depleted. I’ll bet they have been stockpiling, with help, for just this day. If it hadn’t happened, they would have still been using that stockpile, just at a slower rate.

You think they pause because they do want any peace? I have a bridge to sell you.
Why do you equate the two? Because you are a fucking idiot.

Simple answer.
Obama, 2008.

But this is what Mr Obama told pro-Israel lobby group the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) on June 4, 2008, in his first foreign policy speech after capturing the Democratic nomination the day before:

"Let me be clear. Israel's security is sacrosanct. It is non-negotiable.

"The Palestinians need a state that is contiguous and cohesive, and that allows them to prosper — but any agreement with the Palestinian people must preserve Israel's identity as a Jewish state, with secure, recognised and defensible borders.

"Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided. I have no illusions that this will be easy."
I should post this in the CDZ, but what the hell, I'm here now.

Trump to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital

With everything else going on right now, why is this necessary?

What is the NET - and I mean, above and beyond the anger this is stirring - positive of this move?

Yeah, this made no sense to me. How is this 'America First'?

Israel cost us about $40,000,000,000 in the last decade and offers us neither troops nor bases nor strategic resources. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Iraq do. And yet in defiance of all practical reason we've rewarded the folks that cost us tens of billions and don't benefit us....while enraging our allies in the region whom work with us.

Its just......stupid as fuck.
Trumps motives are certainly questionable, but Im glad he did it. Palestinians would never have come to any agreement, unless it was to wipe Israel out of existance. They have the take over mentality ingrained in them.

Agree totally with this—

“but any agreement with the Palestinian people must preserve Israel's identity as a Jewish state, with secure, recognised and defensible borders.”
Bush Obama and Clinton all promised to do this but all three are weak scared do nothings.....shame on them...the reason this is important is because the capitol of Israel is Jerusalem it does not belong to the so called order for the peace process to move forward everything must be real not contrived to protect feelings or you will get off on the wrong foot and peace will never last...
Truth is the key and we have been living a lie for far too long...
Bush Obama and Clinton all promised to do this but all three are weak scared do nothings.....shame on them...the reason this is important is because the capitol of Israel is Jerusalem it does not belong to the so called order for the peace process to move forward everything must be real not contrived to protect feelings or you will get off on the wrong foot and peace will never last...
Truth is the key and we have been living a lie for far too long...

How is this 'America First'? I can show you the costs. What are the benefits to us?
How is this 'America First'? I can show you the costs. What are the benefits to us?
The world needs to be honest with it'self if not peace will never be achived and peace in the middle east is good for America and the world...weak leadership like under Bush Clinton and Obama has failed...time to try honesty and truth then negotiation...not the other way around...
How is this 'America First'? I can show you the costs. What are the benefits to us?
The world needs to be honest with it'self if not peace will never be achived and peace in the middle east is good for America and the world...weak leadership like under Bush Clinton and Obama has failed...time to try honesty and truth then negotiation...not the other way around...
The Palestinians now reject us as neutral arbiters in the conflict. How does that increase the odds of peace?

We've also enraged the Saudis, the Turks, the Iraqis, and fed the fuel of fanaticism around the world. Even Malaysia is talking about sending troops to the region now.

How does this benefit us? Because we certainly don't have peace in the middle east. We have angry allies damaged relations with those who actually offer us strategic resources, troops or bases, and days of rage along with a profound loss of trust by half of the actors in the Israel-Palestinian conflict.
How is this 'America First'? I can show you the costs. What are the benefits to us?
The world needs to be honest with it'self if not peace will never be achived and peace in the middle east is good for America and the world...weak leadership like under Bush Clinton and Obama has failed...time to try honesty and truth then negotiation...not the other way around...
The Palestinians now reject us as neutral arbiters in the conflict. How does that increase the odds of peace?

We've also enraged the Saudis, the Turks, the Iraqis, and fed the fuel of fanaticism around the world. Even Malaysia is talking about sending troops to the region now.

How does this benefit us? Because we certainly don't have peace in the middle east. We have angry allies damaged relations with those who actually offer us strategic resources, troops or bases, and days of rage along with a profound loss of trust by half of the actors in the Israel-Palestinian conflict.
If this is the enraged Arab world, I'll take it. Do you really think the arab world cares? They don't. A few bold statements here and there to save face but nothing. Turkey works closely with israel. Trump has already cemented his relationship with Saudi and others. Everyone is fed up with the palestinians, especially the arabs. They have other problems: Yemen, Syria, Iran, Iraq. That is the sad part. the palestinians have been instrumentalised by arabs and everybody has lost interest.
Except he's muslim and posted from his Koran. Try again.
The reasons I gave are the more likely ones for non-acceptance if that is the case. After all, Jews were quite accepted by Palestinians prior to the ongoing unpleasantness and the Koran was around then.
Jews lived in dhimi status. "Quite accepted" is quite the understatement. They were freed from slavery from Egypt "around then".

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